wrestling / TV Reports
411’s TNA Turning Point Report 12.10.06
– Video promoting the main PPV bouts.
– Christy Hemme hyped the PPV, specifically Joe vs. Angle II, and asked fans who they thought would win.
– Jeremy Borash interviewed Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks backstage. Roode said Eric Young is a joke and Brooks said she is ready to do whatever it takes to win even if it includes getting naked. She then flashed Jeremy Borash.
– Mike Tenay and Don West hyped the show.
– A video aired promoting the Sting vs. Abyss vs. Christian Cage NWA Title match.
– Jeremy Borash interviewed Abyss and Jim Mitchell backstage. Mitchell ran down Christian and Sting. Abyss turned his back to Mitchell and Mitchell responded by reminding Abyss that he dragged him out of the gutter and took him to the NWA Title. He said he saved Abyss’ soul and thus he owns it. Abyss seemed to not be listening so Mitchell dragged him off by his hair.
Serotonin vs. Ron Killings & Lance Hoyt
Kazarian and Hoyt started out. Kazarian took early control but Hoyt fought back before tagging in Ron Killings who worked on Matt Bentley. Johnny Devine came in a few moments later and Serotonin managed to grab full control, pounding away on Hoyt. Hoyt managed to tag in Killings who came in and cleaned house. Hoyt and Killings started brawling with Kazarian and Bentley. Bentley got tossed out of the ring by Hoyt who then nailed Kazarian with a big boot. Killings then nailed the Axe Kick for the win.
Winners: Ron Killings & Lance Hoyt
– Jeremy Borash interviewed Jerry Lynn backstage. Lynn talked about being the ref for the Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin match tonight, saying he was going to call it right down the middle. Sabin interrupted and insulted Lynn who told Sabin that he paved the way for the current crop of X-Division performers. Sabin didn’t seem to care much about Lynn’s status.
– Kazarian got dragged back to the ring by Serotonin and Raven starting caning him as punishment for losing the match earlier.
– A Samoa Joe/Kurt Angle video promo aired.
– Jeremy Borash interviewed Samoa Joe backstage. Joe talked about how he couldn’t get tapping out out of his mind for the past three weeks. But last night, he said, he dreamed about snapping Kurt Angle’s neck. He said tonight that dream will become reality and Angle will know it’s “damned real” when he sees Joe’s hand raised in victory.
– Kurt Angle’s car pulled up and Leticia tried to get a word with him. She opened the door but instead of Angle, someone handed her a sledgehammer.
PPV Show
– Promo video aired.
Paparazzi Championship Series: Jay Lethal vs. Senshi vs. Alex Shelley vs. Austin Starr vs. Sonjay Dutt
Kevin Nash came out for commentary. Shelley and Lethal started off. The commentators noted that the Paparazzi Championship Series would continue on Impact for the next few weeks. Shelley and Lethal went back and forth. Starr tagged in and went for a quick pin on Lethal who tagged in Dutt a few moments later. After a nearfall by Dutt, Starr and Shelley worked him over in the corner. Lethal tagged in and teamed with Dutt on Shelley, pounding away on him. Dutt attempted to walk the ropes by ended up being crotched and dragged across the ropes by Shelley. Senshi tagged in and went to work on Dutt. The two traded control with Senshi ending up on the outside. Dutt went for a dive but Starr kicked Senshi to the floor and broke up the dive attempt. Shelley tagged in and he and Starr got into it a bit. Lethal dived onto Senshi, followed by several dives from other participants. Things calmed down and the action worked its way back to the ring where Dutt put Shelley in a camel clutch. Shelley ended up tapping and being eliminated after Starr didn’t come in and help him. Dutt hit a sunset flip on Lethal for a 2 count followed by a spinebuster. He went for a springboard off the ropes but Lethal caught him and slammed him down. Senshi had tagged in off Dutt during his springboard attempt and came in and nailed a missile dropkick on Lethal. Senshi then pinned him, eliminating Lethal. Starr and Dutt then went at it, with Starr taking control. He tagged in Senshi who nailed some kicks before tagging Starr back in. Starr missed a charge attempt on Dutt who then nailed a missile dropkick on Starr. Dutt locked the camel clutch on Starr but Senshi came in and broke it up. Starr ended up nailing a brainbuster on Dutt, followed by a 450 splash for the pin, eliminating Dutt. Senshi and Starr exchanged chops. They swapped control for a few minutes. Starr went to the top for the 450 after gaining control and nailing the brainbuster on Senshi, but Shelley came out and distracted him. When Starr finally went for the move, Senshi moved. Senshi then rolled up Starr for the win.
