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411’s WWE Money in the Bank 2015 Report: 06.14.15

June 14, 2015 | Posted by Scott Slimmer

Welcome to 411’s WWE Money in the Bank 2015 Report. For even more coverage, don’t forget to follow me on Twitter at @ScottSlimmer.

We are LIVE in beautiful Columbus, Ohio.

Kickoff Show Match
R-Truth vs. King Barrett
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Truth and Barrett circle each other to start. Barrett takes control with a kick to the gut and a double ax handle to the back, but Truth stomps his momentum with a drop toe hold. Truth wrenches the arm, but Barrett counters with a head butt. Barrett charges toward Truth, but Truth low bridges the top rope, sending Barrett tumbling to the outside. We head to a commercial for the Tough Enough app and return to find the action back in the ring. Truth locks in a side head lock, but Barrett breaks the hold and levels Truth with a clothesline. Barrett stomps on Truth, traps him in the corner, and stomps a mud hole in him. Barret whips Truth the opposite corner and makes the cover for a two count. Barrett chokes Truth across the second rope, hits a suplex, and locks in a rear chin lock. Truth fights back to his feet and breaks the hold with a volley of elbow shots to the gut. Truth hits a clothesline and follows up with a spinning back heel kick for a two count of his own. Truth hits a sit-out front facebuster for another two count. Barrett whips Truth to the corner and charges toward him, but Truth floats over, but Barrett counters with a back kick to the gut for a two count. Barrett sets up for the Bull Hammer, but Truth ducks. Barrett again goes for the Bull Hammer, but Truth ducks again. Barrett catches Truth and sets up for Winds of Change, but Truth counters into a crucifix pin for the three count.

Match Result: R-Truth defeats King Barrett with a crucifix pin.
Match Length: 5:50
Slimmer’s Rating:

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Neville vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Sheamus vs. Kane
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All seven men slug it out to start, and Kingston quickly slides to the outside to retrieve a ladder. Kingston sets up the ladder and starts to climb, but suddenly everyone notices his progress. The other six men drag him back down to the mat, and Neville is the next to climb. Sheamus heads up next, but Kane pulls him down. Ziggler, Orton, and Reigns all take their turns, but none make it to the top. Sheamus tosses Orton to the outside, and Kane does the same to Neville. We’re down to Sheamus and Kane in the ring and Sheamus heads up the ladder, but Kane pulls him back down. Kane slams Sheamus’ head into the ladder, but Ziggler charges into the ring and catches Kane with a leaping DDT. Ziggler climbs, but Sheamus pulls him down. Sheamus hits White Noise on Ziggler and knocks Neville off the ring apron. Reigns slides a second ladder into the ring, but Sheamus grabs it and starts using it as a weapon. Sheamus slams the ladder into Orton and tosses Orton out of the ring. Sheamus whips Orton into the barrier and grabs a third ladder. Sheamus goes after Kane on the outside, but Kingston sneaks into the ring and begins to climb. Sheamus rushes back into the ring and tips the ladder to halt Kingston’s progress. Sheamus sets a ladder on the bottom rope and goes for White Noise onto it, but Kingston escapes before impact. Kingston goes for a springboard crossbody, but Sheamus catches him in mid-air. Kingston escapes from Sheamus, and Sheamus eats a top rope missile drop kick from Neville. Kingston hits Sheamus with Trouble in Paradise and sets up a ladder, but Neville catches him from behind. Neville monkey flips out of the corner, but Kingston lands right in front of the ladder and climbs. Neville climbs the other side of the ladder, but Reigns pulls both men back down to the mat. Neville gets back to his feet, but Reigns tips the ladder right onto him. Neville props up the ladder on the top rope and counters a neck breaker from Kingston. Reigns hits Kingston with a vicious powerbomb onto the ladder that Sheamus set on the bottom rope earlier. Neville charges into the ring, but Reigns hits him with a powerbomb onto Kingston and the ladder. Reigns climbs, but Kane pulls him back down. Kane choke slams Reigns off the ladder and begins to climb. Orton pulls Kane back down to the mat and hits him with an RKO. Orton climbs, but Kingston grabs a leg. Orton drops back down to the mat and hits Kingston with an RKO. Neville springboards over Orton and climbs, but Orton pulls Neville off the ladder and hits a mid-air RKO OUT OF NOWHERE! Orton climbs, but Sheamus climbs the other side. Orton drops down and pulls Sheamus off the ladder. Orton hits hi patented back breaker and once again climbs. Sheamus climbs behind Orton and pulls him back down to the mat. Orton and Sheamus slug it out, and Sheamus slams Orton into the ladder. Sheamus hits Orton with the Brogue Kick and begins to climb. Ziggler climbs the other side and slugs it out with Sheamus up top. Ziggler grabs the briefcase, but Sheamus breaks his hold. Ziggler and Sheamus continue to slug it out on the top of the ladder. Sheamus grabs the briefcase, but Ziggler breaks his hold. Sheamus goes for White Noise from the top of the ladder, but Ziggler counters into a sleeper hold up top. ZIG ZAG TO SHEAMUS FROM THE TOP OF THE LADDER! Neville follows up with the Red Arrow to Sheamus. Ziggler and Neville climb the ladder and slug it out up top. Neville slams Ziggler’s head into the top of the ladder ,and Ziggler tumbles to the mat. Kane heads into the ring and pulls Neville back down to the mat. Kane goes for the choke slam on Neville, but Ziggler hits Kane with a super kick. Ziggler and Neville grab a ladder and charge toward Kane, but Kane levels both men. Reigns drops Kane with a Superman punch and dives to the outside to take out everyone else in the match. Big E and Xavier Woods rush down the ramp and roll Kingston back into the ring. The slide a new ladder into the ring and give it to Kingston. Kingston sets up the ladder as Big E and Woods guard him. Kingston climbs the ladder, but Reigns hits his patented apron drop kick to both Big E and Woods. Reigns rolls into the ring and pulls Kingston into a powerbomb to the outside. Orton goes for an RKO, but Reigns counters into a spear. Reigns sets up the ladder and climbs… BUT BRAY WYATT IS HERE! Wyatt tips the ladder and hits Reigns with Sister Abigail. Sheamus heads into the ring and sets up the ladder. Sheamus climbs, but Neville heads up the other side. Sheamus rakes the eyes and pushes Neville off the ladder. Sheamus retrieves the briefcase and wins the match.

