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WWE House Show Results 6.16.17 – Edmonton, Canada: Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt Headlines

June 17, 2017 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
Roman Reigns Royal Rumble Image Credit: WWE

Credit: PWInsider

I’m at Edmonton’s Northland Colosseum tonight for WWE Summerslam Heat Wave tour, despite being over two months away but I guess every show has got to have a name so here we are.  I’d say we are looking at about 4000 people in a building that holds 16000 for hockey.

Kalisto and R-Truth vs. Titus O’Neil and Golddust

The crowd was into Truth and Goldie, good back and forth but nothing special although Titus did a great job of getting heat, Truth gets the hot tag and pins Titus for the win.

Elias Sampson vs. Apollo Crews

Sampson sings a song trashing Edmonton and the crowd trashes him back, seems like the crowd wants to play along tonight and boo the heels and cheer the faces and that’s OK by me. Sampson wins with an eye poke and a rolling neck breaker.

Bayley & Mickie James & Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax & Emma & Alexa Bliss

So far, this is by far what the crowd has been most into. Fun match.  Sasha Banks gets Emma to tap to the Bank Statement.

The Miz with Maryse and Samoa Joe vs. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins

Miz cut a great heal promo, absolutely crapping all over Edmonton including saying we were “Edmonton, Ontario.”  This crowd LOVES Ambrose.   During the match, the Miz is egging the crowd on and he’s getting rewarded with a TON of heel heat.  Seth pins Miz after hitting his new knee finisher.  A lot of dives to the outside in this match for a house show and while all the guys worked hard, in my opinion Miz was the star of the match.

Tozawa vs. Neville

This match suffered from being right after the intermission.  It fine for what it was but the crowd didn’t care much. Neville wins. Some jackass was walking around the floor level seating dressed as Jinder Mahal trying to distract from the match, but security did nothing.

The Club vs. Enzo and Big Cass vs. Sheamus and Cesaro 

Jinder just got the boot a match too late, but at least he’s outta here so these guys can be the focus like they should.  This was a  good match that saw Enzo get destroyed for most of it. Sheamus hits White Noise while Cesaro comes off the top and gets the pin.

Bray Wyatt vs. Roman Reigns

Roman had his haters, but overall he got a positive reaction.   There were dueling “Lets go Roman/Roman Sucks” chants to start the match but fansters stand no chance tonight, as this crowd is pro-Roman overall.  Roman wins with a spear sending 75% of the crowd home happy.