wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Smackdown Report 10.08.10

October 8, 2010 | Posted by Nick Bazar

Welcome to the WWE Smackdown Report. If last week is any indication, Smackdown is heading down a bad road right now. It is still my new favorite Syence Fyction show, though. At Hell in a Cell, Paul Bearer turned on The Undertaker, allowing Kane to retain the World Heavyweight Championship. Also of note, the next night on Raw, Edge was traded to Smackdown. Let’s see if that helps.

In order to change things up a little bit, I have dug into the 2010 Smackdown archives and recorded the Win/Loss record of every current Smackdown superstar. Here are a few guidelines:

– These records only reflect matches that have taken place on Smackdown or Pay-Per-View.
– Matches that end or have ended in a No Contest are not counted.
– In the case of Tag Team matches, each member of the losing team gets a Loss and each member of the winning team gets a Win.
– In the case of multi-man matches, every participant besides the winner gets a Loss.
– Some wrestlers will have a third number in their record. This number represents matches that have ended in a Draw.

Green Day and pyro kicks us off. By the way, the Mystery of the Missing CM Punk was solved earlier today. I’ll miss you here on Smackdown Punk!

Later tonight, Kane has a message for the Undertaker.

At ringside Michael Cole, Todd Grisham and Matt Striker discuss the Undertaker’s condition following HIAC.
On the ramp, Teddy Long introduces Smackdown’s newest superstar: The Rated ‘R’ Superstar Edge! He has his old-school Edge sunglasses on.

Before our first match, Jack Swagger- with the Swagger Soaring Eagle- is happy Edge has been traded to Smackdown. Last week, Edge embarrassed him. Why would Edge spear his eagle? He is friendly, children love him and he is an endangered species. Do you know how hard it is for an eagle to get medical insurance? Edge says he will make Swagger look stupid in three seconds. The eagle better leave, because he has no problem flipping the bird.

Match One: Edge (6-5-2) vs. Jack Swagger (8-16-1)

Lock-up and Swagger powers Edge into the corner at the start. Swagger gets a single-leg takedown and tries for an anklelock but Edge makes it to the ropes. Back up, Swagger with a go-behind and another takedown. He does push-ups off Edge’s back and celebrates with the Swagger Soaring Eagle as Edge bails. Back in, Edge spears the SSE off the apron as we go to commercial. Man, I love that mascot’s name.

Back from break, Edge connects with a spinning back kick as the SSE gets stretchered out. Edge gets sent to the apron and has his arm snapped across the top rope. Outside, Swagger wraps the injured arm around the ring post. Back in, a cover gets two. Swagger applies a keylock to slow things down. He follows up with an armbreaker for two. He wraps the arm around the top rope then wrenches it. After two shoulderblocks by Swagger, Edge comes back by ducking a clothesline and hitting with a flying forearm. He hits a clothesline and drop toe-holds Swagger onto the middle rope. Edge splashes him across the ropes and gets a roll-up for two. Swagger catches Edge running off the ropes and hits a backbreaker. Running, Leaping Swagger Bomb misses and Edge catches him with a back elbow on a charge. He heads to the middle rope and hits a tornado DDT for two. He goes back to the middle rope but falls to a Swagger belly-to-belly on the way down. Cover gets two. Swagger Irish whips Edge but he slides outside and snaps Swagger’s head back on the top rope. Back in, Edge calls for a Spear but gets caught on the charge and rolled up for two. Swagger tries for an anklelock but gets pushed off. He regroups and tries for a gutwrench powerbomb but Edge counters into an Edge-O-Matic for two. Swagger goes back to the anklelock but gets rolled up for two. Swagger big boots the injured arm but gets shoved into the corner. Edge runs the ropes and hits a Spear for the win.

Winner: Edge in 10:00
Rating: **3/4 (On par with their HIAC match, but I’d say this one benefited from a livelier crowd. Maybe they should have had Swagger win at the PPV. You know, so that he wouldn’t have to suffer back-to-back-to-back put downs by Edge.)

Post-match, Edge tells Swagger he definitely flipped the bird.

Later tonight, Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio.

Cody Rhodes is back with the latest on the dashing front. The best way to keep your teeth healthy is with an electric toothbrush. Yeah? Look what clean teeth got you last week Cody!

Match Two: Layla (11-8) vs. Kelly Kelly (7-6)

Kelly is with Natalya. Lock-up to start and Layla gets a side headlock takedown. Kelly escapes and hits with an armdrag…kinda. They push each other and Kelly runs into a boot. Kelly comes back with a go-behind but Layla fights out and kicks her to the outside where McCool attacks her. Back in, Layla takes Kelly’s leg out from under her and covers for two. She stomps and works over the knee. Kelly kicks her way out and gets a heel trip. She rams Layla’s head into the mat and connects with two clotheslines and a Thesz Press for two. In the corner, Kelly stomps but gets her cartwheel attack blocked from behind. Layla hits a hangman’s noose neckbreaker for the win.

