wrestling / TV Reports
411’s OVW TV Report: 7.29.06
Highlights of last weeks beatdown from Mieky and Johnny of The Spirit Squad on OVW owner Danny Davis.
“Let the bodies hit the floor!”
KC James comes out of his lockerroom laughing.
James: I can’t believe what I just heard. I walked through the crowd through the thousands of KC James fans and what do I hear? I hear them mouthing about how Cody Runnels actually had KC James beat last week. Let me refresh your memory because it didn’t go down that way. I had you on your knees begging for mercy. I was slapping you around like a little dog and had you beat right in the center and you’re talking about how you had KC James beat. Son you’re not even in my league. This isn’t the Bush League. You beat a couple of nobodies and then step in the ring with KC James so I tell you this Cody Runnels. Tonight, 10 minutes, if I can’t beat you in 10 minutes I’m just going to give you the match. I’ll just forfeit. So Runnels, I’m going to whoop you like a dog tonight. I’m going to embarrass you and son I’m going to give you the beating of a lifetime.
Boris Alexiev vs. Chad Hurts (Former Dick)
They circle around. Boris shows a few fists. They lock hand and Boris lands a few kicks. Chad comes out swinging some fists but Boris covers up. They grab onto each other. Boris with a takedown and a lock. Chad with a reveresal but Boris reverses back. Chad takes him down but Boris grabs on with his legs and tries to stretch out his arm. Chad makes it to the ropes and he has to break it up. Chad with a big fist. Ducks a clotheline from Boris. Chad with a headlock. Boris just lifts him up and slams him down. Boris misses a roundhouse kick. Chad with a sleeper hold. Snapmare by Boris. Boris locks in the shoulder submission! That’s it!
Winner- Boris Alexiev
Back in the lockerrom Johnny and Mikey are watching the tape of themselves beating Danny Davis.
Johnny: My name is Johnny. This is Mikey. We’re the Spirit Squad. And you’re probably wanting to know why we did this. Now, I don’t know about you, but the Danny Davis you know, isn’t the Danny Davis we know. Danny Davis was an old veteran. Do you think he really had the intention to make WWE superstars or do you think he just had the intention on making some money? Because he got nowhere in his career. Danny Davis, I moved here, you took my money and you took credit for every bit of talent I have.
Mikey: It’s funny you say that Johnny I’m walking around Raw last Monday, a few people come to me and say, what’s with Danny Davis with you and Johnny? You really owe him a lot. We get it Danny ok? You’re selfish and you’re taking credit for the hard work me and Johnny put in for you and the WWE.
Johnny: I want you to know every morning you wake up and you drive your corvette outside, you sleep in your ten houses and your ten girlfriends, just know you got where you’re at because of guys like us. Just know, you didn’t make guys like us, we made ourselves.
Mikey: We made OVW, and right now, we’re set to make Monday Night Raw in the WWE. Take notes Superstar.
Back from the break, Danny Davis is in the ring.
Davis: You know, I think we all just saw how The Spirit Squad, Johnny and Mikey feel about all of you and of course myself. Let’s get to the meat of the matter. Johnny, Mikey, never ever have I taken credit for anything you’ve done or any OVW superstar. From Louisville, to the big leagues. If somebody wants to pat me on the back, ok. I’ve never taken credit for anything and you know why? Because the credit goes to all you fans who supported your worthless ass for all those years. All these people have faith in you guys because they stood by you. And what do you do? You get up to the big leagues. You turn your back on everyone and you just spit right on us. That’s ok. Just go right ahead. But you know what? You were too gutless to be here tonight. So I’m going to issue you a challenge. If I were to step into the ring with either one of you, I know I would have to fight the other members of the Spirit Squad and there are 5 of you. So here’s what I’m going to propose to you. Friday Night, August 11th, Six Flags Super Summer Sizzler Series Finale. How about all 5 members of The Spirit Squad step into the ring with a 54 year old fat grey haired bastard Danny Davis. And 4 OVW originals. How about, I’ll make a phone call to my nephew Doug Basham. And his partner Danny Basham. How about a phone call to someone I don’t know if I can trust because he’s kind of iffy but how about Rob Conway? And last but not least. An OVW original that’s got to be in my corner. Eugene. So Spirit Squad, since you were obviously cowards and sent the tape in this week. Why don’t you send the tape in next week or show up live and prove to everyone here that you have guts or none at all. Accept my challenge and let’s do it!
