wrestling / Live Coverage

411’s Raw Report 08.06.2007: Jillian Hall vs. Mickie James

August 6, 2007 | Posted by Daniel Wilcox

Jillian Hall is out her with her microphone. Jillian asks Lillian Garcia about her new album but no one wants to hear her sing. They want to hear Jillian sing. The crowd disagrees. Jillian does her best Britney impression but gets interrupted by…

Mickie James vs. Jillian Hall

Jillian with a cheap shot and sloppy snapmare. She beats Mickie down in the corner and applies a bow and arrow stretch. Mickie fights out and takes Jillian over. She runs into a back elbow and takes the Mickicanrana and a hair-pull takedown. Air Mickie by James and she fires off with right hands. Neckbreaker by Mickie gets a near fall. Mickie gets a roll up with bridge for 1 and a roundhouse kicks sets up for Mickie to go up top. Jillian rolls out the way and hangs Mickie up on the top rope. Jillian nails a full nelson falling slam for 3!

Winner – Jillian Hall

Coach is unhappy backstage. Regal is here. Coach congratulates Regal. Regal is looking forward to his assistance. Regal has always wanted to host a game show and now he is GM he can do what he wishes so he tells Coach to set up a live rendition of The Dating Game! “And by the way, can you get me some earl grey?” Hahahaha.

We see what went down last week between Carlito and Cena. That’s up next.


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Daniel Wilcox

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