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Join 411’s Live WWE Raw Coverage

September 4, 2023 | Posted by Tony Acero
WWE RAW 9-4-23 Image Credit: WWE

Keep Refreshing For The Latest WWE Raw Results


It’s Monday…you know what that means

After a lengthy Payback recap, we head to the the arena where Jey Uso is introduced as The Main Event.

He comes through the crowd, and his music is slightly altered to say, “It’s just me, Uce! Day One Ish.”

Jey introduces RAW for the first time in his career, and he loves it. He’s always wanted to do this.

Jey knows he’s only been gone for a couple of weeks, but it felt a lot longer. He hit his breaking point. Every week, on National TV, fighting his family. He then got an unexpected call from Cody Rhodes, and now Main Event Jey Uso is by himself in your city.

Sami Zayn’s music hits, and out comes ya boy.

Sami says one thing is definitely true – there a lot of people who will have a problem with Jey being here. Even Kevin, but don’t worry, KO ain’t here tonight. But right now, this is about Jey and Sami. He wanted to make sure he was the first person to tell Jey to his face that he is happy Jey is here. Jey did it, he broke free, and now he is here all by himself. He is truly Main Event Jey Uso. He knows they aint friends, it wont happen over night, but he’s really proud of Jey.

Sami extends his hand out.

Jey hesitates for a bit, puts his hands behind his back, stares at Sami as the crowd chants HUG IT OUT.

Sami says it’s fine, whenever Jey is ready to talk, Sami is here.

Sami makes to leave, and Jey stops him. Jey says that wasn’t very Ucey of him, was it. Jey extends the hand as an Ucey chant starts. Sami goes in for a hug, and they embrace.

Jey high fives some fans on the way to the ramp, but Drew McIntyre’s music hits, and he walks out with a scowl, staring Jey down as he walks up the ramp. They go face to face, but Sami runs back out to tell Drew to chill, it’s Jey’s first night back.

Here comes Matt Riddle to walk out and stare down Jey a bit as well.

Tornado Tag Team Match
Drew McIntyre and Matt Riddle vs The Viking Raiders

Erik is sent outside almost immmedaitely and we get Riddle and Drew double teaming Ivar. Drew hits a sick spinebuster, then helps Riddle to hit a senton. Drew sends Erik off the apron, but Ivar drops Riddle by sitting on his chest. Erik back in, sends Drew outside, and they double team Riddle. Drew enters the ring, and both Raiders beat down on his back. Drew hits a big boot to Erik, Ivar hits a boot to Drew, Riddle kicks him, then Drew hits a clothesline. They hug. Drew sends Riddle flying with a belly to belly onto The Viking Raiders!

Riddle rolls into the ring, smacks Drew’s chest, and yells for him to get the tables! Drew shoves him back, sending him on his ass, and tells him to get the tables. Riddle obliges, heading to the outside and lifting the apron as we go to break.

WE ARE BACK and Riddle is laid out on a table in the middle of the ring. Ivar is on the top rope. He is looking to dive, but Drew with the rights. He enters the ring, hits some more punches to the face. Riddle rolls off the table. He heads over to the corner to help Drew. They look for a suplerplex, but Erik has pulled the table out of the way! All three men come crashing down. Erik covers Drew for 1..2..NO!!! Riddle kicks Erik into the corner, Ivar splashes him and sends him into a slap by Erik, who covers for 1..2..NO!!! Erik grabs the table and leans it against the corner. Drew is back in now. He clotheslines Erik, tackle to Ivar, belly to belly to Erik, Neckbreaker to Ivar. Another neckbreaker! Kip up! Drew has Ivar on his shoulder. Death Valley Driver! Drew has the three up! He is about to hit it, but Erik pulls Ivar out of the ring. Drew runs outside, clocks Ivar, tries to powerbomb Erik onto the announce table, but ivar there to stop him. Ivar is setn over the table into the barricade. Drew attacks Erik, who tries to fight back but gets hit with a belly to belly. While Drew is on the floor, Ivar hits a splash off the announce table! The Raiders lift Drew up, trying for Ragnarok onto the announce table, but Riddle is here for a knee! He is on the apron now, running kick to Erik. Riddle sets the table up in the center. Erik rolls into the ring. Ridle lays him across the table. Riddle to the top. Valhalla distracts. Here is Ivar to hit a heel kick.

Erik and Ivar ready for Ragnarok, but here comes Kofi Kingston to attack The Viking Raiders!

