wrestling / Columns
Column of Honor: 12.06.08: Going All The Way
I’ve been sick all week, nearly losing all of my voice during this weekend…and still somehow managing to teach classes…which could be either the stupidest thing I’ve done since I did it the last time, or…yeah, that was pretty stupid. Anyway, my inner voice is still very much in good health and ready to type out this week’s edition of Honortastic goodness. Welcome to the Column.
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Ring Toss
-ROH Results: St. Louis, IL, December 5th, 2008
-Going All the Way
-“Classic” Promos Month II: Week Two—Christian Cage at How We Roll
-ROH Call
-ROH News
-My Fave Five
-ROH Preview: Nashville, TN, December 6th, 2008
-Independent Buy In
-Get with the pROHgram
-ROH @ 411
-Honor Bound Links
ROH Results: ROH’s first show St. Louis, IL, December 5th, 2008
-Kenny Omega defeated Kenny King via pinfall with a counter off a roll up.
-Sal Rinuaro & Rhett Titus defeated Grizzly Redwood & Bushwhacker Luke via pinfall by Titus on Redwood holding the tights.
-Bao Nguyen defeated Tony Kozina via pinfall with a German Suplex.
-Jay & Mark Briscoe defeated Brent Albright & Erick Stevens, Davey Richards & Bobby Dempsey, & Irish Airborne in a Gauntlet Match to earn the right to fight Kensuke Sasaki and Katsuhiro Nakajima at Final Battle 2008. First Elimination: Irish Airborne by Stevens & Albright. Second Elimination: Stevens & Albright by Sweet & Sour Inc. when Stevens was DQ’ed for using Sweeney’s boot as a weapon. Final Elimination: Sweet & Sour Inc.
-Necro Butcher & Ace Steel defeated Jimmy Jacobs & Delirious via pinfall by Necro on Delirious with a Tiger Driver.
-Tyler Black defeated Austin Aries clean via pinfall with the God’s Last Gift (small package piledriver).
-“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson & Jerry Lynn defeated ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness & Claudio Castagnoli via pinfall by Lynn over Castagnoli with the Cradle Piledriver.
Issues & Angles
-Delirious was going to spike Necro Butcher in the face, but Daizee Haze provided a distraction and talked him out of doing the deed.
-Aries was reported to have a weird reaction after losing to Tyler Black, almost maniacally laughing out loud.
-Return Date: March 13th, 2009
Going All The Way
If there was one major failing of Ring of Honor when it came to the creative end of running the company, it was the missed opportunities in storylines and that ROH did not capitalize fully on hot characters at their peak.
ROH can and should be credited with a number of positive booking decisions this year. The choice to push Tyler Black proved to be an ingenius selection and a sign that ROH could still be in line with what the fans were looking for in terms of the next best thing on the roster. Rolling with Nigel McGuinness through his early injuries ended up being the right call, as a mostly recovered McGuinness amassed an incredible run of excellent title matches that carried the main event scene throughout the year.
However, ROH made just as many mistakes in booking. The “Faction Warfare” storyline had to be consolidated and eventually eliminated. The wrestlers used in the storyline may have been too misfit and they were never really able to overcome the fans’ sometimes frosty reception to stable vs. stable matches on the undercard. The Dempsey-Danger-Sweeney fiasco initially halted the “hostile takeover” scenario of Sweet & Sour Inc. taking over control of ROH. Instead, ROH had to go into emergency-gear in order to restore Sweeney back to a smarmy, slimy heel character that fans booed instead of cheered. The Age of the Fall started off incredibly strong in 2007 but easily dominated The Vulture Squad and then were stuck in a seemingly never ending war against The Briscoes, which had some really great matches and some not so hot matches as well. What hurt The Age of the Fall the most was that fans had a hard time understanding the “message” and belief system that AotF stood for, it not being satisfactorily explained for months on end and then when clarified was a much more watered down and stereotypically standard anarchist viewpoint.
What ROH seemingly couldn’t do this year was what it had been able to do every year for six years in a row—it failed to push its boundaries, not by being racy or too extreme, but rather because it didn’t go full bore into the storylines that were set up this year. To be clearer, ROH settled for the status quo. It was comfortable in its own skin and there is certainly a lot of good to be said in that—it lead top some fantastic in-ring matches this year. However, in accepting the status quo and in repeating certain patterns over and over again when it came to champion vs. challenger matches and stable warfare, what was forgotten was what made the company stand out as the best of the independents. In the past ROH would go for incredible overarching storyline archs, would push its stories and programs to its highest and most dramatic moments. Aside from the Jacobs-Aries-Lacey storyline, we didn’t see much of that in ROH this year.
There were no moments such as CM Punk placing Raven on his “X” sign. There was no Generation Next like faction completely turning the promotion on its ears. There was no inter-promotional war based on intense hatred such as ROH vs. CZW. And there was no Road of Homicide or foreign terror such as Morishima threatening to take the title and never come back. These are some of the history-shaking moments to ROH in years past, the ones that define the “eras” of the company. And while this era is clear the “Nigel McGuinness” era of the company, that’s not all it could have been.
The most painful part of this admission is the knowledge that there could have been moments such as the ones listed above in ROH this year, had ROH given the green light to two possible company-wide changing storylines. All this time I had been waiting for one of two events to happen. I thought that we’d see either The Age of the Fall transform the company due to its “revolution”—or, Larry Sweeney was going to buy his way to ALL of the power in ROH and throw everything into complete chaos.
Imagine the impact of either of these two scenarios happening. Say The Age of the Fall took the ROH World Title in the beginning of the year, and holding a virtual monopoly of power over ROH decided to do what The Prophecy never could and remake ROH completely in their image. It would have created an “nWo” –like scenario in ROH (which, while cliché, hasn’t ever been taken the whole way in ROH), with AotF forcing its agenda throughout the show, perhaps even changing the look and atmosphere of the shows themselves.
