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411 Fact or Fiction Wrestling: Kevin Owens Debuts

May 21, 2015 | Posted by Larry Csonka

Welcome back to the latest edition of 411 Fact or Fiction, Wrestling Edition! Stuff happened, people loved/hated it and let everyone else know. I pick through the interesting/not so interesting tidbits and then make 411 staff members discuss them for your pleasure. Battling this week are Kevin Pantoja and Eric Palmer!

  • Questions were sent out Monday.
  • Participants were told to expect wrestling-related content, as well as possible statements on quantum physics, homemade pharmaceuticals, the Turtle Total Trip Theorem, pizza and hydroponics.

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    1. The Elimination Chamber match for the IC Title should main event the May 31st Elimination Chamber PPV.

    Eric Palmer: FICTION – Call me old school, but I think the match for the most prestigious belt in the company should main event. Not to mention, the feud with Ambrose and Rollins has essentially been going on for about a year now and to this day hasn’t had a solid conclusion to it. Dean Ambrose in recent weeks has looked like a threat to Rollins’ championship reign, and this is the feud that I see a lot of people saying could potentially be this generation’s Stone Cold vs. The Rock. I’m not sure I’d go that far myself, but the idea that the fans are so invested in these two and this program that the comparison is even being mentioned speaks volumes. WWE has gold with these guys, there’s no reason they shouldn’t be the main event of Elimination Chamber.

    Kevin Pantoja: FICTION – Of all of the topics this week, this is easily the hardest one to choose. I really truly wanted this to go on last. The Intercontinental Title lover in me badly wants to see the title headline a Pay-Per-View. I love that it is getting a chance to be showcased in the Elimination Chamber. If this would have been sent to me before Raw, I would have said fact. However, on Raw we saw the participants in the Chamber. I don’t think that a match involving R-Truth should headline anything. Not only are the participants in the match not the strongest to main event, but the WWE World Heavyweight Title match that got announced is a good one. I was under the impression that we’d get Seth Rollins vs. Kane at this show, which would be something that’s fine in the mid-card. But Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins have phenomenal chemistry and Dean is insanely over. They should go on last. I expect the Chamber to be fun, but the WWE Title should close this PPV.

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    2. John Cena vs. Rusev was the best match at WWE Payback.

    Eric Palmer: FICTION – I liked it, but the four way main event and the tag matches were both much better to me. I know a lot of people are down on this match because it was basically what we’ve seen from these guys over the past three months. It was a slow paced, it was awkward, but I don’t think it was terrible by any means. While I did hate them using the same finish they used from the Umaga vs. Cena match years ago, I didn’t think it brought the match down to such terrible levels like I’ve seen some people say. If the match weren’t so predictable, I think it would have been better received.

    Kevin Pantoja: FICTION – This has been one of the weirdest matches in history to read reviews on. Some people have given it sterling reviews, while some have considered it the worst match of the year. I won’t go that far, but I’m closer to the latter. It was, in my view, the worst match on the Payback card. Hell, I even though the Divas were better. This has nothing to do with the “John Cena hate” that a lot of people point out. I’ve enjoyed most of Cena’s work this year actually. However, the Rusev/Cena feud got progressively worse with their best match being at Fast Lane. I thought that they just tried to throw in a ton of spots to not make the match boring but it failed. It’s as if they watched old Cena matches and tried to redo some spots they thought were cool (the top rope choke from Royal Rumble 2007 and the pyro spot from Bragging Rights 2009). Not only that, but hearing Mike Chioda ask “Do you wanna quit?” made this unbearable.

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    3. The mini-Shield reunion at the Payback PPV was a fun moment that added a lot to the main event.

    Eric Palmer: FACT – All over the IWC I had seen people hoping for a mini reunion. I think Kev was the first one I saw to call the exact spot with Orton going through the table. It definitely added a nice spot to the match, and having it lead to Roman and Ambrose’s verbal exchange outside the ring was just perfect. I don’t know if added a whole lot to the overall match, but those two moments together added an extra depth to the match that was really cool to see.