Kofi hits them a few times then hits Trouble in Paradise onto Riddle by accident! The Viking Raiders send Kofi into Drew! Ragnarok through the table! Cover! 1…2…3!!!

Winners: The Viking Raiders
This was surprisingly great. Nonstop action, with a central story around a single table. It also continued the inevitable story of quid pro quo between New Day and Riddle/McIntyre. Good opener.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 9:49

When we come back….Seth Freakin Rollins.

Seth Rollins says hello and says Shinsuke did everything he promised he would do. He had a target on his back, and Shinsuke targeted it. But last time he checked, he is still champion. There is one thing that doesn’t sit right with him, though. He beat Shinsuke, but he was able to walk out, and Seth got pushed out on a wheelchair by his wife. That doesn’t sit right with him. So he wants to right some wrongs tonight. He calls Shinsuke out.

Shinsuke Nakamura comes out, but he stays at the top of the ramp. Seth tells him to come down, but Shin wont budge. Shin says there is only one way to get him down, so he offers a rematch here and now.

Shin turns his back on Seth, then turns back around with a smile. He speaks some Japanese. Seth says he doesn’t know what he’s saying, but he assumes shinsuke is saying yes.

But Shinsuke says no. Seth is confused. Shinsuke says no over and over. Seth then says that’s not going to work for him. He is clocked in, it’s Monday night, and whether Shin likes it or not, he’s bout to get that work, son.

Seth runs out of the ring and up the ramp to attack Shin, but Shin is ready. They go at it, until Pearce and refs come out to stop the fight.

From behind, Ricochet of all people come down to help Seth by pulling Shin back.

And we go to break.

We are back, and Seth is arguing with Pearce. Pearce is telling him he is running at a pace that no one ever has, and he’s trying to help him.

Ricochet and Shin start on the outside, with Ric bouncing off te apron and kicking Shin. They get back into the ring, and Ric hits a head scissors takedown then a dropkick. Ric tries for a suplex, but Shin floats off behind. Back elbow from Ric. Xhop to the chest. He tries to springboard, but Shin trips him up. Kicks ot the back. Shin to the 2nd rope, and hits a knee drop to the head. Shin steps on the face of Ricochet. Shni sends Ric into the corner, kicks the spine, sliding German from Shinsuke.

We come back and Ricochet is tryin hard to get the upperhand.

We see Damien Priest and Rhea Ripley watching this match for some reason backstage.

Richoet with a springboard crossbody. Shooting Star Press! Cover! 1..2..NO!! Ric to the top rope, tries for a 450, lands on his feet, kicks, mises, gets another kick. Shin runs, RECOIL! Cover! 1..2…NO!!! Shin is up in the corner. Shin tries for a splash, misses. Shin hits a knee! He heads outside and hits another knee into the draping Ricochet. Shin tries for a knee drop, Ric moves. He’s up on the apron. Kick to Shin. He runs the apron and dives with a swanton off the apron! Shin is up, Ricochet waits, but Shin sends him into the ringpost, then the barricade.

Ricochet sends him over the barricade into the timekeeper’s area. Shin kicks him, then grabs a chair. Shin with a chair shot to the back of Ricochet for the DQ!!!

Winner: Ricochet via DQ
This was fun. Ricochet got the moves, and he looked like he belonged. And we love a motivated Shinsuke.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 9:34

Shinsuke sends Ricochet into the ring, wraps the chair around his neck, looks to finish him off, but here comes Seth Rollins!!! A brawl ensues until security comes, but Rollins is pissed. He sends Security over the top rope, another one! Seth hits the ropes! He dives over the top rope with a flip onto security and Shinsuke!!! Shin doesn’t take all of it, though, and he is able to shove Seth into the ring steps then stomp Seth over and over!

Here comes Ricochet with a chair to send Shin running up the ramp.

We head to Priest and Rhea backstage. Rhea tells Priest, “Not tonight.”

Recap of Zoey retaliating against Trish at Payback.

We head live to Zoey Stark who tells Jackie that she has a lot of respect for Trish. She is one of the greatest and taught her a lot, but there’s one thing you never do – nobody pushes Zoey Stark. Point. Blank.

Here comes Shayna Baszler who was wondering when Zoey was going to get rid of that dead weight. Zoey sees where things are going. They have some unfinished business. So tonight, one on one. Let’s see who the baddest woman in the WWE is.

