wrestling / TV Reports
411’s TNA Impact Report 10.15.05
Last week on Impact:
Match #1 The 3LK (James, Konnan and Killings) defeated Team Canada (Roode, Young and A1)
Match #2 Christopher Daniels defeated Austin Aries and Matt Bentley
Match #3 Abyss defeated Sonny Siaki
Here is JJ! He says that he has no rules. He touches JJ and he’ll break his neck. As far as Nash goes, he’ll send him back to Hollywood. It won’t be the Longest Yard at BFG, it will be Nash’s longest night ever.
Here’s Big Kev. They brawl! In the ring they go and Nash clotheslines JJ. Rights to JJ and TITO CHOKES OUT KEV! JJ boots on Kev and Tito tosses him away. Security is in to break it up and commercial time.
Match #4 Team 3-D defeated AMW by DQ
What did you think of the show last week?
Impact 10.07.05 Totals
Thumbs Up – 40 – 50.00%
Thumbs Down – 10 – 12.50%
Thumbs in the Middle – 18 – 22.50%
Didn’t Watch Show, Read Recap – 12 – 15.00%
80 Total Votes
Thanks to all that voted, and remember at the end of this recap to vote for this week’s show!
Mikey Batts and Jerrelle Clark vs. Monty Brown
Matt Bentley w/Traci vs. David Young
Sabu vs. Rhino
And in our main event: Christopher Daniels tries to win The AJ Styles Iron Man Challenge
Highlights of last week when Gail Kim debuted and AMW and JJ left Team 3D bloody in the ring.
TNA Impact Starts…NOW!
Tenay and West welcome us to IMPACT! They hype the card and we head to the ring.
Match #1 Mikey Batts and Jerrelle Clark vs. Monty Brown
Batts tries a placha to start but Brown catches him on the floor and beats him down.. He has Clark and tosses him in the ring. Rights by Clark but Brown with a belly to belly suplex. Off the ropes and POOOOOOOOUUUUNCE to Clark! Batts flies in, Brown catches him…ALPHA BOMB by Brown. He stacks them up and pins them.
Winner: Monty Brown @ 0:45 via pin
Brown has the mic and welcomes up to the Serengeti. No one will stop him on his quest for the NWA title. No one. What the hell? Lance Hoyt is out now. He calls on Brown and Brown says he only gets some on his time. They will face at Bound for Glory. Hoyt says he forgot about him, and he shouldn’t. Come Bound for Glory, you will remember the name…Hoyt. Ok.
Shane Douglas with Larry Z and security. Next week The Naturals will defend the tag titles against AMW. Raven is here and tries to get at Larry. He calls him a piece of crap and says JJ screwed him out of his title and then gave Nash the title shot. It’s BULLSHIT! Larry says to toss him out of the building.
Commercial time.
We are back as we get a video package for LYGER vs. JOE!
Joe debuts next week.
Match #2 Matt Bentley w/Traci vs. David Young w/Simon Diamond
Young attacks as the bell rings. Rights to Matt but Young eats a leg lariat. Rights to Young, Simon trips up Matt and Young with a double knee shot to the back of Matt. Suplex by Young. Matt pushed him away and tries to get up, but Young with rights. Irish whip by Young and a corner clothesline and cover for 2. Rights by Matt and Irish whip now and a neck breaker by Matt. Brain buster on Young, Matt up top…flying elbow drop. Matt nails Simon and then tosses Young into Simon. Super kick and that’s it.
Winner: Matt Bentley @ 2:30 via pin
Petey is out, levels Matt. CANADIAN DESTROYER! Traci to check on Matt and Petey
Comes back in. He grabs Traci! He kisses her and she slaps him. Destroyer for Traci? Panty shot. Sabin is out and clears the ring of Petey.
An AJ Styles video package is shown.
Commercial time.
We are back with a video package for The Naturals.
We now get the funeral segment for Team 3D. Father James Mitchell presides. He says they tried to steal their spotlight and were trampled. Team Canada has black hockey sticks and all the heels are there. AMW plays it up, and then talk. They have pictures of them bloody and t-shirts on the casket. Storm says they look so peaceful. Storm says if it wasn’t for them they may still be here today. Harris says they were great and Abyss smashes some tissues. Harris says they are with JJ because they want money, which they all cheer. Then power and the same. Most importantly to show teams like 3D that no one can take their spot. No one has ever done this to team 3D and Young says, “I think I hear dead people!” Storm says he hears Ray saying, “Devon get the…” Then JJ stops them, I think they pissed on the casket, and says they don’t need any more lawsuits. Mitchell says they will return after Bound for Glory for Nash’s funeral.
