wrestling / TV Reports

411’s AAA/CMLL Report 6.14.05

June 14, 2005 | Posted by Newton Gimmick

Welcome to another wacky edition of Lucha Libre. Be on the lookout next week for a very special edition of the Luca report, that’ll be quite different then the normal. As well I’ve got a Professor’s Position Column on the way as well. All sorts of good stuff coming from the Land of Grundo these days. Today is part of AAA’s special TripleMania show. This is one of the biggest shows of the year, and you get it FREE! Now without further adieu lets get to our friends in masks. LUCHA LIBRE!


We’re welcomed to the show in usual fashion, but today in the spirit of TripleMania, AAA is going to show us a couple classic TripleMania matches. Including one from 1993 featuring KONNAN! This is timely due to all the Konnan/Antonio Pena feuding that’s going on over LLL. Plus later tonight….PSICOSIS VERSUS PSICOSIS! In the ultimate grudge match! But first set your wayback machine for 1993, when New Kids on the Block ruled the world!

Hair vs Mask:
Perro Aquayo versus Mascara Ano 2000

We’re waaaaaay back in 1993 for this one. This is at TripleMania 1. We’re also JIP! Both men are bloody as we join this one. Its slightly interesting to see the blood coming through the mask of Mascara. This looks to have been a war, both men are wore down. The ring is identical to CMLL’s at this point too, for you purists out there. Using the Mexican ropes. Mascara tries a few roll ups, and those go nowhere. He ends up doing a tope suicida to Perro. He didn’t hit that flush on though. This gives Perro the chance to recover, and get the advantage on the outside. Back inside, Mascara turns a snapmare into a surfboard. Then into a camel clutch. Perro now gets Mascara in a camel clutch. Both men are wore down and so bloody. This is old school. Neither man will give up. Perro with a sunset flip, for a quick pin, but it gets only a 2 & 1/2. That brings a little more fight out of Mascara, but he ends up getting put in a abdominal stretch. Mascara with the Taskmaster double stomp from the middle rope. And another! That gets a 2 count. Suflex variation by Mascara, but it still only gets 2 1/2. More close pins for both man, the referee is even wore out. Universo 2000 comes in and hits Perro. But Perro low blows Ano, pins him and gets the 3 count, the fans go nuts. Ano unmasks. He’s bout 45 here, and he still wrestles in AAA!

Career vs Career:
Konnan versus Cien Caras

We’re JIP and Cien is wrenching on a camel clutch. Konnan gets out. Jake “The Snake” Roberts is outside hollering to Konnan. This is from his AAA stint obviously. Sadly doesn’t look like we’ll get to see him in action. Roberts was one of my favorites especially during his heel run in the early 90’s. Mascarita Sagrada runs into the ring for some reason, and Jake catches him and powerbombs him. That makes Cien pissed off, and he and Roberts start exchanging left and rights. Jake with a scoop slam on Caras. Jake is going nuts, choking Cien with his snakesnkin boots, Wait here comes KONNAN! K-Dawg and Jake Roberts start brawling and the fans are going crazy for it. Konnan pounds Jake’s chest and knocks Jake into the crowd. Konnan is COUNTED out as a result, as that sneaky Cien Caras rolled into the ring. That means Konnan had to retire! Thus setting up the huge Jake Roberts/Konnan match in Mexico some time later. Good angle, but not much matchwise cause we were JIP.

Verdict for both clipped matches: Well it was a nice little addition to the show. This showed us two of AAA’s more important matches from years back, and helped establish the legacy of TripleMania. No real rating, as they were only clips of both matches.

– La Historia De Futbol! Its all the history of Football/Soccer rolled into one exciting hour of machismo and gratuitous copulation!
– NWA-TNA Slammiversary is live on Pay-Per-View June 19th, and its broadcast en Espanol, like this commercial! Order it, cause it might be the last time “Moody” Jack has a job!
– Univision.com has all sorts of great things on it. Including CHICAS DE HOTTTTTTAS!

We’re back and Octagon is here! He’s in a suit so nice, Ric Flair would be jealous. Still he’s got his mask on. He’s jabbering on about the new guys coming in, as well as his favorite Bruce Lee movie. He says Bruce Lee was a great influence on him, and admits that Octagoncito is his little brother who he accidentally stuck in the dryer as a young lad, now Octagon feels terrible about it because it stunted his growth. I DON’T SPEAK SPANISH!

