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411’s WWE RAW Report 9.4.17

September 4, 2017 | Posted by Tony Acero
Big Show Braun Strowman WWE Raw Paul Wight Image Credit: WWE

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Tony is running late from work but will take over soon, until them you get me.

– We get highlights from last week’s show, focusing on the Reigns/Cena segment.

– Booker T is back this week.

John Cena vs. Jason Jordan: Holy shit, we’re starting Raw with an actual wrestling match? They of course play clips of Cena’s debut against Kurt Angle, since Jordan is “Angle’s son.” Jordan looks to ground things right away, going for quick covers. He hits an amateur takedown, Cena escapes, but gets taken down right away. Cena works back to his feet, but Jordan takes him back down, working a waist lock. Cena escapes, using elbows and strikes, and covering for 2. Cena follows with a suplex, and follows with rights. He follows with a hard Irish whip and covers for 2. Post break, they trade strikes and Jordan hits an overhead belly to belly. Cena fires up with shoulder blocks, but Jordan cuts him off with a dropkick. They trade strokes center ring, Cena counters with a sunset flip and proto bomb. The 5-knuckle shuffle connects. Cena looks for the AA, but Jordan escapes and counters into a roll up for 2. Cena counters into an STF, but Jordan escapes into a crossface and then into more of a side headlock. Cena powers to his feet, but Jordan hits rolling northern lights suplexes for the near fall. The straps are down, but Cena counters into an AA for the win. John Cena defeated Jason Jordan @ 11:50 via pin

– Roman Reigns arrives, and after the commercial, he’s in the ring with Cena. Reigns asks Cena why it takes a 16-time champ 20-minutes (it wasn’t) to beat a rookie. He accuses Cena of dragging it out on purpose, and says Cena is not as fast, strong or good enough anymore, Cena is lying and is a fake ass little bitch. Cena has jokes, and says Reigns is doing the worst thing possible, trying to use his brain. Cena says Reigns will find out soon enough is he still has it. They joke about Reigns’ balls, and Cena says at No Mercy, he will beat him. Maybe he’s been waiting for the right time to chop Reigns down, and after No Mercy, all Reigns will ask is how did this happen. Cena calls Reigns a golden boy that needs to learn respect. Jordan, Gable and hell even the Miz fight for all they have and he can respect that. Cena doesn’t respect Reigns, and says Reigns is living a lie. No one agrees that Reigns is the guy or that this is his yard. Cena threatens to beat some sense into him and Reigns dares him to do so. Reigns tells him that this is his moment to back up his big mouth. Cena backs off and Reigns tells him that he’s all talk and that he doesn’t respect him.

Sheamus & Cesaro vs. Rhyno and Slater: Slater gets a roll up at the bell, but that leads to Sheamus & Cesaro kicking the shit out of him. They ground him and keep him on their side of the ring. Slater hits a leg lariat, tags in Rhyno and he runs wild on the former champions, hitting a TKO on Sheamus for 2. Sheamus hits the brogue kick, and that’s that. Sheamus & Cesaro defeated Rhyno and Slater @ 2:15 via pin [NR]

Tony’s Baaaaack

So apparently, a lot of people like to drink on Labor Day. Anyways, sorry I’m late.

We’re here with Renee Young who brings in The Hardy Boyz. Everyone is reppin Conor’s Cure t shirts. So that’s coo. Matt says it’s a wonderful evening for a new IC Champion. Jeff says this is about rebirth. People wonder why they’ve been around for the past 25 years. They wrestle each match as if it’s their first. They also wrestle each match as if it’s their last. Tonight is about the vitality that Jeff has shining bright. Tonight, he’ll either go out in a blaze of glory, or he’ll be the NEW IC Champion. Matt says somethin.

Match 3: Intercontinental Championship Title Match
Jeff Hardy vs The Miz

Jef with a go behind into a rollup for a quick 1 count. Miz lockups up. Jeff with a side headlock. They hit the ropes. Shoulder tackle from Jeff. He hits the ropes. Arm drag attempt, but Jeff blocks, Miz blocks. Backslide from Jeff and a 2. Rollup for 1..2..NO! Jeff ducks a left and Miz backs up asking for Mercy. He then sends Jeff to the outside Axel and Bo are there and Jeff heads back into the ring quickly. He sends Miz to the outside. Jeff hits the ropes, but Miz and his homies back him away from the ring.

