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411’s WWE RAW Talk Report: The New Day Remember Brodie Lee, More
![Raw Talk New Day](https://411mania.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Raw-Talk-New-Day-645x370.png)
411’s WWE RAW Talk Report: 12.28.20
-RIP Jon Huber (Brodie Lee/Luke Harper)
-It’s Monday, you know what that means. Let’s get to it!
-Charly Caruso welcomes us to the show and she is joined by The WWE 24/7 Champion, R-Truth. CHARTRUTH! Charly brings up that she was having a moment earlier with a guy she used to like and Truth barged in and stole the spotlight from her. Truth says he has never stolen anything in his life. Charly takes back her words and is happy Truth was able to escape with his Title and she wants nothing to do with Angel Garza. It seems Roses are last year and in 2021 it is all about Orchids.
-Charly transitions to Alexa pouring gasoline on herself and RAW ending with Randy striking a match. My suspension of disbelief ends with Charly wondering what happened as the ring is right behind them and if someone had been set on fire they would know at this point.
-Our first guest is ‘The Limitless’ Keith Lee who mentions the last time he was here the chair broke and Charly says that was one of her favorite moments on RAW Talk. Lee enjoys hearing himself introduced as the #1 contender to the WWE Title. He gets his shot next week during Legend’s Night. Charly throws to an interview she did earlier with Drew and after a delay we hear Drew say he is excited that Keith stepped up. He saw the spark in him and next week they will beat the hell out of each other. He is happy for Keith as he knows he can beat anyone in the WWE, except him. Keith says he respects Drew and accepts all the kindness. The fact though is he supports a man that takes cheap shots. Legend’s Night is a night to create a new legend in Keith Lee. He discusses Sheamus taking cheap shots at him and he ended up paying for it. Drew supports a man like Sheamus and now it is about redemption. The truth next week is that Keith Lee is up to any challenge. He wants all the challenges as he will knock them all down. Lee ends by saying the best way to bring in 2021 is to heart “and New WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Keith Lee.”
-New Day is out next and Woods is already screaming “yeah, yeah, yeah.” Yeah! Truth brings up E winning the IC Title this past Friday. Kofi says he told everyone it was going to happen. They both mark out seeing the footage of E winning the match. They tried to tell everyone it was going to happen. Woods says they are here to put respect on Brodie Lee, Luke Harper, Gator, Jon Huber. He is their friend! He puts Huber over as a fantastic human that did so much for this business. He is someone who isn’t just important to Woods, but to everyone in the company. He gets emotional as he says he is going to miss him a lot and that he loves him. Charly talks about all the love that has been spread all over the internet. Truth gives Woods a hug to console him and man, tears are starting to flow. Kofi talks about Jon and his love of his family. Kofi continues that he will be dearly missed. They just want everyone to take a second and remember him for the man that he was and the legacy that he leaves. Charly says that is something that needed said and they don’t need to take the conversation anywhere else. Truth says “that was my dawg right there.” He and New Day have some laughs talking about Jon and this is great!
-Asuka is our final guest and Truth helps her get her Titles in place for the cameras to see. Truth and her bond by speaking Japanese. Charly isn’t sure what’s happening, but Truth and Asuka are having a good time. Asuka talks about having a long history with Charlotte. Asuka wanted to find the best partner and that’s why she asked Charlotte. Charly asks how they fend over Nia and Shayna. Asuka hates both of them and is pissed at Shayna for interfering in Charlotte’s match. Her and Truth speak more Japanese and laugh. Charly: “I don’t know what’s going on, but I love it.” Asuka’s goal for 2021 is to keep both her titles.
-The New Day segment was obviously the highlight of this show and we will close the same way we opened. Thanks for reading and Rest in Peace, Jon Huber!