Angel, Octagon, & Oriental versus Juventud Guerrera, Charly Manson, & Mr. Aguila

This should be a great match. TripleMania is starting off with a bang. I wonder if Juvi jumps to the WWE, where does that leave Aguila? Why not bring back Essa Rios? Charly Manson does some really gay dances in his intro that sort of kill his gimmick. I think he’s supposed to be doing Marilyn dances, but he’s butchering them….if that’s even possible. Juvi and Aguila have a badass entrance, that’s just them coming out with some chics, like “Yea we’re bad”. Juvi steals someone’s straw hat, and kills the mood. Damn crack head. Angel is still sporting his Lord Zedd-ish outfit. I wasn’t that impressed with him last time, but we’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. Oriental has a odd entrance, with a jacket. Still Oriental is one of my faves, so all is forgiven. The damn announcer our good friend Arturo says “ORIENTAL…ORIENTAL…ORIENTAL!” like 55 times. I hate that guy. Octagon fakes out Charly like he’s going to punch him before the bell. Angel and Juvi start us out. Juvi shoulderblocks Angel down, and they leapfrog and flip over each other for a bit. Cruiserweight quick pin spot, gets nowhere. Tags to Oriental and Charly Manson. Oriental does some cool flips, but its still stalling. Manson with a clothesline but Oriental kips up, only to be clotheslined back down. Juvi-Driver by Charly! Oriental with a short arm clothesline on Manson. Oriental puts him in the corner and unloads with reverse knife edge chops, that the crowd counts out with him. They get to Quatro, for the record. Oriental gets a spinning headscissor, my tape gets eaten by my VCR. I repair it with Scotch tape, and during that Oriental did some sort of wicked plancha! We’ve gotta go to commercial!

– La Jugada is coming to town near you!
– Some hottie is crying on the bed, while movers steal all her stuff. INCLUDING Her in the her bed. Somehow, that’s a Direct TV commercial!
– Brad Pitt’s Gladiator movie is now on HBO! ITS TROY BITCH!

We’re back and Octagon is fighting off all three rudos. Aguila finally gets him from behind. Triple corner splashes and a ball buster to boot, leaves Octagon in a world of hurt. The rudos take out their angers on Angel, with a triple spiked powerbomb. Oriental then gets his, with a pair of legdrops to the back. Charly hooks him in a modified half crab. Then they toss Oriental out. Octagon is back up for his beating, but a arm drag and a dual clotheslines gets the tecnicos back into it. Angel on the outside clotheslines Aguila into the crowd. They brawl into the crowd, while Oriental dropkicks Manson in the face. Aguila does a wicked sell of a irish whip into the steel post. Back inside, Charly escapes a roll up, and does a face buster. That only gets 2. Oriental gets a flipping legdrop. Oriental tries to lock in a submission, but that doesn’t get the job done. Juvi grabs Angel and drops him neck first onto the top ropes then does a Roll-Of-The-Dice into a inverted DDT! WICKED! Juvi has Octagon and then Nicho sneaks down to ringside. Nicho swings but accidentally hits Juvi! Nicho runs off, but the rudos are arguing about what Nicho even is doing out there. Charly and Juvi are getting into it, and here comes the tecnicos! Angel and Oriental then do topes to Juvi and Charly. Octagon then does a Russian leg sweep to Aguila and turns it into a submission, that finally submits him. Juvi then walks in lays down and lets Octagon pin him with one foot. The rudos are really pissed about that. Quitters never win Juvi!

Winners: Angel, Octagon, & Oriental

Juvi argues with the rudos all the way to the back.

Verdict: Pretty good match. Sucked that my tape messed up, but luckily it didn’t miss anything in the match but about 2 seconds. Still a fine little match, but felt short compared to what these guys could do. Mr. Aguila was the highlight of this one.

Its time for some AAA updates, and we get a look at all the AAA stars. Including SHOCKER! That’s right, he’s finally appearing on AAA TV! 1000% Guapo is in AAA! The tide has turned in the war against CMLL, or so they say. It’ll be interesting to see how they respond to Shocker in the ring.

– In case you are curious, this tape is available to be purchased by me. It features last week’s 2 hour AAA show as well. For only $5 for the whole tape. I only have one!
– NWA-TNA Slammiversary live on PPV this SUNDAY! Get it for Dad!
– Order the ECW replay, or don’t sell out to the man!

