wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s Lucha Underground Review 6.22.16

Csonka’s Lucha Underground Review 6.22.16 – (Season 2, Episode 22) Fame and Fortune
– Aztec Medallion Match: Daga defeated Mascarita Sagrada @ 2:10 via submission [NR]
– Aztec Medallion Match: Killshot, Marty the Moth and Siniestro de la Muerta defeated Cortez Castro, Joey Ryan and Mr. Cisco @ 8:04 via pin [***]
– Aztec Medallion Match: Sexy Star & Mariposa defeated Ivelisse & Taya @ 9:45 via pin [***]
– We get the usual video package to kick off the show.
– Dario is in the office and meets with a new luchadore. He is redistributing the Aztec Medallions tonight, six of them, and this new man will debut. This man is Night Claw, who speaks with a voice distorter, and is a member of the jaguar tribe, the same as Prince Puma. Night Claw will debut at Utima Lucha Dos, and Dario has gifted him an ancient Aztec Medallion. The Aztec Medallions are being redistributed because Cage cashed in the Gift of the Gods title.
Welcome to #LuchaUnderground, Night Claw! pic.twitter.com/UmJIb4goYn
— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) June 23, 2016
Aztec Medallion Match: Daga vs. Mascarita Sagrada w/Famous B and Brenda: Kobra Moon is on Dario’s office, still stalking Daga. Daga easily controlled here, getting a few near falls. Sagrada finally came back with a RANA into a pinning combo, which Daga did not appreciate. Daga then tossed Sagrada around, locked in the crossface and Sagrada tapped. Daga gets a medallion in a nothing match. Famous B finally dropped his client, literally, with a superkick. Famous B was pissed off because Sagrada embarrassed him, and then beat him down with a shoe. He promised to buy a new client a real client, and he will be famous.
– Dario meets with Dragon Azteca Jr. Dario says his brother did not kill his parents, and Azteca calls him a liar. He explains Black Lotus is the one that owes his a debt, and she wants to take him out. He has made Azteca vs. Lotus for Ultima Lucha Dos, saying Azteca will see the true killer at that night, and he will find vengeance. El Jefe playing mind games.
Aztec Medallion Match: Cortez Castro, Joey Ryan and Mr. Cisco vs. Killshot, Marty the Moth and Siniestro de la Muerta: Marty told Killshot that they had to work together, and gave him back his dog tags in order to make peace. We got some solid back and forth, featuring Marty stealing Ryan’s lollipop and putting it in his mouth. Killshot came in and picked up the pace, casing Ryan to run to his corner for a tag. Cisco and Siniestro in, they worked some nice fast paced offense with Cisco getting the better of the action. Castro tagged in and delivered strikes until Siniestro tripped him up and hit a dropkick. Castro tried to fight out of the heel corner, hit a tornado DDT on Marty and got the tag to Cisco, who argued with Ryan over it. Cisco ran wild, hit a RANA on Marty and then a neck breaker for a near fall. it broke down, with Ryan doing his balls of steel gimmick. Cisco and Castro sent Marty to the floor, Killshot in with a springboard missile dropkick and then jumped of Castro for a moonsault to the floor onto the pile. Marty and Killshot reluctantly worked together, working over Cisco and scoring a near fall. Cisco then hit the reverse RANA, Castro saves Cisco and Ryan also in as they took out Siniestro. This led to them arguing, Marty hitting the curb stomp on Cisco and Killshot hitting a double stomp to pick up the win. That was a fun match that played well off of the dynamics between all involved.
– Post match, Marty stole back Killshot’s dog tags.
Shhhhh. It’s a surprise. #LuchaUnderground pic.twitter.com/dH7fjeLiNg
— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) June 23, 2016
Aztec Medallion Match: Sexy Star & Mariposa vs. Ivelisse & Taya: More of El Jefe’s shenanigans, making pairing between those that have issues and forcing them to work together in order to win something that they want. Star and Taya started things off, using a lot of grappling to work back and forth. After their back and forth, Ivelisse and Mariposa tagged in. They also worked a nice back and forth, with Mariposa controlling most of the way. Taya made a blind tag and went face to face with Taya, they shoved each other and Star tagged herself in. Star picked up the pace, with the action spilling to the floor. Star and Mariposa argued a bit, and then mariposa set Taya in a chair and hit a running cross body. Ivelisse came off the top with a high cross as they tried to pick up the intensity. Taya and Star back in, with Taya hitting the double knees and scoring a near fall. Star fought back with a series of kicks and a DDT, and got a roll up for 2. Ivelisse tagged in but Star would not tag in Mariposa. Star and Ivelisse traded kicks, and then Star got the la magistral cradle for a near fall. They traded a bunch of near fall off of roll ups and cradles, Ivelisse fought off Mariposa and sent her to the floor, but Taya then misses Star and speared Ivelisse. Mariposa hit Ivelisse with the air raid crash, and tossed Star onto Ivelisse for the win. That was another fun and good match; one that played off of the issues between all involved, but didn’t allow it to become too much and overshadow the match and what they were fighting for.
– Night Claw, Daga, Killshot, Marty the Moth, Sexy Star & Mariposa and Siniestro de la Muerta now hold the Aztec Medallions.
Mariposa may have polished off @RealIvelisse but she can’t legally get the pin! #LuchaUnderground pic.twitter.com/1dtZSezGoG
— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) June 23, 2016
Prince Puma Speaks: Puma is speaking in the Temple for the first time ever. He had been waiting for a long time to do this, and says that he is here to talk about Ultima Lucha Dos. There is only one match he wants. Konnan always told him he would be the best, the next Rey Mysterio Jr. He fought alongside Rey, and Rey is the best; but it made him wonder if he himself was that good, is he the next Rey or is he better? He had to know, and wants to fight Rey at Ultima Lucha Dos. Rey made his way to the ring, who said that he was a pioneer who paved the road for guy like Puma and he has mad respect for him. “But you are still a Prince, and I am the king.” Rey needs to know if he is still the best, and accepted the challenge for Ultima Lucha Dos. That was a short and well done main event angle to set up one of the bigger matches for Ultima Lucha Dos. Puma wants to know if he’s the heir to Rey’s throne, Rey needs to know if he still has it against the next generation; it is easy and they didn’t overdo it in the set up.
BREAKING NEWS: Prince Puma vs @ReyMysterio is set for #UltimaLucha Dos… and it’s gonna be lit! #LuchaUnderground pic.twitter.com/R7aHc2z5Uc
— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) June 23, 2016
* End scene.
* Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia.”
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