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Chris Jericho GMA Appearance, Talks About Contract Future and More

June 22, 2010 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas

– Chris Jericho’s appearance on Good Morning America this morning to promote the debut of Downfall can be viewed here.

– Jericho did an interview for AOL Fanhouse as well that can be viewed here. When asked about his contract status with the WWE, he said the following:

“Yeah, it’s coming up fairly soon, it’s coming up very soon. It’s one of those things we’ve been talking about for a while to get it rolling again. Like I said, to me, I’ll leave the business when I’m ready to and I’m not ready yet. I still want to continue to work. I still have some things that I can offer. I still think I’m among the best in what I do, if not the best just because of the fact I have 20 years of experience which is a rare thing nowadays. You can’t teach experience. You can teach someone to do a promo kind of, you can teach someone to do a move but you can’t teach someone experience.”

– The Boston Globe also has an article on Jericho’s new game show. It can be viewed here.

Credit: PWInsider


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Jeremy Thomas

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