Melody vs. Serena
New divas! And might I say…DAMN! Melody attacks Serena from behind while she’s prancing around the ring. Clubbing blow from Melody Sends Serena to the ropes. SerenA ducks a clotheline. Serena off the ropes and Rana’s Melody. Clotheline from Serena. Elbow from Serena. Forearm from Serena. SPEAR! SPEAR! HOLY SHIT! THAT’S IT!
Winner- Serena
Serena wants the mic.
Serena: Listen up. There’s a certain female in Ohio Valley Wrestling that has claimed herself as the “Women’s Champion Of The World”. If only you could keep your story straight ODB. One week it’s this. One week it’s that. Your lies have stacked up on top of each other and it’s hard to keep track of lies.
ODB comes out with what looks like a replica of the WWE Women’s Title.
Serena: Speaking of lies…ODB, now it’s a month. In Rio? That championship is sporting a tour that never occurred. You never beat anybody for that title.
Charles “The Hammer” Evans comes out of the entrance and stands in front of ODB. Serena stops dead in her tracks and starts backing up. Evans backs ODB up back into the lockerroom.
KC James vs. Cody Runnels (10 Minute Time Limit)
James 2 steps very similar to the way Jeff Jarrett did when he was in the WWF.
They lock up and James gets a headlock and puts him to the mat for a count of 1. Runnels up. James with a takedown from behind and a headlock. Runnels flails around and reverses it into an armlock. Snapmare by james. James with a cover gets 1. James with a headlock. 1 Minute passed. Runnels out of the headlock. James for a slam. Runnels tries for the sleepherhold but James gets away. James backs off into the ropes and laughs. Runnels looks at him and rolls outside and points at his wrist and starts walking around the ring. James starts to panic and tells Runnels to get back in. Runnels back in and crawls through James legs. Runnels with an arm lock. James with a knee lift and a headlock. Runnels sends James to the ropes. Runnels to the other ropes and they criss cross for a bit and Runnells slides to the outside while James continues to bounce off the ropes. 2 Minutes. James notices Runnels is on the outside and gets upset. Runnels looks at his wrist again.
Runnels back in and Runnels follows. Big dropkick from Runnels. The pin! 1…2..No! Small package! 1…2…No! James kicks out. Big boot to the head by James. James with a big right. The cover 1…but James puts his foot on the ropes and the ref sees it. Another big right by James. James sends Cody to the ropes but Cody slides out and looks at his wrist. 4 Minutes.
James gives chase. Runnels slides back in followed by James. Runnels catches James with a series of punches ala Dusty “My Pappy” Rhodes. Big right takes him down. 5 Minutes. Irish whip by Runnels. Runnells misses a running knee. James starts kicking the knee. The cover! 1…2..No! Sidewalk slam by James and a cover. 1…2…No! James kicks the back of the knee of Runnels. James stomps on his leg. 6 Minutes. James puts all his weight on Runnels knee. The cover! 1…2…No! Runnels comes up firing kicks and fists. James kicks Runnels leg out from under him. James drops a couple of elbows and a cover gets 2!
James dives into the thigh of James. 7 Minutes. James plants a fist into his thight. James with a cover gets 2 again. James sets him up for a suplex and nails it. The cover gets 2 again! James off the ropes and kicks the back of his leg again. 8 Minutes. James grabs Runnels legs. He’s going for a figure 4. Runnels kicks James into the turnbuckles. James for a punch but Runnels nails a punch. And another. Elbow by Runnels. Big body drop by Runnels. The cover! 1…2…No! James off the ropes and chop blocks Runnels. 9 Minutes.