Winner: Senshi
– After the match, Shelley told Nash that he is now back to being number one. They shook hands which upset Starr. Nash told them to work it out between themselves.
– Jeremy Borash interviewed Eric Young backstage. Borash told Young how Ms. Brooks said during the pre-show that she is ready to get naked to win. Young said that he had something Brooks didn’t have, that being cajones. He then opened his robe and flashed Borash who told him to go put something on.
Eric Young vs. Ms. Brooks – Intergender Bikini Contest
Brooks came out first in a suit jacket and tie. Young came out in a bathrobe and flip-flops. Brooks did her thing. Young’s turn came and he suddenly turned shy. He finally took off his robe to reveal a t-shirt with a bikini on it. Robert Roode yelled for Young to be DQed. Young then asked for a beat and disrobed down to his SpongeBob SquarePants boxers. Ref Slick Johnson decided that he was going to DQ Young for not wearing a bikini but Young stopped him and took his boxers off to reveal bikini briefs. They asked the audience to decide the winner and they picked Young.
Winner: Eric Young
– After the contest, Robert Roode attacked Young but Young managed to get away, shake his ass at Roode, and run up the aisle. Roode grabbed the mic and said he was sick of Brooks, Young, and the Orlando fans. He told Brooks that if she wanted to make this up to him, she needed to do whatever necessary to get Young to sign with Robert Roode Inc. He said that the fans will love him if he signs Young. Roode told Brooks that if she doesn’t get Young to sign, she may be the one who gets fired.
– Leticia approached the locker room of Michael Hickenbottom and Paul Levesque or “Dumb to the Xtreme.” A parody of WWE’s Big Dick Johnson came out and scared her off, and asked where catering is. Um, ok.
– A video promo for the Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin feud aired.
Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin for the X-Division Title with Special Ref Jerry Lynn
Match started off going back and forth. Sabin eventually grabbed full control, dropkicking Daniels to the outside. Sabin then hit a fistdrop on Daniels who was down on the outside. Sabin brought Daniels back into the ring and continued the offense but he couldn’t put him away. Daniels made a brief comeback but Sabin ended it with a neckbreaker. He kept going at Daniels’ back and neck, nailing a slam and legdrop. Daniels finally did comeback. The action spilled to the outside where Daniels drove Sabin into the guard rails and then hit a running kick through the ropes to the outside. Daniels then hit an elbow off the ropes onto Sabin. Daniels and Sabin both were slow to recover. Sabin fought back in the ring, hitting a kick for a nearfall. Sabin hit a springboard into a tornado DDT for another two count. Daniels nailed a Death Valley Driver a few moments later for a two count. Daniels locked Sabin into a submission move but Sabin fought his way to the ropes. Sabin hit another stiff kick on Daniels and went for a springboard move off the ropes but Daniels nailed him in the face and then hit the BME for the win.
Winner: Christopher Daniels
– After the match, Jerry Lynn gave Chris Sabin credit for a great match but said that Daniels was the better man tonight. He then told Sabin to lose with respect and shake Daniels’ hand. Daniels said he didn’t need Sabin’s respect and turned to walk off, but Lynn stopped him and slapped him. They tried to go at each other by refs kept them apart.
– Tenay and West discussed the Lynn/Daniels situation.