Or say Larry Sweneey made the most of his money and his opportunities and actually bought out the contract of the ROH World and Tag Team Champions? What if he corrupted the system, or got to one of the referees or even bought a stake in the company? That would have fully realized the claim of a “hostile takeover” and forced all of the wrestlers in the company to choose, pro-Sweeney or against Sweeney. Imagine an ROH where wrestlers would sell out and wrestlers wouldn’t know who they could or couldn’t trust. It would have force faces and heels to align with each other in order to “restore Honor” and integrity to the ROH system, much like Brent Albright, Roderick Strong and Erick Stevens did only recently, but on a far larger scale and with farther reaching consequences.
These two storylines, either one of which would have created change in wrestlers and character interactions across the board, would have been enough to carry ROH though the next year. For some reason, we only had watered down versions of these two scenarios. It’s true that Age of the Fall won the tag titles and used their power, but in getting side tracked by feuds with Austin Aries and Necro Butcher, Jacobs and Black lost the overall power of their presentation. Their message was lost in the shuffle of personal blood feuds. Not that the Aries-Lacey story wasn’t worth doing—it was one of ROH’s better dramas of the year and led to many memorable moments—it’s just that there could have been so much more done with the concept. It’s also true that Larry Sweeney did buy his way to a lot of situations that helped his men in storyline. He did gain access to some of the championships in the ROH universe. However, Sweeney never won the coveted World Title and never really “corrupted” the system like he said he would. His character is a parasite on the company, as some sports agents are to sports teams in the “real world”, but he has not “taken over” the company in the way one might have hoped—a tyrannical, dictatorial shot-caller who got his way because he was the way.
Where ROH failed to act in 2008 is where it needs to correct itself in 2009. Whatever storyline or booking program that occurs, it needs to be done fearlessly and without regard for its consequences on the status quo of the company. This is my advice to Adam Pearce and to those who are helping to book the company. Whatever you plan on doing in ROH as far the storylines and programs—go all the way. Don’t settle for half and get half the impact when you can push the envelope of drama and intrigue. Get everyone back to caring about what happens, not just the hardcore fans, by either being unpredictable enough to galvanize interest in the story, or by using a storyline point (like a hostile takeover or a company changing event) to gain interest from fans who have tuned out. Let’s get ROH back to where it used to be in terms of being the trendsetters and let’s shake off the complacency of comfort that the already mostly great quality in ring product provides. Go all the way in feuds and programs and don‘t look back.
“Classic” Promos Month 2008: Week Two
Last year I presented some of the older school ROH material in the form of some of my favorite “classic” promos. I’m doing it again this year. When I write “classic” I don’t necessarily mean “the greatest promos ever” (although some of these may end up qualifying), but rather some of the interviews and vignettes that may have been swept up due to the ever-present onward march of time. These are quality promos that I enjoyed back then and still think a lot about even now.
Christian Cage introduces himself to Ring of Honor and asks for Colt Cabana’s help, ROH How We Roll (May 12th 2006)
(Delirious, Christopher Daniels and Colt Cabana have already been introduced and are in the ring when Christian, sans music, comes to the ring. Fans explode in a “Christian!” chant.)
Christian: “Before I get to my main point I’d just like to say that it’s damned good to be back in Strong Island!
It’s damned good to be in Ring…of..Honor!
I’ve been sitting at home and I’ve been watching a ton of Ring of Honor DVDs and y’know, I came out here for two reasons, and [one of them] is to talk to you. (points to Colt Cabana). Actually I came out here for one reason, but I’ve got two questions. The first question is, what the hell is this Delirious guy smoking and where can we get some? There’s no Wellness Program here, is there? And my second question is, after watching those DVDs, the guy that impressed me the most, no disrespect, was Colt Cabana.
So my question is very simple, and it’s this, tonight I get to pick a partner (fan in crowd yells “Pick Gangrel!”)…no he’s not here (everyone laughs, Colt snaps his hands in disappointment and says “I want to see that!”). So this is my question and I guess it’s pretty obvious by now, I’m asking you Colt Cabana to be my partner tonight against Bryan Danielson and a partner of his choice. What do you say?”
Colt Cabana: “Question number one—his name is Homicide and he’s got the best stuff in the building. Well Christian, to answer question number two you gotta understand something—I don’t know you from Adam, buddy. Actually, I don’t even know you. Hi I’m Colt (extends his hand and they both shake), I’m a big fan…”
Christian: “I like the bandanna, it’s kind of sweet.”
Colt Cabana: “Thank you, I made it at home.”
Christian: “Can you make me one?”
Colt Cabana: “What would you want it to say?”
Christian: “Cage.”
Colt Cabana: “Ca-Cage? Cage..arama?” (Christian looks at the Cabanarama bandana and smiles) “Alright. Well, we’ll have to wait until I get home to do that but now the thing is, is that I think we have a lot in common. We kind of have the same personality…our hijinks is at a “high”…and if these people didn’t know, they’d think we’d go back like car seats, y’know what I’m saying. But the point is, you come here and you give me this opportunity, and I appreciate it, and when you give me this opportunity one thing comes to mind. And I appreciate that you want to put me back in the ring with “American Dragon” and I appreciate that you come out here and say such kind words, but Christian…
Christian: “You realize that if you say no I’m gonna look like a complete idiot, right?
Colt Cabana: “Hmm… let me ponder this people… I have lots to think about. (Crowd chants “just say no”). See, I’ll give you my reason and I’ll give it up front. When I look here and I see “The Christian” and I see “The Jew” (points to himself), together as one to conquer evil, I want to be a part of history Christian, you can count me in buddy! Where do I sign up? (shakes hands with Christian).
Why It Works: Christian had to get himself over early in front of a receptive but somewhat split Long Island crowd. Some fans loved Christian’s debut in ROH, and he received a tremendous opening pop. Others were questioning the type of effort he would bring on this night—would he try his best to fit in with “ROH” style. Instead, Cage went in a different direction. He focused on comedy and entertainment, getting under the skin of Bryan Danielson in order to make a distinction between himself, the NWA / TNA Champion at the time, and the ROH World Champion. The inclusion of Colt Cabana and the mutual admiration society with Christian allowed fans to become more comfortable with the intrusion of a new wrestler from TNA while throwing him right into the ROH continuity in interacting with three other wrestlers.
