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MLW: Spring Break 2018 Results

March 9, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
MLW Superfight Intimidation Games MLW Logo Major League Wrestling Battle Riot Fusion TV Supefight Rey Horus Image Credit: MLW

Credit JJ Williams and f4wonline.com:

From the Gilt Night Club in Orlando, FL, with an estimated attendance of 300

– Seth Petruzelli defeated Kotto Brazil in dominant fashion

MLW Championship Semifinal Tournament Match: Matthew Riddle defeated ACH: This was a great match with everything you’d expect: chops, knees, submissions. Riddle won it with the Bromission twister.

The Dirty Blondes (w/ Colonel Robert Parker) defeated Team TBD (Jason Cade and Jimmy Yuta): Parker grabbed Yuta’s leg for the distraction to allow the Blondes to steal the win. Post match, Parker offered his services to Mike Parrow who was about to be interviewed.

MJF defeated Lance Anoa’i: This was a good match with MJF mocking all the classic Samoan Dynasty spots and avoiding a top rope splash by Anoa’i, winning via roll-up.

Garza Jr w/ Salina de la Renta defeated Ultimo Ninja: Garza snatched the mask off Ninja and scored the pin.

Barrington Hughes defeated Vandal Ortagun: Hughes won quickly with a strongest slam.

Brody King defeated Sami Callihan: This was a physical match with brawling and huge power moves. The finish saw Priscilla Kelly and Darby Allin cause a distraction that allowed Jimmy Havoc to hit Sami with a skateboard behind the ref’s back, allowing King to get the pin.

– Saieve Al Sabah submitted Markos Espada

The Low Ki vs. MVP unsanctioned fight went to a no finish: MVP had Low Ki down and about to hit him with a cane when a large Polynesian man believed to be Jacob Fatu showed up and destroyed MVP. Stokely Hathaway and Low Ki stood tall holding MVP’s chains after the match.

– MLW Championship Tournament Semifinal Match: Shane Strickland defeated Jimmy Havoc: This was a good match with a ref bump and low blow by Havoc for a deep two count. Strickland hit the Swerve Stomp to finally defeat Havoc in MLW. Strickland will face Riddle for the MLW title on April 12th.

Joey Janela defeated Darby Allin in a fans bring the weapons match: This was an insane match with bumps on chairs, weapons, etc. Darby was pushed off the balcony to the ring and then Janela hit a splash to finish him off.

article topics :

MLW, MLW Spring Break, Larry Csonka