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Hall’s ROH TV Review 8.10.23

August 11, 2023 | Posted by Thomas Hall
ROH Honor Club TV - Gravity vs. Shane Taylor Image Credit: ROH
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Hall’s ROH TV Review 8.10.23  

Ring Of Honor
Date: August 10, 2023
Location: Bon Secours Wellness Arena, Greenville, South Carolina
Commentators: ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re down south for a change and this time around we have another #1 contender to crown. Gravity vs. Shane Taylor is set for a future TV Title shot against Samoa Joe and that should make for a nice showdown. Other than that, Maria Kanellis-Bennett is lurking around various stars. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Dalton Castle vs. Slim J

Castle doesn’t have the Boys with him, but rather the Baby Chucks for a change. J gets tossed down rather quickly but he manages an anklescissors into a dropkick. Some right hands send J to the corner, only to have him come back with a middle rope spinning kick to the head. J hammers away but springboards into a failed Bang A Rang attempt. Instead Castle is back with some suplexes into the Bang A Rang for the pin at 4:50.

Rating: C. Castle’s road back to the TV Title continues and that could make for an interesting situation. While Joe has already beaten Castle, there is something about Castle that makes him feel like a viable challenger. I could still go for him being the one to dethrone Joe, though we are still a pretty long way off from that.

Tony Nese and Mark Sterling say there is an obesity epidemic here, so tonight his match against Pat Buck is off. Instead: GROUP TRAINING.

Iron Savages vs. Lucky Ali/Brady Pearce

Jacked Jameson is here with the Savages. Bronson powers him into the corner to start but gets caught with a jawbreaker to the back of the head. With that not working, Jameson throws in the Savage Sauce. After a drink, Bronson wrecks Ali and hands it off to Boulder for the house cleaning. A blind tag doesn’t work for Pearce as Boulder slams both of them at once. The electric chair splash finishes Ali at 3:14.

Rating: C. Total squash here and the Savages are the kind of team that can be fun to watch most of the time. There is something about a power team like that and having Jameson as the hype man helps. They go with the over the top stuff and it is something that will work a lot more often than not.

The Infantry vs. Zicky Dice/Movie Myk

Myk (with one of the worst ring names I’ve ever heard) grabs Dean’s arm to start but Dean snaps off some armdrags. Bravo comes in and gets driven into the corner, where Dice misses a charge. The diving tag brings Dean back in to hammer away, setting up Boot Camp (running big boot/Russian legsweep combination) to finish Myk at 3:27.

Rating: C-. Nothing great here but I do like trying something with the Infantry. It’s not that they’re some awesome team, but the tag division can use some fresh blood. The Infantry has been treated as losers for such a long time that they need some wins like this to reestablish themselves. They have a long way to go, but at least they’re starting somewhere.

Leyla Hirsch wants a shot at Athena but here is Maria Kanellis-Bennett to interrupt. She thinks Leyla needs some more confidence. Maria will be watching Leyla’s match tonight.

Lee Moriarty vs. Andrew Everett

Everett does this weird gimmick where he’s an average (or below average) sized guy but thinks he’s a giant, down to wearing The Giant’s style gear. Everett flips away to start and hits a dropkick but Moriarty ties him in the ropes and hammers away. Moriarty stomps on the arm but Everett is right back with a Falcon Arrow for two. A shooting star press misses for Everett though and a spinning faceplant sets up the Border City Stretch for the tap at 4:57.

Rating: C-. Not much to this one as Everett’s giant thing never played a factor and it made for little more than a pretty generic match. Moriarty doesn’t have Big Bill anymore and needs something to do. He has the skill on his own, but that wasn’t on display here. Just kind of a nothing match, though at least they’re trying something with Moriarty.

Pat Buck vs. Tony Nese

Mark Sterling is here with Nese, who does his “you’re fat and stupid so let’s do group training” stuff before the match. Buck takes him down by the leg to start and snaps it around but Nese stops for some pushups. Back up and Sterling offers a distraction, allowing Nese to hit a clothesline for one. The springboard moonsault lands on Buck as he rolls away, so Nese tries it again and this time Buck misses, allowing Buck to get two (nice job on keeping things going off the botch). A Sterling distraction lets Nese knock Buck into the corner though and the Running Nese finishes Buck at 5:51.

Rating: C+. Best match on the show so far, though it’s still just Nese with his rather dull “you’re all fat” stuff. Nese hasn’t meant anything in Ring Of Honor yet and I can’t imagine this stuff he’s been doing for weeks now has much in the way of legs. Maybe they have an upgrade coming for it, but for now, it isn’t quite feeling important.

The Workhorsemen know they’re great but want more. The Gates of Agony come in, with Prince Nana saying if the Workhorsemen beat them, they can have a Six Man Tag Team Title shot.

Athena vs. Rachael Ellering

Non-title Proving Ground match, so if Ellering wins or survives the ten minute time limit, she gets a future title shot. Ellering grabs a sunset flip for two to start before avoiding a charge. A backsplash hits Athena for two but she’s back with some hard forearms. Athena knocks her out to the floor for a ram into the announcers’ table, followed by a cravate back inside. Ellering fights up and hits a Sling Blade, followed by a big swinging Boss Man Slam for two. Athena pulls her off the top though and a Shining Wizard sets up the O Face for the pin at 7:02.

Rating: C+. Ellering was more competitive than most of the women Athena faces in these things but ultimately it was the same thing again. At some point it would be nice if she had someone give her a real sweat or even survived the time limit, but I guess we’re too far away from another pay per view for that. Decent match here, though Athena has done the same thing so many times now that it’s losing its luster.