The Judgment Day is here with alllllll the gold.

After a break, we come to Damien Priest who wants us all to rise.

Dominik Mysterio says they did exactly what they told us they were going to do. BOOS shower him as he speaks. Rhea defended her title. Priest and Finn won the new tag team titles. Finn Balor wishes him happy one year anniversary since joining The Judgment Day. He thanks Rhea Ripley for being a great voice of reason. Finn tells Priest to look at them now. Finn gives a shout out to JD McDonagh, and finally he’d like to thank himself. He is now Grand Slam Finn.

Rhea says she gave them an ultimatum last week, but they really rose to the occasion and showed everyone that they are truly brothers and they truly are a family. BUT there is one thing that is bothering her…the fact that the focus isn’t on The Judgment Day and their accomplishments, but people are instead talking about Jey Uso and The Bloodline. As far as she is concerned, The Bloodline has fallen and The Judgment is the most dominant in all of the WWE.

Priest is about to talk, but he is cut off by JD McDonagh. He has a bag. Priest tells him this better be good. JD says he took a bullet for them, so give him a chance to come out. He is here because Rhea said last week that big changes are needed. He tells Priest that the briefcase has got to go. He doesn’t need it. JD has a new one for him.

He unveils a purple briefcase that says SENOR Money in the Bank. It’s pretty tacky, all things considered. Priest is about to gloat, but Sami Zayn cuts him off!

Sami addresses “Gentlemen…and Dom.” He knows KO isn’t here, but after it took five of them to rob him, did they think Sami was going to let this slide? They are bragging about holding all the titles, but when he looks in the ring, he only sees five giant title stealing turds. Sami says a beating is owed to Dominik.

Dom asks where Sami’s title is, but Sami just asks him if he’s got the balls to fight.

JD speaks for Dom, saying he’s not fighting tonight. IF Sami wants to fight someone, fight him.

Sami says no one deserves a bigger ass-kicking than JD, so that’s what he will get tonight.

Gunther gets a quick promo about him deserving to be in the history books, not Gable, and he’ll show us tonight.

Backstage, Raquel Rodriguez is talking to Adam Pearce. Apparently, he will make something official.

In comes Chelsea Green who is upset that she had to wait for that sasquatch. Pearce mentions that Piper is not medically cleared, and Green says there is no title curse, and that maybe it’s not the titles that are cursed.

Green starts insulting Raquel even more before realizing Raquel is still standing there. They will be in action…tonight.

Shayna Baszler vs Zoey Stark

Shayna with a headlock takedown. Zoey kicks out of it, stands, and Shayna hits a shoulder tackle. They run the ropes again, and Zoey hits a dropkick. Side headlock takedown from Zoey. Shayna rolls her over and escapes then stomps the elbow. Shayna works the arm, whips Zoey, Zoey hops off the corner, but Shayna locks in The Clutch. Zoey drops down, Shayna stacks her for a pin, gets 1..NO! Rollup from Zoey for 1..2.NO!!! Kick to Shayna, and she rolls outside. Zoey hits the ropes, slides out of the ring, Shayna ducks and locks in the Clutch again. Zoey pushes Shayna into the table, then runs back in the ring only to fly over the top rope onto Shayna.

We are back and Shayna is working Zoey over on the outside. Zoey rolls her into the ring, Zoey tries for a flip off the top rope, but Shayna catches her and locks in The Clutch! Zoey is fading. She tries to roll, gets on her knees, stands with Shayna on her back.

Zoey then falls back, passing out momentarily. Shany rolls to the ropes, back on her knees, stands. Zoey back down to her knees. She’s out.

Winner: Shayna Baszler
Surprised they gave Shayna the win, but even more surprised they let Zoey look good in the loss.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 8:51

Zoey rolls to the corner. Shayna stands, heads toards her. Zoey stands.

Shayna: “You gave me a better fight than Ronda ever did.”
Zoey: “You gave me a better fight than Trish.”

Backstage, Judgment Day talks about JD. Rhea thinks they should wait and see how he does tonight. She tells Finn to make sure JD wins, and Priest is willing to help. They leave. Rhea tells Dom that he needs to make sure everything goes well tonight.

