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Acero’s AEW Dynamite Review 10.4.23

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It’s Wednesday, you know what that means…
Dynamite starts hot with one of the best ever, Rey Fenix!
International Championship Match
Nick Jackson vs Rey Fenix
I have some technical difficulties but come to with Nick getting ready to powerbomb Rey to the mat. Rey kicks Nick off the apron and arm drags off of it. Rey is able to slap Nick over the barricade then walks the barricade for a kic but Nick moves, springs off the barricade, and hits a rana. Nick sends Rey nback into the ring, Rey chops. He walks the corner, tries to bounce off but fumbles and Nick kicks the back of the leg out. Nick hits a Backstabber. Rey rolls to the outside, Nick hits the corner, flies to the apron, runs with a kick, Rey moves and Nick kicks the barricade! Rey kicks the leg out from under him!
We are back and Nick hits a superkick. Rey hops up and Nick hits another. Rey hops again, this time hitting a roundhouse to Nick, and both men go down! Ref starts the count and gets to seven. They’re up and meet in the middle of the ring. Kick fro Nick, Rey rolsl through, rana and a pin for 1..2…..NO!!!! Kick from Rey. Rey hits the ropes, slides outside, Nick tries for a moonsault outside, lands on his feet, hurts his leg, Rey runs for a move but Nick hits a cutter! Both men down. Ref gets to six. He climbs the apron, Rey pulls him down, Nick sends Rey into the ring, hit a shoulder, x-factor off the ropes! Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Nick sends him to the corner, walks up the corner, big driver off the top! Cover! 1..2..NO!!! Nick with a poison rana! DESTROYER! Cover! 1…2..NO!!!! Nick with a running knee, but Rey pops right back up. Nick hits a second one. He grabs the arm, BTE Trigger to the head! Cover! 1…2….NO!!!! Nick tries for a superkick, Rey catches it, swing Nick, climbs to the top rope, runs it, kick! BIG FROG SPLASH! COVER! 1…2……NO!!!! Rey runs the corner, kick to the face, he pulls Nick to the center, shows fatigue, cant lift, tries again, tries for a piledriver,
Nick counters. 1..2..NO!!! Rey flips the pin, sitting on Nick’s chest! Pin for 1..2…3!!!
Winner: Rey Fenix
I know some people are going to be upset about the finisher kickout mode, but I’d hope they were used to it by now, especially these two. This was energetic and fast paced and it had Rey Fenix. Sign me up.
Total Rating: ***3/4
Match Time: Stopwatch Issues
Recap of last week when Cole was pulled away from his conversation with MJF.
SO Earlier Today, Adam Cole missed his surgery to go to Roderick Strong’s house. He comes into his house for Roderick to unveil a scooter for the injured Cole. We get a video montage of Strong and Cole rolling around Strong’s house while The Kingdom pet stuffed animals.
Cole wonders what the emergency is. Strong says he needs help moving furniture. He owes Roderick one, says The Kingdom. Strong says this is just what best friends do.
We then get a collage of Cole moving furniture with an injured leg. Humor may vary.
Strong likes the new layout. Cole tells him he’s gotta go. Strong yells for Adam one more time. Says he still needs Cole’s help.
Back to the ring and Griff Garrison is a blonde without his buddy. The chyron says making his 2023 Dynamite debut. In October. Eek.
He will be facing Wardlow!
Wardlow vs Griff Garrison
Wardlow commits a murder.
Winner: Wardlow via ref stoppage
Welcome back, Wardy
Total Rating: NA
Match Time: Two sneezes
We switch gears to Edge’s debut. Do we call him Edge? Corner? I dunno, we’ll see.
Callis in the back with Konosuke Takeshita to inform us that Sammy is medically unfit to perform, but there is no shortage of eager able-bodied young male athletes that want to show what they got. Don has reached into the vault to find an early twenty year old named Kyle Fletcher, who will team with Takeshita tonight. He has a message for Kenny and Chris, tho. Remember, battles are won and loss in a war. People only remember the war, and he’ll be the winner no matter what it takes.
For whatever reason, we see the Cole/Strong segment again. Excalibur says TBS had audio issues, so they’re showing it again.
