wrestling / TV Reports

411’s AAA/CMLL Report 7.05.05

July 5, 2005 | Posted by Newton Gimmick

Welcome one and all to Lucha Libre on 411! Tonight another 2 hours of CMLL! It should be a exciting show, and it’s a good time to be a Lucha Libre fan. I’m your host, the man who can throw a hurricarana faster then Super Calo on LSD, Newton Gimmick. You may know me as the Professor, and the new Saturday News columnist! Cheap Plug! Speaking of plugs, I want to drop a special link to fellow 411 Columnist Mathew Sforcina because I took him to task a few weeks back on his La Parka column. He followed it up with a much better second half, and I think he deserves a lot of credit. As I said when I ragged on his column a bit, I know its tough to find information on the luchadors, and I’m glad the second half is much more up to speed. Good job!

Evolution Schematic

Now without further adieu, lets get to tonight’s Lucha Libre action. Including a Welterweight title match, and Doctor Wagner Jr. in action!


Bang a gong and we are on, the CMLL girls welcome us to another exciting episode of CMLL, or EMLL for you whack-job purists out there.

Campeonato Mundial Welter: (CMLL Welterweight Championship)
Mephisto (Champion versus Felino

Felino with a front leg trip to start us off, and he grabs a legbar. Mephisto gets out of it, and applies a Texas cloverleaf, into a reverse arm stretch and Felino gets out of that and puts on a armbar. They are exchanging basic holds here, jockeying for position. Mephisto gets to his feet, but Felino gets a deep Japanese arm drag on him, and applies a head scissors. Felino with a double chest chop. Mephisto returns fire. Both men flip over each other and attempt moves, but both dodge each other’s moves. Mephisto lifts Felino in the air, but Felino grabs Mephisto’s head and spins around as if he’s about to drop him for a DDT, but instead rolls it into a inside cradle and gets the 3 count!

Winner of Fall #1: Felino!

Both wrestles have corner men who towel them off, as Mephisto tries to figure out where he went wrong. As the second fall starts Mephisto charges out of the corner, but Felino dropkicks him in the knee. Mephisto gets some fire with a lariat, but Felino jumps to the middle turnbuckle and whips off a hurricarana. That causes Mephisto to roll out of the ring, but then Felino jumps back to the second rope and cannonball flips outs of the ring on top of Mephisto! SHADES OF JEAN-PIERRE LAFITTE! Mephisto climbs back into the ring, only to get hit with a tilt-a-whirl backbreak that is reminiscent of Dean Malenko. Felino moves in on Mephisto for a leg hold, but Mephisto grabs him up into a small package and gets a 3 count!

Winner of Fall #2: Mephisto!

We’re tied 1 to 1 heading into the third and final fall. Both men have gotten the surprise pin on the other man, meaning they both know they can beat each other. They do a pose down to start the third fall, but when Felino wins, Mephisto unloads on him with open hand slaps. Felino goes off the ropes but Mephisto dropkicks him in the knee, and goes for the pin. That gets a 2 count. Both men off the ropes, mid ring collision. Neither man budges, they try again, but neither man goes down. Mephisto avoids a third attempt, and does a powerbomb hooking the bottom rope for leverage. Felino kicks out a 2 and 1/2! Mephisto slams him down, while the fans let out a big Felino chant. Mephisto goes up top, but Felino catches him with a reverse electric chair drop. Mephisto is down and hurting, Felino climbs to the top, but takes a long time. Moonsault, but Mephisto moves and Felino lands on his feet. Roll up by Felino, but Mephisto kicks out! Felino off the ropes but Kaos who is the corner man for Mephisto trips Felino. Mephisto comes at him, but Felino is quick to grab a arm and does a La Majistral cradle. …1 …..2 …..2 1/2 but Mephisto kicks out! Felino is starting to get frustrated. Both men are slow to their feet, tired. Mephisto dodges a lariat, boot to the stomach. Double Underhook suplex into the flapjack. He hooks the leg and gets the 3 count!

WINNER: Mephisto!