Back from a break, and Jeff hits the jawbreaker to create some separation. Jeff is up first. He blocks a left, another. Hits one of his own. A kick. Whip to the ropes. Jeff with a right hand off the ropes! Jeff with a front suplex. Cover for 1..2…NO! Miz backs Jeff into the corner. Elbow to the face. Whisper in the Wind from Jeff Hardy! Pin for 1.2….NO!!! Splash from Jeff. Jeff goes to the top rope. Bo on the apron! He distracts the ref! Axel clips Jeff and Jeff takes a tumble. Matt comes to send Axel into the barricade. He goes for Twist of Fate on Bo, but Bo escapes. The ref yells at all three of them to leave! Axel and Bo yell as they leave up the ramp. Matt tries to argue his case but ultimately ends up leaving.

Jeff covers n one of the most awkwardly sexual ways ever for 1..2..NO!!! Side Russian Leg Sweep. Leg drop into a pin for 1..2… NO! INverted Atomic Drop. Log drop, but Miz blocks it!!! HARD DDT from Miz. Cover for 1..2…NO!! Mi is up. Goes for SKF ut Jeff drops out and rolls Miz up. 1…2..NO! Miz goes for a clothesline in the corner but misses. Jeff rsuhes the corner but Miz counters! Running knee! Pin for 1…2…NO! Miz is up first this time. He foes for a kick to Jeff’s chest. Another. Yes kicks in full effect. Jeff sends Miz into the corner. Hits a swinging dropkick. Pin for 1….2…NO!!!Jeff on the apron. He looks to dive to Miz on the outside, but MIz is up and clips the leg! Cover for 1..2..NO!!!! Miz in. Figure Four! Jeff eventually gets out. He goes for another jawbreaker. Cover for 1..2..NO!! Miz grabs the rope! Miz on the on the aporn. Jeffkicks him out. Jeff to the outsdie. Poetry in Motion using the steps! Jeff rolls Miz in the ring then gets to the top rope. Maryse pulls at Miz’s hand, and Miz rolls towards the corner. Jeff eats mat! Miz is up in the corner. Jeff is on his knees. Miz grab Jeff.

Jeff goes for Twist of Fate, but Miz turns it into Skull Crushing Finale. Pin for 1..2….3!!!

Winner: The Miz
Not too shabby, Jeffrey. Not too shabby at all
Match Quality: ***
Personal Enjoyment: **
Total Rating: **1/2

Backstage, Kurt Angle is still textin. In comes Nia who is mad that Sasha gets a rematch at No Mercy. Nia does some crappy diss and says that she held the title in the air, she could feel the division trembling. In comes Hot Ass Evil Emma who says no one was talking about Nia Jax last week, but they were all buzzing about Hot Ass Evil Emma. She wants a shot at the title. Nia wants Emma to leave in five seconds or she will put her in the hospital. Kurt says that tonight, these two will team up. If Sasha and Alexa win. If Nia and Emma win, the match will become a Fatal Four Way!

Enzo cuts a little promo to sell 205 Live. Enzo gives some somewhat clever names for everybody, including Cedric The Entertainer Alexander The Great, and Captain Underpants for Drew Gulak.

Match 4: Enzo Amore, Cedric Alexander, and Grand Metalik vs Noam Dar, Tony Nese, and Drew Gulak

Match starts during the break so we come back to Alexander tripping up Nese. He hops over then under a few times. Nese locks up from behind. Alexander escapes, backflips into a leg scissors into a toss. Cedric then sends NEse away with something cool that I missed. Enzo tags himself in. He mocks Nese a bit. Nese tries for some punches and Enzo dodges them. Enzo with a side headlock. nese sends Enzo in the corner. Nese with a back drop onto the turnbuckle.

Slight emergency that I had to attend to. Enzo hits The Male Kim kick and pins for 1..2…3!!!

Winners: Enzo Amore, Cedric Alexander, and Grand Metalik
That was there. Cedric is amazing.
Match Quality: *
Personal Enjoyment: *
Total Rating: *

Backstage, Sasha is in the locker room. Alexa comes in to tell Sasha that she can’t beleive Nia tried to interfere in their match and spotlight. Sasha reads through her bs and says she doesn’t want Nia and Emma in the title picture either, because if it’s just them two, then Sasha will win.