Nicho el Millionario versus Psicosis

That’s right, its time for Psicosis versis Psicosis. Nicho being the original Psicosis, but the current Psicosis owns the mask! There are some really hot chicas in the ring with gigantic boobs, for the introductions. Psicosis is wearing a cool dark blue version of his outfit. Nicho still looks old. The fans are split on who to cheer. Nicho starts off with some brutal chops, and the flatliner for Psicosis. Nicho wastes no time going outside and getting a ladder, but Psicosis dropkicks it into his face before he can get it in the ring. Psicosis picks up the ladder and hurls it at Nicho. This is under street fight rules, by the way. But we covered that a few weeks ago. Psicosis pounds the ladder on Nicho’s back, then picks Nicho up and powerbombs him. Then he wedges the ladder against Nicho’s nuts in the corner, and SLAMS a chair into the ladder, destroying Nicho’s chances of having anymore Mini Psicosises. Psicosis then picks up the chair, and does that Undertaker bit where he slams the chair into the guys throat, only Psicosis does it to Nicho’s balls. Psicosis off the top rope with a steel chair shot! Now he wedges Nicho’s foot into the ladder, and slams the steel chair onto it. Psicosis is BRUTAL! Histeria helps Piscosis set up a shiny piece of plywood on the outside. Psicosis tries to set up the ladder, and man does that ladder look like shit. But Nicho comes across and clotheslines the ladder into Psicosis’ face. He drapes Psicosis across it and LEGDROPS him. Nicho drags him midring and does his version of the People’s Elbow, which is a legdrop. Nicho then rides the ladder down on top of Psicosis. He wants to do it again. Seriously that ladder is funking crazy! and yes I said Funking. Histeria trips Nicho and prevents the second ladder ride. Vipers in the house! And for those of you who are new to this, the Vipers are Histeria & Psicosis’ stable. Nicho sends Psicosis off the ropes and spinebusters him. Nicho bounces off the ropes, and Histeria whacks him in the back with a kendo stick! Mini Psicosis is out, on behalf of NICHO? He chases Histeria away a bit. I guess Mini Psicosis is angry bout losing his mask. Psicosis shoulderblocks Nicho down. That gets a 2 count. Nicho with a cool spinning neckbreaker. Histeria tries to get involved, but Mini Psicosis stops him. Nicho has a steel chair, and busts it over the head of Psicosis. Nicho runs to the back, and returns with another plank of plywood. There are 3 planks out there now. Nicho with a face first suplex on Psicosis. Then Nicho goes up top. He tries for a flipping Arabian Facebuster, but Psicosis moves. Mini Psicosis attacks Psicosis! Mini gets thrown through one of the planks of plywood! But as Psicosis turns around he gets jabbed in the gut by Nicho with the ladder. Nicho sets up Psicosis onto one of the planks of wood, Then climbs the ladder….flying bodypress onto Psicosis and the board, but it DOESN’T break! He goes back into the ring, off the top rope a SECOND bodypress breaks the plank. Nicho is about to take out Psicosis, when Juvi runs down angry from earlier. He swings at Nicho, but hits Psicosis! Nicho smiles, but then Juvi nails him! Juvi and Nicho brawl down the apron, and Psicosis and Mini Psicosis brawl it out! Histeria and Psicosis snatch up Nicho and put him through another plank of wood, but the referee counts EVERYONE out! Histeria and Psicosis get into it now! Octagon, Angel, & Oriental come out to rescue Juvi. Histeria and Psicosis fight all the way into the bleachers. Knocking fans over, and hitting one another with plastic chairs.

Winner: Double Countout

– Earth911.Org reminds you to save the world!
– Spanglish is now on PAY-PER-VIEW! It sounds like Spanish, but its not.
– Galavision Sports, boxing, soccer, lucha libre and much more!

Verdict: A wild brawl, which I would expect it to be. Both men fighting for the name and gimmick of Psicosis. Sadly we got no end result, and I still say AAA should have put Psicosis over Nicho. The idea is, Histeria and Mini Psicosis screwed Psicosis, and now he’s not worried about Nicho (Who’s WWE bound) and will fight his fellow Vipers instead. It works, but still. Put over your own guys. I have my doubts about Nicho making it in WWE. Serious doubts.

We’re back and Psicosis and Histeria are still brawling all over the arena. Nicho is looking on, like “What’s got into those guys?” which is sort of funny. We get a replay of all the main action, and we see that when Juvi hit Psicosis and then Nicho, he handed the chair to Histeria. That means Psicosis thought Histeria hit him with the chair, which is why they brawled.

