wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s WWE 205 Live Review 1.17.17
Csonka’s WWE 205 Live Review 1.17.17
– Drew Gulak defeated Cedric Alexander @ 6:00 via pin [**½]
– Tony Nese defeated Mustafa Ali @ 6:10 via pin [**¾]
– I Forfeit Match: Jack Gallagher defeated Ariya Daivari @ 14:35 via forfeit [**½]
Cedric Alexander vs. Drew Gulak: Alicia Fox sneaks out to be with Alexander, he doesn’t look thrilled and says, “bye girl.” She yells a lot and Noam Dar arrives and takes her to the back. Fox anoints herself “hot chocolate.” Dar and Gulak then beat down Alexander as Fox continues to yell at Alexander. Alexander sends Dar to the floor and then Gulak. Suicide dive by Alexander wipes out both guys. Gulak chop blocks Alexander. Alexander wants to compete and we’re getting the match now. Alexander fires up and goes after Gulak, who quickly attacks the injured leg and takes control. Alexander avoids a charge, hits a kick and tries to suplex Gulak to the floor. Gulak attacks the leg with a dragon screw leg whip in the ropes. Gulak worked the heat, focused on the knee, just destroying the knee of Alexander. Alexander manages to fight back, hits a RANA and then sends Gulak to the floor. Gulak back in, but Alexander fires up with some clotheslines. Back elbow by Alexander, and then hits a split legged moonsault for a near fall. Alexander looks for the lumbar check, but can’t pick up Gulak, due to his knee. Chop block by Gulak, and then hits a bridging belly to back suplex for the win. Drew Gulak defeated Cedric Alexander @ 6:00 via pin [**½] Alexander is a guy that thy they have totally dropped the ball on since the CWC; he had a career making performance and is then anchored down with the Fox/Dar angle, which has done absolutely nothing for him. Gulak’s work was good here, as was Alexander’s selling. But as part of this angle does nothing for me, it’s almost impossible for me to care about Alexander at this point, even though they tried to present him as a sympathetic figure here.
– Dar tells Fox he did this for her, so Fox slaps him and he loves it. Is 205 Live now a vehicle to show off Alicia Fox’s “acting skills?” Because it feels that way.
– We get a video package for the Swann vs. Neville feud. It was quite good.
– Tony Nese is interviewed; he doesn’t need to do anything special to beat Ali, because he’s the premiere athlete.
Mustafa Ali vs. Tony Nese: They worked a basic beginning, playing off of the speed vs. power match up. This was well-done and smooth work from both guys. Nese then cut off Ali as he climbed up top, and then kicked him off the ropes into a gutbuster, and Nese covered for 2. Nese then grounded Ali, working a body scissors to continue working the gut. Ali works to his feet, escapes; Nese trips him up and then misses the lionsault. Ali picks up the pace, hits some clotheslines and then a roundhouse kick. Rolling neck breaker by Ali and the cover gets 2. Ali then plants Nese with a tornado DDT, which gets 2. Nese slams Ali to the corner, and then hits a German suplex into the corner. The running knee strike follows, and Nese picks up the win. Tony Nese defeated Mustafa Ali @ 6:10 via pin [**¾]Pretty good stuff overall, they worked well together, but Nese winning didn’t make sense to me after they made an effort to put over Ali as a babyface with a cool finish recently. They killed the little momentum he had. This could have been better with a bit more time to work in a hot closing stretch
– We get a video package for Akira Tozawa.
I Forfeit Match: Jack Gallagher vs. Ariya Daivari: The match will only end when one man says, “I Forfeit.” They went back and forth, trading strikes and then Gallagher looked for a bow and arrow, but opted to stomp on the knees of Daivari. Gallagher grabbed his umbrella, Daivari took it and destroyed it. BASTARD! Daivari followed with rights, and then crotched Gallagher and followed with a side suplex on the apron. Daivari works a camel clutch in the ropes; but Gallagher refuses to forfeit. To the floor we go, Daivari demands that he quit and then beats down Gallagher and whips him to the barricade. Daivari hits some slams on the floor, working a lackadaisical heat here. Back into the ring they go, Daivari tries to fishhook Gallagher and even rip off his nose. They traded strikes, Daivari to the floor and pulls Gallagher to the post and bends him around it. Slow rights by Daivari, tosses Gallagher to the floor again and slams him to the announce table. Daivari uses his headdress, ties it to the wrist of Gallagher and then ties his hands behind his back. Daivari demands Gallagher forfeit, but Gallagher calls him a scoundrel. Gallagher fights back with head butts and escapes and unties himself. Gallagher gets another umbrella, he and Daivari brawl to the top of the stage and Daivari hits a discount rainmaker. Daivari teases a piledriver on the stage, Gallagher counters and catapults Daivari into the screen. Umbrella shots by Gallagher, Daivari refuses to quit and Daivari runs back to the ring. Gallagher asks Graves to move and then tosses Daivari over the announce table. Daivari looked to fight back, Gallagher hit the shotgun dropkick, back in the ring and then got a third umbrella. Gallagher gave Daivari a chance to forfeit, but Daivari refused and attacked Gallagher. He applied the cobra clutch, pulled Gallagher to the mat. Gallagher used the umbrella to escape and then worked a chicken wing with the umbrella and Daivari gave up. Jack Gallagher defeated Ariya Daivari @ 14:35 via forfeit [**½] This really felt like a chance for Daivari to step up and deliver. In his promos, he spoke about guys like him beat up guys that wrestle like gentlemen. I felt that the build was really solid, but once they got into the ring it completely lacked intensity and a sense that Daivari was really angry and wanted to hurt Gallagher. I felt overall it went a bit too long, and the only things that really connected with me was Gallagher’s comeback and shenanigans.
– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”
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