Sasha goes a bit too over the top – maybe too much Love and Hip Hop and gets in Alexa’s face saying that at No Mercy, she’s going to make her scream.

Back to the show and Finn is here! He calls Omaha Balor Club then gives a Too Sweet to the crowd. Finn says the NXT Title used to look real good around this waist. So did the Universal Championship. The IC Title would have looked good if it wasn’t for Bray…Wyatt. When Bray appeared last week, he cost Finn the chance to challenge The Miz. Finn says you never truly win, Bray never truly goes away. Finn tells Bray that the next time Bray appears, Finn will be ready. Finn has chosen his faith, and he’s not afraid. He doesn’t run from his demons, because sometimes, he becomes them. So if Bray wants to keep playing games, let’s play.

Lights go out

Bray is on the tron. Bray says when he was a child, he was taken hunting. The first time he shot the heart of his prey. He calls it exhilirating. After a while, he got bored. It just became too easy. So Bray decided to shake things up a bit. he put his weapon down and started to use his hands. Just these. His bare hands judged them up, and they were always guilty. He showed them No Mercy (he said it!!!). He made a choice while he held them in his hands. That choice defined him. Finn wasn’t victoruous over Bray, The Demon was. The Demon is his bow and arrow. Put it down. Face Bray. Make a choich. Define your legacy. Make a choice.

Finn says he’s already made his choice. Finn knows what he is. He is Finn Balor.

Bray says, well there he is – the confident hero we all dream of becoming. At No Mercy, will Finn prove to us insignificant souls that a mere mortal can topple a god? Or will he run like a scared little rabbit. Run.

Lights out.

GoGurt Commercial.

Match 5: Sasha Banks and Alexa Bliss vs Nia Jax and Hot Ass Evil Emma

We come to the match already started. Nia tosses Sasha and goes to her partner to tell her that’s how it’s done. Hot Ass Evil Emma tags herself in and covers Sasha for 1..2..NO!!! Kicks to the chest in the corner. Hot Ass Evil Emma covers for 1..2..NO! Hot Ass Evil Emma hits the ropes. Dropkick to the chest. Cover for 1..2..NO! Sashja with an elbow. She gets kicked in the gut. Whip to Sasha. Sasha bounces of the corner and gets a rollup for 1….NO! Hot Ass Evil Emma with a jackknife cover. 1…2..NO! Sasha with a rollup for 1..2…NO! Clothesline and a cover for 1..2…NO! Hot Ass Evil Emma locks up from behind. Full Nelson from an elevated position. Sasha tries to turn into the hold. Elbow to Hot Ass Eile Emma. Hot Ass Evil Emma goes for a suplex, but Sasha locks the legs and hits one of her own .Tag to Alexa. Alexa in with a right hand to the back. She sends Hot Ass Evil Emma into the corner then kicks a few times before the ref steps her back. ALexa with a right hand. She runs into a kick. Hot Ass Evil Emma goes for a tag, but Alexa pulls the hair and covers for 1..2…NO!!! Alexa sensd Hot Ass Evil Emma to the corner and tags in Sasha. Sasha with kicks in thre corner. Sasha with a snapmare. She hits the ropes. Knees to Hot Ass Evil Emma and a cover for 1..2…NO!!! Sasha works the arms from behind. She bends the knees of Hot Ass Evil Emma then pulls back on her arms. Sasa sends hot Ass Evil Emma into the corner then hits a few eight forearms. Hot Ass Evil Emma tries to fight out and get a tag, but Sasha stomps the back then tags in Alexa. Alexa locks up. Suplex from both Sasha and Alexa. Alexa covers for 1…2…NO!!! Alexa with a knee to the back of the head of Hot Ass Evil Emma. Alexa sends her in the corner and kicks a few times. Alexa with a snapmare. Cravat from behind. Hot Ass Evil Emma with rights. Alexa chokes Hot Ass Evil Emma downward then just slams her to the mat. Alexa to the top rope. She wants Twisted Bliss, but Hot Ass Evil Emma crawls away from position. She hits a jawbreaker. Tag to Nia. Nia in and Alexa is NOT down. Nevermind, she shoves Nia. Again. Slap to the face. Alexa screams. Nia with a short clothesline to Alexa! Splash in the corner. Nia just tosses Alexa across the ring. Elbow drop to Alexa. Again. Alexa with a right hand. Again. Alexa goes for a DDT, but Nia holds on and locks in a Samoan Drop. Pin for 1..2…NO!! Sasha breaks up the pin! Nia hits the corner, but Alexa moves. Sasha hangs her up. I think Sasha gets a tag. Sasha with a crossbody. Nia misses a leg drop. Sasha with the Shining Wizard. Cover for 1..2…NO!