Wut? Lol.
We come back to The Butcher and The Blade ringside, waiting for some action alongside Kip Sabian.
AEW Trios Championship Match
The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn vs The Butcher and The Blade and Kip Sabian
B&B and Kip attack before the bell rings, but Acclaimed makes short work of them and scissors in the middle of the ring. Aubrey tries to restore order. Max and Blade get in the ring, and the match officially starts. Blade lifts up Max and in comes Butcher to hit a leg drop. Kip kicks Bowens on the outside, then bounces off the top rope with a moonsault.
We are back and Bowens is chopping away at Kip, hitting rights on Blade, in comes Butcher to eat some right hands. Kick from Bowens. Kick to Kip, another, he hits the ropes, leg lariat to the back of the head! Cover! 1..2..NO!!!! IN comes Butcher but Billy Gunn stops him, then gets esnt outside. The two big men wrestle outside. IN side, Bowens sets up Blade as Bowens hops up to the corner. He leg drops the crotch to Blade.
Kip with a springboard, right into a kick. We get a double team to Kip, Bowens covers! 1..2….3!!!
Winners: The Acclaimed
A house show match at most, but getting The Acclaimed on the show is a good move.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 5:14
A Toni Storm: A Portrait of a Star segment is next where she throws some shoes. Storm is, as typical, great here. She calls herself timeless and this will be her new nickname moving forward, it appears.
A Bryan Danielson video package saying Sabre doesn’t have the heart and soul that he has.
Swerve Strickland gets his own video package before we are informed that Swerve will be facing Danielson in a Number One Contender’s Match for the TNT Championship.
Recap of last week when MJF was confronted by Jay White, followed by the attack on Jay White and MJF’s explanation that the mask was stolen.
Bullet Club Gold is out live sans Jay White. They do some short mocking of Adam Cole then say they are here to address MJF. They make fun of MJF’s tofu chant, then Colten says MJF jumped Jay because he’s scared. Juice Robinson calls MJF out, sayin he’s got some splainin to do.
After some goading by questioning MJF’s manhood, MJF’s music hits and out comes our champion.
He cuts the music and tells this trio that they are making quite a lot of accusations. We got the Ass Boys and their best friend Talentless Taint. He thinks that right here, live, we’ll have one of the loudest dueling chants of all time. He leads the crowd into an ASS BOYS/TALENTLESS TAINT chant. The three in the ring cover their ears. MJF says he’s done a lot of horrible things, and since it’s the 4th yr anniversary, let’s list these things off. He goes over some of his greatest hits like tossing Jericho off a cage, whipping Cody Rhodes with his belt, injured several children with a dodgeball, and called Tony Khan a mark. What makes them think he wouldn’t be open about attacking Jay? MJF wants a street fight.
MJF removes his shirt and enters the ring, and all three men leave.
From behind, Jay White hits a Blade Runner! He stands over the title, then grabs it as the rest of Bullet Club stand over MJF mocking him.
Jay takes the title with him as he and his crew walk up the ramp.
Jay wants the crowd to shut up so MJF can hear him. He doesn’t know who MJF is used to dealing with, but he is a cut above. MJFs games don’t work here. MJF isn’t fooling anyone. None of them believes a single word out of MJFs mouth. They are not buying what he is selling. They know the real MJF, a pathetic dirty liar. A slimy gutless coward. We need an elite champion, and MJF is not him. Prove him wrong, put the title on the line. November 18, Full Gear.
He’s leading by example, starting tonight. He’s taking the title with him.
MJF grabs a mic, tells Tofu that if he wants MJF at Full Gear, then MJF has two words for him, “You’re on!”
Orange Cassidy is backstage with ya boy Hook. OC calls Hook a great champion. Hook says OC should still be champ. It should be him instead of Mox.
They eat chips, Hook offers some to an annoyed Renee, and we head to the ring.
Don has some new imagery for his entrance. It’s him as Jesus enjoying The Last Supper.