Match Result: Sheamus wins the Money in the Bank Ladder Match.
Match Length: 20:43
Slimmer’s Rating: ***½

Divas Championship Match
Nikki Bella (Champion) vs. Paige
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Nikki rushes Paige into the corner, but Paige slides around her and uses her boot to choke Nikki again the top turnbuckle. Paige whips Nikki out of the ring and follows her to the outside. Paige hits a rolling senton off the ring apron, but Nikki drops Paige face-first onto the barrier. Nikki rolls Paige back into the ring and rolls her up for a two count. Paige rolls back out of the ring, but Nikki follows and slams her back-first into the ring apron. Nikki head back into the ring and does push-ups to taunt Paige. Paige charges back into the ring but eats a suplex for a two count. Nikki locks in a seated rear chin lock, but Paige fights back to her feet. Paige hits a sunset flip, but Nikki rolls through. Paige hits a knee to the face, but Nikki kicks out at two. Nikki hits a slingshot suplex and get a two count. Nikki locks in a body scissors, but Paige breaks the hold and hits a volley of knee shots to the ribs. Nikki regains control and goes back to the seated chin lock, but Paige fights back to her feet and hits a kick to the chin. Nikki regains control with a spinebuster, but Paige flips Nikki into a brutal modified STF. Nikki finally gets to the rope to break the hold and follows up with an Alabama Slamma for a two count. Nikki sets up for the Rack Attack, but Paige tries to counter into the PTO, but Nikki escapes. Nikki catches Paige with a back elbow shot and a Beautiful Disaster out of the corner for a two count. Nikki again goes for the Rack Attack, but Paige counters into the Ram-Paige for a looong two count. Nikki and Paige both heads up top and punch each other down to the floor. TWIN MAGIC! Brie rolls out from under the ring and trades places with Nikki. Paige rolls Brie back into the ring, thinking she’s Nikki. Brie rolls up Paige, but Paige reverses and rolls up Brie for the three count. Paige begins to celebrate, but Brie reveals the Twin Magic and points out that Paige didn’t pin Nikki. Nikki sneaks back into the ring and levels Paige with a running elbow shot. Nikki hits the Rack Attack and gets the three count. Dusty Finish!