Originally set as a four corner survival match with Delirious vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Colt Cabana vs. Nigel McGuinness, this excerpt was actually just the first half of the segment, which continued with the interruption of Bryan Danielson and some good back and forth between all involved. The segment caused the four corner survival match to be changed and for two of the men involved to be brought into the main event. The best part of this promo time would be the comic timing that each man brought to the promo. Cabana and Christian kept the early part of the segment flowing well, and then Danielson brought it home with his interactions with everyone else. Actually, the real best part? Delirious stayed down in the corner, frozen in place, throughout this extended segment. He didn’t move once the entire time.
And I didn’t even get into the “John Cena with AIDS” and all the pasty jokes made at Danielson’s expense!
ROH Call
ROH Champions—As of 12/06/2008
ROH World Champion—Nigel McGuinness (champion since 10/06/07, 30 successful defenses)
–defeated Takeshi Morishima in Edison, New Jersey to win the championship.
Next Defense: a. vs. Jerry Lynn, Nashville, TN, 12/06/08
b. vs. Naomichi Marufuji, Manhattan, NY, 12/27/08
ROH World Champion—Nigel McGuinness (champion since 10/06/07, 31 successful defenses)
–defeated Takeshi Morishima in Edison, New Jersey to win the championship.
Next Defense: vs. Naomichi Marufuji, Manhattan, NY, 12/27/08
V.1 defeated Jay Briscoe, wristlock submission (10/21/07 San Francisco, CA)
V.2 defeated Chris Hero, wristlock submission (11/02/07 Philadelphia, PA)
V.3 defeated Austin Aries, Jawbreaker Lariat (12/29/07 Manhattan, NY)
V.4 defeated Go Shiozaki, London Dungeon (wristlock submission) (01/20/08 Tokyo, Japan,)
V.5 Steel Cage Match: defeated Chris Hero (01/25/08, Dayton, OH)
V.6 defeated Roderick Strong, Jawbreaker Lariat (01/26/08, Chicago Ridge, IL)
V.7 defeated Bryan Danielson, London Dungeon (02/23/08, Manhattan, NY)
V.8 defeated Tyler Black, London Dungeon (03/16/08, Philadelphia, PA)
V.9 defeated Larry Sweeney, Jawbreaker Lariat (03/22/08 Crystal River, FL)
V.10 defeated Austin Aries, Jawbreaker Lariat (03/29/08 Orlando, FL)
V.11 defeated Erick Stevens, London Dungeon (04/11/08 Boston, MA)
V.12 defeated Kevin Steen, roll up holding the ropes (04/12/08 Edison, NJ)
V.13 defeated Kevin Steen, Jawbreaker Lariat (04/19/08 Chicago Ridge, IL)
V.14 defeated Claudio Castagnoli, London Dungeon, (05/10/08, Manhattan, NY)
V.15 defeated KENTA and BJ Whitmer, Jawbreaker Lariat to Whitmer (05/15/08, Tokyo, Japan)
V.16 defeated Go Shiozaki, London Dungeon (06/07/08, Philadelphia, PA)
V.17 defeated Vic Viper, London Dungeon (06/14/08, Tallaght, Ireland)
V.18 defeated Keith Myatt and Lionheart, (06/20/08, Doncaster, U.K.)
V.19 (title for title) defeated NWA Champion Adam Pearce, Jawbreaker Lariat (06/27/08, Dayton, OH)
*match later reversed via DQ, both men keep their respective titles.
V.20 defeated Kevin Steen, Lariat off Turbuckle, (07/25/08, Toronto, ONT, CN)
V.21 defeated Claudio Castagnoli, Jawbreaker Lariat (07/26/08, Detroit, MI)
V.22 defeated Ruckus, London Dungeon (08/01/08, Manassas, VA)
V.23 Four Way Elimination Match: defeated Bryan Danielson, Tyler Black & Claudio Castagnoli (08/02/08, Manhattan, NY)
V.24 defeated El Generico, London Dungeon (08/15/08, Cleveland, OH )
V.25 defeated Jimmy Jacobs, Jawbreaker Lariat (09/14/08, Tokyo, Japan)
V.26 defeated Roderick Strong, (09/19/08, Boston, MA)
V.27 defeated El Generico, roll up, (09/20/08, Philadelphia, PA)
V.28 Four Way Elimination Match: defeated Go Shiozaki, El Generico & Kevin Steen (11/07/08, Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
V.29 lost via disqualification to Necro Butcher (11/08/08, Markham, Ontario, Canada) Champion retains on a DQ.
V.30 defeated Bryan Danielson, Jawbreaker Lariat (11/22/08, Chicago Ridge, IL)
ROH World Tag Team Champions—Kevin Steen & El Generico (champions since 09/19/08, 3 successful defenses)
–defeated The Age of the Fall of Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black on September 19th, 2008 in Boston, MA to win the championship.
Next Defense: TBA
V.1 defeated Jay & Mark Briscoe (11/08/08, Markham, Ontario, Canada)
V.2 defeated Jimmy Jacobs & Delirious (11/21/08. Dayton, OH)
V.3 defeated Jay & Mark Briscoe (11/22/08, Chicago Ridge, IL)
NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion: Blue Demon Jr. (since 10/25/2008)
-defeated Adam Pearce via submission with a half crab to win the title.
FIP Heavyweight Champion: Go Shiozaki (since 08/23/2008)
-defeated Erick Stevens via pinfall with help from the Heartbreak Enterprises to win the title.
SHIMMER Champion: MsChif (since 4/26/2008)
-defeated Sara Del Ray via pinfall with the Descrator DDT to win the title
Top of the Class Trophy (for ROH Students): Rhett “Addicted to Love” Titus (since 06/07/2008)
-defeated Ernie Osiris via pinfall to win the trophy.
Sweet & Sour Incorporated Presents The Intergender Heavyweight Tag Team Championship Of The World—Chris Hero & Sara Del Rey (since 01/12/08)
Top Feuds & Pairings:
-Bryan Danielson vs. Claudio Castagnoli
-Dissension between Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black
-Brent Albright, Roderick Strong & Erick Stevens vs. Sweet & Sour Inc.
-Jerry Lynn runs the contention ladder to an ROH World Title shot
-The Briscoes take on more of a “bad” attitude”
–Daizee Haze wants to save Delirious and restore her name.
