wrestling / Video Reviews
The Name on the Marquee: Smoky Mountain Wrestling (4.29.1995)

-The show now opens with a pretty neat teaser segment: “This week, Jim Cornette reveals Bull Bob’s mystery partner…”
-Originally aired April 29, 1995.
-Your hosts are Les Thatcher & Chip Kessler.
-Something seems off about Armstrong’s look and it takes a second to realize he’s actually wearing his “Lance Cassidy” gear from his 20-second tenure in the WWF.
-Armstrong outwrestles Santo pretty easily and applies the Boston crab. Santo manages to roll over and break, and he goes for the eyes and rips at Armstrong’s nose. This is crazy, I’ve had to stop myself from typing “Cassidy” twice just because he’s wearing those damn tights.
-Armstrong suplexes Santo and goes to the top rope, and a flying clothesline gets three.
-Buddy Landell is at a used car lot with a message for Bobby Blaze, that loser who doesn’t have a title, or own a car, or know how to tell time. He’s with the owner of the lot to personally pick out a vehicle for a coal-huffing Ashland, Kentucky puke. The 1992 truck is too good for him, and so is the 1989 car…Buddy Landell is frustrated because Classy Motors Used Car Lot has way too many quality automobiles that are too good for Bobby Blaze, so he gives the owner one week to find an appropriate alternative.
-We go back to last week’s attack on Robert Gibson, where he got locked in the least threatening casket ever presented in a wrestling angle. Robert Gibson promises revenge.
-The May Mayhem match is coming to SMW this coming May. The rules will be determined by randomly drawing options out of a hat before the bout starts. Wow, way to give away TNA company secrets, Jim.
-Boo Bradley explains that his upcoming Chain Match with Killer Kyle has some special rules…Oh, god, it’s a San Francisco 49ers match…Let’s make sure the ring announcer doesn’t grab the chain this time.
-This is Kyle’s fifth match with the title, so he collects five grand if he wins. Back suplex by Kyle, who adds a springboard to it. He chokes away at Bobby as Boo Bradley wanders to the ring and D-Lo freaks out.
-Side suplex, or “dump hold” if you’re Lord Alfred Hayes in 1987, and Da Gangstas show up. There’s doin’s a transpirin’! The Thugs come to ringside too and I feel like we’ve got our next big house show main event coming. Bobby Blaze connects with a superkick for two. Missile dropkick misses and it’s another side suplex by Kyle. Brawl threatens to break out among everyone at ringside. Referee tries to break it up, which takes just long enough for Boo Bradley to sneak over and knock out Kyle with his chain, and Blaze pins him to win the TV Title and collect his first thousand.
-Jim Cornette gleefully announces that Bob Armstrong’s partner for the upcoming match will be…Terry Funk. Armstrong thinks Cornette is insane for being excited about this because Armstrong has fought him before and they don’t trust each other. Cornette shows off a cashier’s check for $50,000 being held by Sandy Scott. Cornette promises that if Armstrong and Terry Funk lose, the $50,000 will be split among all the fans in the arena that night.
-Ricky Morton, in bed, wearing a neckbrace, says he has to stay out of the ring until May. Once he’s healthy, he wants Al Snow in the ring, one-on-one, in a match where he can be guaranteed no outside interference.
-In the arena, Al Snow pretends to cry as he talks about how hard it will be for Ricky’s girlfriend to live on food stamps. She’s actually in the stands this week, so she hops the barricade and charges at Al, with Sandy Scott and Mark Curtis having to hold her back. Al Snow says that if Ricky can’t come back to wrestling, Robert should try forming a tag team with “Ricky’s bag of yeast.”
-Turns out that Al Snow’s snarky comment actually gave Robert Gibson an idea. He comes to ringside and tells Mike Mason to take a hike, so it’s now Gibson and George South as a team.
-Gibson with a beatdown on Snow early. South tags in and he’s feeling the momentum, so he manages to hiptoss Snow before a double-team effort stops South in his tracks. Back suplex by Unabom. Legdrop follows. Boots by Snow, but he brings Unabom back in because quite frankly Al Snow wants to stay the hell out of the ring right now.
-South gets tossed out of the ring, and I’m shocked speechless as Cornette as added WWF style mats on the floor. Snow knocks out South, which leaves Gibson all alone, and Gibson gets double-teamed into oblivion until the referee calls for a DQ. Unabom and Snow attempt a spike piledriver after the bell, but Andrea, Ricky’s girlfriend, runs in and attacks again, and Snow gets the hell out of town.
-Landell hides in the corner as Les Thatcher recaps the crazy “Buddy Landell pulled a gun in the locker room 10 years ago” storyline for this match.
-Lock-up and Landell breaks cleanly as Landell is playing up being truly afraid of Fulton. Landell tries to work the arm, but Fulton reverses into a hammerlock and Buddy escapes. Landell manages to apply an armbar, but Fulton sends him into the ropes and hiptosses him, and Landell begs for his life again. Landell works up the nerve to try a side headlock, but Fulton hiptosses Landell away and we are just beating this thing to death as Landell begs after EVERY move.
-Landell tries a new approach, limping and asking for a time-out because there may be something wrong with his leg. Now Fulton won’t give him a chance to breathe, as Landell walks against the ropes and limps, but Fulton just goes over and wrings his arm anyway. Atomic drop by Fulton gets two. Landell digs into the tights, connects with whatever it is (probably pistol-whipped him) and gets three.
-We get words from USWA Tag Team Champions PG-13, who are coming to SMW. The Thugs promise that it’ll be an R-rated beating at Volunteer Slam. Da Gangstas walk in to call bullshit on The Thugs getting a title match when they’ve been a tag team for like three weeks. Da Gangstas challenge them to a match next week to decide who faces PG-13.