wrestling / Live Coverage
411’s LIVE TNA BFG Coverage 10.23.05: Monster’s Ball II: Abyss Vs. Jeff Hardy Vs. Rhino Vs. Sabu
Promo for the Monster’s Ball II match.
Shane is with James Mitchell. Abyss is in the background as Shane talks to Mitchell. Mitchell says for the others to be diminished, but Mitchell says Abyss spent his childhood in these circumstances, and this is like inviting a combat vet to a paintball game. This may bring up some repressed memories and Sabu, Rhino, Hardy…ask yourselves…how do you think the weapon of mass destruction will play this game?
Match #8 Monster’s Ball II: Abyss w/James Mitchell vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Rhino vs. Sabu
Rhino brings some nice toys to the ring in a trashcan of fun! Abyss has his chain and thumbtacks. Sabu has his chair of course. Jeff has his freak paint.
They start to brawl, and Sabu tosses a chair into Abyss’ face. Rhino to the floor and AIR SABU onto Rhino. Jeff leaps off the chair onto Abyss. Abyss to the floor, triple jump dive by Jeff onto Abyss. Rhino and Sabu brawl through the crowd. Abyss and Jeff do as well. Abyss rammed into the bleachers and Sabu is busted open over the eye. Jeff with a dive off the bleachers onto Abyss. Sabu kicks the hell out of Rhino as Jeff and Abyss exchange rights. In the ring Jeff gets some toys and Abyss attacks. Sabu in the ring, sets the chair…triple jump dive onto Rhino. Jeff gets the run up Moonsault and did it well! Abyss snatches him up…SHOCK TREATMENT! Sabu covers Jeff for 2. Rhino in and he nails Sabu. NASTY chair shots by Rhino to all! Poetry in motion by Jeff off of Sabu! Standing Arabian Face Buster to Jeff by Sabu! Rhino goes bat shit with the kendo stick! Abyss is killing Abyss. Sets, but Abyss with the choke slam for a close 2. Sabu decides to grab a table. Sets it up on the floor and Jeff chokes out Abyss. He grabs a ladder! Abyss nails him as Rhino whips Sabu with a weight belt. Rhino to the floor and Abyss and Jeff battle back by the ramp. Abyss sets up a table. And now another. Sabu sets up a table between the ring and barrier. Jeff with chair shots to Abyss and he is on the tables. Rhino on the table at ring side….AIR SABU kills Rhino! Jeff has the ladder on the ramp! He goes up top of the set! SUPR SWANTON TO ABYSS!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT THAT WAS FAR! Sabu in the ring works over Rhino. But Rhino nails him with the kendo stick. Off the ropes…and a reversal and Rhino eats the chair placed in the corner. Triple jump moonsault to Rhino! 1…2…NO! Abyss crawls back to ringside. Sabu up top…SUPER ARABIAN FACE BUSTER TO RHINO! Jeff is up and Sabu covers for 2. Jeff looks hurt and Abyss has a table set in the corner. Sabu with a chair and nails Abyss. Abyss catches Sabu…and tosses him belly first through a table at ringside! THUMBTACK TIME! GORE GORE GORE THROUGH THE TABLE by Rhino! Jeff is back in and battles Rhino. Rhino up top…Jeff follows, SECOND ROPE RHINO DRIVER and that’s all!
Winner: Rhino @ 11:50 via pin
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