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411’s WWE Raw Report 10.04.10
411’s WWE Raw Report 10.04.10
Championship Roll Call:
WWE Champion: Randy Orton
World Champion: Kane
US Champion: Daniel Bryan
IC Champion: Dolph Ziggler
Unified Diva’s Champion: Layla/Michelle McCool
WWE World Tag team Champions: DASHING Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre
– Last night, with the help of the genesis of the McGuillicutty and Husky Harris, Wade Barrett defeated John Cena. Due to the stipulation of the match, John Cena is now forced to join NEXUS. The children were devastated..
– And their tears were delicious…
-Is this what we’re about to see tonight?
-Will the WWE locker room attack Cena because he is now NEXUS?
-Cole and King welcome us to the show.
NEXUS makes their way to the ring to kick off the show. Barrett says that since they are all standing there, that means he was victorious in his match with John Cena at Hell in a Cell. But before he brings out Cena, he has some issues to address. First of all, he has identified the men who hit the ring during his match last night. They were Husky Harris and Michael McGuillicutty. For the record, he never asked for their help, and they are not a part of NEXUS. He didn’t need help to defeat Cena last night **YOU SUCK CHANTS** and his second issue is, since he didn’t need help, why did the other four members come to the ring. He asks Otunga, but then says he doesn’t want to hear it right now. Tonight is about inducing the newest member of NEXUS. Ladies and gentlemen, John Cena. Cena comes out to no music in his gear, which is not NEXUS approved. Cena makes his way to the ring and enters. Barrett says he knows this is tearing Cena apart, but he knows that Cena is a man of his word, so he has to become a member of NEXUS. In time, Cena will realize that this is the best thing that will ever happen to him. Tarver says Cena attacked and mocked him, threatened his lively hood, and now the joke is on Cena, because he failed! He then says they have a gift for him, the NEXUS arm band. Cena takes it and stares him down. **CROWD CHANTS FOR CENA** he removes a CENATION arm band and looks to the crowd, and puts on the NEXUS arm band. Slater now says he knows that this will be difficult, because they are here for him. The public wants to know his thoughts, and they have an official statement for him to read, right now. Barrett says there is no negotiating, he has to read it right now. Cena grabs the statement and reads…
“I, John Cena, acknowledge that I am a member of the NEXUS. Any enemy is an enemy of mine. As for my fans, I hope you stand by me, because the fact is, you’re either NEXUS or against us.”
Barrett says that wasn’t so bad, and says it will get easier. The first order of business is a match, Even Bourne and Mark Henry vs. John Cena one other member of NEXUS. He picks Michael Tarver. There is no time like the present, lets do it right now.
John Cena and Michael Tarver vs. Evan Bourne and Mark Henry
Cena offers to shake with Bourne, they shake and Tarver does not approve. Cena tags him in, Tarver talks shit to Bourne, lock up and knees by Tarver. They head to commercial @ 1:00.
Back from commercial @ 4:00, with Henry working over Tarver. Henry works the arm, whip shim down and keeps working the arm. To the corner, tag to Bourne, leaps off of the top, nails the arm and covers for 2. Bourne works the arm now, elbows follow. Snap mare by Bourne, kick to the back and a tag back to Henry. Tarver crawls for the tag, Cena reaches in and then backs off as Henry attacks Tarver. Front facelock by Henry, rights by Tarver, and a clubbing shot from Henry. Henry stands on his chest for a moment, tags to Bourne, slam by Henry and then the standing moonsault by Bourne gets 2. Bourne back to the arm, Tarver to his feet, rights to Bourne. Kicks from Bourne, to the corner and a boot by Bourne. Tarver answers with a belly to belly throw, and Cena backs off the tag and signs an autograph. What a humanitarian. Henry tags in, worlds strongest slam connects. That is all.
OFFICIAL RESULT Evan Bourne and Mark Henry @ 9:00 (5:00 Shown) via Pin
-Cena appreciates the statement that was made for him, but he has something to say. He plans on doing one thing while a member of NEXUS, and that is destroying it from within. He then tosses Tarver to the floor, and follows. Clothesline connects. He grabs the steps and lays the bottom part out from the ring, picks up Tarver and slams him on them. The crowd chants one more time and he does! Tosses Tarver back into the ring, crowd chants “STF,” Cena with the chop block and applies the STF! Tarver screams and TRON chimes in. Cole gets up to read it, and says that the terms of the stipulation stated that he had to join NEXUS, now NEXUS is a group that takes direction from Barrett, and thus, as a member of NEXUS, he has to take direction from Barrett. If he doesn’t, TRON will have to terminate Cena’s WWE contract. Mr. Cena, no one man is bigger than WWE, so in other words, he will fire Cena. Cena looks devastated by the news. He then walks to the back.