– Jim Cornette came out and introduced MLB stars A.J. Pierzynski, Dale Torborg, and David Eckstein. Pierzynski came out with a replica X-Division Title. Eckstein came out with his brother and the World Series MVP trophy. Cornette interviewed Eckstein who plugged his new book and said his favorite TNA stars were Rhino and Lance Hoyt. Torborg and Pierzynski then proceeded to rip up Eckstein’s book. Eckstein and his brother got into the faces of the two White Sox guys. Torborg took a shot at Eckstein’s brother while Pierzynski and Eckstein shoved each other. Torborg went after Eckstein which brought out Lance Hoyt who briefly brawled with Torborg before Torborg and Pierzynski took off.
– A video package for Rhino vs. AJ Styles aired.
– Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed Rhino. Rhino said he and AJ Styles are similar, but that Styles won’t let people help him. He said tonight he is going to beat some sense into AJ Styles. Styles jumped Rhino and they brawled, knocking out the cameraman.
– Tenay and West spoke for a few moments as TNA got another camera in place. They finally cut to another camera. Styles and Rhino brawled near the entrance to the soundstage. Rhino dropped Styles onto the concrete. They brawled all through the Impact Zone and through the crowd. Styles whipped Rhino into one of the Impact Zone walls which cracked it. Rhino back bodydropped Styles over the guard rail to the ringside area, busting him open in the process. They both finally got in the ring and the bell rang.
AJ Styles vs. Rhino
Styles took control in the ring, hitting a drop toehold, followed by a dropkick, followed by a variation of a surfboard. Styles then hit a dropkick to Rhino’s face. Rhino managed to fight back for a second and went up the ropes for a high risk move but Styles pushed him over the ropes to the outside. Styles went for a sliding kick but Rhino moved out of the way and tossed Styles into the crowd. Styles landed on his feet and jumped off the guard rail onto Rhino who caught him and hit a belly-to-belly suplex onto the floor. They got back in the ring where Rhino hit a spinebuster for a nearfall. Styles fought back with chops and then hit an enziguiri kick. He motioned for the Styles Clash but Rhino came to and backdropped him to the outside. Styles grabbed his knee and motioned for the ref who called out the trainers. Styles told the trainers that he heard his knee pop. He tried to stand up but couldn’t. One of the refs was telling David Penzer what to announce when Styles suddenly jumped back in the ring and rolled up Rhino for the win. Styles celebrated tricking everyone before running off after Rhino charged at him.
Winner: AJ Styles
– Leticia interviewed some guy pretending to be Vince McMahon, holding a chicken. It wasn’t a very convincing impersonation. He did the typical McMahon “You’re Fired!” line, did the McMahon strut, demanding to see his son-in-law, and said he is carrying the chicken because he loves cock. Well, I’m sure at least Vince Russo found it funny.
– Rhino and Styles brawled into the Impact Zone and had to be separated.
– A video feature for the LAX vs. AMW match aired.
– Jeremy Borash interviewed LAX backstage. Konnan said the American dream is a joke and tonight everybody would hear the Mexican National Anthem played.
LAX (Homicide & Hernandez) vs. America’s Most Wanted – Flag Match
The goal of the match is to climb a ladder and hang your respective flag above the ring. The match started with everybody brawling all over the ringside area. The brawling continued in the ring, with Hernandez knocking Harris to the floor and then flipped Homicide over the ropes onto him. James Storm kicked Hernandez before he could follow up with a dive to the outside. Gail Kim also hit a moonsault to the outside on Homicide. Kim grabbed the US flag but Konnan got involved. Storm and Hernandez went at it with Homicide hitting the Three Amigos Suplex combination. He went to get the flag but Gail Kim grabbed his leg. Chris Harris then came and superplexed him down to the ring. Hernandez grabbed the Mexican flag and started to climb the ladder but James Storm climbed up on the otherside and hit a crazy sunset flip powerbomb off the ladder on Hernandez. Harris grabbed the Mexican flag and forced Earl Hebner to put it back into the cover that it was in at the start. Homicide kept the offense going with an Ace Crusher on Harris and was going for the Gringo Killer but Gail Kim got involved and dropkicked him. Kim positioned the ladder and then grabbed the US flag but Konnan got involved before she could do anything, punching her and knocking her out. He grabbed the US flag and put it back in its corner. Suddenly Petey Williams ran out and attacked Konnan but Hernandez ended up taking him out with a clothesline and then hitting a running dive onto Storm. Homicide and Harris each grabbed their respective flag, climbed up the ladder, and hung their flags. Storm then climbed up and hit Harris with a beer bottle that was meant for Homicide. Harris grabbed his eyes and Homicide pulled down the US flag and properly hung the Mexican flag for the win.
