wrestling / TV Reports
411’s ECW on SyFy Report 7.28.09
Welcome to the ECW on SyFy! As always, I am Michael Bauer, your 411 ECW Re-capper.
We open with highlights from Night of Champions and Christian regaining the ECW Title. I’m still shocked that Christian got a standing ovation. And they had the nice touch of updating the opening video with the new champion.
Tyler Reks vs. Paul Burchill (with Katie Lea)
I swear, Tyler’s music reminds me of the Beach Boys. Not sure if that is the point. We get one of the pre-taped promos with Reks saying he is not some laidback surfer dude and that Burchill will find out from his cheap shot after the match last week. The bell rings and Reks gets an arm wrench and pounds on the shoulder. Burchill driven into the corner and Reks back to the wrench. Reks sent to the corner and Burchill runs into a double boot. Reks gets distracted by Katie Lea and gets thrown down by the hair. Burchill hits a seated senton for two and locks in a body scissors. Burchill rolls into a pin combination for two. Burchill hits a shoulder block in the corner and a knee to the gut with Reks running hard. Burchill throws Reks in the corner and hits the double knees, followed by a Saito suplex for a two count. Burchill locks in the abdominal stretch. Burchill throws Reks off the ropes, but Reks gets the school boy rollup for two. Reks hits a series of punches and a clothesline to send Paul to the floor. Reks leaps over and connects with a plancha. Paul rolled in and Reks hits a flying cross body for two. Reks sends Burchill to the corner and gets backdropped to the ring apron. Burchill grabs Reks and throws him into the post, but Reks slips around it and snaps Burchill on the ropes. Burchill is dazed and Tyler hits a springboard missile dropkick for the three count at 3:55.
Winner: Tyler Reks
Match Rating: ** Not a bad match here. Tyler looked much better this week with a more definitive win.
Vladimir Kozlov vs. Bill Baine
Is Kozlov getting cheers? And why is Kozlov back to killing jobbers? Oh well. The bell rings and Baine just gets kicked with a side kick. Kozlov hits the series of headbutts and nails the overhead belly to belly. Kozlov puts the kid in the corner and just pounds him before draping him on the turnbuckle and kicking him. Kozlov throws the kid across the ring and drills him the Iron Curtain to end it at 1:30.
Winner: Vladimir Kozlov
Match Rating: ½* Just an extended squash.
After the match, Big Zeke comes out and much last Kozlov did last week, he drills the poor bastard kid with his finisher after a stare down with Kozlov. He then walks off.
Backstage, Dreamer is with Tiffany and he thanks Tiffany for something. Shelton walks in and follows up about being on Abraham Washington show. She said that he had a few concerns about Shelton being entertaining enough. Helms walks in as he had a question for Tiffany. Shelton asks that if he has to dress up like a superhero to get on the show and looks at Helms. Helms says he just a reporter and Shelton scoffs at him before walking off.
Sheamus vs. Goldust
This is a bit of a weird match. At least Sheamus has graduated from jobbers. The bell rings and Sheamus gets a headlock, but hits a major shoulderblock as he runs off the ropes. Goldust gets a headlock and Sheamus throws him off the ropes before hitting another huge shoulder block. Goldust gets up and hits a powerslam. Sheamus backs into the corner and locks up with Goldust. Goldust thrown into the corner and Sheamus runs into a punch from Goldust. Sheamus nails shots to the gut and the hamstring before throwing down Goldust and hitting an elbow drop. Sheamus with a neck vise, Goldust to his feet, but Sheamus stops him quickly and locks in an armbar / neck vise combination. Very interesting. Goldust tries to get up, but he has little place to go, eventually getting Sheamus off his neck. Goldust slugs away, but he gets whipped into the corner. Goldust avoids a charge and tries for punches, but Sheamus throws him off. Goldust hits a kick to the gut and a high knee. Goldust reverses a whip and drops down for an uppercut. Huge powerslam by Goldust gets a two count. Sheamus slips out of the Final Cut and nails Goldust with a pump kick. Sheamus hits the modified Urninagi into a backbreaker for the three count at 5:05.