    Kevin Pantoja: FACT – It was absolutely a fun moment. There is no other way to slice this. Before the show, I saw people discussing whether we’d get a Shield reunion. I knew that a Shield reunion at this time would be a bad move. Seth Rollins is killing it as the douchebag heel champion, Roman Reigns has been picking up steam with good performances and Dean Ambrose is finally in the WWE Title picture. It would hurt both Reigns and Ambrose to go back into a faction right now. However, what happened at Payback was a great move. It allowed the fans to get a moment they marked for, while also allowing Dean and Roman to give us a funny moment as they declined Seth’s fist bump. Not only that, but kicked the match into the next gear as everything from that spot on was pure gold. From the Ambrose/Reigns face off all the way up to the finish of the match, this was great. I’ve noted it before but I got a serious early 2000’s Rock/Austin/Triple H vibe from Reigns, Ambrose and Rollins.

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    4. Following his feud with John Cena, Rusev is damaged goods.

    Eric Palmer: FICTION – This one is incredibly tough for me. On the one hand, I love Rusev, he’s been fantastic and is easily one of the most underrated sellers in the WWE right now. On the other hand, his manager is gone, his title is gone, he just lost to Cena and it’s hard to see where he goes from here. We all know how guys like Vladimir Kozlov turned out, but at the same time, Rusev is so much better than Kozlov ever was. With Rusev being in the Elimination Chamber for the IC title coming up, I can only hope they don’t have him get pinned clean. A feud with Ziggler seems like it’s on the horizon, and Rusev desperately needs to win to get his momentum back. I think they can build him as a monster heel type and he’ll get over. Rusev is too good of a talent to let him just waste away with the lacks of Ryder and Fandango. I think the WWE figures out what to do with him, but in the end, it’s all about how long it takes them to figure it out.

    Kevin Pantoja: FACT – I have to say, this was another hard one to pick. The reason I nearly chose Fiction is because I don’t think Rusev is completely dead. After rereading the topic though, I do agree that he’s damaged goods. It is one thing to go undefeated for nearly a year, beat John Cena and then lose to Cena. That in itself was fine. Losing to Cena in two subsequent rematches though, hurt his stock tremendously. Losing Lana is going to hurt him even more. This pains me to see because, despite the outdated gimmick, Rusev has been great to watch. I enjoy his ring work and I like that when he gets on the mic, he comes off as intimidating and gets straight to the point. This Cena feud has done him no favors and, while they could still salvage him, he is damaged goods for sure.


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    5. You are happy that the Steve Austin podcasts are returning to the WWE Network.

    Kevin Pantoja: FACT – The Steve Austin podcasts have been the best so far on the WWE Network. I don’t hate Chris Jericho’s by any means. His are more laid back and fun, while Austin asks the hard hitting questions. I think we should have both on the Network. Sticking to the Austin ones though, there is no way to not be happy about this. His interview with Vince McMahon was enthralling, and while the Triple H one wasn’t as good, that was more due to Trips over talking to fill time. The fact that this is going to be monthly is excellent, especially considering the list of upcoming guests. Paul Heyman has been on Austin’s podcast before but I could listen to them talk about the business for hours. Throw in Hulk Hogan, Sting and Undertaker as guests and this is an easy fact.

    Eric Palmer: FACT – I find Chris Jericho’s podcasts to be extremely boring at times. Sure, talking about Stephanie McMahon’s breasts is interesting, but instead of interviewing people, he just shoots the breeze. Don’t get me wrong, I love podcasts like that, huge fan of the Art of Wrestling podcast with Colt Cabana, but when you’re using it as a selling point for the WWE Network, people want hard hitting questions from the higher ups. I feel like Jericho is the guy they want to interview the executives at this point, because he’ll basically ignore questions the listeners and viewers want to hear. Stone Cold just does not give a damn who he’s talking to, he’s going to ask what is on everybody’s mind. Case in point is bringing up CM Punk in his first live podcast with Vince McMahon. I’ve heard that Austin’s guests are Heyman, Hogan and The Undertaker. These are guys that viewers can learn a lot about the insides of the industry from. Chris Jericho, while a good host on his own podcast, is not the right guy for the WWE Network specials. Stone Cold is a polarizing figure in wrestling. You put him across the table with others like him, let him ask whatever the hell he wants, and that’s how you sell a network.

