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Tom Lawlor Says Brutus Creed Puked Before His Match at Bloodsport XI

October 23, 2024 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Brutus Creed Tom Lawlor Bloodsport XI Image Credit: Josh Barnett

WWE’s Brutus Creed made a rare independent appearance at Bloodsport XI, where he had a match with ‘Filthy’ Tom Lawlor. In an interview with TVInsider, Lawlor revealed that Creed was so nervous before the match that he puked. Here are highlights:

On how varied the wrestling landscape is now: “I think if you look at the pro wrestling landscape and look at the different companies that are out there, you can come up with a traditional style that represents each one. There is definitely a feel to WWE matches. The way they are laid out. There is a feel to AEW’s style and their presentation. I would consider it faster-paced, more like a video game or action game. MLW has this mix of everything you could want to get in professional wrestling. The Pro-Fighters show had all these different matches. There were hardcore matches, Matthew Justice and Jesus Rodriguez in the “Barrio Brawl” street fight, which I love. You’ve AKIRA versus Ikuro Kwon where they are taping glass on their fists and using objects I wouldn’t let anywhere near professional wrestling on each other. Myself and Matt Riddle were more of a mixed martial arts style. There is tons of different stuff…Almost every person MLW brings in has a different flavor to them, and I think that is what makes it special.”

On wrestling Paul Walter Hauser: “I knew of Paul Walter Hauser through wrestling circles. I’m not much in the way of keeping tabs on the entertainment business. I had virtually no clue what movies this guy had been in or hadn’t been in until I mentioned it to my friends that I would be wrestling him. [MLW founder] Court [Bauer] and the other guys had to clue me in as to what his movies and TV shows he has been involved in. I was aware he was an actor who had done some pro wrestling. The way I was approached about it was that Paul Walter Hauser had been a fan of what I’d done in MLW. Obviously, being a former champion, winning the Opera Cup and Battle Riot, I was put in the spotlight for the company. So, it made sense that if there were a handful of guys to pick from, he’d want to wrestle me. The fact I was chosen was cool. A guy coming in from the outside, you have to put him against someone you trust enough to not make a bad impression on that person or injure them and to make sure you don’t get injured yourself. Regardless of what Paul Walter Hauser has done, I don’t care what he has done in the entertainment world. The fact someone was coming from the outside, and I was picked to represent pro wrestling was cool to me.”

On facing Brutus Creed at Bloodsport: “It’s good in some ways, but I’m always leery of what the underlying motive is behind a lot of these things. We’ve seen for the past 40 years that WWE might play nice for a little bit, but at the end of the day, it’s about them. Of course, there is a new regime in there, but I don’t know. For example, I’m wrestling Brutus Creed, and to me, I was on the A side of that match. Brutus Creed wasn’t coming down to do me a favor. The guy puked before the match because he was so nervous. That match was about me. I think a lot of guys will go into those situations and downgrade themselves. Like, “Oh, he is a WWE guy. He is on a higher level.” It’s awesome to see these kinds of matchups, but it’s really to their benefit.”

article topics :

Tom Lawlor, Joseph Lee