Sasha with a hurricanrana, then locks in an effort of The Bank Statement!! Nia is up. She bulldozes Sasha down. Tag to Hot ASs Evil Emma! She rushes in to pin for 1..2….3!!!

Winners: Nia Jax and Alexa Bliss
Match Quality: **
Personal Enjoyment: **
Total Rating: **

Nia and Hot Ass Evil Emma celebrate, then Nia hits a Samoan Drop on her just to make a point.

Backstage, Braun Strowman is with Renee Young. She asks about the cage match. Braun says what is Angle thinking? Braun is facing Brock at No Mercy, and tonight Angle is locking him up in a cage? The last time he foughgt Show, they broke a ring. Tonight, the ring is re-inforced. That’s a recipe for destruction. He’s going to toss Show into the cage, slicing him into ribbons, then he’s going to slam Show’s body in the middle of the ring 1..2…3!!! This might mess with his title shot, but he’s not complaining. He doesn’t see Angle sticking Brock into a cage before No Mercy. So tonight, he’s sending a message to Show, Angle, and Brock.

Back after the break, and Cesaro and Sheamus are in the ring with Anderson and Gallows. They’re chattin it up a bit until Ambrose and Rollins head down to the music of Dean Ambrose. Cesaro and Rollins leave the ring so the match can start.

Match 6: Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose vs Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

Rollins and Anderson to start. Lockup and Anderson is backed into the corner. He rolls out and reverses then goes for a right and misses. Chop from Seth. Seth with the beatdown in the corner, complete with some stomps. Ref holds Seth back, and Seth obliges. kick from Anderson, then a right forerarm to the head. Side headlock. Whip to the ropes. Shoulder tackle. Seth hops over. Drops Anderson. Side headlock and tag from Ambrose. Seth with a knee. Snapmare, kick to the back as Ambrose hits a clothesline. Stomp to Anderson. Chop in the corner. Tag to Gallows. Gallows with a right hand to Ambrose. An uppercut. Hte hits the ropes. Ambrose with ak nee. Tag to Seth. Dropkick from Ambrose. Seth with a kick. Anderson in and Ambrose sends him to the outside. Gallows is out as well. Ambrose hops over onto Anderson. Seth hops over onto Gallows.

Back from the break, and Gallows has Ambrose from behind wiht a cravat. Dean turns into it, hits a jawbreaker. Boot out of the corner from Dean. he locks the head, goes for a DT< but Gallows escapes and hits a Baldo Bomb. Cover for 1..2….NO!! Tag to Anderson. Anderson stomps Dean down. Anderson drops a few knees then an elbow. Cover for 1..2..NO! Cravat from behind. Anderson switches to the arm bar. Ambrose fights out. Hits Gallows. Anderson. Gallows again. Then runs into a clothesline! Cover for 1..2..NO! Anderson. tag to Gallows. Gallows in with a right hand striaght to the face. He knocks Seth off the apron then whips Dean into the corner. Running splash to the corner. Tag from Anderson. Back body drop into a Neckbreaker. Cover for 1..2..NO! Seth in to stop the pin. Anderson with a right hand, locks the head. He sits Ambrose on the corner then hits a right. Another. Another. Ambrose with a headbutt. Tag from Gallows. He enters. Dean hops off, but Gallows goozles him. He sends Ambrose aside, Ambrose bounces off the ropes and clotheslines Gallows down. Tag to Anderson. Amrose tags Seth. Seth with a springboard. Kick out of the corner. Blockbuster. Seth with a springboard onto Gallows. Bakc in the ring with a slingblade. Seth with a right into the corner. Seth sits Anderson up. Gallows hops on the apron. Seth knocks him down.