ROH News
(via the ROHnewswire… and other sources when attributed)
Major News
McGuinness vs. Marufuji to Headline Final Battle 2008
After many months of speculation and some severe foreshadowing at the last show in New York City, Ring of Honor confirmed this week what many fans had already guessed would be the ROH World Title match for Final Battle 2008. Nigel McGuinness, if still champion (which is very likely) will defend the strap against NOAH wrestler and current All Japan Pro Wrestling Junior Champion Naomichi Marufuji.
The match completes the booking of four visitors from NOAH. Kensuke Sasaki and Katsuhiro Nakajima will face off against The Briscoes in addition to Bryan Danielson and Takeshi Morishima having their final blow off in a Fight Without Honor. Interestingly enough, this set up mirrors Final Battle 2003, when Ring of Honor fought against wrestlers from All Japan Pro Wrestlfing, including The Great Muta. That show was split into two halves, the second of which was entirely composed of the Ring of Honor versus AJPW series. It was the first major series of matches featuring Ring of Honor against international talent (although there had been quite a few guest stars from Japan who had wrestled on ROH by that point).
Naomichi Marufuji and Nigel McGuinness have some past history in ROH continuity. At Glory By Honor V Night 2 in September 2006, Marufuji defended his newly won GHC Heavyweight Title against McGuinness in a fantastic showdown (ranked as number five on my 2006 year best list). This was a history making match as it was the first time the GHC Title was defended in America and a part of ROH’s first event in the Grand Ballroom at the Hammerstein (main event was KENTA vs. Bryan Danielson for the ROH World Title in my number one match of 2006). This match was also the culmination of a babyface turn for McGuinness, whose fighting spirit on this show and in his fight against Bryan Danielson in England one month earlier impressed the ROH fans so much that they turned him face organically through their positive crowd reactions.
Both men were also pitted on opposite sides of an “ROH vs. NOAH All Stars” match, with McGuinness teaming up with his rival Bryan Danielson to face off against Marufuji and then ROH World Champion Takeshi Morishima.
Marufuji was spotted during the main event of Death Before Dishonor VI in New York City this past August. He was looking on at the action in the ring as Nigel McGuinness worked extremely hard to put away Tyler Black. After the match, McGuinness claimed there was no one left who could stop him, causing the fans in New York to chant out Marufuji’s name. After a loss to Bryan Danielson in May 2008, Marufuji had amassed a win streak against Go Shiozaki and Roderick Strong. The two impressive wins were enough to guarantee him a title match at some point in the future.
The title bout will take place on December 27th, 2008. If McGuinness makes it past his opponent on that night he will be on a streak of 14 months and 21 days as champion. The next time ROH would run a show would be on January 16th 2009. Which would make McGuinness’s title run 15 months and 10 days. Bryan Danielson’s streak was 15 months and 6 days. Therefore, a title defense against Marufuji at Final Battle 2008 would guarantee that McGuinness beats Danielson’s streak and places McGuinness at second all-time.
MsChif Sidelined From St. Louis & Nashville Show
Last night in St. Louis MsChif was booked to defend the SHIMMER Women’s Athletes Title against Daizee Haze. However, Allison Danger sent the following word through the SHIMMER forums about MsChif’s status, apparently sidelined with an injury:
Hey gang,
I just got off the phone with Prazak and he is updating me to the current lineup situation for the ROH shows this weekend. Unfortunately, MsChif has developed an infection in her leg which forced her into the hospital just one hour ago. She will be hospitalized through the weekend to receive treatment and will not be able to attend either ROH show.
Daizee Haze is also questionable for the weekend due to a health issue. Once we get an update on her status we will know if she will be able to wrestle Saturday night.
Fortunately SHIMMER Tag Champion Ashley Lane has been added to the Nashville show. Once we have the status of the Haze Prazak will let me know whether we are getting a three way dance or the Four Corner Survival in Nashville.
DP and I will be in contact and we will keep everyone updated on the status of both women.
Match Additions and Subtractions
Philadelphia, PA 12/26/08:
Takeshi Morishima vs. Go Shiozaki: A match of great international importance has been signed for Philadelphia on 12/26. Larry Sweeney has done it again, as he’s got his charge, Go Shiozaki, signed to a one-on-one match against former ROH World Champion Takeshi Morishima! “Go is going to be a legend in Japan,” chortled Sweeney. “Before Morishima and Danielson tear into each other in New York, I’m going to show him how Sweet-n-Sour operates, daddy! Go Shiozaki is going to chop into that big teddy bear, cut him down to size, and when it’s all said and done and Go returns to Japan, that price tag is gonna go through the roof! Ain’t no doubt about it!”
While I usually prefer NOAH vs. ROH matches when possible, I like this combination of NOAH wrestlers. In a way it’s sort of Go’s “graduation” match. He was the long term NOAH wrestler of 2008, matched up in this case against the NOAH foreign exchange student of 2007. Regardless, this match should be a great brawl style match, emphasizing the mass of both men. Go should have plenty of room to land those awesome strikes of his while Morishima will look to use his power game to create some distance. This match is the night before Morishima fights Danielson and seeing as that night should be reserved for Danielson’s biggest win against a foreign talent, I expect Morishima to go over strong in this one.
Manhattan, NY 12/27/08:
Four Corner Survival: Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn vs. ???? vs. ????: The ROH Booking Committee is bringing the Four-Corner-Survival back to New York City during “Final Battle” on 12/27. The first entry into the fray is none other than Sweet-n-Sour’s “Young Knockout Kid” Chris Hero! We’ll have more competitors as we get closer to 12/27! … The highly respected Jerry Lynn has been added to the Four Corner Survival on 12/27 at the Hammerstein! Already announced is Sweet-n-Sour’s Chris Hero. Should Lynn upend Nigel McGuinness on Saturday in Nashville, this match will be for the ROH World Title! We’ll have the names of the other two combatants in the near future.
The announcement of Chris Hero’s inclusion into the 4CS (ironically his second consecutive four person match at a Final Battle) takes away the possibility of a Steel Cage Warfare match with Sweet & Sour Inc. on one side and Brent Albright’s men on the other. That match not happening is a major disappointment, because if anything that style of match fits in naturally with the numbers and degree of severity of this feud. That’s not to say this match won’t be good, because with Hero and Lynn as the first two announced you already have a very excellent base of wrestlers to work from. I have my guesses as to who else will be included in this match but I’ll keep them to myself for now.