A medic comes in to check on Felino, though I don’t know why after the match. Mephisto celebrates with Kaos and holds his title up, knowing he escaped. He puts the Welterweight title around his waist. We have to take a commercial break!

– Batman Begins even the Mexican critics are raving.
– La Historia De Futbol! Its all the history of Football/Soccer rolled into one exciting hour of machismo and gratuitous copulation!
– Llame Ahora, 1-800-847-7573 for the HispaNexo system!

Verdict: A short title match. Still they used the falls wisely, making both men sneak a pin on each other. Then in the final fall, they went at it harder, but Felino didn’t quite have what it took to put Mephisto away. Good title defense.

We’re back, and we get several views of the Lucha skanks dancing. Now its time for a trios match, and we get some shots of the Lucha skanks with the wrestlers.

Misterioso, La Mascara, Maximo versus Mascara Magica, Doctor X, Loco Max

La Mascara and Mascara Magica lock up to start us out, and that’s way too much Mascara in the ring for a match not brought to you by Revlon. Magica wins the collar and elbow, and poses as Mascara goes down. Magica gets a side headlock and rides it to the canvas, but Mascara escapes and turns a armbar into a camel clutch. Both men get to their feet, and Mascara arm drags Magica out of the ring. Misterioso and Dr. X get into the ring, Dr. X wins a collar and elbow struggle, as Misterioso gets to the ropes. Misterioso with a leg trip, but Loco Max sneaks in and wants some of Misterioso. They separate, and Loco Max sneaks back in and attacks Misterioso. Exotico Maximo has seen enough and goes after Loco Max with some ‘gay offense’ including a butt slap. Way too many ‘gay’ guys in Lucha Libre. He hits a weak leg scissors and they tag out to Magica and Mascara. Mascara gets a hand from Maximo and hits a spinning leg scissors, followed up big suicide plancha. Maximo does a butt bump and pins Loco Max. That gets a 3 count, now Misterioso has Dr.X up and nails the Widow’s peak. He pins him for the second 3 count.

Winners of Fall #1: Misterioso, La Mascara, Maximo!

Long view of the ring card skank to start the second fall. No complaints here. Mascara and Magica start us off again. Magica is PO’ed and gets kicked in the face, followed by a DDT. Loco Max tries to sneak in, but gets tossed out of the ring. Loco Max has his head shaved since the last time I saw him. Misterioso and Dr.X go at it. Misterioso takes him out, and then takes out Magica. Loco Max comes in and he gets kicked in the back of the head by Misterioso. Maximo gets tagged in, and the guys in the crowd whistle as if he was a hot chic. Ewwwwwww. Magica dropkicks him in the back of the head, and Misterioso comes in and tries to walk the ropes with Dr.X’s hand but Dr.X yanks away and Misterioso crotches himself to the outside. Loco Max then does a flip dive onto Misterioso on the outside. The rudos beat on Mascara inside the ring. Then Magica and Doctor X beat up Mascara and submit him. With a wishbone split of all things.

Winners of Fall #2: Mascara Magica, Doctor X, Loco Max!

Third fall ring card girl isn’t quite as hot as the second. The rudos unload 3 on 1 to the tecnicos, in patented fashion. Misterioso does a plancha to Magica. Maximo gets in with Dr.X and Dr.X slaps him in the face. Maximo gets pissed and pulls down his strap and wants to be a man! He tries to put a hold on Dr.X but, Dr.X gets out of it and shoves Maximo out of the ring. Misteroso takes Loco Max and Magica down, and Maximo springboards on to them. Maximo locks Loco Max in a variation of the rocking horse, and then Mascara locks Dr.X in a rocking horse, and they give up.

WINNERS: Misterioso, La Mascara, Maximo!

– Earth911.Org reminds you to save the world!
– Mas Gusto! Miller Genuine Draft, its just that damn good! It gets the ladies!
– MoneyGram uses funny cartoons to entice you to use their service!

Verdict: Okay match, but really seemed too much like something I’ve seen before. Its just formula, and nothing more. This wasn’t bad, it just didn’t do anything for me either. Plus Maximo and Loco Max are far too involved in the comedy to be taken seriously.