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    6. New Day is currently the most fun act in WWE.

    Kevin Pantoja: FACT – The key word here is “fun”. There are currently better acts like Seth Rollins (who has been the best thing in the company for a while now), but nobody has been more fun than New Day. First, I’d like to state that I liked them as faces. I didn’t just become a fan because they turned heel and that was the hip thing to do. I just wanted them to have some character development. Since they’ve turned heel though, they are firing on all cylinders. From their great matches with Tyson Kidd and Cesaro, to the win over Randy Orton and Roman Reigns to their promos, everything they touch is entertaining. Each guy has played their role perfectly, and I think Xavier Woods deserves more credit than he’s getting for playing the (mostly) manager of the group. He’s incredibly funny outside of the ring. They do the little things to make everything so much more fun. From the way Big E calls Renee Young “Nay Nay”, to their random celebrations backstage to the champagne flutes full of milk, New Day is a blast.

    Eric Palmer: FICTION – I’ve really enjoyed what New Day has done since their heel turn, and they are a blast to watch, but it’s hard to stay invested in a tag team these days. I’m a big fan of both New Day and Kidd/Cesaro, but wrestling each other dozens of times takes away that fun factor for me. Personally, I find J&J Security and Dean Ambrose to be more fun acts today. Neville, when he’s not wrestling Barrett, is also more fun for me to watch. I’m looking forward to seeing how the division goes after Elimination Chamber, but I’m not confident it will revive the division.

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    7. The introduction of Kevin Owens to the WWE main roster was very well done.

    Kevin Pantoja: FACT – I’m not sure if he’s permanently called up, but regardless, that segment on Raw was damn near perfect. It clicked in every conceivable way. Kevin Owens came out looking like he wasn’t intimidated by John Cena, they built and promoted TakeOver: Unstoppable and the crowd was into it. Owens telling Cena that he won’t take “veteran” advice and saying that he’ll fight Cena on his own terms was brilliant. I’m surprised we’re getting a match between them at Elimination Chamber though. Part of me is scared for Owens’ career. Even so, as a debut, this could not have been any better. That is now three members of the NXT Five to look progressively better against Cena in three straight weeks. That’s a good thing.

    Eric Palmer: FACT – His debut was just awesome. I had told Kev earlier in the day I’d love to see Owens confront Cena and it was everything I hoped it would be. He came off as completely arrogant and stomping on the US Title was just icing on the cake. I’m not surprised he came out with NXT Takeover on Wednesday, but I’m absolutely shocked they’re already booking him in a match with Cena for his first big PPV/Special match. I’m not sure they could have done his debut any more perfect than it was tonight. His debut gave me Goosebumps tonight, which is something I haven’t said in a long time on WWE TV.

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    8. Following the reveal of some roster members, describe your level of excitement for Global Force Wrestling.

    Kevin Pantoja: 5 out of 10 – I wish I was more excited for this but I can’t just yet so I’ll leave it in the middle. I like some of the talent that is scheduled. Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson, the Best Friends, Shelton Benjamin, Moose, PJ Black, Jimmy Rave and Thea Trinidad are all people I think were good pickups. The cards looks pretty good but I’m not sure if this will get off the ground. I’m a pro wrestling fan, so the more good wrestling that’s out there, the better life is. I would love to see this take off, but I’m not very hopeful for that, which hurts my interest in things.

    Eric Palmer: 5 out of 10 – They have some good wrestlers with Shelton Benjamin, Justin Gabriel, Chris Sabin and a few other more known names, and have what looks like a great tag team division and undercard with Jigsaw, Andrew Everett, Young Bucks and Bullet Club (Anderson & Gallows). I’m skeptical because I have no idea how Jarrett is going to book the show. The level of talent on the roster suggests they could be really solid shows, but it also suggests that it could very well be like just another indy fed. I love what GFW was doing with their NJPW cross-promotion, and would love to see more of that in the future. I think GFW has a ton of potential to rise the ranks of the American wrestling promotions, but I’m not so sure I’m confident in Jarrett’s ability to not screw it up.