Winners: LAX (Homicide & Hernandez)
– After the match, Gail Kim and Petey Williams checked on Harris as Storm tried to say it wasn’t his fault. Petey got in his face and Storm pushed him. Konnan grabbed the mic and said that this was the first time ever that a team representing the US lost a flag match in the US. He then demanded that everyone including Tenay and West stand for the Mexican National Anthem. They both stood and they played the anthem.
– Backstage, Jeremy Borash asked Storm if Harris was OK. Storm said Harris wasn’t even hurt and just quit like he always does. He demanded that Harris apologize to him and every other American this Thursday on Impact for causing them to lose the flag match.
– The Voodoo Kin Mafia came out with BG James dressed as Triple H and Kip James dressed as Shawn Michaels. Kip’s Shawn Michaels had a giant cross on his face. BG began to do the Triple H DX introduction but a parody version of the Spirit Squad came out. They hit the ring and attacked DX but DX took them out. The “oily fat guy” then came out and DX took care of him as well. BG James then said that sometimes people have a hard time telling the difference between parody and reality. He said what the fans just saw was a parody but what they are about to see is reality. They both then ripped their make up and wigs off. BG said that when they started, people told them that Vince McMahon didn’t care what they did. But now they hear Vince McMahon wants them to stop, which is funny because that’s all they wanted Vince to do, stop. He then brought up how Vince told them to go to WCW house shows and CNN before, but now want them to stop doing their parody. He said they started out doing the parodies for fun, but now it’s time to get serious. The crowd chanted “Screw You, Vince.” He issued a “Million Dollar Challenge,” saying that they will put up one million dollars for a match with DX and that it doesn’t matter whose house it’s in. He said that this wouldn’t be an angle with storylines and spots but just two men taking on two pussies. He said this would put Vince’s grapefruits to the test. He said if Vince didn’t accept the challenge, the entire world would see what a gutless piece of shit he is.
– Jeremy Borash interviewed Christian Cage and Tomko backstage. Cage said he was finding the Sting/Abyss soap opera mildly amusing and then mocked Sting. He said he didn’t care about saving people, he just cared about himself and regaining the NWA Title. He mentioned how Tomko’s secret about Abyss is embarrassing for everyone including TNA and that everyone better hope he wins the NWA Title tonight, or else the secret will come out.
– Tenay apologized for BG James’ language but said the challenge was real.
