wrestling / Video Reviews
BG Says: SHIMMER Women Athletes – Volume 11
As the title suggests this Volume features part one of a two-part tournament to crowd the first SHIMMER champion. Volume 12 will feature the semifinals and the finals.
Dave Prazak & Allison Danger handle commentary duties for the evening. The show starts without Danger on commentary however because she’s in the opening match of the tournament!
[Round 1 Match]
They lock up and Danger grabs a wristlock. She fights off a leglock and puts on one of her own. Hosaka gets to the ropes. She goes for the leglock again but Danger counters to a pin fall for 2. Prazak announces that Serena Deeb is out of the tournament because she was in a car accident on her way to the show. Hosaka gets a roll up for 2. They knuckle up and Hosaka unleashes leg kicks. She targets the knee. She hits a roundhouse kick to the face. She slams Danger’s knee against the apron. She hits a legdrop on the knee. She puts on a leglock but Danger shoves her away. Danger catapults Hosaka into an ugly cover for 2. She puts on a chinlock but Hosaka hits the knee to escape. Hosaka drapes Danger’s foot over the middle rope and sits on her knee. She whips Danger’s knee against the post. Danger comes back with a clothesline for 2. Hosaka goes back to the knee. She misses a crossbody. They trade forearms in an exchange that Danger wins. Danger hits a pair of suplexes for 2. She hits a neckbreaker on her knee and thus can’t cover. She goes for the Shimmering Warlock but collapses before she can hit it. Hosaka puts on the figure 4 leglock. Danger passes out and gets counted down at 9:21. They always talk about how experienced Hosaka is, but they never talk about how much she sucks. The finish was great but the bulk of the match was very awkward. After the match Hosaka takes a parting shot at Danger’s knee.
Rating: *¾
Rebecca Bayless comes to the ring to introduce Alicia as the newest member of the SHIMMER roster. Alicia doesn’t understand why she wasn’t on the first ten SHIMMER Volumes. She calls herself the number one girl in the company while taking shots at the fans in her horrible New Jersey accent. This seemed unnecessary, as she could have gotten over as a heel just as well in her match without this generic promo.
[Round 1 Match]
They lock up and Haze gets a fireman’s carry for 2. Perez puts on a wristlock. Haze counters the hold. Danger comes back to the commentary booth and acts like a sore loser, lambasting the referee for counting her shoulders down. Apparently everyone knows that she was supposed to advance. Perez hits a dropkick to the back. Haze comes back with a surfboard stretch. She stands on Perez’s back and hits a senton for 2. Perez kicks her down in the corner. Haze blocks the Complete Shot. Perez gets a roll up for 2. Haze hits a German suplex for 2. Perez hits a leg lariat. She hits the Complete Shot for 2. Haze gets a roll up for 2. She gets a backslide for 2. She hits the heart punch and the Mind Trip for the win at 5:46. Prazak talked big about Perez improving in the time since her first match against Haze in SHIMMER but she didn’t last much longer in this than she did in that squash.
Rating: *
[Round 1 Match]
Del Rey puts Rogers on the mat for 2. They trade holds on the mat. Del Rey takes control with a surfboard. She rolls it over for 2. Rogers goes after the leg. Del Rey puts on the body scissors and gets another roll up for 2. Rogers puts on a headlock. Del Rey counters to a top wristlock. She puts on a half crab but Rogers gets to the ropes. Del Rey hits an avalanche. She hits an armdrag. She hits a dropkick. She hits a snap suplex for 2. She puts on a camel clutch. Rogers goes to the eyes and knees Del Rey’s arm. She rams Del Rey’s shoulder into the turnbuckle. She drops Del Rey’s arm on the bottom rope. She puts on an armbar. Del Rey comes back with a powerbomb. She gets a roll up for 2. Rogers puts on a modified Rings of Saturn. Del Rey gets to the ropes. She hits a big boot. She hits a running boot. Another gets 2. She hits a fall away slam for 2. She puts on an abdominal stretch and rolls Rogers up for 2. Rogers blocks a blind charge and hits a facebuster for 2. She hits a legsweep. Del Rey hits a straightjacket suplex for the win at 10:45. Del Rey held her arm a lot to sell the damage. She also used it with no problem for the entire match.
