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CHIKARA Eye to Eye Report 9.18.10
Credit: Annette Boyer and WrestlingObserver.com
Chikara House Show (Eye To Eye)
Du Burns Arena
Baltimore, MD
Attendance – 150
1. Delirious defeats Equinox with Michinoku Driver. Solid match with Delirious really showing more aggression shince joining Bruderschaft, Equinox may have tweaked his ankle during the course of the match.
2. F.I.S.T defeats Da Soul Touchaz, Very entertaining match! Soul Touchaz are very charismatic and over big with the fans, Good back and fourth action with Willie “Da Bomb” Richardson hitting several vicious “pounces” on all three members of FIST. FIST wins when Chuck Taylor trips the leg of Richardson allowing Icarus to lay on top and score the win.
3. Brodie Lee vs. Helios. Great power vs. speed showcase, Brodie sells and bumps great for Helio’s high flying offense. Lee counters Helio’s springboard dropkick attempt with a sick boot to the face for the win.
4. Osirian Portal vs. Incoherence vs. The UnStable vs. ??? Four Way Elimination Tag Match
Fourth team was a new team to CHIKARA and I have yet to identify them as no one seemed to know who they were, Unstable was eliminated first via Frightmare who pinned Stigma with his Kneecolepsy finisher, The identiefied team was eliminated shortly after by Amasis via a Roaring Elbow which left Incoherence and The Osirian Portal and they tore the house down with lots of nearfalls and non stop action. Ophidian pinned Hallowicked with a Hurricanrana to score the win for The Osirian Portal.
5. Eddie Kingston vs. Pink Ant (Pinkie Sanchez)
Pretty stiff match! Kingston brutalized Sanchez at certain points, Pinkie works over Kingston’s knee at certain points. Kingston wins with the Backfist To The Future
6. Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw vs. Lince Dorado and Tim Donst
Quack and Jigsaw are very over with the fans, Good match with a lot of great chain wrestling and fluid action. Quack gets the win with the QD IV on Lince Dorado.
7. Manami Toyota vs. Daizee Haze
Toyota got a thunderous ovation from the fans! Toyota seemed very appreciative by the response of the fans. Haze looks in great shape despite looking painfully thin! Match of the night! 15 minutes of great action, Toyota controlled the match early with alot of her offense but Haze fights back and gets several big nearfalls, Toyota regains control with some big offense including two big Missile Dropkicks from the top followed by a Manami Roll but couldn’t put Haze away, Daizee escapes several Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex attempts before ultimately falling prey to it to end the match. Standing ovation and “Please Come Back” chants for Manami!
8. 3.0 (Shane Matthews/ Scott “Jagged” Parker) vs. Ares/Claudio Castagnoli (For Los Campeonatos De Parejas in a 2/3 Falls Match)
Delirious attacks 3.0 before the match and injures Shane Mattews leading to Ares getting a pinfall in the first few minutes of the match, Second fall saw Claudio and Ares work over Matthews but despite the odds Matthews pins Claudio with a flash pollup to win the second fall. All of the babyfaces in CHIKARA hit the ring to cheer on 3.0, Matthews gets a hot tag to Parker who cleans house on Ares and Claudio. Fantastic nearfalls made crowd believe a title change could happen, Despite the babyface support Claudio gets the win with a reverse CHIKARA special to retain the titles. Great stuff! Especially the third fall.
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