Character Developments
–Larry Sweeney has been reportedly gloating to anyone who will listen, saying he’s got the best young tag team around. And it appears now that they will have an opportunity to prove it. Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards of Sweet-n-Sour Incorporated will be on hand in Philadelphia on 12/26 and are demanding a “high profile tag team match”. Sweeney commented, “Hahahahaha, once again Sweet-n-Sour proves why it is the straw that stirs the drink! Davey and Eddie are top shelf, and we intend to prove it. The ROH Booking Committee will be forced to take us into championship consideration – one way or another.”
Richards and Edwards in no way =s the greatness that was Richards and Romero.
– It appears that dangerous feudal lines may cross on 12/26 in Philadelphia! The ROH World Tag Team Champions, Kevin Steen and El Generico, have requested to team up with the man they saved from a sure beat down in Toronto, The Necro Butcher! Steen and Generico have made it known to ROH officials that they are chomping at the bit to get their hands on the Briscoe Brothers again, especially after the sheer disrespect that they dealt with after their “Rising Above” PPV encounter, while Necro is dying for another chance to exact revenge on the Age of the Fall. These three men have requested a 6-man-grudge match! We’re awaiting word from both the Briscoes and the AOTF on whether this six-man-battle will happen! . . . ROH officials spoke briefly with Jimmy Jacobs about the challenge laid out by the Necro Butcher, Kevin Steen, and El Generico for Philly on 12/26. Jacobs said with a smirk, “A game. That is all this challenge represents. This is an attempt by Necro to get into my head, to spew the tale that only he hears in his deranged mind. I laugh at the notion that I’d run the Age of the Fall headlong into a slaughter by not only facing Necro, Steen, and Generico – all three with which we’ve certainly played the game – but by also agreeing to have one of us team with Mark and Jay Briscoe. Surely this is a game crafted by the mind of a child. A child, who in Collinsville and Nashville, won’t like the game I intend to play.”
This newsbit stirred up the juices of ROH fans, slamming the possibility of The Briscoes possibly teaming up with Jacobs or anyone from Age of the Fall as stupid and contra-continuity. Why would The Briscoes be willing to team up with a team that antagonized them to such lengths including hangings and barbed wire bloodbaths? I would agree with that sentiment, as it wouldn’t make any sense to do so. The second newsbit came the day after the initial release and Jacobs response makes it seem (at least for now) that The he won’t have anything to do with teaming up with the Briscoes. As it should be…even if The Briscoes turn heel, that doesn’t mean all heels have to be on the same page with each other.
Kayfabe Quote of the Week: “Brother, seriously? If anyone could tell you I’ve got shoulders like boulders, it’s Daizee. If anyone could tell you that my thighs mesmerize, it’s Daizee. And if anyone, and I mean anyone, knows that the thrust is definitely a must and knocks off the rust, it’s that tramp Daizee.” –Rhett Titus
“Me and Aries haven’t always seen eye to eye, neither have me and Ace. But all that history’ll be put aside when I get in the ring with Jimmy. I only wanna destroy that yellow bellied bastard the same way he tried to destroy me knee, and crush my balls!”–Necro Butcher
ROH Home Theatre Station
ROH Videowire: December 1st, 2008
Daizee Haze’s Agenda of Salvation
1. Randy Orton: The DDT off the ramp on John Cena was just absolutely vicious. I’m not a Cena hater by any stretch of the imagination, but that made my day. That and Jericho’s Walls was the kind of old school beat down that I used to see the faces go through as a child…dramatic and tension filled and incensing in its injustice (well, except that Cena laid the massive beat down on Jericho the week before). I can only imagine the kind of impression this will form on the relatively new “youth” audience of the WWE. That’s how angles are done!
2. Chris Jericho: Jericho’s awesome promo is yet another example of why Jericho (along with Shawn Michaels) is the best wrestler this year and at least the best comeback of the year. This man has found the key to getting under the skin of this WWE audience and he is using it for all it is worth. The Walls and going nuts at the end of Raw was the cherry on top of the sundae. I loved that he was screaming out “Ask him!” to an invisible person. That’s what he says to referees when he puts on submission moves; same cadence too.
3. Erick Stevens: His match against Rhett Titus at Glory By Honor VII wasn’t too long, but it was incredibly bloody thanks to Stevens being busted wide open. A broken nose will do that to you. Stevens soldiered on and to his credit really turned it up. The violence he wrought on Titus was impressive but what really got the fans into the match was reacting to Stevens’ blood spattered face. Doing the Muta mist-spit with his blood was damned impressive as well.
4. Rey Mysterio: It takes a lot balls to purposefully fall the way he did off the ramp…and the resulting situation played out into a show-long angle that helped Rey get over as a resilient wrestler who doesn’t back down from a challenge.
5.J ack Swagger: The man looks eerily like Bryan Danielson…but I guess that’s a good thing. He’s done solid work in ECW thus far, and I’m always good to go with a wrestler with an amateur background.
ROH Preview: Nashville, TN debut, December 6th,2008
Vanderbilt University Memorial Gym
7:30pm belltime
2601 Jess Neely Drive
Nashville, TN 37212
ROH World Title Match
Nigel McGuinness defends vs. Jerry Lynn
It’s the come-of-age champion versus the older but still capable veteran looking for one last shot at glory. It’s a wrestling tale as old as time, and still effective even now. Lynn has shown the ROH and independent wrestling fans that he is still incredibly athletic and talented in the ring. Not only can he still go, but when the time is right, Lynn can pour on the offense and get the W. His impressive win-loss record since his return to ROH can attest to that. Lynn and McGuinness have a great rivalry, one that connects to a by-gone era in ROH. Lynn defeated Nigel back in 2004, but McGuinness has the most recent win by virtue of a non-title victory in Chicago this past June. This one may end up being the last laugh for the winner of this title fight.