Rating: **
[Round 1 Match]
This was supposed to be Serena Deeb’s opening round match but Alicia hijacked it when Deeb didn’t show up in time. She attacks Ariel before the bell. Ariel comes back with a clothesline. She hits a back elbow and a dropkick. Alicia rubs Ariel’s face into the mat. She hits a side slam for 2. Ariel comes back with a basement dropkick for 2. Alicia hits a clothesline for 2. She hits another in the corner. She hits a big boot for 2. She hits a back elbow for 2. She hits another big boot. Ariel blocks another attempt and forearms Alicia down for 2. She hits a fisherman suplex for 2. Alicia hits a sit-out hiptoss for 2. Ariel blocks a blind charge and hits a tornado bulldog for 2. Alicia hits the A-Bomb (Michinoku Driver) and pulls the tights to get the win at 6:15. Too short to matter.
Rating: *¼
[Round 1 Match]
MsChif and Daffney scream at Fyfe, scaring her off her feet and giving MsChif 2. MsChif puts on the Christo but Fyfe escapes with a side slam. Fyfe hits a clothesline for 2. She puts on the Mexican surfboard and drops MsChif onto her face. She puts on a Boston crab but MsChif gets to the ropes. Fyfe puts on the pendulum. She drops MsChif and puts on a surfboard stretch. MsChif gets to the ropes. Fyfe hits a backbreaker and stretches MsChif over her knee. MsChif hits a drop toehold onto the middle rope. She puts on a camel clutch in the ropes. Fyfe bails, pulls MsChif out and drops her midsection on the barricade. Back in the ring MsChif hits the Gateway to Annihilation. Fyfe goes to the eyes. She gets distracted by Daffney allowing MsChif to roll her up for 2. MsChif misses a standing moonsault. She blocks the Attitude Adjuster and hits the Desecrator for the win at 8:22. As boring a match as you’d expect from Fyfe.
Rating: *½
[Round 1 Match]
Stock, fighting out of CMLL, is the international wildcard competitor. They lock up and fight to a stalemate. Stock gets a snapmare for 2. Melissa gets a takedown for 2. She hits a bodyslam and an elbowdrop for 2. She whips Stock’s arm against the mat for 1. She puts on a wristlock and slams the arm to the mat repeatedly. Stock slams her to the mat by her hair. Stock hits an armdrag. She hits the Olympic Slam. She hits a splash for 2. Melissa strikes Stock down. She slaps her across the face for 2. She hits a vertical suplex for 2. She rubs Stock’s face into the mat. She puts on a chinlock and pins Stock for 2. She hits a running powerslam for 2. She hits a clothesline for 2. Stock comes back with a clothesline. She hits a dropkick. Melissa bails so Stock follows her out with a somersault off the apron. Back in the ring Stock gets a roll up for 2. Melissa hits a German suplex for 2. They trade kicks until Stock hits a thrust kick to the face. Melissa goes for the Kudo Driver but Stock counters to a victory roll for the win at 7:24. Stock’s ferocious and athletic style is a welcome change of pace.
Rating: **½
[Round 1 Match]
Black gets an armdrag for 1. Lacey comes back with a wristlock. Black catches her on the mat for 2. She puts on a headlock. Lacey hits a monkey flip. Black opens up with forearms. She hits a clothesline and a back elbow. She kicks Lacey’s back. Black hits a scary head scissors takedown. Lacey tosses her across the ring by her hair. She pulls Black out of the corner and slams her to the mat for 2. Black gets a roll up for 2. She puts on a knee bar but Lacey gets to the ropes. Lacey whips her into the corner and kicks her back. She hits a knee kick to the back. She hits a neckbreaker for 2. She hits a facebuster for 2. She chokes Black. Black comes back with a northern lights suplex. She climbs the ropes but misses a knee kick. She rams Lacey into the corner and dropkicks her back for 2. She goes for a cross armbreaker but Lacey gets to the ropes. Black puts on the Garden of Eden but has to release when her shoulder touch the mat. She hits the Lightning Spiral for 2. Lacey comes back with the Implant DDT for the win at 10:56. The finish felt tacked on but the match was entertaining on its way there.