Alicia Fox vs. Natalya
Both were in the ring to start, JOBBER entrances if there ever were. Natalya kills Fox with a clothesline, locks in the sharp shooter and has it. Fox taps.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Natalya @ 1:00 via Submission
-Cole says Edge has to apologize to TRON tonight. Also, Johnny Knoxville will be here tonight.
-Johnny Knoxville is backstage hitting on Divas. ZACK RYDER IS HERE! Woo WOO woo, you know it. They do the high five gimmick from the Jackass 3D commercial on him. HOW DARE YOU!
-We see Cena backstage looking at his NEXUS arm band. Josh asks Cena what he will do, and he says he doesn’t know because WWE is all he has. Cena then runs, and heads into the NEXUS locker room, and McGuillicutty and Harris leave as Barrett says they need to talk.
NON-TITLE MATCH: Daniel Bryan © vs. Sheamus 50
Bryan gets the jobber already in the ring entrance. Tremendous. Sheamus attacks right away, slams Bryan to the corner and beats him down. Knees by Sheamus and is DESTROYING Bryan and will not break the ref’s count and is DQ’d.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Daniel Bryan @ 0:30 via DQ
-After the match, Sheamus hits the high cross to send a message.
-Cole and King recap Cena joining NEXUS.
Cole is in the ring with TRON, who I guess cannot speak anymore. He says that TRON wanted to make it clear, and he will no longer talk with his voice altered, but instead, only through email and through Cole, the voice of the WWE. He then says that we have to see the events from last week, when Edge destroyed TRON. After watching that, Cole says that the act of defiance was unacceptable. TRON wants Edge to apologize, and will then make an announcement regarding the WWE Title.
Edge makes his way to the ring. Edge says he will not apologize for anything. He is crusading against all things stupid. TRON and COLE are stupid, and Cole has been that since 1997. Edge would rather listen to recordings of JR than a live Michael Cole. Edge says he will have even more attitude when he becomes champion. TRON chimes in and says they will determine a new #1 contender via a 20-man battle royal, and do so tonight. The winner faces Orton for the title in three weeks at Bragging Rights. However, since Edge disrespected TRON one too many times, he will not be in the battle royal tonight. Why? The GM traded Edge to Smackdown! The crowd chants for Edge to spear Cole, and then says this is great because he doesn’t have to listen to Cole or deal with TRON anymore. Cole is offended, and says the COLEMINERS love him. he says since he is the official voice of the WWE, Edge should respect him. Edge then says he should knock him off of his perch and spear him into next week.
The Miz along with Alex Riley make their way to the ring and says that Edge will do no such thing, and then calls Cole a visionary. Cole runs to the announce table, and the calls Miz an Edge wannabe. Edge says one word name, check. Trench coat to the ring, check. MITB, check. Using awesomeness, check. Miz says that they are nothing alike, and Edge agrees, because he has been World Champion. He had weddings, divorces, live celebrations, hell, Miz hasn’t talked to a women successfully, unless you count Alex Riley. Riley then says Miz is the future, and also says Miz is awesome. Edge says Miz is awesome in tapping to Daniel Bryan. Miz says in three weeks, he will either compete I the WWE Title match, or will lead his Raw team to destroy Smackdown. He then shuns Edge over to SyFy. Edge then calls Miz a jackass, and attacks Riley and Miz, and TRON gets knocked to the mat. Edge kicks it, SPEAR to Riley! Miz then hits the skull-crushing finale on Edge.
-We see Cena backstage with NEXUS, and Barrett says that he wanted to drop Tarver anyway, and then says they have to work together, and Cena has to help Barrett win the battle royal. Cena asks what happens if he wins, and Barrett says that won’t happen. Otunga then says if Barrett does get tossed, then Cena helps one of the others win. Barrett doesn’t like that, and then says that either Cena does what he says, or he is fired.
-On Smackdown this week, Rey Mysterio faces Alberto Del Rio.