We’re back and its time for another trios match. Shouldn’t they have done a trios match to start, then the singles match? I’m just saying break up the conjointly nature a bit. Trios matches can be fun and all, but they are also really repetitive at times. Especially in CMLL.

Doctor Wagner Jr., Satanico & Brazo De Plata versus Ultimo Guerrero, Averno & Mephisto

Yay! More Mephisto! I guess this is from another taping. CMLL is really over using Super Porky aka Brazo De Plata. I want to see L.A. Park, Ultimo Dragon, anyone but Super Porky! I mean a little Porky is okay, but this is 3 weeks of him. Wagner is really over with the crowd, while the rudos discuss strategy. Porky and Ultimo start off. Porky gets loud chants, but Ultimo shoves him into the turnbuckle corner. Porky’s gray backhair is really rather nasty. Ultimo takes him down with a armbar, and Porky does a weak kip up and hip tosses Ultimo. They do a Roman knuckle lock-up into a power struggle. Hogan-Warrior this is not. Porky does a monkey flip out of the power struggle. Ultimo is embarrassed. Porky remains in control with a reverse chin lock, but Averno comes in and kicks Ultimo free. Porky doesn’t like that. Super Porky tries a small package, but that’s really just impossible. Nothing small about that man. Weird headbutt sequence which Porky wins. Averno and Satanico lock it up now. Averno and Satanico exchange arm bars, and then arm whips. Averno and Satanico try some chain wrestling, but the rudos come in and attack Santanico. They triple team powerbomb him. They lock his arms between his head and pull backwards getting him to submit. Then they triple team backdrop Super Porky and apply a submission on him for the fall.
Winners of Fall #1: Ultimo Guerrero, Averno & Mephisto!

Second fall girl is this smoking girl in gold, and we get a long view of her waltz around ringside. The rudos are all three in the ring continuing where they left off, and the triple team powerbomb Dr. Wagner……AND AGAIN! There are a lot of Doctors in wrestling, No? Satanico is fighting back on his knees, but he gets triple teamed too. They try to triple team Porky again, but he starts hitting belly bops on everyone. Satanico gets a backslide out of nowhere, and then Dr.Wagner does a powerbomb sit-out style and gets a 3 count!

Winners of Fall #2: Doctor Wagner Jr., Satanico & Brazo De Plata!

Wagner and Averno start off the third and final fall. Wagner unloads with a big short arm clothesline. Mephisto comes in and he and Wagner exchange blows. Wagner does the Hulk Hogan triple corner clotheslines, and then does the Sting faceslam. Wagner is a man possesed and goes after Ultimo Guerrero. Ultimo shoves Doc in the corner and unloads with reverse knife edge chops. Dr.Wagner returns the favor and gets up to Cinco, when Wagner does a spinning DDT out of the corner. Mephisto is hurting, and Dr.Wagner tags out to Super Porky. Porky wants a sumo showdown, which Mephisto foolishly accepts. Mephisto loses of couse, and gets knocked out of the ring. Pokry on the apron, spinning dive off the apron by PORKY! AIR PORKY! Satanico gets in and takes out Averno, and then Planchas onto him. This leaves Dr. Wagner and Ultimo Guerrero in the ring. They trade chops. They do some exchanges but Ultimo nails a SPEAR out of nowhere, and then rolls it into a arm and leg submission. Wagner is hurting, but refuses to submit. Finally he does, and the refs see it.

WINNERS: Ultimo Guerrero, Averno & Mephisto!

– MEXICAN SEASAME STREET! That’s right Seasme Street is in Mexico!
– ACCION! Domingo 7 PM!
– Chavo Del 8 now on DVD! Its the 35th Anniversary!

Verdict: A really long match. Unfortunately some of it seemed to drag. There was nothing wrong with the action itself, but it felt a bit stretched out. Super Porky is too hefty for all that lengthy of a match. Still what was good was good, just a tad boring. I think the pacing is problem. 3 Trios matches in a row is wearing thin.

Its main event time, and we even get intros for everyone. The rudos come out first, and they actually attack the tecnicos during each of their entrances.