We got to a interview taped later with Psicosis. He is complaining about the match, when Histeria comes up from behind and professes his innocence. Psicosis doesn’t buy it at first, and then Histeria gets mad. The two argue, and shove one another as we leave this segment.

We’re back to live and Konnan is arguing with Antonio Pena. Octagon and Latin Lover come out on behalf of AAA, and we’ve got a match set. Konann still isn’t happy, and here comes VAMPIRO! He says this is HIS HOUSE! He’s sooo freaking over. Vampiro is looking pretty cool. He wants a piece of Konnan. He says he’s rhe biggest star in Mexico. Its another jump ship from CMLL!! Vampiro is here, and he’ll team with Latin!

Konnan, Cibernetico, & Abismo Negro versus La Parka, Vampiro & Latin Lover

This is a little later in the evening. La Parka is subbing for Octagon who was obviously involved in a match earlier. This turns to a immediate brawl, as the Rudos jump the faces before the bell. Chairs quickly get involved as Cibernetico beats on La Parka with various chairs outside. Abismo and Konnan take over beating on La Parka, while Cibernetico chokes out Vampiro in the ring. All three rudos work over the face and knees of La Parka while he’s in the tree of woe, with steel chairs. Konnan and Vampiro brawl into the crowd. These two used to HATE each other. Cibernetico rolls outside and takes over beating on Vamp. He’s busted too, Vampiro that is. During this intense brawl, Latin Lover fixes his ponytail. Vampiro blocks a whisper in the wind, and retaliates with a series of lariats. Here comes Latin Lover. He takes out Cibernetico. Abismo and Vampiro are exchanging chops, and Vampiro takes him down! We’ve gotta go to commercial!

– Gotti versus Mayweather live on PPV! It’ll be better then Mike Tyson losing AGAIN!
– TVatlas.com presents Selina live on DVD! She’s live, years after she’s dead!
– Get the Amerikash credit card. Please get it. PLEASE! LLAME YA! LLAME YA!

We’re back and Vampiro is kicking the dog snot out of Abismo Negro. The refs get into a argument. Konnan comes in and tries to chokeslam Vampiro, but Vamp breaks it. FACEJAM! Cibernetico gets big booted down by Vampiro. Finally Abismo takes Vamp down. Abismo is all smiles until Latin Lover jumps into the ring. They have a pose down. Then they exchange blows. Leapfrogs down, and Abismo eats a arm drag then gets tossed into the ropes. He bounces off and rolls up Lover! Latin kicks out, and headscissors Abismo out of the ring, they both topple to the floor. Konnan and Vampiro square off mid ring. Vampiro gets a corner lariat, but the other rudos jump him 3 on 1! La Parka in now, and he gets another 3 on 1 beating. They try to unmask him. Konnan takes a chair and beats on Vampiro. La Parka gets his throat jabbed into a chair and then the steel post. Abismo has his can of fire, and tries to burn Latin Lover, but he blocks it with a steel chair. Cibernetico jumps him from behind. Latin lover gets a half crab on Cibernetico and it seems like its over, but Konnan breaks it with a chair. Cibernetico gets up, and grabs Vampiro. POWERBOMB! The rudos continue their beatdown, and the referee DQs them. They are throwing chairs like a bunch of wild men. Slamming Vampiro into one. Its 3 on 1 to poor Vampiro. Latin Lover is being attended to by a medical staff member. Finally some help comes from the back, and the rudos are escorted out.

Winners: La Parka, Vampiro & Latin Lover

We see that La Parka nearly had his masked ripped off, while Vampiro is a bloody mess in the ring. Latin Lover is going to be stretchered out, while the Rudos pose at the ramp.

Verdict: A wild brawl, that established the point. Abismo, Konnan and Cibernetico thnk they are the top guys in AAA. They won’t back down from anyone, including AAA’s two most popular guys, Latin & La Parka, as well as Vampiro who is one of Mexico’s top stars. Good brawl, crappy ending. I think this should lead to some good rematches though.

Final Thoughts: Overall a pretty good show. We got to see some classic AAA action, even in JIP form it was a nice touch. The Psicosis versus Psicosis match is worth seeing just for historical value alone, despite the weak finish. We got two hot, and pretty good action packed trios matches, though nothing too monumental. We see that both Shocker and Vampiro have jumped ship to be a part of the AAA promotion, and that makes for a pretty exciting show. Feel free to email me with any comments, and be on the lookout for my Professor’s Position column this week, as well as a special edition of the Lucha Libre report next week. Until then, I’m Newton Gimmick. See you next time.


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Newton Gimmick

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