Nikki and Brie Bella vs. Michelle McCool and Layla 16
LayCool have little concert mics to talk as they come to the ring. So we’re doing the Jerry Lawler gimmick. Layla does running commentary as McCool fights the Bellas. They then dropkick Layla, and she then breaks up a pin. High kick by Layla to a Bella, who then do the switch, McCool covers, countered and the Bellas win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: The Bella Twins @ 1:00 via Pin
-Knoxville talks with Maryse, who says she knows that he sent the letters. DiBiase is there now, and walks into he high five gimmick. The gimmick then nails Maryse, who falls onto DiBiase. Knoxville apologizes, and DiBiase is pissed.
-Cole and King welcome us back to the show. They pimp Jackass 3D. We get clips.
-Johnny Knoxville makes his way to the ring. He is glad to be here, pimps the movie and tries to leave. But DiBiase makes his way to the ring with Maryse. Give them a hand ladies and gentlemen. Knoxville says he is sorry, but DiBiase is pissed about what happened. He just wanted to make Maryse laugh, like DiBiase did when he dropped his pants with the first time. DiBiase slaps him and applies the million dollar dream. DiBiase is happy with himself, and hugs Maryse. The screen lights up, “YOU…ARE…MINE.” Goldust appears and attacks DiBiase. CURTAIN CALL! Goldust says that he doesn’t want DiBiase, he then pets Maryse, and says he doesn’t want her either. He then stares at the million dollar belt, and rubs it. He picks it up and say he wants it and then basically makes out with the title.
-Cole and King hype the battle royal.
-We get a Make-A-Wish video package.
-More recap of the night’s activities.
-Cena sits backstage, and Otunga comes to talk with him. He says Barrett can be demanding. He wants to make it work, and says this is not the end for him. If he ever needs to talk, he is here for Cena.
-Cole reminds us that Cena has to follow Barrett’s orders.
-They remind us that Chris Jericho was injured last week, and will not be here.
20-Man #1 Contenders Battle Royal 47
We get announcements of the participants. John Morrison, R-Truth, Santino, Vladimir Kozlov, Sheamus, Cena’s music hits, but he doesn’t come out, he comes out with Otunga, Barrett, Gabriel and Slater. They go to commercial.
Back from commercial and we have a full ring. Looks like Darren Young is in there as well. Bourne is tossed right away, sucks to be him. DH Smith is gone as well. Young brawls with Nexus as Regal gets tossed by Cena. Mass brawling here as Otunga tries to toss Truth. Sheamus tries to toss Primo, and Miz tosses Santino. Mark Henry tosses Zack Ryder. He then presses primo to the floor. Cena stands back, and saves Barrett from Henry. Henry is pissed and NEXUS attacks. Barrett and the others toss Henry. Slater yells at Cena for not helping, and Cena then tosses Otunga! We head to commercial @ 4:00.
Back from commercial @ 7:00 with more brawling. Kozlov and Young were tossed during the break. Cena stands back from the action again, and then attacks Morrison, who was attacking Barrett. Cena continues to protect Barrett, and then attacks DiBiase. Gabriel works over Kidd, and Morrison then eliminates Slater. DiBiase tries to eliminate Cena, Truth and Morrison try to toss Barrett, but Cena manages to save him. Morrison eliminates Kidd. Cena protects Barrett again, while the Miz attacks and beats down Morrison. Miz tries to toss Morrison, but Morrison turns the tables and Miz is gone. Sheamus and DiBiase attack Cena and Barrett. Cena fights back and protects Barrett once again. R-Truth manages to eliminate Gabriel, and then DiBiase tosses Truth. Morrison, Barrett, Cena, Sheamus are left as DiBiase is tossed. Sheamus and Morrison attack Cena, Barrett joins the fight and al four brawl. Barrett then tosses Morrison, and we are down to Barrett, Cena and Sheamus. Shoulder block by Cena to Sheamus, PROTO BOMB follows. Five-knuckle shuffle lands. Sheamus battle back, nails the Irish Curse. Sheamus misses the big boot, and Cena tosses him!
Down to Cena and Barrett now. They stare down, and Barrett tells Cena to eliminate himself. Barrett ORDERS Cena to eliminate himself now. Cena looks disappointed, crowd chants for him, and they go face to face. Cena then goes to the ropes, climbs over to the apron and drops to the floor and walks away.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Wade Barrett @ 20:00 (17:00 Shown)
-Wade Barrett now gets a shot at Randy Orton’s WWE Title at Bragging Rights.
-Randy Orton makes his way to the ring. He climbs into the ring and they have a staredown.
-End Scene.
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