Raquel Rodriguez vs Chelsea Green

Green tries to run out of the ring, but Raquel brings her back in. She locks her up from behind and rag dolls Green a bit before slamming her down. Green calls for a timeout, then kicks. Raquel grabs the boot. GOOZLE! Green kicks the knee, hits the ropes, BIG BOOT knocks Chelsea on her ass. Raquel with a fallaway slam. She pulls Green up, Green hangs Raquel up on the ropes then heads to the top rope. She flies, and Raquel catches her. Green sinks off her back and slaps Raquel.

Raquel hits a huge lariat. She lifts Green and hits a Tejana Bomb. Cover! 1…2..3!!!

Winner: Raquel Rodriguez
Squishy squish squish
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: 1:41

Raquel with a mic. She says she spoke with Pearce earlier about what Rhea and Dom did. She is getting her rematch, and Dom will not be a factor. He will be barred from ringside. AS for Rhea, she’ll see her next week.

Chad Gable cuts a promo to tell Gunther he is already in the history books. Tonight, he will add to his legacy. He will prove to Gunther, to his crew, and to the world and his family that he is more than just a tag team specialist. Tonight, the world will see that Gunther’s desire to hang onto the title doesn’t compare to his desire to take it from him.

Backstage, Drew McIntyre is running around looking and yelling for Kofi Kingston. Here is Matt Riddle to tell Drew to calm down. Drew is pissed. He brings up Jey, says he’ll give him a pass, but if Jey messes up – which he will – Drew may have to take it out on who brought him here.

Kofi Kingston is here to apologize. Drew isn’t so quick to accept. He finds it curious that he hurts Woods on accident, and one week later, Kofi “accidentally” hits him with a kick. Kofi says if he’s tryna say something, just say it. Drew says he will be keeping his eyes open.

The Miz is in the middle of the ring. He says he didn’t lose at Payback. He was blindsided. But tonight, he will bring someone out to right this wrong. He is the greatest of all time, John Cena.

CENA is here…..NOT!

BUAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! The Miz says, “Have a seat,” then introduces the invisible John Cena!

Miz says he speaks for everyone when he says Cena screwed him over.

The Miz looks to the crowd, who is booing. Miz says this feels weird. He wonders if we can see Cena. WE cant see him? He’s sititng RIGHT! HERE! He thinks he knows what’s going on. For the past 18 years, he has been able to see and see through Cena. He wants to do us all a favor and translate for Cena, who is most definitely sitting right here in this chair.

Did LA Knight pay Cena? Did he offer Cena a job during these hard times? Did Cena purposefully screw him over? ANSWER HIM!

Crowd says YEAH but Miz wants them to say YES! No, even better, we must nod our head.

He goes back to Cena, and tells him to get out of his ring. Invisible Cena won’t leave. Miz tells him to get out of his ring, then slaps Cena across the face! CENA SHOVES THE MIZ! Miz removes his jacket. He stares down Invisible Cena. Right hand from The Miz! SKULL CRUSHING FINALE TO JOHN CENA!

Miz challenges LA Knight to another match with no special guest ref. The chants are going to end and LA Knight will fade away. His future success is about as realistic as an invisible John Cena in this ring. This isn’t make believe. This fairy tale that we all manifested will come crashing down by The Miz.

Jey Uso is walking around backstage. Akira Tozawa sees him and smiles, then walks away. Up comes Pearce, saying Smackdown is getting trade compensation for Jey being here. SD will be getting a RAW talent soon and he wanted to give Jey the heads up.

IN comes Tommaso Ciampa asking Pearce if now is a good time to talk. Pearce says yes, and they head into Pearce’s office.

JD McDonagh vs Sami Zayn

JD leaves the ring immediately. When he gets back in, Sami drops him with ease. Sami corners with some right hands then a hard whip to the corner. JD gets to the ropes and Sami is forced to back off. JD on the apron, Sami grabs his head and JD hangs Sami up. He hits a big lariat to the back of the head. Elbow drop from JD. Rights to Sami. Chop to Sami.

WE ARE BACK and Sami whips, reversed, Sami bounces off and over JD, then hits a clothesline. JD in the corner. Sami mounts. Punches from above. Chop to JD. Whip to JD. JD crashes into the corner and runs into a back body drop from Sami. Sami locks up from behind. He tries for Blue Thunder Bomb, but JD elbows him down. MICHINOKU DRIVER TO JD! PIN! 1..2…NO!!! Damn, that shit looked brutal. Sami sends JD into the corner and sits him up top. Sam spreads the legs and hops up to the top rope. JD shoves Sami fof the top rope. JD stands and flies, rolls through, Sami locks him up. Exploder! Sami sets up for the Helluva kick, but Dominik pulls JD out of the ring by the leg! Sami leaves the ring and goes after Dom! He sends him onto the table and hits some rights. JD comes in to attack but Sami sends him into the ring and follows.