Abyss vs. Sting vs. Christian Cage for the NWA Title
Abyss took control early on Sting but Sting fought back, sending Abyss to the outside. Christian also got tossed to the outside and Sting dove out onto them. Outside, Tomko and Christian sent Sting into the railing. Back in the ring, Abyss beat down on Christian. Sting finally made his way back into the ring but Abyss went to work on him too. Cage hit a Tornado DDT on Abyss for a two count and then knocked Sting to the outside again. Christian distracted the ref as Tomko nailed Abyss with punches. Abyss fought back though, tossing Christian to on the apron outside of the ring. Christian landed on his feet and went to the corner where Abyss met him and tried to hit a superplex but Sting got back in and powerbombed Abyss for the old Tower of Doom. Christian tried to attack Sting in the ring but Sting no-sold everything and then went crazy on Christian. Christian managed to rake Sting’s eyes as he went for the Scorpion Deathlock. Sting managed to get a two count on Abyss before Abyss fell to the outside where Tomko attacked him. Sting finally did put the Scorpion Deathlock on Christian as Jim Mitchell got up on the apron. Tomko slid the NWA Title to Christian but Sting ended up avoiding being hit with it and ended up slingshotting Christian into Abyss who was back up on the ring apron. Abyss fell to the floor and Sting covered Christian but Tomko broke up the count by pulling the ref out of the ring. Tomko then got in the ring and attacked Sting. Abyss finally got back in the ring and attacked Tomko, eventually tossing him to the floor. Abyss then threw Cage to the outside as well. Jim Mitchell yelled for Abyss to hit the Doomsday on Sting. Abyss went for the Black Hole Slam which Sting avoided but ended up in the goozle. Jim Mitchell brought out a sack of thumbtacks and Abyss spread them out over the mat and grabbed Sting but Christian ran in. Abyss picked him up but Tomko ran in and nailed Abyss with a big boot and then stomped him into the tacks. Sting knocked Mitchell off the apron and tried to talk some sense into Abyss who wouldn’t listen. Sting then went for the Scorpion Deathlock but Christian nailed him with a chair. Abyss then hit Sting with a Black Hole Slam to the side of the tacks. Tomko pushed the ref back in the ring for the pin.
Winner: Abyss
– Jeremy Borash interviewed Kurt Angle backstage. Angle said that he beat Samoa Joe last time and said that after tonight, they would never fight again because after tonight, everyone will know who the better man is.
– The Angle/Joe video from Impact aired.
Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle
They toyed with each other a bit at the start, testing the waters so to speak. The crowd got into dual chants pretty fast. Angle took Joe down early with a heel trip. Joe got back up but Angle took him down again with a single leg takedown. After another lockup, Joe hit a clothesline on Angle and then punched and kicked away on him. Joe sent Angle in the ropes and then back bodydropped him to the outside. Joe went to the outside and kicked away at Angle who fought back and hit a dive to the floor on Joe. Angle pounded Joe’s face into the ringsteps and then went back in the ring. He waited for Joe and went for a sliding kick when he finally got back to the apron. They briefly went to the outside again before returning to the ring where Angle stomped away at Joe as he entered. The action went back and forth. Angle scored a two count with a belly-to-belly suplex before locking Joe in a chokehold. The ref broke it up so Angle locked on a scissors. Angle then went for a clothesline but Joe ducked and locked Angle in a release suplex and then threw him upside down in the air. The crowd broke out in a “This Is Awesome” chant. They exchanged blows again in the ring, each trying to gain the advantage but the other managing to fight back. Angle went for an Olympic Slam but Joe managed to land on his feet. Angle then went for the Anklelock but Joe managed to kick out. Joe put Angle on the top rope but Angle fought back only to be nailed by Joe with a kick to the head. Joe went for the Muscle Buster but Angle turned it into a sunset flip into an Anklelock. Joe managed to roll out of it but Angle followed it up with the Olympic Slam…for a two count. Angle looked at Joe in shock. Angle again went for the Anklelock but Joe managed to snap on a choke hold which Angle fought out of into another Anklelock. Joe again fought out and locked on another choke which Angle fought out of. Angle locked Joe in a scissors but Joe fought his way to the ropes with Angle refusing to break the hold but eventually doing so. Angle went back to work on Joe’s ankle and then positioned Joe for a belly-to-belly superplex off the top but Joe used three headbutts to get out of it and send Angle down. However Angle quickly got back up again and nailed the superplex for a two count. Angle went for the Olympic Slam again but Joe countered it into a armdrag takedown. Joe went to work on Angle who accidentally bumped the ref. Joe then locked a choke on Angle in the center of the ring. Angle tapped but the ref was out. Joe tried to wake the ref but Angle hit Joe with a low blow. Angle got frustrated and grabbed a chair from ringside. He took a swing at Joe who ducked. The chair bounded off the ropes and back in Angle’s face. Joe then locked Angle in another choke. Angle tried to fight out and reached for Joe’s ankle, but couldn’t and finally tapped. Awesome match.
Winner: Samoa Joe
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