Atlantis, Blue Panther, Mistico versus Tarzan Boy, Rey Bucanero, Olimpico

Atlantis get sent into the ropes and eats double elbows. Blue Panther appears to be sporting some new versions of his tights, but that doesn’t stop him from getting triple teamed. Mistico gets crotched against the steel post. This is a wild brawl, with the rudos beating the tecnicos up all over the ring and ringside area. its hard to call the action. They beat on Atlantis some more, and all three beat on his head, then they RIP his mask off. All three rudos rip his mask into pieces. The referees DQ the rudos. In sort of a cool moment, the rudos give Atlantis’ ripped up mask to a old guy in the crowd, who’s wearing a 100% Rudo cap and shirt!

Winners of Fall #1: Atlantis, Blue Panther, Mistico via DQ!

We’re back and the second fall starts with Blue Panther getting his head repeatedly rammed into the steel ringpost. We get a long look at the second round ring card skank, and woman oh woman won’t ya marry me now. As in, boy is she hot. Atlantis is helped to the back, while all three rudos decimate the faces. Mistico gets tied up in the tree of woe, and beaten on. His stomach and face worked over. Blue Panther fights back in a corner, but gets double underhook suplexed. The rudos start ripping on Panther’s mask now. Atlantis comes back with a new mask and unloads like a house of fire on Tarzan Boy. But now he gets double teamed, and they beat the hell out of Atlantis on the outside. The ram Atlantis into the steel post, and slam him on the concrete. In the ring, Dominator to Mistico followed by a springboard legdrop. Tarzan gives Mistico a superplex and pins him. Atlantis is hurting outside the ring. They then power bomb and pin Panther to win this fall.

Winners of Fall #2: Tarzan Boy, Rey Bucanero, Olimpico!

Fall three starts with more of the wild rudos brawling all over. Rey delivers a shoulder first senton to Panther while his teammates hold him, and that seems to make Panther come alive a bit. Panther brawls to the outside with Olimpico and here comes Atlantis pounding on him from behind. The tecnicos seem to have taken all they can stands, and they can’t stands no more. The brawl is wild, but a bit hard to keep up with. Atlantis does a Bolo-Clothesline to Olimpico. Mistico does a twisting corkscrew arm drag from the top rope to the outside. Olimpico gets a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, and then one for Rey. Tarzan gets whipped into the crowd and actually sits on top of a fan. Mistico begins punching him. Inside the ring Atlantis and Blue Panther begin ripping the PANTS off of Rey Bucanero. Who says wrestling is gay? They are ripping his pants to shreds, but he escapes to the outside of the ring. Atlantis gives chase and monkey flips him on the entrance ramp. Meanwhile Tarzan Boy and Mistico are going at it in the ring. Mistico does some impressive flips, then a rana and a flipping twisting plancha over the top rope. Mistico is insane, he really has to seen to be believed. Olimpico gets a pin out of nowhere, and then Rey locks on a crippler corssface. Atlantis and Blue Panther lose AGAIN!

WINNERS: Tarzan Boy, Rey Bucanero, Olimpico!

Olimpico gets on the mic and reminds them that this is two weeks in a row. They whipped the champs ass this week, and they want a title shot at Atlantis and Blue Panther. Rey Bucanero has something to say too, but Atlantis has heard enough and all six men begin brawling again. Its a wild brawl as the CMLL show comes to a close. Olimpico and Rey manage to unmask Atlantis again and Panther as the show fades to black.

Verdict: Wild, wild brawl that saw multiple unmaskings, and the first ever unpantsing. Still the brawl didn’t involve many great moves. I could have went for a little more wrestling. But what the brawl lacked in finesse it made up with great heat. This is a interesting feud, and I’ll be curious to see the title match if and when it does happen.

Final Thoughts: Not a bad show at all. Still the pacing could be a little better. Trios match after trios match can get a bit dull after a while. The main event was hot, and a wild brawl and the opening title match was good. Its another thumbs up for CMLL, but this show was really borderline as things started to get dull in the middle. Be sure to email me with any thoughts, and catch me every Saturday with the Sentinel. Till then, I’m off to the Airship and back to Grundo!


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Newton Gimmick

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