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Kurt Angle Says He Wants To Wrestle Velveteen Dream

November 10, 2018 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Kurt Angle WWE Raw

In his latest Facebook Q&A, Kurt Angle said that he would like to have a match with NXT’s Velveteen Dream, as well as Kenny Omega in NJPW. Here are highlights:

On his future on RAW: “I don’t know. I do want to wrestle more. I just started wrestling again so it’s going to take a few matches before I get the kinks out, especially being older now. I’m hoping I get a little bit more consistent wrestling in the future. Either way, I love contributing. We will see.”

On who he wants to face in NXT: “I met Velveteen Dream on an indie circuit four or five years ago. I’m amazed at his progress. I’d love to have a match with him before I retire.”

On Shane McMahon winning the World Cup: “Shane has proven himself to be a great sports entertainer. I would have preferred him to earn the World Cup Title by wrestling in the tournament though.”

On who he wants to wrestle from NJPW: “Kenny Omega. He’s got talent. Love the guy. Never met him though.”

article topics :

Kurt Angle, Joseph Lee