Dom to the apron. He distracts, and JD rolls Sami up with some tights in his hands. 1..2..3!!!

Winner: JD McDonagh
A nice little Sami’s Greatest Hits match.
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 8:09

Sami is pissed. He attacks Dominik. JD just watches on from the ramp. Exploder to Dom! Sami is about to Helluva Kick, but JD pulls Sami out of the ring. JD tells Dom to leave the ring. He turns. Sami hits an Exploder to JD! HELLVUA KICK TO JD!

Backstage, Finn Balor walks up to JD to tell him impressive win. Dominik has some business to tend to. He walks over to Jey Uso to tell him they both come from messed up families and Hall of Fame fathers, and he knows what Jey’s going through. Life at home isn’t all good, and he feels Jey. From a man who didn’t have a family to a man that now has the tightest family, he knows what Jey is going through.

If you think about it, Jey comes from a broken family. He has no family. No one likes him, just like no one liked Dom. But ever since Judgment Day, there is no leaders, they are all equal. If Jey wants, Dom will talk to them just so Jey knows that there is always open arms for him. He knows, they know, what it’s like. Think on it. JD is here. Dom thanks him for his time and leaves Jey to ponder.

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Chad Gable vs Gunther

LOCKUP!!! Gunther with a side headlock takedown. They stand, and Gunther hits another takedown. Another. Gable shoots the leg, tries for an ankle lock, but Gunther gets to the ropes. Gable double taps the chest and pisses Gunther off. Gunther tries for a chop, Gable ducks under, slides out of the ring, back in the ring, then dropkicks Gunther off the apron. Another dropkick to Gunther.

WE ARE BACK and Gable has a leg lock around the ropes till 4. He releases then clips the back of the leg. HUGE kick from Gunther drops Gable, though, and he covers for 1..2..NO!! Gable with some rights, Gunther kicks, lifts the chin and chops. Gable is down. Gunther lifts Gable by the nose and drops an elbow to the bridge of it. Right from Gable, antoher, a chop, chop from Gunther drops Gable. Gable is up! STRAPS ARE DOWN!!! He chops away at Gunther, but Gunther lays him across the top rope and chops his chest then just puts his boot to the chin!

WE ARE BACK AGAIN and Gunther is slapping Gable around. He lifts up for a powerbomb, Gable head scissors him over the top rope and they both tumble outside. Gable is up, Gunther is up, GERMAN FROM BEHIND BY GABLE!!! Ref is at 6. Gable rolls Gunther into the ring, then slides in….right into a powerbomb! Cover for 1.2….NO!!! Gable sits Gunther on the top rope. He climbs and hits some rights. HUGE CHOP from Gunther drops Gable to the mat. Gable back up! Locks the head! SUPERPLEX TO GUNTHER!!!! GABLE TO THE TO PROPE! He dives! HEADBUTT! COVER! 1..2…..NO!!! ANKLE LOCK FROM GABLE! Gunther kicks Gable away. Gable locks up from behind. CHAOS. THE—NO!! Elbow from Gunther! He spins Gable! Tries for a pwoerbomb, Gable lands on his feet. Gunther with a side headlock, but Gable hits a Saito SUPLEX!!! Straps are back up just ot take them back fucking down!!! CHAOS THEORY!!!!!! 1….2…..NO!!!! Gable to the top rope! MOONSAULT! Lands on his feet, Gunther kicks up, Gable catches the foot, ANKLE LOCK! Gunther rolls through, Gable holds onto the lock!!!! GRAPEVINE!!! Gunther gets near the ropes, Gable pulls him back, kick from Gunther, Gable falls back….into a Sleeper by Gunther! Gable stands with Gunther on his back! Gunther falls back, but Gable turns it into a pin! 1..2..NO!!!

Gunther releases the hold! Gable with a headlock! He suplexes Gable on his head! Powerbomb! Clothesline!

Winner: Gunther
Good golly that was great. I really wish they didn’t have two commercial breaks, but they more than made up for it in the final minutes. It could have gone either way. Solid main event to a pretty good RAW.
Total Rating: ****
Match Time: 16:13

End Show

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RAW, WWE, Tony Acero