Match Result: Nikki Bella defeats Paige with Rack Attack.
Match Length: 11:00
Slimmer’s Rating: **½

Miz makes his way to ringside to address his people… the people he left. Because we all know that if you don’t live in New York or Los Angeles, you just don’t matter. If it wasn’t for the Big Show, Miz would be the Intercontinental Champion, because in Hollywood, David always slays Goliath. Miz’ legal team is working on getting him the Intercontinental Championship match he deserves, but tonight he will create an audio-visual masterpiece on commentary.

Intercontinental Championship Match
Ryback (Champion) vs. Big Show
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Big Show charges Ryback to start but eats a spinebuster. Ryback hits the Meat Hook, but Big Show fights out of Shell Shocked. Show rolls out of the ring, but Ryback follows and tosses Miz across the announce table. Ryback follows Show back into the ring, but Show catches him with a spear. Ryback and Show slug it out in the middle of the ring, but Show levels Ryback with a running shoulder block. Show goes for the choke slam, but Ryback counters into an arm bar. Show shifts his weight and gets a boot on the ropes to break the hold. Ryback lands a boot to the side of the head and follows up with a suplex. Ryback hits a running splash but only gets a two count. Ryback goes for the Meat Hook but runs right into a choke slam. Show sets up for the Knockout Punch, but Ryback ducks and goes for Shell Shocked. Show shoves Ryback to the ropes and hits the Knockout Punch on the rebound, but Ryback tumbles out of the ring. Miz heads for Ryback, but Show chases him away to prevent the disqualification. Show rolls Ryback back into the ring, but Miz attacks both men from behind to cause the disqualification. Miz appears to have hit Big Show first, so Big Show is the winner via disqualification.

Match Result: Big Show defeats Ryback via disqualification.
Match Length: 5:27
Slimmer’s Rating: ¾*

John Cena vs. Kevin Owens
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Cena and Owens circle each other to start. “Come on, John!” Cena and Owens lock up in the middle of the ring, and Cena gets the side head lock. Cena shoves Owens to the ropes and hits a running should block, but Owens springs right back to his feet. Owens gets a side head lock of his own and drop Cena with a running shoulder block. Cena goes for an arm wringer but eats a punch to the jaw. Owens goes back to the side head lock, runs the ropes, and eats a clothesline from Cena. Owens regains control with a drop kick and a senton for a two count. Owens locks in a seated rear chin lock, but Cena fights back to his feet and hits a standing drop kick. Cena hits a pair of shoulder tackles and goes for the Protobomb, but Owens rolls through, hits a pair of running shoulder tackles, and hits a Protobomb of his own. OWENS WITH THE FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! Owens goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Cena counters into the STF. Owens kicks Cena away, but Cena hits a gorgeous inverted suplex for a two count. That was a hell of a move. Cena drags Owens back to his feet, but Owens hits a Code Breaker for a two count of his own. Owens goes for the Pop-Up Powerbomb, but Cena counters into a Protobomb. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle and goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Owens counters into a German Suplex. Owens hits the Cannonball and gets another two count. Cena and Owens slug it out in the middle of the ring, and Owens hits a side slam. Owens heads up top and goes for a Swanton Bomb, but Cena gets the knees up. Cena hits a sit-out facebuster from the electric chair drop position but only gets a two count. Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment… BUT OWENS KICKS OUT AT TWO! Cena gets in the official’s face and swears that should have been a three count. Cena takes Owens up top and goes for a top rope Attitude Adjustment, but Owens floats over into a spinning sit-out powerbomb for a two count. “This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!” Owens drags Cena to his feet and goes for the Pop-Up Powerbomb, but CENA COUNTERS INTO A HURRICANRANA. Owens hits Cena with a super kick but only gets a two count. Cena catches Owens with a back elbow shot and a tornado DDT out of the corner. Cena heads up top and goes for the top rope leg drop, but Owens slides out of the way. Owens hits the package powerbomb but only gets a two count. Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment, but AGAIN he only gets a two count. Cena takes Owens up top and goes for a top rope superplex, but OWENS COUNTERS INTO A TOP ROPE ANGLE SLAM! “This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!” Owens heads for Cena, but Cena locks in the STF out of nowhere. Owens claws his way to the ropes to break the hold. Cena hits a (hella sloppy) flipping powerbomb but only gets a two count. OWENS HITS THE POP-UP POWERBOMB BUT ONLY GETS A TWO COUNT! Owens pounds on Cena and begs him to stay down. Owens shoves Cena to the ropes, but Cena hits the springboard stunner and the Attitude Adjustment for the three count. After the match, Cena raises Owens’ hand as a show of respect, but Owens kicks Cena in the gut. Cena tumbles out of the ring, and Owens powerbombs him onto the ring apron. Owens laughs maniacally as he makes his way back up the ramp.

