wrestling / TV Reports
Hall’s WWE NXT Review 9.24.24

Date: September 24, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.
It’s the last show on the USA Network and next wee’s debut on the CW is absolutely packed. We could be in for a huge show next week, but this week could go in a few directions. Unfortunately one of those directions could be rather flat with next week’s show being the important one. Let’s get to it.
Women’s North American Title: Kelani Jordan vs. Wren Sinclair
Sinclair, with the No Quarter Catch Crew, is challenging. They fight over arm control to start with Sinclair getting the better of things. Jordan fights up and grabs an armdrag through the ropes before sending Sinclair outside. A dive takes her down again and we take a break. Back with Sinclair getting an abdominal stretch, which is broken in less than two seconds. Jordan hits a slingshot dropkick but misses a frog splash, allowing Sinclair to grab a gutwrench suplex. With Jordan on the floor, Sinclair tries a slingshot dive but takes out the Crew by mistake. Back in and One Of A Kind retains the title at 9:46.
Rating: C+. Another win for Jordan as the title reign continues to be built, which is what Jordan has been needing. What matters the most is that Jordan is starting to feel like a bigger star. She needs a big time opponent though and that hasn’t quite happened yet, and no one is really on the horizon so far.
We look at some of the hype for the NXT’s move to the CW next week.
We have the NXT press conference, with unnamed reporters asking Ethan Page what it means to be NXT Champion. He’s impressed by Trick Williams and not worried about CM Punk.
CM Punk is talking to Je’Von Evans when Trick Williams comes in. With Evans gone, Punk praises Williams for getting this far and says he’ll call the title match right down the line. Works for Williams.
Here is A-Town Down Under for a special Grayson Waller Effect. They talk about being the big guns for this show and mock the fans before bringing out Nathan Frazier and Axiom as the guests. The champs insist that they are just fine, unlike A-Town Down Under. Frazier laughs off references to him being a flippy guy and Axiom lists off the teams who have beaten him. Theory talks about how there are levels to this game and Waller promises to take the titles in two weeks. Frazier asks why Theory’s name isn’t in the show title and an argument breaks out but the villains jump Axiom and Frazier to leave them laying.
Lexis King and Oro Mensah talk about not having a father and agree that the best man wins tonight.
Hank Walker and Tank Ledger are ready to beat up the OC.
Ashante Thee Adonis hits on Brinley Reece, Karmen Petrovic and Tatum Paxley to no avail.
OC vs. Hank Walker/Tank Ledger
The brawl is on to start with the OC stomping away in the corner but Walker avoids a charge. Gallows gets double planted down for two but comes back with a boot to the face to drop Ledger. The villains take over and Gallows grabs a chinlock to slow things down a bit. That’s broken up and Ledger gets over for the tag to Walker so house can be cleaned. Anderson catches Walker on top and hits a superplex for two but the Magic Killer is broken up. The powerslam/running neckbreaker combination finishes Gallows at 4:50.
Rating: C. For the life of me I do not get the appeal of this feud. It feels like it has been going for months now, including times where it is mostly forgotten. Maybe Walker and Ledger move up the ladder towards a title match, but that doesn’t exactly feel right. On the other hand you have the OC and…my goodness they could not seem more checked out.
Je’Von Evans is ready to fight Randy Orton in two weeks with Cedric Alexander having his back. A-Town Down Under come in and threats seem to be made. Evans suggests Kevin Owens is behind them and panic ensues.
Lexis King vs. Oro Mensah
The rest of Meta Four is here with Mensah. They starts fast and Mensah gets in an armdrag, only to be sent outside for a big crash. A kick to the face sets up a backbreaker to keep Mensah in trouble but he’s back up with some rams into the buckle. King’s rollup with feet on the ropes…is broken up by King himself, who doesn’t want to win that way. Mensah is fine with winning that way and rolls him up with feet on the ropes for the pin at 4:42.
Rating: C. Now that’s interesting as King is showing a big twist after being a villain the whole time he has been around. Having King turn to the good side, or at least thinking about it, could be a big step for him and I’m curious to see how it goes. Mensah did well enough, but I’m not sure where this is going for him.
Tony D’Angelo trains old school with the Family as the Rocky style story continues. Just in case it wasn’t obvious enough, D’Angelo gets in a boxing ring to spar.
Ridge Holland vs. Riley Osborne
Thea Hail is with Osborne, who dives onto Holland to start fast. They go inside with Osborne knocking him down again and hitting a standing moonsault. Holland is able to send him over the top and to the floor, where Osborne drives him through the barricade. Back in and Holland shrugs it off, setting up the lifting DDT for the pin at 3:06.