James sets him up and he’s got him in the figure 4! Runnels is screaming! He’s in the center of the ring! Runnels is flailing. His shoulders go down a couple of times. 15 seconds to go! Runnels is about to pass out. 5…4…3….Runnells passes out! The ref counts! 2….1….Bell Rings!
Winner by forfeit- Cody Runnels
Al Snow is in the back.
Snow: Simon Dean, I want you to know, I hate your guts. Just the sound of your name makes me want to vomit chunks all over the room. You worthless egg sucking dog. This has been going on all summer long. I said to myself. Self. You have two options to deal with this problem. The man that you absolutly despise. I should go to New Jersey and when that worthless dirty whore of a mother opens the door, punch her right in the face. Then I’ll go walk into the house and find your cockeyed gimp of a father and kick him right in the Dingleberry Trio. Why? Because they are responsible for bringing you here from their loins! Or option two…go to Danny Davis…and the Kentucky State Athletic Commission, I know they are kind and honest people. That they understand that Option 1 is not a viable thing to do. I’ll beg my case, beg to Danny Davis, for the first time in OVW history, to have the most dangerous match in wrestling history. You and me Simon Dean, in a steel cage. 4 sides of steel. August 11th. Steel Cage Match. Once and for all.
John Bolen vs. Brent Albright
I guess the Gunner Scott thing is completely gone. Albright with a takedown gets 1. Albright with a couple more takedowns for a couple more 1 counts. Bolen with a knee lift and a big takedown. Bolen misses an elbow. Albright takes Bolen down by the hair. Spear by Albright and he mounts him and nails some punches. Albright with a hammerlock in the ropes and the ref breaks it. Dropkick by Albright to the back of the head. Albright snaps Bolen’s shoulder back. The cover gets 2. Albright sends Bolen to the ropes. Bolen clubs him in the back. Albright grabs him off the ropes and nails the belly to belly! CROWBAR BY ALBRIGHT! Bolen taps!
Winner- Brent Albright
We’re back in the woods with the strange masked man that talks to his mama. He spots the cameraman.
Man: What are you doing there boy. How’d you get out here. Ain’t nobody allowed in mama’s house. How’d you get out here. You takin pictures of me? Take em back to the city and make fun of me? Is that what you’re doing boy? Huh? Running back to the big city. You tell everybody, that P.M. Duncan is coming to the bright lights of OVW. You tell them I’m comin.
Mr. Strongko (Boris Alexiev’s manager) vs Chet The Jet
Chet comes to the ring and is attacked from behind by Boris! Boris locks in the shoulder submission on Chet The Jet! Chet is screaming! Here comes the refs to break it up. Chet still manages to go to the ring. Strongko puts in another shoulder submission! Chet to his feet and tries to punch Strongko off of him. Strongko goes back for his shoulder and runs it into the turnbuckle. Chet with a boot to the gut. Strongko with a side over the head suplex. Strongko with a series of knees on Chet’s bad arm. Strongko with an Irish Whip. Chet drop toe holds Strongko into the middle turnbuckle. Chet stomping his feet. He charges out at Strongko! Sit down dropkick from Chet The Jet nails him! The cover! 1…2….3!
Winner- Chet The Jet
Maria is in the back with Cody Runnels.
Maria: Hi I’m Maria. I’m here with Cody Runnels. I wanted to congratulate you on your victory over KC James. I want to ask you a question that’s been on my mind for quite a while, are you related to Dusty Rhodes?
James and Idol Stevens attacks Runnels! Maria screams for help. Idol holds Runnels down and James nails him with a chair. James opens a locker and slams his head into it. Runnels is shaking. He does it again with a chair.