Tag Team War
The Necro Butcher & Austin Aries vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black
Coming off the events of last night, with Aries reportedly reacting weirdly odd (sic) after the loss to Black, could foreshadow Aries going over the deep end…or any new character developments may be more subtly built up to by the interactions between the wrestlers in this match. Necro is looking for revenge against The Age of the Fall. He already defeated Delirious last night in tag action, now he’s going for the higher ups in his former stable. Black and Jacobs are still dangerous, both as a team and individually. They may not be 100% on the same page, but Black has vowed to support his man in this fight, so don’t expect any break ups in this one.
No DQ Match
Bryan Danielson vs. Claudio Castagnoli
Danielson doesn’t have a fully clean win against Castagnoli since he defeated him at Northern Navigation back in July. However that was before the Castagnoli heel turn and the subsequent attacks with a chair to Danielson’s head. “American Dragon” still believes he needs to pay back Claudio, not only for those attacks, but for costing him the ROH World Title in Chicago. In a no-DQ situation, expect a lot of teasing and then use of the chair as a motif and likely some brawling around the ring and perhaps in the crowd.
Six Man Tag Team Grudge Match
The Briscoes & Kenny Omega vs. Kenny King, Sal Rinuaro, & Rhett Titus
The Briscoes may be back on the upswing after qualifying to fight Sasaki and Nakajima last night in St. Louis. Now they have what looks to be an easy road against three of ROH’s younger undercard wrestlers. However, this could be a “trap match” where they overlook the dangers of their opponents (and their lack of regard of the rules in lieu of an extreme desire to win at all costs). Kenny Omega obtained a measure of payback last night by defeating Kenny King in singles, but that was off a counter. I’m sure he’d like a more conclusive result this time, showing the wrestling world that King made the wrong move by crossing him.
Tag Team Grudge Match
Brent Albright & Erick Stevens vs. A Team Representing Sweet N Sour Inc.
If its time for Bobby Dempsey to pull his weight, I’d imagine he’d be set up here to fight against the very men who are trying to free him from the manipulation and abuse of Larry Sweeney. It could be Dempsey and Davey Richards again, which initially looks like a mismatch in favor of the babyfaces. However, Larry Sweeney never leaves home without a few tricks up his sleeve…expect some chicanery and shenanigans to lead to a Sweet & Sour victory.
SHIMMER Four Corner Survival
Sara Del Rey vs. Ashley Lane vs. Daizee Haze vs. Serena Deeb
Lane replaces the injured MsChif. Expect some good women’s action, but likely nothing too out of the ordinary from what we’ve already seen from these ladies. Four Corner Survivals are good because there is a constant flow of action, and all four of these ladies are good enough to carry that action for an extended period of time.
Special Attraction
Irish Airborne vs. Grizzley Redwood & Buchwhacker Luke
Redwood and Luke are beginning their road of teaming up, meanwhile Irish Airborne have had many years in professional wrestling together. Being brothers helps to create a unified front against any team and while they may not always have the strength or experience advantage in their matches, they sure have the youth, speed and ability to make it past the lumberjack and the bushwacker in this one.
Going Home
Excellent list of must buy DVDs. So good that I don’t really have much to add, although to non-fans trying to get into the promotion I’d say Dragon Gate Challenge II is another fun watch. And shows like the Sixth Anniversary and Vendetta are a bit less essential than, say, SOH III or DBD VI. Also, I haven’t watched Glory By Honor yet either, but from the looks of the card alone it could very well top them all.
Posted By: The REAL MP (Registered) on November 29, 2008 at 04:42 PM
I would add Glory By Honor VII to the “must buy” list, having watched most of the show by now. The Danielson vs. Nakajima and the main event Steel Cage Warfare (skipped ahead to that one) make for a must watch show. I still have to get through two more matches including the title match, but this is definitely a worthy pick up. Dragon Gate Challenge II I left off the list but definitely believe it is one of the better shows of the year. I would agree with your assessment on Vendetta II (focused more on the match quality and first Aries vs. Jacobs fight as opposed to a must-see angle) but I disagree that 6YAS is less essential, especially given that this was the full out McGuinness heel turn and has perhaps the best match of the year (don’t want to give anything away yet, which is why I wrote “perhaps”). I think its essential viewing in addition to SCOH III and DBD VI.
Nice list. I have SCoH3 and DbD6. I have to check out those other shows.
Btw, where’d ROH vs. CHIKARA go this week? = Did it end?
Posted By: Guest#8102 (Guest) on November 30, 2008 at 08:47 PM
ROH vs. CHIKARA has indeed concluded. You can check out the final part as well as “dark matches” through this link.
More on the HDNet vs. Cable TV Network argument:
As far as the number of homes HDNet is available to…
I am almost positive the only people in the whole country with access to HDNet are DirecTV subscribers who also subscribe to DirecTV’s HD programming package. The only two people that I have ever seen who get the HDNet stations are my father and a friend of mine, both of whom have DTV w/ the HD package. I have never seen it available on any cable systems, or anything. Although, I am not sure about HDNet “Fights”.
Whatever the number is, it is a pretty low number. Like no more than a few million, at best.
Posted By: somecoolname (Guest) on November 30, 2008 at 11:35 PM
And J.D. Dunn offers this list:
the HDNet networks are available in the U.S. and Canada via:
Bright House Networks
DISH Network
Charter Communications
Insight Communications
Mediacom Communications
Time Warner Cable
NCTC Affiliated cable systems
Verizon Fios
Bell Express Vu
Star Choice
That is admittedly an impressive list of companies, but I still have major concerns about the actual number of how many people ROH would reach with that station. Maybe in a year or two when Digital TV will be fully realized (the switch to HD transmission will motivate many to upgrade, but I sense it will be a while before it catches up to where everyone was before the switch). ROH needs to find the best fit and a company that will help promote the product correct. While the HDNet Fights is a good thematic fit, I don’t see them being in a position to get ROH to where Cary Silkin wants to it to be in the professional wrestling world.