Rating: **¼
[Round 1 Match]
If Rain wins the Minnesota Home-Wrecking Crew will explode in the quarterfinals. She asks for a handshake and then pulls Roxx in for an easy attack. Roxx comes back with a clothesline. She hits a dropkick. She hits the Samoan drop. Rain hits a facebuster against the knee for 2. She throws Roxx around by her hair for 2. She hits a double kneedrop in the corner for 2. Roxx dodges a kick. Rain puts her down with a clothesline for 2. She hits a knee kick in the corner. She puts on a chinlock. Roxx escapes but misses a crossbody. Rain hits an elbowdrop for 2. Roxx hits a pair of big boots and a forearm for 2. She sets Rain up top but Rain comes back by coming off the second rope with a lung blower for 2. Roxx gets a small package for 2. She hits a northern lights suplex for 2. Rain hits a neckbreaker for 2. Roxx hits a chinbreaker and the Barbie Crusher for the win at 8:10. Roxx looked like an idiot throughout this match, missing more than fifty percent of her offense. Like in the Lacey/Black match the finish here felt completely unrelated to the rest of the match.
Rating: **
Rebecca Bayless comes back out to the ring to interview Serena Deeb. Deeb apologizes for being late to the show because of her car accident. She says she’s feeling fine but her car is totaled. Though she is out of the tournament she will be competing on Volume 12. Bayless wants to know what she has planned now that she’s out of title contention. Deeb says she’s coming after whoever the champion is. Being one of the only women on the roster not in the tournament I’d say Deeb is pretty low on the totem pole when it comes to challenging the first champion.
[Quarterfinal Match]
Haze gets a roll up for 1. Hosaka returns the favor for 1. They roll around the ring awkwardly until Haze puts on an ugly cloverleaf. Haze gets another roll up for 2. She puts on the body scissors. She rolls over and gets 2. Hosaka puts on a surfboard stretch. Haze gets a small package for 2. They trade holds until Hosaka gets to the ropes. Haze gets another roll up for 2. She hits an armdrag. Hosaka goes to the eyes. She hits a leaping double chop for 2. Haze gets a sunset flip for 1 when Hosaka gets to the ropes. Hosaka puts on the figure 4 leglock but the referee catches her using the ropes for leverage. She throws Haze across the ring by her hair. She works over Haze’s neck. Haze comes back with a second rope dropkick. She hits the ugliest Thesz press ever. They knuckle up and Hosaka powers Haze down. Haze hits a facebuster that Hosaka is unable to take properly. Haze hits a northern lights suplex for 2. Hosaka tries to bridge and fails. Haze gets a backslide but flips over. Nobody’s shoulders are down (Hosaka is actually on her stomach) but the referee counts anyway. Haze hits the heart punch to end this travesty at 9:00. I had a whole long thing written here about everything that made me want to stop watching this match but I think all that really needs to be said is that this it should never be watched by anyone.