Winner: Layla in 2:00
Rating: * (So is Natalya a member of Smackdown now? Who knows. If you’ve seen one Kelly Kelly match, you’ve seen them all, and this was no different. Just send her to Raw already so we can have a Kelly/Maryse/DiBiase love triangle.)

Post-match, Layla goes after Natalya but ends up getting set up for a Sharpshooter. McCool makes the save.
Later tonight, Dolph Ziggler vs. MVP for the Intercontinental Championship.

In a moment that brings a smile to my face, Big Show sprints and slides into the ring, Edge-style. Bet you’ve never seen a fat man run that fast before he asks. October will be a huge month for Show as on the 22nd, his movie Knucklehead comes out. Then, on the 24th, he will be the captain for Team Smackdown at Bragging Rights. In order to unite Smackdown, he has found something they can believe in: a mascot, Hornswoggle. He comes out as a blue Viking…

And the DudeBusters come out. They want to be on Team Smackdown. Show has no idea who they are and needs time to decide. The Dudes say they have no problem joining the Miz on Team Raw. They remove their Smackdown shirts and reveal Raw shirts. Show asks Horny what to do and ends up chokeslamming both. Boom, roasted. Horny and Show act as bull and bull fighter with the Raw shirt. Sorry Horny, but no one can compare with the Swagger Soaring Eagle.

Later tonight, Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio.

Match Three: Cody Rhodes (9-4)/Drew McIntyre (17-17-1) vs. Kaval (0-2)/Kofi Kingston (14-8)

Striker explains Kaval and Kingston became a tag team after playing Smackdown vs. Raw for three hours together. Rhodes and Kingston start. Rhodes goes low with a kick, clubs and tags in McIntyre who slugs in the corner. He misses a charge in the corner and Kingston unloads with strikes. Kingston misses a splash of his own and goes down to a Rhodes clothesline. McIntyre stretches the shoulder and neck but Kingston armdrags his way out. He goes to tag Kaval but McIntyre cuts him off and tags in Rhodes who hits with stomps and an elbow. Kingston fights back but Rhodes telegraphs a back body drop and attempts an Alabama Slam. Before he can connect, Kingston tags in Kaval who comes in with a running kick and double hand chops. Kaval runs the ropes and springs off with a splash. Back up, he connects with some more kicks and knocks McIntyre off the apron. He goes back to Rhodes with more kicks. Rub the bald head! Here we go! He goes for a headscissors but turns it into a dragon sleeper. McIntyre comes in and delivers a big boot to interrupt the hold. Kingston clotheslines McIntyre out of the ring but gets tossed by Rhodes. McIntyre distracts Kaval and allows Rhodes to drop him throat first on the top rope. Cross Rhodes ends it.

Winner: Cody Rhodes/Drew McIntyre in 3:00
Rating: *3/4 (Good while it lasted but too short. Is Kingston the next Shelton Benjamin? That can’t be good.)

Later tonight, Kane has a message for the Undertaker.

In the ring, a single spotlight shines on Paul Bearer. Allow him to introduce a man who should be respected, feared and revered. A man who single-handedly destroyed the myth of the Undertaker; the devil’s favorite son- Bearer’s son- Kane! Kane says he never thought it would be so easy. Taker may have sent Bearer to the dark side, but it was Kane who brought him back. Even more satisfying than beating Taker was the look on his face after Bearer turned on him. Everyone was deceived. We all thought Taker was once again whole with the return of Bearer. That is the most delicious part. With the fall of Taker, our dreams came crashing down as well. We now realize that Taker is just like us- weak, pathetic and helpless. Just like Taker, all of us answer to someone. Now the Deadman answers to the devil’s favorite demon. The legend of Taker allowed us to escape reality. Kane destroyed that legend and now all we have is our pathetic lives. Taker has been betrayed by those closest to him and he has failed all of his creatures of the night. But don’t worry, Kane and Bearer are just warming up.

Later tonight, Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio. Up next, Dolph Ziggler vs. MVP for the Intercontinental Championship.

Match Four: Intercontinental Championship- Dolph Ziggler (15-16-1)© vs. MVP (8-9)

MVP warms up with some jumping jacks before a lock-up ends with Ziggler in the corner. MVP sends Ziggler running to the opposite corner and hits a drop toe hold. A running knee from behind gets MVP two. He clubs Ziggler in the back and hits a back suplex for two. Ziggler turns things around with a back elbow and a high elbow drop for two. He presses MVP against the bottom rope but the ref breaks it up. Ziggler motions for Vickie to hit MVP while the ref was distracted but she doesn’t. Ziggler heads outside. We’re a team remember? Vickie walks away as the ref has the count at seven. MVP baseball slides Ziggler to break up the count as we go to commercial.