Workhorsemen vs. Gates Of Agony

Prince Nana is here with the Gates. Kaun runs Henry over to start so Henry hits a dropkick for no avail. Toa comes in for a power off with Drake but can’t get anywhere. It’s back to Henry, who gets run over without much trouble. Some chops don’t do much to Kaun as Henry is knocked outside, where the Workhorsemen get sent into various objects. Back in and Kaun hits an Irish Curse for two on Henry but Toa misses a backsplash.

A missed charge allows the diving tag to Drake so house can be cleaned. Drake hits a neckbreaker into a backsplash on Toa, followed by Kaun being clotheslined to the floor. Drake’s dive in the general direction of the Gates grazes Toa enough that Henry can frog splash Kaun for two. A superkick into a top rope backsplash gets two on Kaun as he gets a foot on the rope. Drake’s moonsault misses though and Open The Gates finishes him off at 10:42.

Rating: B-. Best match on the show so far and the Workhorsemen were working hard here. At the same time though, the Workhorsemen lose again and the Gates win again. Just like Athena, at some point this stuff doesn’t have much of an impact as they do the same stuff week after week.

Cole Karter thinks Maria Kanellis-Bennett liked his match last week. She comes in to say we’ll see how he does this week.

Leyla Hirsch vs. Angelica Risk

Hirsch throws her around to start as Maria Kanellis-Bennett comes out to watch. Risk reverses a suplex into a small package for two but misses a middle rope dropkick. A cross armbreaker makes Risk tap at 2:25.

Athena doesn’t like being asked if she is the face of Ring Of Honor, when there shouldn’t be any question about it. She is all the champions and takes Lexi Nair with her to find more competition.

Cole Karter vs. Rhett Titus

Titus takes him down for an early armbar before hitting a monkey flip for one. The dropkick misses though, allowing Karter to hit a dropkick of his own. Cue Maria Kanellis-Bennett to watch again as Karter grabs a chinlock. Titus is back up with a backbreaker and a hard clothesline, setting up the dropkick for two. Karter pops back up with the backbreaker spun into the DDT for the pin at 4:05.

Rating: C-. This was another not so interesting match as they just kind of did stuff until Karter got the pin. Karter is another generic heel who doesn’t have anything to make him stand out other than Maria looking at him. At the same time you have Titus, who feels like he’s just here for the sake of tying this Ring Of Honor back to the original while losing all the time. In other words, nothing to see here.

Robyn Renegade vs. Billie Starkz

Charlotte is here with Robyn. Starkz starts fast but Charlotte shoves her off the top for a big crash. Robyn hits a running knee in the corner and a snapmare gets one. We hit the fishhook camel clutch but Starkz gets out and punches her way out of the corner. A Gory Bomb gives Starkz two but Robyn faceplants her for two. Starkz sends Robyn outside and hits a dive onto both of them, setting up a Swanton for the pin at 5:29.

Rating: C. They built up the Renegades for a few weeks for the sake of having Robyn lose to Billie Starkz, who is interesting because she’s young. That’s certainly a choice and not the one that I would have made, but for some reason Starkz is supposed to be a big deal. Robyn looked solid as usual, but so much for that at the moment.

Post match the Renegades beat her down until Athena of all people makes the save. Athena actually lets Starkz go. So Starkz over the Renegades. Sure.

Josh Woods wants to be treated as a real fighter, so Mark Sterling gets him a match with Silas Young next week.

TV Title #1 Contenders Tournament Final: Shane Taylor vs. Gravity

Gravity’s monkey flip is blocked and Taylor powers him down without much effort. A hard lariat gives Taylor two and the neck crank goes on. Taylor hits a slam and mocks the slow Gravity walk, meaning he misses a legdrop. Taylor’s suplex is countered into a small package for two but he release Rock Bottoms Gravity out of the corner. Gravity breaks up a middle rope splash and hits a super Samoan drop. The top rope splash misses though and Taylor hits the Marcus Garvey Driver for the pin at 5:29.

Rating: C. Another decent match here, but what matters here is they went with the right ending instead of setting up Gravity vs. Samoa Joe II. Taylor was a nice surprise and could set up a heck of a hoss fight, which is better than seeing Gravity get squashed again. The match wasn’t much, but what were they supposed to do with five minutes?


Dalton Castle b. Slim J – Bang A Rang
Iron Savages b. Lucky Ali/Brady Pearce – Electric chair splash to Ali
The Infantry b. Movie Myk/Zicky Dice – Boot Camp to Myk
Lee Moriarty b. Andrew Everett – Border City Stretch
Tony Nese b. Pat Buck – Running Nese
Athena b. Rachael Ellering – O Face
Gates of Agony b. Workhorsemen – Open The Gates to Drake
Leyla Hirsch b. Angelica Risk – Cross armbreaker
Cole Karter b. Rhett Titus – Backbreaker spun into a DDT
Billie Starkz b. Robyn Renegade – Swanton
Shane Taylor b. Gravity – Marcus Garvey Driver



Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Average
The 411
This was one of the least interesting wrestling shows I have seen in a long time. The best match was just pretty good and the rest of the show was either a group of squashes or the same people doing the same things that we’ve seen over and over. Ring Of Honor really needs to give me a reason to care about some of these people, or at least do SOMETHING other than “and then this person has a match and then this person has a match”. The wrestling quality is fine, but my goodness do anything to make it more interesting.

article topics :

ROH TV, Thomas Hall