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DGUSA PPV Taping Report 4.03.11 (SPOILERS)
Credit: Michael Langan and WrestlingObserver.com
(1) Johnny Gargano b Jimmy Rave by submission with a modified facelock/crossface in 16:32. Great match. Started with good mat work and built to a fun finish. Crowd gave Rave a standing o on the way out.
6 Way is next.
(2) Arik Cannon v Sami Callihan v AR Fox (who apparently made an impression last night) v Rich Swann (selling injuries from the finish last night) v Silas Young v Lince Dorado n 6 Wau with one fall. Rave was originally in this match and Gargano was to wrestle Doi,n not sure the reason for the change. Strong showing again by Fox and Young in this. Dorado hit his leg on the guard rail. They built to Cannon and Callihan facing off after the dives and they eventually worked together. The both said fuck this and left together, so they will be a team as expected. Swann and Dorado then did essentially a short singles match with Dorado pinned after a standing/leaping 450 for Swann. Went about 13 minutes.
Stalker Ichigawa was introduced.
Blood Warriors followed out Stalker Ichigawa. CIMA called Ichigawa a cockroach. He told him that Brodie Lee will crush him.
(3) Brodie Lee crushed Stalker Ichigawa in less than 2 minutes. They did a litle comedy before the Black Hole Slam/spinning sidewalk slam finish.
Blood Warriors beat down Ichihawa. They did a bit where a mosquito was flying around and kept landing on Ichigawa, so they’d slap or stomp him. Ronin camee out. Brodie Lee told Swann to shut up and didn’t let him finish the rap. They made Brodie Lee v Chuck Taylor.
(4) Brodie Lee v Chuck Taylor. They did some good brawling and hit the floor several times in th first 5 minutes. Taylor ended up in the crowd. Back in Lee, worked over Taylor with power moves. Taylor made a comeback but was pinned with a sitout powerbomb in about 7 minutes.
Blood Warriors told Ronin to go home and demanded their tag title match now.
(5) Pac/Masato Yoshino v CIMA/Narouki Doi for the Open The United Gate Titles. Brodie Lee went to the back. Ricochet remained out, still selling injuries (probably part of the reason for the change, as it appears he is not working after the dive last night). They went 25 minutes. Like the PAC match last night, started slow and eventually built to a heck of a last few minutes. Crowd was standing. Yoshino made Doi submit to the cross arm armbar/armbreaker to retain the titles. Ronin came out post match. Gargano said he didn’t see who won, then when he was told said it appears Blood Warriors aren’t the most dominant group in DGUSA. Gargano said CIMA is short for SheMale and tried to get the crowd to chant it, the tried but turned on it. Gargano said the chant wasn’t that good and Ronin mocked Blood Warriors from the aisle.
15 Minute Intermission. Just a note, the ceiling in the “World Famous Presidential Ballroom” (a large room in a hotel that locals didn’t know existed) is really low. The crowd and workers have had a good time with it though.
Intermission went 15 minutes. I am shocked.
Lenny Leonard is introduced. He thanked us for coming, then introduced the newest team in Dragon Gate USA… the Dark City Fight Club. They want a challenge.
Sami Callihan and Arik Cannon are out. They said the DCFC name was appropriate b/c they are here to fight. And fight they did, as they brawled. Led to a real match.
(6) Dark City Fight Club v Arik Cannon/Sami Callihan. Brawl, nice change of pace for this show. DCFC got over. Both Cannon/Callihan pinned Cory Chavis in under 5 after clothesline/superkick double team (close?). Callihan did a promo basically explaining why they are a team. Chavis was not happy with the loss. The Callihan promo was about not caring, apparently they are going to be the Dirty Ugly Fucks. Can’t say it isn’t accurate or appropriate.
Aires v Jacobs is next with a 30 minute time limit
(7) Jimmy Jacobs pinned Austin Aires in 15 minutes with a roll up when Aires tried a brainbuster. They worked this for fun. Aires did some comedy. They did spots on the floor where they slammed each other into fans boots on the guard rail. Crowd gave Aires a standing ovation. He hugged Jacobs. Rave came out. They raised his hands, then lef. Austin did a great speech, said fuck the haters, slammed keyboard warriors, and thanked everyone who sent him messages. He called out Ronin to pass the torch. He put the all over, then Blood Warriors came out. Aires mentioned CIMA was one of the first to call him when he announced if he didn’t find his purpose in DGUSA, he would leave. He said BW want everything given to them but they should come in the ring and earn the respect. The go to leave. Aires mentions that he thinks he found his purpose and jumped Ronin. He and Blood Warriors did an extended beatdown. They hung Gargano with a belt and whipped Taylor and Swann. Aires mentioned that he found his purpose. The whole thing was a swerve.
(8) Yamato v Tozawa in a nontitle match was next, but Jon Moxley and Trina Michaels were out. Moxley said Tozawa never belonged in Kamikaze USA and said if he faces him Georgia Bunkhouse Rules style and wins, the match is for the title… so…
(8) Akira Tozawa p Jon Moxley with a northern lights suplex in under 5 minutes. They spent most of it brawling in the crowd. Trina got invovled. Post match. Moxley and Michaels double teamed Tozawa. Trina accidentally hit Moxley with her purse and the other Authority Figure lady attacked Michaels and left her laying. Title match closes the show, the match and post match has killed the crowd.
(9) Yamato v Akira Tozawa for the Open The Freedom Gate title. First five was all heat and beat down of Tozawa. Well worked, but flat. Crowd started getting back into it. They did a dive sequence and it became a totally different crowd. It was excellent from then out. Yamato not sold the German suplex. Tozawa no sold the brainbuster. Tozawa took a sleeper suplex, shining wizard, then brainbuster for 2. He hit a gallera for 1, then another for the win in 23 minutes. Nice match. Yamato said he respects Tozawa. They hugged. He thanked us for coming
Overall, today’s show was better as a whole, but parts from yesterday were better.
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