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WWE Vault Reveals Full Unseen WCW Live in England Show From 1993

March 22, 2025 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
Sting WCW World Championship Wrestling 5-6-1989, Jim Ross Image Credit: WCW

WWE Vault released a full unseen WCW Live in Manchester, England show that took place on March 13, 1993. Here’s the lineup:

* Johnny B. Badd vs. Scott Flamingo
* Maxx Payne vs. Michael Hayes
* Barry Windham & Rick Rude vs. Dustin Rhodes & Van Hammer
* Davey Boy Smith vs. Vinnie Vegas (aka Kevin Nash)
* Big Van Vader vs. Cactus Jack
* Sting vs. Paul Orndorff

article topics :

WCW, WWE, WWE Vault, Jeffrey Harris