Kyle Fletcher and Konosuke Takeshita vs Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega
LOCKUP! Jericho eats a shoulder tackle. Takeshita flexes on em. They trade right elbows. Side headlock, Jericho shoots Takeshita off and hits a shoulder tackle. Tag to Omega. Chops in the corner. Kenny with n elbow drop to the back of the head. Tag from Jericho. Jericho kicks Takeshita, locks the head. Takeshita locks the leg, blocks again. Kenny enters the ring and drops an axe to the back and they double suplex Takeshita down hard. Cover for 1..2.NO!!!
We are back from the break, and Jericho hits a Lionsault onto Fletcher! Tag to Omeg! He drops Fletcher, drops Takeshita, Fletcher kick, Omega gets him to the shoulders, goes for the corner, Fletcher pops off and shoves, Omega hits an elbow, Omega sits him on the 2nd rope but here comes Takeshita! Kenny gets ihm to the shoulders, rolls forward then hits a backstabber to Fletcher! Kenny locks up for the snapdragon, Takeshita runs up so Omega grabs him, right hand from Takeshita, Fletcher with a half and half snap suplex! Jericho gets hit with a superkick! Omega in the corner, Takeshita and Fletcher each hit a. big boot to Jericho then Omega then reverse. Blue Thunder/Michinoku Driver combo! Cover! 1..2…N!O!!! Nice sequence.
Fletcher calls for the end, looking for a piledriver. Kenny blocks, hits the back, catches a kick. SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX TO FLETCHER!!!! Tag to Jericho! Jericho chops the chest. Another chop! Whip to the corner, Jericho hits a clothesline. He sits Fletcher up top, chop, another, Jericho climbs, gets ten hits then a rana! But here comes Takeshita with a lariat! Knee from Omega! Superkick from Fletcher! Another! BRAINBUSTA!!!!! All four men down! Kenny and Takeshita roll out of the ring. Jericho and Fletcher are left alone. Theyget to their kness. Chop from Jericho, one from Fletcher. Elbows back and forth, both men up, hit the ropes, clothesline in the middle of the ring from both!
We come back from another break, and Kenny gets the tag. He hits some rights to Fletcher. Fletcher retaliates. Kenny gives him a good one back. They go back and forth in the center of the ring. Kenny with a knee! Powerbomb! Running knee! Cover! 1..2..NO!!!! Damn. Kenny calls for the end. BUT TAKESHITA RUNS IN FOR A GERMAN! Kenny escapes! Snap Dragon! Takeshita to the outside, Fletcher with a leg lariat!
Kenny shoves him into a CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO! ONE-WINGED ANGEL! Cover! 1..2…3!!!
Fletcher may have been a last minute replacement, but they did everything they could to make Fletcher look good, and they did it well. Great match.
Total Rating: ****
Match Time: 15:19
Callis screams that Fletcher screwed him a few times then leaves the announce booth and screams at Jericho.
Powerhouse Hobbs attacks Jericho and Omega from out of nowhere! Double clothesline to both then a spinebuster to Jericho! Omega is outside. Hobbs runs to get him and sends Kenny into the barricade. Hobbs with a right hand. GOOZLE TO OMEGA! Hobbs shoots Omega over the barricade onto a bunch of chairs.
Elsewhere, Takeshita shoots Jericho into the barricade. Hobbs hops over and continues to attack Omega, taking him near another barricade in the crowd. Hobbs rips a spoke off the guardrail then slams it on the knee of Omega. He pulls Omega through the opening and chokes him out against the guardarail as Hobbs applauds.
Hobbs takes Omega back towards the ring. Takeshita is there to send Omega into it. Takeshita follows as Hobbs searches under the ring. We are informed that The Bucks went to the hospital while Page is off for the night. Don has duct tape, and he tapes Omega up on the ropes. Hobbs has a chair. Jericho is shown stirrin on the apron, but Takeshita shoots a dropkick to send him off. Jericho puts his ody in between Hobbs and Omega. Hobbs hits him in the gut with the chair, another chair shot.
Hobbs with uppercuts to Omega. A kick. Hobbs readies a chair shot, but Don tells him to stop, he wants to do it. Don has a chair and he hits a chair shot directly to the dome. Omega sells it like a concussion as Don celebrates with Hobbs hand up in the air.
