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411’s WWE Main Event Report 12.2.14
They start us off with a recap of the problems between Jack Swagger and Rusev.
Jack Swagger vs. Titus O’Neil
Swagger quickly wrestles him down and slams him to the mat. Titus gets a cheapshot and throws him into a corner. Titus continues to throw him around tossing him to the outside. Titus lifts Swagger and charges him into the barricade. Titus hits a few clubbing blows before going for a pin twice. He gets a 1 count on both counts. Titus continues the attack stomping the midsection and hitting a short arm lariat. Titus wrenches his face in a chinlock, as Swagger fights to a vertical base. They trade punches and Swagger charges Titus. Titus counters that into a fallaway slam. Titus forces him into the ropes. The crowd chants USA even though Titus is from Florida. Swagger slowly fights back and hits his lifting modified ura-nage. He follows it up with a clothesline on the outside. Swagger throws him in but the Swagger bomb is countered with a big boot. 1..2..kickout. Titus admonishes the referee and they both a sunset flip, but Swagger catches Titus in the patriot lock. Titus tries to fight it…to no avail. He taps out.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Jack Swagger @ 4:00 via submission
MATCH THOUGHTS: I’m not sure how I feel about another Rusev Swagger feud. We’ve seen that already, but this match was decent for what it was. I always found Titus to be decent for a typical hoss and Swagger can definitely go in the ring. This led to a good match to start Main Event.
Renee is with Swagger after the match. The feed freezes for a second. Well, I missed the whole interview after just a few seconds. Michael Cole tells people to vote for the Slammys this Saturday. The feed freezes again for some reason.
Adam Rose and The Bunny vs. The Dust Brothers(Stardust and Goldust)
The Bunny starts things off with Stardust. Stardust stares at him incredulously. The Bunny does the Flair strut for some inexplicable reason. Stardust charges The Bunny, and Adam Rose makes the tag. The quality of the feed goes down drastically as Stardust corners Adam Rose tagging in his brother. Goldust attacks Rose and hits a snap scoop powerslam. Michael Cole drops a Space Odyssey reference referring to the Dust Brothers. Goldust continues to work the midsection and gets Adam Rose in a chinlock. Adam fights out and they bonk heads causing both to fall. The Bunny tries to get the crowd into it. Both men make tags. The Bunny hits a dropkick and flapjack on Stardust. The Bunny hits the Bunny hop on Stardust and thrusts. He hits a side kick to the stomach and Rose makes a blind tag. Rose hits some forearms and a double a spinebuster. 1..2..kickout. Goldust breaks up the pin but Rose throws him out. Stardust uses the distraction to hit Dark Matter. 1..2..3.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Dust Brothers @ 5:00 via pin
MATCH THOUGHTS: This match was about as good as you would expect. The announcers focused more on pushing The Dust Brothers and New Day along with The Bunny and Adam Rose story-lines. The work was good for what it was. I would call it nothing inoffensive.
Goldust stomps The Bunny into the ground. Stardust laughs at this and taunts both Rose and The Bunny.
They recap Miz’s talk with Naomi from Raw, and Jimmy Uso’s reaction. Jimmy Uso will face The Miz tonight.
Todd Phillips is with the Usos. Jey seems to be in a good mood but Jimmy is pissed. Jimmy says that slimeball wannabe movie star wants to bring his wife into the situation. Jey says she’s a smart girl. Jimmy says last night was a warning shot, but tonight he’s going to kick Miz’s ass.