Match Result: John Cena defeats Kevin Owens with the Attitude Adjustment.
Match Length: 19:25
Slimmer’s Rating: ****¾

WWE Tag Team Championship Match
The New Day (Champions) vs. The Prime Time Players
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It’s Big E and Woods for New Day since Kingston was in the Money in the Bank match earlier in the evening.. Woods and Young start the match, but Woods quickly makes the tag to Big E. Big E hits a belly-to-belly suplex and stomps on Young in the corner. Woods gets the tags, and Big E whips him into Young. Woods stands on Young’s throat for a two count. Big E gets another quick tag, and Big E and Woods hits a running splash / leg drop combo for a two count. Big E locks in the abdominal stretch. Big E whips Young to the corner and makes the tag back to Woods. Woods locks in a Cobra Clutch and follows up with a clothesline. Big E gets the quick tag and goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Young floats over. Big E charges Young in the corner, but Young side steps him, causing Big E to post himself in the corner. O’Neil gets the hot tag as Big E makes the tag to Woods. O’Neil drops Woods as Big E spears Young out of the ring. O’Neil hits Clash of the Titus for the three count.

Match Result: Titus O’Neil defeats Xavier Woods with Clash of the Titus.
Match Length: 6:19
Slimmer’s Rating:

Ladder Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Seth Rollins (Champion) vs. Dean Ambrose
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After a year, Rollins and Ambrose end up right back where their feud began. Ambrose drops Rollins and locks in a modified STF. Ambrose kicks Rollins in the ribs and peppers him with body shots. Ambrose charges Rollins in the corner but eats a boot the jaw. Rollins turns the tables and stomps on Ambrose in the corner. Rollins whips Ambrose out of the corner, but Ambrose charges back into the ring and suplexes Rollins. Ambrose locks in a hammer locks into a short clothesline. Ambrose hits a running bulldog, but Rollins dumps Ambrose face-first into the top turnbuckle. The action spills to the outside, and Rollins whips Ambrose into the ring steps. Rollins and Ambrose head up the ramp and grab a ladder. Ambrose whips Rollins toward the ladder, but Rollins scales the ladder into the ring. Rollins goes for a suicide dive, but Ambrose slams it into his face in mid-air. Ambrose slides into the ring and climbs, but Rollins pulls him down. Ambrose and Rollins climb opposite sides of the ladder, but the pull each other back down. Ambrose slams Rollins’ head into the ladder and props up the ladder in the corner. Ambrose goes for a suplex onto the ladder, but Rollins counters and goes for a suplex of his own, but Ambrose re-counters and hits a double underhook suplex onto the ladder. Ambrose sets up the ladder in the corner and climbs. Ambrose hits a diving elbow drop from the top and clotheslines Rollins out of the ring. Ambrose pulls the ladder to the middle of the ring and climbs, but Rollins charges into the ring with a steel chair and takes out Ambrose legs. Rollins hits a brutal chair shot to Ambrose’ knee, and Ambrose is writing in pain on the mat. Rollins climbs, and Ambrose is having trouble even getting to his feet. Ambrose pulls Rollins down to the mat, but Ambrose is definitely hobbled. Rollins wrenches Ambrose’ leg around the middle rope and drives the ladder into Ambrose’ knee. Rollins hits a dragon screw and slams the ladder onto Ambrose’ knee. Rollins sandwiches Ambrose’ knee between the rungs of the ladder and stomps on the ladder. “Come on, Ambrose? You gonna climb with one leg? You gonna climb with one leg? You gonna climb with one leg?” Ambrose tries to trap Rollins in the corner, but Rollins slides out of the ring and slams Ambrose’ knee into the ring post. Rollins locks in the Figure Four Leg Lock around the ring post, and we have an actual “C-Z-Dub! C-Z-Dub! C-Z-Dub!” chant. Well, it might have just been one guy, but it was definitely there. Rollins rolls back into the ring and locks in the Figure Four in the middle of the ring. Ambrose fights and fights and finally rolls to reverse the pressure. Rollins breaks the hold and takes Ambrose up top. Rollins ties up Ambrose in the tree