Rating: C. This is clearly setting up the big return of Andre Chase and there is nothing wrong with going in the obvious direction. I’m not sure I can imagine Chase being the one to take Holland down but he is definitely the right one to be the big opponent. For now, running through Chase U in his absence is a goo move and we could be in for a hard hitting fight when Chase gets back.
Post match Holland wrecks Osborne, who manages to fight back until security breaks it up.
Miz wants to host the Oba Femi/Tony D’Angelo contract signing next week on MizTV.
Back to the press conference, where Oba Femi isn’t worried about Tony D’Angelo.
We were going to get a sitdown face to face interview with Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz, with a low of censored swearing Lee references Wentz’s fiance and the fight was on.
We get a special look back at NXT on USA. This is always cool to see, especially with some rather cool moments.
Ava makes Fatal Influence vs. Lola Vice/Jaida Parker for next week, despite Vice and Parker arguing a lot.
Rosemary/Wendy Choo vs. Karmen Petrovic/Brinley Reece
Choo drives Petrovic into the corner to start but she fights out as Kelani Jordan is speaking at the press conference. Reece comes in and gets taken down with a running shoulder, followed by some choking from Rosemary. Cue Ashante Thee Adonis to hit on a woman in the crowd though, which distracts Petrovic. Rosemary hits As Above So Below (double underhook drop) for the pin at 4:04.
Rating: C-. I’ll take any kind of a Rosemary win I can get, even if it was in a tag match with interference. Adonis catching Petrovic’s eye is a way to go and gives Adonis something to do after weeks of just kind of being around backstage. Throw in Reece not likely being happy over this and we could be in for something interesting.
CM Punk is in the back with Sol Ruca when Ethan Page comes in. Page doesn’t like Punk as the guest referee and suggests that Punk is just bringing drama. Punk laughs that off and says if Page is the man he says he is, prove it in Chicago.
Back to the press conference where Fatal Influence is ready for their tag match next week. They want titles but have to glare at an invading Lola Vice and Jaida Parker.
Cedric Alexander/Je’Von Evans vs. A-Town Down Under
It’s a brawl to start with Alexander being knocked to the floor, leaving Evans to get taken into the corner. The chinlock goes on but Evans fights up and hands it to Alexander for a kick to the chest. Everything breaks down and Evans hits a big flip dive over the top, with Alexander hitting one of his own as we take a break. Back with Alexander in a chinlock and getting kicked back down. The showboating middle rope elbow gives Waller two but Alexander rolls under a shot to the face and hands it back to Evans.
A pair of dives has the villains down and a springboard clothesline gets two on Theory. Back in and Waller forearms the heck out of Evans for two, with Alexander making the save. Alexander plants Waller on the apron and here are Axiom and Nathan Frazier to cut Waller off. Evans fights back up and goes to the top but Frazier and Axiom have some miscommunication, with Waller hitting his flipping Unprettier. A-Town Down finishes Evans at 11:38.
Rating: C+. It was a nice enough way to boost up A-Town Down Under before their upcoming Tag Team Title shot, though Evans losing is a bit of a surprise. I’m not sure why you would have him lose two week before the biggest match of his life but at least it wasn’t clean and it came to a main roster team. Other than that, it was a slightly longer match than most of the rest tonight and it worked out pretty well, even with a lot of moving parts.
Trick Williams talks about how important it is to become a two time NXT Champion because the greats have done that. CM Punk won’t be a factor because he’s coming for the title.
We get the final part of the press conference with Giulia (with Funaki) in the ring with Roxanne Perez. The first question is about whether Giulia is intimidated by the idea of living up to Perez’s title reign. After Perez objects to the suggestion that Giulia is going to win, Giulia gives a lengthy answer in Japanese. Apparently she is impressed by Perez it is time to pass the torch to a new generation.
Perez says she isn’t intimidated by Giulia because she has been a big fan for a long time. The reality is that Giulia came hunting for her and the NXT Women’s Title is the only women’s title that really matters. Giulia is asked about moving to America and says, in English, that everything is new but what isn’t new is that she is the most feared wrestler in the world. Perez isn’t impressed….but Stephanie Vaquer pops up on the Titantron to say she’s waiting on the winner. Giulia and Perez aren’t sure what to think to end the show. Now there’s a tease to wrap things up.
Kelani Jordan b. Wren Sinclair – One Of A Kind
Hank Walker/Tank Ledger b. OC – Powerslam/running neckbreaker combination to gallows
Oro Mensah b. Lexis King – Rollup with feet on the ropes
Ridge Holland b. Riley Osborne – Lifting DDT
Rosemary/Wendy Choo b. Karmen Petrovic/Brinley Reece – As Above So Blow to Reece
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