Dean in the ring. Suicide Dive to Gallows. Seth in the ring with a hurricanrana off the top rope. Sheamus and Cesaro on the apron! Srth sends Seth into Cesaro. ROllup. Pin for 1..2….3!!!

Winners: Dean Ambrose and Seth ROllins.
Very formulaic, thereby relatively boring.
Match Quality: **
Personal Enjoyment: **
Total Rating: **

Seth and Dean leave. Cesaro and Sheamus watch on. Anderson and Gallows attack from the bakc and sends them to the outside.

Sheamus and Cesaro, obviously upset, head back in the ring and make short work of sending Gallows and Anderson out of the ring.

Backstage, Enzo is celebrating with Cedric and Grand Metalik. Metalik calls himself Queso Picante. Enzo says they are going otu tonight on the town.

In comes Neville, clapping. Bravo. Neville says he’s not here to dampen their fun. He has good news. Neville says that each of them have qualified for a fatal five way. The winner gets to face Neville at No Mercy.

Big Show has a message for Braun, says he is the world’s largest athelete. There’s more, but I summarized for you.

Match 7: Steel Cage Match
The Big Show vs Braun Strowman

Braun knocks Show down. He kicks him a few times then traps him between ropes and cage and hits some rights. Splash against Show once, twice, three times a lady! Braun hits the ropes, and Show hits a KO Punch on the rebound!

We return from break, and Show side steps a rushing Braun. Show sends him directly into the cage. Show sends Braun into the cage. Again. Show looks to climb the cage. Braun follows suit. They’re both on the top rope. Braun clips Show to the gut. Headbutt to Show. Another. Show is crotched on the top rope! Show shove Braun a bit and he falls, crotched as well. Big Show is able to climb. He’s on the top rope in the corner. He kicks Braun away. Another kick. Braun is laid out. Show is standing on the top rope! Big Show with an elbow drop! This is awesome chant. I mean…it’s somethin. Cover from Show. 1..2…NO!!! Show crawls towards the door. Show gets to the door. Strowman is up. He limps towards the door, grabs it, and slams it on Show’s head! Strowman looks to walk over Show and leave the ring, but Show grabs the door and slams it into braun! haha. Shoulder tackle to Show! Show wants a chokeslam. Goozle! Show goes for a chokelsam, but Braun counters. DDT to Show! Pin for 1..2…..NO! Both men on knees. They trade blows. Right hand to Show. Chop to Braun. Uppercut from Show .Another. Braun hits a knee. Headbutt. Show with a chokeslam!!! Cover for 1..2…NO!!! Show calls for the KO Punch! He’s ready. Strowman turns. Ducks, STROWMAN LIFTS SHOW!!!!!! Show lands on his feet. He tosses Braun into the cage. Braun is laid out between the ropes and the cage. Show starts the climb. Strowman is up. Punch to the kidneys. Show grabs Braun’s head and slams it into the cage. Over and over again till Bruan falls down hard. Braun gets to the top, nearly crawls over the top. He’s hanging from the top until Strowman pulls him down. Braun hits the ropes, nearly kills the ref, and splashes Show into the cage! Show stands. He crawls to the top rope in the corner. Braun with a right hand. Braun climbs the ropes. Show with a headbutt. The ENTIRE cage shakes while Show hits a headbutt. haha. Braun falls. Show is standing up top. Strowman with a hit to the gut. Strowman locks up. Suplex attempt. HE HITs A SUPERPLEX!!! Ring does not break.

Strowman grabs Show. He lifts Show! POWERSLAM to BIG SHOW!!! Pin for 1…2….3!!!

Winner: Braun Strowman
While it wasn’t nearly as awesome as the crowd would have you believe, it was still a spectacle, and Braun continues to kick all kinds of ass.
Match Quality: ***
Personal Enjoyment: ***
Total Rating: ***

Braun on the mic, says look what he did to the so called giant in the ring. What do we think he’s going to do to The Beast at No Mercy. At No Mercy, this is Brock’s future, and Braun’s is becoming the new Universal Champion.

Braun is about to leave the ring, but stops himself. He turns and goes back to The Big Show. He grabs Show’s head. Show tries to fight back, but his fights are weak. Braun with a powerslam! INTO THE CAGE! THE DOOR BUSTS OFF! SHOW FALLS THROUGH THE DOOR!!!

End Show

article topics :

411's WWE RAW Report, Tony Acero