Rating: DUD
[Quarterfinal Match]
Del Rey shoots Alicia with a “death ray gun” before the match. She hits a big boot at the bell. Alicia bails. Back in the ring she eats a dropkick and bails again. She pulls Del Rey to the floor and whips her into the barricade. Back in the ring Del Rey puts on a headlock. She hits a shoulder tackle for 2. She hits an avalanche. She hits a backbreaker for 2. They fight to the floor where Del Rey props up an old fat fan’s hands and whips Alicia into them. Back in the ring Del Rey hits a kneedrop. She hits a legdrop and another kneedrop. She hits a falling headbutt for 2. Alicia hits a sit-out hiptoss. She hits a vertical suplex for 2. Del Rey comes back by working Alicia over in the corner. Alicia regains control by choking Del Rey and poking her eyes. Del Rey hits a Samoan drop for 2. She hits a big boot for 2. Alicia hits an avalanche in the corner. She hits the Iconoclasm for 2. She hits the A-Bomb and puts on the body scissors with a chinlock. Del Rey powers up and hits the Royal Butterfly for the win at 9:00. Fun stuff all around. Newcomers Alicia and Stock have now both earned their keep.
Rating: **¾
[Quarterfinal Match]
Stock works the arm to start. MsChif comes back with a hurricanrana. She hits a hiptoss and a standing moonsault for 2. Stock comes back with kicks to the back. She hits a spinebuster and goes to work on the leg. She hits an elbowdrop to the back. She hits a bodyslam for 2. MsChif hits a drop toehold into the corner. She hits repeated double stomps to the back. She hits a snapmare for 2. Stock hits a backbreaker for 2. She gets a takedown and ties up MsChif’s legs. MsChif gets a roll up for 2. Stock gets a modified cloverleaf but MsChif gets to the ropes. MsChif hits a swinging DDT. She hits a big boot for 2. She stretches out Stock’s shoulders and then slams her face to the mat for 2. Stock gets a roll up for 2. She puts on the Chicago crab and rolls back with it. MsChif rolls back further for 2. Stock hits a beautiful crossbody off the top for 2. MsChif rolls over for 2. Stock puts on La Reinera. She starts to spin so MsChif uses the force to roll her up for 2. Stock hits a tiger driver for the win at 9:09. This featured non-stop action and no awkward moments.
Rating: ***
[Quarterfinal Match]
The fans shout “Roxx” for the ring announcer during her entrance so that he doesn’t even have to say it. That’s very cool. Lacey jaws with the fans to start. They lock up and fight against the ropes. Roxx hits a drop toehold. She hits a monkey flip. She hits a side slam for 2. Lacey pulls the back of Roxx’s neck against the top rope, dropping her to the floor. She follows Roxx out and chops her back. She rams Roxx’s back into the apron. Back in the ring Lacey remains in control. Roxx dodges a blind charge, fakes a dive and then hits a second rope crossbody for 2. Lacey regains control by stomping Roxx down and kicking her back for 2. She hits the Bubba Bomb and holds the full nelson. She switches to the leggy nelson but Roxx rolls back for 2. Lacey pins Roxx with a body scissors hold for 2. She puts on the cobra clutch and hits a backbreaker. She keeps the hold on and slams Roxx to the mat. She stands on Roxx’s hair and pulls up on her arms. Roxx starts to fight back so Lacey pokes her eyes. Lacey hits a legsweep. She blocks a blind charge and gets 2. She hits a cross-arm neckbreaker. She keeps the stranglehold on until she gets distracted by the fans. She misses a pair of elbowdrops. Roxx hits a pair of clotheslines and a dropkick. She hits a spinebuster for 2. Lacey blocks the Barbie Crusher so Roxx hits the Black Tornado Slam for 2. Lacey goes to the eyes. She blocks the Barbie Crusher and hits the implant DDT for the win at 15:11. Lacey completely dominated here. I don’t know if they knew Roxx was on her way out yet but that’s the message I got from this match. Still Lacey held it together well and they put on a solid main event.
Rating: ***
The 411: On the one hand this features a TERRIBLE match between Hosaka and Haze, but that can be skipped. Most of the matches are inoffensive and a couple of them are downright fun. Alicia looked okay in her first two matches and Stock looked great. Del Rey delivered in both of her matches, as did Lacey. This isn’t a must-see show on its own, but if Volume 12 delivers then this is a decent companion DVD. |
Final Score: 5.5 [ Not So Good ] legend |
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