of woe and grabs another chair from under the ring. Rollins hits another vicious chair shot to Ambrose’ knees and follows up with a double stomp from the top. Rollins sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring, and Ambrose is still trapped in the tree of woe. Ambrose finally frees himself and valiantly tips the ladder to halt Rollins’ progress. Ambrose miraculously gets to his feet and slugs it out with Rollins in the middle of the ring. Ambrose goes for the comeback clothesline, but Rollins tosses the ladder into this face. “We want tables! We want tables! We want tables!” Rollins sandwiches Ambrose’ injured leg in the ladder and repeatedly slams the chair into the ladder. Rollins heads up top, but Ambrose launches a chair into Rollins’ face. Ambrose heads up top and tries to superplex Rollins onto the ladder, but Rollins takes out Ambrose’ legs. Rollins goes for a springboard move, but Ambrose sweeps the legs, causing Rollins to crotch himself on the top rope. Ambrose clotheslines Rollins off the top rope, and they slug it out in the middle of the ring. Rollins lands a back kick to the gut, but Ambrose hits the Cactus Clothesline out of the ring. Rollins flees up the ramp with Ambrose hobbling after him. Rollins whips Ambrose into the barrier and runs back to the ring. Rollins throws the ladder out of the ring toward Ambrose, but Ambrose ducks. Ambrose heads into the ring and hits the comeback clothesline. Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds, but Rollins rolls out of the ring. Ambrose tackles Rollins over the barrier and into the crowd. Ambrose beats Rollins through the crowd, but Rollins whips Ambrose into a wall. Rollins flees back to ringside and pulls a massive ladder out from under the ring. The ladder is so long that Rollins can sit the top on the announce table with the feet still under the ring. Ambrose appears out of the crowd, runs across the announce tables, and tackles Rollins. Ambrose uses the massive ladder to bridge the ring apron and the announce table. The action spills into the ring, and Ambrose back body drops Rollins onto the bridging ladder. “Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!” Ambrose retrieves a new ladder from under the ring and slides it into the ring. Ambrose sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring and slooowly starts to climb. Ambrose is close to the belt, but Rollins slides under him. Rollins goes for a powerbomb to the outside, but Ambrose counters into a hurricanrana to the outside. Ambrose clotheslines Rollins over the Spanish announce table. Ambrose and Rollins slug it out on top of the Spanish announce table. Rollins goes for a Pedigree through the announce table, but AMBROSE COUNTERS INTO DIRTY DEEDS ON THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! THE TABLE DOESN’T BREAK! Ambrose crawls back into the ring and once again begins to climb. Ambrose is literally climbing with only one leg… AND ROLLINS SLAMS A MONITOR INTO AMBROSE’ INJURED LEG! Rollins climbs the ladder, but Ambrose grabs his leg. Ambrose pulls Rollins back down to the mat, but Rollins hits Ambrose with the Pedigree. Rollins climbs once again, and Ambrose is face-down on the mat. Ambrose comes back to lift and grabs Rollins’ leg, but Rollins kicks him away. Rollins drops back down and charges toward Ambrose, but Ambrose whips Rollins out of the ring. Rollins pulls Ambrose out of the ring and whips him head-first into the broken bridging ladder. Rollins hits a massive buckle bomb into the barrier. Man, Ambrose flew there. Rollins hits another buckle bomb into the barrier. That was seriously brutal. Rollins sets a ladder at ringside and piles chairs on top of it. SITOUT POWERBOMB ONTO THE CHAIRS ON THE LADDER! Rollins buries Ambrose under the ladder and a pile of chairs. Rollins heads back into the ring and begins to climb. Ambrose crawls into the ring and somehow manages to grab a leg. Ambrose and Rollins are both up top. AMBROSE AND ROLLINS BOTH THEIR HANDS ON THE TITLE! AMBROSE AND ROLLINS BOTH FALL WITH THE TITLE, BUT ROLLINS HANGS ON TO IT AFTER HITTING THE MAT!

Match Result: Seth Rollins defeats Dean Ambrose
Match Length: 36:33
Slimmer’s Rating: ****¼

article topics :

Money in the Bank, Scott Slimmer