Back from break, Ziggler has MVP in a body scissors. He works in some elbow shots as MVP tries to break free. Ziggler transitions into a cover for two. A neckbreaker gets him two more. Ziggler with a nice fireman’s carry for two and he locks in a reverse chinlock. MVP fights out but Ziggler applies a Sleeper. MVP quickly fights out and rolls him up for two. He ducks a clothesline and gets another roll-up for two. Fameasser by Ziggler gets him two. Another cover gets two more. A high elbow drop gets Ziggler two and he goes back to the chinlock. MVP escapes and hits an overhead suplex. Back up, he gets in some strikes and drops Ziggler with two clotheslines. He elevates and slams him down for two. MVP continues with an exploder suplex for two. Ziggler fights back with a jawbreaker but falls to a big boot. Cover gets two. Ziggler reverses a vertical suplex into a Sleeper as Kaitlyn runs down the ramp. MVP breaks it up in the corner and hits a belly-to-belly suplex. MVP runs the ropes for Ballin’ but Kaitlyn grabs his leg and allows Ziggler to hit a Zig Zag for the win.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler in 12:00 to retain the Intercontinental Championship
Rating: ***1/4 (I enjoyed that quite a bit. Ziggler is slowly proving he can have a fun match with just about anybody. Solid storyline advancement as well.)

Post-match, Vickie looks on from the ramp disapprovingly. Ziggler screams that he loves her.

We get a video package on the WWE’s support of the troops, complete with shots of Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, The Rock and interview-snippets with former President Bush and President Obama. In other words, please vote for Linda McMahon.

Later tonight, Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio.

In the back, Josh Matthews is with Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio is not concerned about Rey Mysterio. His bark is bigger than his bite. Yes, he was a former world champion, but he is not Alberto Del Rio. He is not the Essence of Excellence. Last time, he broke his wrist. This time, he will break all his bones and rip off his mask. His only concern is how he will wipe him off from the bottom of his shoe.

In the ring, Tony Chimel introduces Ricardo Rodriguez who introduces Alberto Del Rio.

Match Five: Alberto Del Rio (3-0) vs. Rey Mysterio (20-10)

Lock-up ends with Del Rio powering Mysterio into the corner. Ref breaks it up but Del Rio attacks anyway. Mysterio comes back with strikes, one of which seems to knock Del Rio loopy. Maybe not, as he recovers with a quick kick to the gut. He charges but misses and falls out of the ring. Mysterio misses a seated senton off the apron but hits a drop toe hold onto the steps. He heads back inside and delivers a dropkick to Del Rio’s arm. He goes back outside and rams the injured arm into the steel post then delivers a hard kick to the chest. He drags the arm onto the steps and presses on it with his feet. An eye for an eye. Mysterio heads to the top and hits a high crossbody to the outside as we go to commercial.

Back from break, Mysterio is still in control with elbows. He puts Del Rio in position for the 619 but Del Rio rolls to the outside. Mysterio hits with two boots through the ropes delivers some more kicks on the outside. Back inside, Mysterio kicks at the knee and sets him up in the corner. He charges and hits a low dropkick right to Del Rio’s face. Del Rio’s expression is priceless. Mysterio hits a springboard moonsault for two. Mysterio climbs to the top but Del Rio finally gets in some offense with a nice enzuigiri to knock him off. Del Rio follows outside and attacks. He’s pissed. Back in, a cover gets two and he applies a top wristlock. Mysterio fights out but Del Rio hits with a knee lift. Mysterio counters a bodyslam but goes down to another enzuigiri, this time to the arm. Cover gets two. Del Rio drops knees on the arm and sends him running into the turnbuckle. Cover gets two. Mysterio comes back with kicks and elbows. Del Rio charges in the corner but runs into a boot. He charges again and runs into two more. Mysterio climbs to the top but Del Rio again interrupts. Del Rio tries for a superplex but Mysterio blocks it and comes down with a sunset flip for two. He delivers a kick to Del Rio’s face and covers for two. Mysterio hits a springboard senton but runs into a nice powerslam by Del Rio for two. Del Rio follows with a back suplex for two more. Del Rio tries for another enzuigiri in the corner but misses. Mysterio goes up top and comes down with a rana that leaves Del Rio on the middle rope. He goes for a 619 but Ricardo Rodriguez distracts him and allows Del Rio to attack from behind. Crowd hates it. Mysterio hits a rana out of nowhere and sends Del Rio crashing into Rodriguez on the apron. 619 connects and a big splash off the top ends it.

Winner: Rey Mysterio in 13:00
Rating: ***1/2 (Such a good match. It started out very different from most Mysterio matches- he completely dominated the first half, which makes sense given the storyline. Del Rio eventually found a quick opening and took over. The crowd hated Del Rio and his selling was fantastic. I don’t think the loss will hurt him too much.)

Post-match, Rey Mysterio celebrates as Alberto Del Rio looks on, disgusted.

(Great rebound episode after a rocky start last week. I’d even call it the best episode of Smackdown since I started recapping. Three lengthy, worthwhile matches? You can’t go wrong there. The only negative was Michael Cole. He was completely unnecessary on commentary, often drifting into aggravating. I think all 8 Coleminers out there get enough of him on Raw and NXT.)


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Nick Bazar

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