Winner: Sheamus
Match Rating: **1/4 Breakout match for Sheamus here and it was quite good.
Backstage, Christian is walking towards the ring as we will here from him next.
We are back and it is time for the Shaq Attack on the Raw Rebound, including highlights from Sportscenter. Mostly this focused on the situation with Jericho and Big Show and didn’t even mention the Beat the Clock challenge. And since when did Big Show lose the black tights?
And here comes the new champion out to the ring with a huge ovation. Christian poses for a bit and grabs the microphone. Christian says that you always remember your first time, but the second time feels just a little sweeter. He says that losing the ECW Title a few months ago made him realize how much it means to him. Christian says that he can’t forget about Dreamer and he knows he had some fun with him… and Dreamer comes out. Christian extends his hand and Dreamer ignored it. Dreamer says he came out to do a few things and he starts now shaking Christian’s hand and congratulates him on the win in a great match. Dreamer says he gets his rematch next week in an Extreme Rules match! Christian doesn’t have much time to let it sink in before Zack Ryder comes out to stop talking about next week and he says he will beat him this week. Woo, woo, woo, you know it! Dreamer takes his leave and we go to a commercial before our main event begins.
Christian vs. Zack Ryder
We return with match just starting as Christian locks in an arm wrench, but Ryder hits a knee to the gut. Ryder brings Christian down with an arm wrench and gets a pin attempt, before Christian escapes. Ryder hits a shoulder block, but Christian is able to ground Ryder with an arm wrench. Back to their feet and Christian has the hammerlock applied. Ryder sent to the ropes and Christian hits a dropkick for two. Ryder on the second rope and stand on his back. Then he flips to apron and snaps the back of the neck on the ropes. Christian heads up top and Ryder runs, but Christian follows to hit a clothesline in the corner. Christian hits a stiff kick to the back for two. Christian gets whipped hard into the corner and Ryder starts talking the smack. Ryder with some crossfaces to the head and he goes to the second rope, but Christian catches him with a flapjack. Christian hits a springboard sunset flip for two and Ryder runs out of the ring. Christian looks to dive, but Ryder is ready and hits a shoulder to the gut. Ryder gets dropped to the floor again and Christian hits a dropkick and a dive from the top rope. Both men are down as we go to a break at 4:55.
Back at 9:45 and Christian gets tossed off the top rope to the floor. Zach tells the ref to count and Christian slips in right at nine. Zach pounds away with the boots and locks in a modified Octopus Stretch. Christian punches out and runs off the ropes and hard into a knee to the gut. Zach gets a two count and goes to a body scissors. Christian rolls around and leaps into a jackknife for a two count. Ryder drives Christian into the corner, but Christian hits a knee. Ryder knocks Christian down as he goes up top and Ryder connects with superplex. Ryder gets a near fall and Ryder goes back to the waistlock, driving Christian into the corner. Christian set up top this time and Ryder climbs off, but he gets shoved off. Christian leaps and hits a flying cross body for two. Christian with hard rights and a running forearm smash. Reverse DDT connects and Christian gets a two count. Christian hits a dropkick off the second rope and a second one for a two count. Ryder thrown into the turnbuckle and Christian gets shoved off a Tornado DDT. Ryder drops Christian on the top rope and hits a flying leg lariat for a two count. Christian block Ryder in the corner and now hits the Tornado DDT for two. Christian gets thrown into the ring post as he charges in, but he slips out of the Zach Attack. Christian avoids a charge in the corner and hits his flip kick. Ryder is dazed and Christian hits a leaping uppercut from the second rope. Ryder lined up and Christian nails the Killswitch for the three count at 15:35. What a match!
Winner: Christian
Match Rating: **** Yes, a four star match from Zach Ryder. This might not be a MOTY candidate, but it sure was impressive as hell.
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