Deuce & Domino vs. Elijah Burke & Shawn Spears
Deuce and Domino on the outside are distracted by a couple of fans holding up signs that read “Deuce Rules” and “Domino For President”. Burke and Spears run to the outside. They get them from behind and they get in the ring. Speras and Deuce in first as the bell rings. Deuce nails Spears with a fist. Spears fighting back. Scoop slam by Deuce. The cover barely draws 1. Deuce sends Spears to the ropes. Deuce goes for a clothesline but Spears grabs on to Deuce’s arm and rolls him up for 2! Spears with another rollup gets 2. Headlock by Spears and a blind tag by Burke. They send him to the ropes but Deuce hooks the ropes and retreats to the outside.
Domino tags himself in. Burke with a hiptoss. Burke with a scoop slam. The quick cover gets 1. Burke tags in Spears. Spears to the top ropes and goes for a double axe handle but Domino moves out of the way. They talk smack. Domino goes for a few punches but Spears just moves out of the way. And again. Spears ducks a clotheline and rolls Domino up! 1…2…No! Spears catches Domino’s foot. Spins him around but Domino nails Spears in the chin. Tag to Deuce. Deuce with a few punches but Spears fights back and nails a series of fists. Spears off the ropes but Cherry grabs his leg. Spears grabs Cherry by the hair and drags her up to the apron. Deuce goes to attack him but moves. Deuce almost runs into Cherry. Another rollup by Spears! 1…2…No!
Deuce tags in Domino. Deuce grabs onto Spears ankle as Domino drops an elbow on the back of the head. Domino lifts up Spears. Irish whip by Domino. Spears catches Domino with an elbow. Big body splash by Spears and the cover gets 2! Domino nails Spears with a big forearm. Tag to Deuce. Domino holds Spears as Deuce nails him in the gut. Deuce with a takedown cover gets 2. Deuce with a submission on the back and shoulders. Deuce lifts him up but Spears leaps over him. The rollup by Spears again! 1….2…No! Deuce up with a BIG kick to the gut. Deuce with an odd takedown. Deuce points at Cherry. Deuce dances and combs his hair. Spears grabs his arms with his legs. Spears up with an elbow and the tag to Burke! Burke cleans up house. Burke with an atomic drop on Deuce. One for Domino. Big back drop on Domino. Burke with a sitdown powerbomb! The Cover! 1….2….No! Broken up by Domino. Domino tosses Spears out of the ring. Domino nails Burke from behind. Burke gets out of the double backdrop. He kicks Deuce and DDT’s Domino! The cover! 1….2….No! Broken up by Deuce. Domino has Spears but Spears tosses Domino out of the ring. Spears sees Deuce in the corner and goes for a spear! Deuce moves out of the way and Spears flies right into the steel post and to the outside! Deuce turns around and catches a big elbow to the head from Burke! And another! And a bunch more. He winds up and nails a fist. Cherry tries to get into the ring. Burke calls for The Experience! Domino from behind catches the back of Burke’s knee! Domino holds Burke’s head. Deuce off the ropes and NAILS A BIG KICK SQURE IN BURKE’S FACE! The Cover! 1…2…3!
Winners- Deuce & Domino
Simon Dean is in the back.
Dean: So Snowman, you think you finally got me caged don’t you my friend? I’ve got you where I want you. This didn’t start this summer. This started 10 years ago when I started painting Help Me! on your forehead trying to do you a favor. I hate your guts. I hated you since the day I met you. I made your life misreable in ECW. I hated you when I was Nova. I hated you even more when I was Simon Dean. I used to be friends with you so you would think I would help you out. I have hated you almost my entire wrestling life. It isn’t going to be one of those escape deals. It’s going to be pinfall or submission. I am going to drop you and leave you just like your old ex wife did man. I’m going to bust you just like your marriage. I’m going to do it in front of your ugly daughter. Her goofy boyfriend. Your loser son and the entire rest of your family. I’m going to wipe you out like a stain. Get out of here! Are you for real Snowman?
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