Tenay and West say that was disrespectful and they better hope Team 3D is dead.
Commercial Time.
We are back for the next match.
Match #3 Rhino vs. Sabu
Rhino charges the ring and here we go. Lock up and rights by Sabu. Shoulder block by Rhino and Sabu back with rights. Springboard leg lariat by Sabu. Rights by Rhino again and he nails Sabu with forearm smashes and rights. Boot by Rhino and Sabu tries to fight back. Rhino tossed to the floor and Sabu with a senton to the floor onto Rhino! Sabu back in and has the chair, and Rhino has one. CHAIR FIGHT! Rhino wins and lays out Sabu and covers for 2. Rhino has the chair and lays it down. Rights to Sabu. Sabu rammed to the corner and Rhino up top, has Sabu…Rhino driver…no, Sabu to the mat and gets a SUPER RANA to Rhino onto the chair and Rhino kicks out at 2! Sabu o top…Abyss is out and nails him. GORE GORE GORE and Sabu is pinned.
Winner: Rhino @ 3:45 via pin
Abyss is in and Rhino with a belly to belly. Gore try eats a boot. Abyss has the tacks…but Hardy is out. Clothesline by Hardy takes Abyss to the floor. Rhino up and levels Hardy, and then Sabu kills Rhino with a chair shot. All 4 men stand off…and here we go with the big brawl! Security is out and breaks it up.
Commercial time.
We are back with a Bound for Glory video package.
Video package for Nash vs. JJ.
They hype the tag title match for next week as well as a big 6-man main event.
Match #4 The AJ Styles 15-Minute Iron Man Challenge: Christopher Daniels vs. ???
Daniels has 15-minutes to defeat any three men AJ Styles chooses.
Daniels first opponent is…Sharky! AJ stands on the ramp. Sharky has a win over Daniels.
Sharky runs a bit, genius! Sharky kills time and then nails Daniels. Stunner on the ropes to Daniels. Sharky up top…missile dropkick gets 2. Daniels rammed to the corner and then Daniels with a right. Neck breaker by Sharky gets 2. Off the ropes… Daniels reverses it…ANGELS WINGS finishes Sharky @ 1:34.
Next is Sonjay Dutt. Dutt charges the ring and they brawl. Rights by Dutt and a trip by Dutt and then a slingshot elbow drop for 2. Knee by Daniels and then forearm smashes by Daniels. Off the ropes and reversals and a tilt a whirl head scissors by Dutt. RANA to Daniels takes him to the floor! Springboard dropkick knocks Daniels to the floor again. Asai moonsault to Daniels on the floor. We head to a commercial @ 3:50.
We are back at 7:11 with Dutt applying an octopus hold to Daniels. Daniels gets the ropes and then gets a flatliner to a flying Dutt. Running knee strike by Daniels. Boots to Dutt and Daniels then slams him. Another and a 3rd. Daniels picks him up and whips him hard to the corner. 6:10 left now and Daniels rams Dutt upside down into the corner. Cover for Daniels gets 2. Gut wrench suplex by Daniels gets 2. Rear choke by Daniels now and Dutt fights out. Boot by Daniels and then an elbow by Dutt. Sling shot RANA by Dutt! Backdrop to Daniels. Rights and then Dutt walks the ropes and elbows Daniels. Dutt with a ridiculous elbow drop for 2. 4:00 left now and off the ropes goes Daniels and Dutt with a DDT for 2. Dutt up top…Misses the splash, rammed to the corner and an Enziguri by Daniels. ANGELS WINGS and Dutt is finished @ 12:00.
The 3rd man is…Daniels on the mic. He says to bring it on. AJ IS MAN #3! That tricky AJ! Daniels runs from AJ and they brawl on the floor. AJ rammed into the barrier. Rolled in the ring now and off the ropes…rammed hard to the corner. Irish whip and a running knee by Daniels. Cover and a count of 2. Clubbing shots by Daniels. Slam to AJ and a cover for 2. Angels Wings try…AJ counters and rights to Daniels. They trade blows and AJ with a clothesline. Another and a 3rd! AJ goes to spring in and slips and that’s the time.
Winner: Draw @ 15:00
AJ on the mic. He says he would normally go and beat on Daniels, but he has 30-minutes to do it at Bound For Glory.
If you missed the show tonight, remember there is a replay Monday’s at Midnight!
READER PARTICIPATION: What did you think of the show? Click your choice and send away!
Didn’t See The Show, only read the recap
Next week I will have the poll results at the beginning of the recap, along with the “Last week on Impact” deal.
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