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MLW: Spring Break 2018 Results

Credit JJ Williams and f4wonline.com:
From the Gilt Night Club in Orlando, FL, with an estimated attendance of 300
– Seth Petruzelli defeated Kotto Brazil in dominant fashion
– MLW Championship Semifinal Tournament Match: Matthew Riddle defeated ACH: This was a great match with everything you’d expect: chops, knees, submissions. Riddle won it with the Bromission twister.
– The Dirty Blondes (w/ Colonel Robert Parker) defeated Team TBD (Jason Cade and Jimmy Yuta): Parker grabbed Yuta’s leg for the distraction to allow the Blondes to steal the win. Post match, Parker offered his services to Mike Parrow who was about to be interviewed.
– MJF defeated Lance Anoa’i: This was a good match with MJF mocking all the classic Samoan Dynasty spots and avoiding a top rope splash by Anoa’i, winning via roll-up.
– Garza Jr w/ Salina de la Renta defeated Ultimo Ninja: Garza snatched the mask off Ninja and scored the pin.
– Barrington Hughes defeated Vandal Ortagun: Hughes won quickly with a strongest slam.
– Brody King defeated Sami Callihan: This was a physical match with brawling and huge power moves. The finish saw Priscilla Kelly and Darby Allin cause a distraction that allowed Jimmy Havoc to hit Sami with a skateboard behind the ref’s back, allowing King to get the pin.
– Saieve Al Sabah submitted Markos Espada
– The Low Ki vs. MVP unsanctioned fight went to a no finish: MVP had Low Ki down and about to hit him with a cane when a large Polynesian man believed to be Jacob Fatu showed up and destroyed MVP. Stokely Hathaway and Low Ki stood tall holding MVP’s chains after the match.
– MLW Championship Tournament Semifinal Match: Shane Strickland defeated Jimmy Havoc: This was a good match with a ref bump and low blow by Havoc for a deep two count. Strickland hit the Swerve Stomp to finally defeat Havoc in MLW. Strickland will face Riddle for the MLW title on April 12th.
– Joey Janela defeated Darby Allin in a fans bring the weapons match: This was an insane match with bumps on chairs, weapons, etc. Darby was pushed off the balcony to the ring and then Janela hit a splash to finish him off.
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