Fandango with Rosa Mendes vs. R-Truth
Neither man moves for about a minute until they finally circle. They lock up and start trading positions. Both men chop each other and Fandango transitions that into a headlock and knocks him down. R-Truth ducks and leapfrogs over hitting a hip toss. R-Truth continues attacking with some arm drags and Fandango kicks him in the face. Fandango elbows his throat on the apron a few times. Fandango throws him back in and chokes him with his knee. A hard whip follows. 1..2..kickout. R-Truth kicks out, but Fandango grounds him in a chinlock. Michael Cole claims that he and his wife are ballroom dancing champions. R-Truth fights out of the chinlock and hits a falling suplex along with some flying forearms. The axe kick misses and Fandango back body drops him over the top. R-Truth lands on his feet, but Fandango throws him back in and drives his head into the post. Fandango goes up top and hits the guillotine leg drop. 1..2..3.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Fandango @ 3:00 via pinfall
MATCH THOUGHTS: This match wasn’t bad or anything but too short to mean anything. I guess at least Rosa was out there dancing in the background. Nonetheless, this was a good way to showcase Fandango whether it works or not.
We get a Raw recap highlighting the Seth Rollins and John Cena feud. Erick Rowan will be facing Big Show in a stairs match at TLC.
Miz needs quiet on the set. When his hand goes up, your mouth goes shut. He says, “Jimmy I want to apologize to you. I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry. He’s sorry that Jimmy took his good gesture the wrong way. He thinks she is extremely talented. He says top agents in Hollywood are calling him. William Morris, and CAA calling him. He says help me help you. Miz says Jimmy is upset he can do more for his wife’s career than Jimmy ever could. Jimmy attacks him on the outside. Miz retreats for now as Jey holds back Jimmy.
Jimmy Uso with Jey Uso vs. The Miz with Damien Mizdow
The feed is very erratic tonight for some reason. Jimmy immediately charges Miz and starts pounding him. He takes him down again and hits some punches. Jimmy clotheslines Miz to the outside of the ring. Miz escapes to the outside of the ring.
We go to a commercial break. We return with Miz running away from Jimmy. Miz taunts but Jimmy grabs his hair. Miz tricks him hitting a shot hot. Jimmy doesn’t care though hitting a clothesline. Miz runs away again and Jimmy attacks Mizdow. Miz takes advantage attacking Jimmy. He slams his back into the ring and throws him in. Miz hits a kick to the face. Miz follows it up with another kick. Naomi is looking on backstage. Jimmy slowly fights back with some chops. Miz counters quickly hitting the reverse ddt backbreaker. Miz wrenches him in a chinlock. The camera man is doing a great job getting shots of Mizdow mimicking Miz. Jimmy runs into the post upon recovering. Miz throws his shoulder into it again and then to the outside. Miz and Mizdow have fun with the crowd. The count out reaches 9 as Jimmy gets back into the ring. Miz attacks him with some punches. Miz chokes Jimmy with his boot. Miz goes for the corner clothesline but Jimmy lays him out with a clothesline. The crowd gets behind Jimmy who hits a few more clotheslines and slaps him in the face repeatedly. Jimmy throws him outside and hits the flying uso. Jimmy starts throwing him into the barricades and Mizdow throws himself into the barricade. Miz kicks Jimmy in the face when they return to the ring. 1..2..kickout. Miz goes for another kick that is countered into a samoan drop. Jimmy goes for the corner hip attack, and Miz demands for the titles. Miz has decided to leave, but Jimmy hits him with a suicide dive as he walks away. Jimmy throws him inside and hits the super kick. Damien Mizdow runs into the ring to fall down. Now, both Usos come in hitting the body splash. 1..2..3.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Jimmy Uso @ 9:00 via pinfall
MATCH THOUGHTS: Damien Mizdow was gold during this match and the camera man made sure to catch most of it. This was a fun match if nothing else. I really enjoyed this one due to Damien Mizdow. The match itself was good too. This was a great way to end the night.
FINAL THOUGHTS: The opening Jack Swagger and Titus O’Neil match was a pretty good short match. The Fandango and Dust Brothers matches were just kind of there. The Jimmy Uso and Miz match was an entertaining spectacle. This was a middle of the road episode of Main Event, but the main event is worth the watch if you like Mizdow. Nonetheless, decent show and thanks to all of you who read the recap.
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