MJF is with Renee, saying this would all be easier if Cole was here. In comes Max Castor and MJF chases him out, saying stop being weird, or hes going to get a restraining order. Lol.
MJF says he is calling Adam. He calls, and he gets voicemail.
Timeless Toni Storm vs Sky Blue
I miss the first half, but it sounded like Toni was acting all heelish.
We come back to Blue hitting a bunch of rights, then a rana. Sky with a running knee against the ropes. Snapmare, Toni blocks a kick, but Sky hits another. She rushes the crner, Toni shoots her over the rope to the apron, high kick from Sky. Crossbody from Sky and a cover for 1..2..NO!!! Sky yells at the ref and Sky rolls her up for 1..2..NO!!! HUGE kick from Sky Blue and a cover for 1.2..NO!!! Close call. Toni holds onto Sky, crying. Sky pushes her away but Toni hits a GERMAN!
Toni with the hip attack! She pulls Toni into the ring. Storm Zero! Cover! 1..2…3!!!!
Winner: Toni Storm
Toni is a throwback to the character driven wrestlers and I freaking love it.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: Stopwatch Issues
Backstage, Stokely Hathaway and he says there is a 4-way to see who faces Eddie Kingston. They need a champion that smells like Tom Ford, not Burger King and Newports.
Adam Copeland is here. Tony is in the ring to announce him. Adam says he grew up with Tony as the soundtrack to his childhood. He loves Tony, but this is his ring now, so hit the bricks.
Adam says he came out here to talk to us, but they start an ADAM chant. He says he’s never heard this before, that’s fun. 2011, he is told he can never do this again. We’re in 2023 though, and he is in an AEW ring! He’s here for a few reasons – one major one, of course. He thinks the AEW Heavyweight Championship would look good around his waist. There’s a whole roster of first time matches for him. Adam vs Jon Moxley, Adam vs Kenny Omega, Adam vs Miro, Adam vs Hobbs, Adam vs Jay White, Adams vs Juice Robinson.
He says he sat down with his family, asked his daughters what he should do. Should he retire? Lyric, nine years old, says you should go home and gave fun with Uncle Jay.
He brings up Cage, says right now he wants Cage to come out to tell him the real reason why he’s here.
Cage doesn’t come out right away, but the countdown starts and it’s already 7:00.
Christian Cage comes out, holding his title that isn’t his title. He looks to Adam as the crowd chants HOLY SHIT.
Adam tells him that for 40 years, they’ve been best friends. This industry made them realize they’d be best friends for life. Why did he do what he did is what Cage is thinking, right? It’s simple – he sees Cage standing out here, sees his face looking more like a dick than usual, and even though he knows this, he still loves Cage. It’ll never go away. But he saw Cage standing over Sting. Sting! STING! A guy whose poster Cage took to the barber and put it on the mirror so she’d cut Cage’s hair the same way as his. Box top, lousy rattail. Adam was Luger, that was them! He saw Cage standing over Sting, a man who has caused people to feel for four decades. A man who Beth’s polish grandparents loved. He cant stand her and watch Cage smash him with a Conchairto. He also did it because he knows that Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne will drop him like a bad habit, and he knows this because he’s speaking from experience. He knows Cage wont see it. Adam is here because…it’s time.
For the first time since 2011, for the first time properly in over twenty years. It’s time for he and Cage to team together again. To face teams like FTR, like The Young Bucks, to show an entire generation of fans why they are one of the greatest tag teams of all time. He’s out here, hat in hand, asking Cage…let’s do it. Let’s end their careers together as a team.
Cage asks for the mic. Adam hands it to him. Cage asks for a hug. Adam gives it to him. Cage has the mic:
“Go Fuck Yourself.”
Cage leaves the ring with Adam still there, stunned.
ASSHOLE chant showers Cage as he walks up the ramp. He turns to soak it in then says before he goes, just a quick reminder of what Adam will be up against this Tuesday.
Here comes Luchasaurus who has Nick Wayne by his side. They don either side of Christian Cage and stand tall at the top of the ramp.
End Show
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