The Independent Buy In: 2008
**CHIKARA “Cibernetico & Robin” (Torneo Cibernetico: Kings of Wrestling vs. Dorado’s Luchadores, The Olsen Twins / Cheech & Cloudy, Quackenbush / Donst, The Colony / BLK OUT ) High Recommendation
**CHIKARA “Brusied” (Kingston / Donst, Campeones de Parejas: F.I.S.T. vs. Incoherence / Castagnoli / Taylor, The Colony / Brodie Lee & Olsen Twins, Cheech & Cloudy / Osirian Portal ) High Recommendation
**Pro Wrestling NOAH “Special Budokan Double Shot”7/15 & 9/9/07 (Determination League Semi Finals & Finals, NTV Cup Finals)High Recommendation
**PWG Battle of Los Angeles Night 1 (Castagnoli / Williams, Evans / Pac, Black / Shelley, Aries / Strong, PWG Tag Titles: Generico & Steen / Dragon Kid & Susumu Yokosuka)Medium Recommendation
**PWG Battle of Los Angeles Night 2 (CIMA / Tornado, Steen / Butcher, McGuinness / Richards, Kid / Yokosuka) Low Recommendation
**PWG Battle of Los Angeles Night 3 (the entire show) High Recommendation
**Shimmer Volume 11 (Sarah Stock / MsChif, Sarah Stock / Cheerleader Melissa, Sara Del Rey / Cindy Rogers, Nikki Roxx / Lacey, Daizee Haze / Malia Hosaka, Allison Danger / Hosaka)High Recommendation
**SHIMMER Volume 12 (Del Rey / Lacey, Del Rey / Sarah Stock, Haze / Lacey, Portuguese Princess Ariel / Josie / Nikki Roxx / Portia Perez, Melissa & MsChif / Lexie Fyfe & Hosaka)High Recommendation
**SHIMMER Women’s Athletes Volume 13 (Melissa / Portuguese Princess Ariel, “Dark Angel” Sarah Stock / Daizee Haze, Portia Perez / MsChif, Del Rey & Roxx vs. Rain & Lacey, O’Neal vs. Melissa) Medium Recommendation
**SHIMMER Women’s Athletes Volume 14 (SHIMMER Title: Del Rey / Lacey, Nikki Roxx / Amazing Kong, Two out of Three falls: Allison Danger / Cindy Rogers, Portuguese Princess Ariel / Amber O’Neal) Medium Recommendation
**CHIKARA The Battle of Who Could Care Less (Incoherence & Tim Donst / BLK OUT, Claudio Castagnoli & Equinox / Hero & Hawke, Lince Dorado & Pantera / Olsen Twins, Quackenbush & The Colony / F.I.S.T. / Osirian Portal) High Recommendation
**CHIKARA The Sordid Perils of Everyday Existence (Campeones de Parejas: Incoherence / Cheech & Cloudy, Lucha de Apresta: Chris Hero / Equinox, F.I.S.T., Ellis, Ryder / Quack / Donst / Super Smash Bros.) Medium Recommendation
**CHIKARA Chapter 11 (Hallowicked / Kingston, Colony / Super Smash Brothers & Shane Storm, Tex-Arkana Title Match: Alvarez / Sweeney, Quack, Trik Davis & Helios / Shayne Hawke & The Osirian Portal, MIYAWAKI, Hasegawa & Pantera / Cheech & Cloudy & Delirious) High Recommendation
**SHIMMER Women’s Athletes Volume 15 (SHIMMER Title: Sara Del Rey / Amazing Kong, Daizee Haze / Sara Stock, Cheerleader Melissa / Alexa Thatcher, Minnesota Home Wrecking Crew / Ariel & Josie, Sereena Deeb / Jetta) High Recommendation
**SHIMMER Women’s Athletes Volume 16 (SHIMMER Title Two Out of Three Falls: Sara Del Rey / Sara Stock, Amazing Kong / Cheerleader Melissa, Daizee Haze MsChif & Eden Black / Lacey, Rain & Jetta, Portia Perez & Nicole Matthews / Ariel & Josie, Sereena Deeb / Jetta) High Recommendation
**CHIKARA Two Eyebrows Are Better Than One (Castagnoli, Lince Dorado & Ophidian / Quackenbush, Donst & Amasis, Kingston / Storm, Colony / F.I.S.T., Moravian Greyhound / Zombie Plantain / Hydra)Medium Recommendation
**CHIKARA King of Trios Night One (Colony / Go, Nakazawam Shimizu, Osirian Portal & Mecha Mummy / Quackenbush, Storm & Skayde, Cheech & Cloudy & M.C. KZ / Quackenbush, Storm & Skayde, Delirious, Hallowicked & Helios / The Cartel) High Recommendation
**CHIKARA King of Trios Night Two (Player Uno, Stupified & El Generico / Cannon & North Star Express, Lince, Pantera & Incognito / Los Ice Creams & Glacier, Sweet & Sour Inc. / F.I.S.T. & Taylor, Donst, Gulak & Sumner / Fabulous Three / ) Medium Recommendation
**CHIKARA King of Trios Night Three (KOT Quarter, Semi Finals & Finals, Tag Team Gauntlet) High Recommendation
**CHIKARA Deuces Wild (NWA Jr. Heavyweight Title: Mike Quackenbush / El Pantera, UltraMantis Black / Tim Donst, Young Lions Cup: Helios / Lince Dorado, Colony / Osirian Portal, Robbie Ellis / Ice Cream Jr.) Medium Recommendation
**CHIKARA Passion and Persistence (Brodie Lee / Claudio Castagnoli, Campeones de Parejas: Incoherence / F.I.S.T., Quackenbush, Shane Storm, Cheech & Cloudy / Mitch Ryder & Shayne Hawke, Larry Sweeney & Robbie Ellis, Hydra / Chuck Taylor)High Recommendation
**CHIKARA Grit & Glory (Castagnoli, Sonjay Dutt & Pantera / Quackenbush, Jorge Rivera & Turbo, Campeones de Parejas: Incoherence / Osirian Portal, Storm / Kingston, Vin Gerard/ Lince Dorado, Colony / Fabulous Three, Hydra & Tim Donst / Super Smash Brothers, Gran Akuma / PSYCHO, Daizee Haze & Chuck Taylor / Sara Del Ray & Bobby Dempsey)High Recommendation
**CHIKARA AniversarioMA (Atomicos Increibles: Mike Quackenbush, Cheech, Stupified & Worker Ant / Cloudy, Player Uno, Soldier Ant & Shane Storm, Brodie Lee, Mitch Ryder & Shayne Hawke / Incoherence & Claudio Castagnoli, Chuck Taylor & Gran Akuma / Turbo & Lince Dorado, El Pantera vs. Jorge Rivera , Osirian Portal / 2.0) Medium Recommendation
**CHIKARA AniversarioCT (Osirian Portal / Shane Storm & Mike Quackenbush, Super Smash Bros. / Cheech & Cloudy, Hydra & Tim Donst / Los Ice Creams, F.I.S.T. / The Colony, Brodie Lee / Claudio Castagnoli) High Recommendation
**FIP Cage of Pain II (Cage of Pain II, Roderick Strong/Larry Sweeney, Delirious & Hallowicked & Jigsaw/BxB Hulk & YAMATO & Jack Evans, Erick Stevens/Necro Butcher) High Recommendation
**FIP Redefined (Erick Stevens/Roderick Strong in their best encounter in FIP or ROH, Austin Aries/Davey Richards, Nigel McGuinness/Necro Butcher, Shawn Murphey/Heartbreak Express, Sal Rinauro/Tyler Black) High Recommendation
**CZW Deja Vu 3 (No Rope Barbed Wire Match: JC Bailey/Necro Butcher, El Generico/Super Dragon, B-Boy/Nate Webb, Ruckus & Mike Quackenbush/Kings of Wrestling) High Recommendation
**SHIMMER Volume 17 (Sara Del Rey & Allison Danger / MsChif & Cheerleader Melissa, Lacey / Sara Stock, Mercedes Martinez / Wesna Busic, Amazing Kong / Ariel, Daizee Haze / Cindy Rogers) High Recommendation
**SHIMMER Volume 18 (Amazing Kong / Wesna Busic, SHIMMER Title: Sara Del Rey / MsChif, Cheerleader Melissa / Sara Stock, Mercedes Martinez / Cindy Rogers, Minnesota Home Wrecking Crew / Ashley Lane & Nevaeh) High Recommendation
**CHIKARA Young Lions Cup VI Night 1 (Fabulous Three / The Colony, YLC Semi Final Six Way Elimination, Sami Calahan / Vin Gerard, Jimmy Olsen / Stupefied, Amasis / Ultimo Breakfast) (NEW ADDITION) Medium Recommendation
**CHIKARA Young Lions Cup VI Night 2 (YLC Semi Final Six Way Elimination, Storm & Quackenbush / Super Smash Brothers, Worker Ant / Chip Day, Johnny Gargano / Marshe Rocket, Neo Solar Temple / Soul Touchaz, Ophidian / Turtle ) (NEW ADDITION) High Recommendation
**CHIKARA Young Lions Cup VI Night 3 (YLC Finals: Fire Ant / Vin Gerard, Brodie Lee / Drake Younger, Eddie Kingston / Soldier Ant, Osirian Portal / Bobby Dempsey & Sara Del Rey, Fabulous Three / Soul Touchaz, Jimmy Olsen / Lince Dorado) (NEW ADDITION) High Recommendation
**CHIKARA Tragedy & Triumph (No DQ: Brodie Lee / Castagnoli, Vin Gerard / Fire Ant, Storm / Quackenbush, Eddie Kingston / Lince Dorado, Osirian Portal & F.I.S.T. / Super Smash Brothers & The Colony) (NEW ADDITION) High Recommendation
**CHIKARA La Loteria Letal (Vin Gerard vs. Colin Delaney / Mike Quackenbush & Pinkie Sanchez, Larry Sweeney & Claudio Castagnoli / Pinkie Sanchez & Mike Quackenbush, Icarus & Ultimo Breakfast / Tim Donst & Helios, Lince Dorado & Jimmy Olsen / Shane Storm & Eddie Kingston , Colin Delaney & Vin Gerard / Mitch Ryder & Halcom Guerrero, Icarus & Ultimo Breakfast / Lince Dorado & Jimmy Olsen)(NEW ADDITION) High Recommendation
**CHIKARA Style & Substance (Cage Match: Claudio Castagnoli / Brodie Lee, F.I.S.T. / The Colony, Vin Gerard & STIGMA / Mike Quackenbush & Tim Donst, Osirian Portal / Cheech & Cloudy, Kingston / Dorado, The Best Around & Order Of The Neo Solar Temple / Hydra, Helios & Incoherence ) (NEW ADDITION) High Recommendation
This section needs your help! If you want to recommend some good independent wrestling to your fellow internet readers out there, drop me a line for the column.
Get With the pROHgram:
Right Now: New ROH releases include “Return of the 187” and “Ring of Homicide 2” which of course feature the return of Homicide and Hernandez to ROH.
December 26th, 2008—Philadelphia, PA : Final Battle weekend starts in the New Alhambra with Naomichi Marufuji vs. Austin Aries and Bryan Danielson vs. Jerry Lynn.
December 27th, 2008—Manhattan, NY: Bryan Danielson vs. Takeshi Morishima, Final Battle 2008 in the Hammerstein Ballroom.
January 16th, 2008—Manassas, VA: ROH returns to the Virginia area for the first show of the new year.
ROH @ 411
Steven Cook and Larrtholomew Csonka discuss the week in ROH news and events in this week’s 411 Buy or Sell.
The Fantastic Four of 411 gave their word about this weekend’s ROH shows in the 411 ROH Roundtable.
Jake Chambers scores some big and wacky interviews with a trio of ROH related men, Todd Sinclair, Rhett Titus and Alex Payne in this week’s Wacky Wrestling Theory.
Alex Mattis looks back on the far reaching effects of last year’s ROH Good Times, Great Memories.
Honor Bound Links
The Importance of The Rock.
High Road / Low Road on Edge and Vicky.
Bayani looks at the Truth behind the PWG hiatus.
Michael Weyer Shines the Spotlight on the Intercontinental Championship.
Chris Lansdell with the Ask 411 Wrestling.
That will do it for this week—next time around its week three of classic promos month, results from Nashville, TN and so much more!
Final Column 2008 Countdown: 3 weeks to go! What were the top stories of the year? Who came and who went? What were the best matches of the year? Find out in just a bit!