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Acero’s AEW Dynamite Review 8.7.24

August 7, 2024 | Posted by Tony Acero
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Acero’s AEW Dynamite Review 8.7.24  

Michael Ornelas checks out Houston’s Restaurant this week. What is that? I have no idea. Let’s click to find out together! Check out Fine Dining Podcast now!

Sup, y’all! I went to the Orange County Fair last week with the missus and had a Krispy Kreme triple cheese burger while she had a honey funnel cake chicken sandwich.

Be jealous.

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means…

MJF vs Kyle Fletcher

Guess who incorrectly turned to TNT to watch AEW tonight…ME!!! I missed about a minute, but likely nothing of note.

We come to with Kyle hitting a body slam to MJF, and MJF rolling outside of the ring. Kyle hits the ropes, but MJF is there to meet him with a back elbow. Kyle tries for a tombstone. MJF with a hard arm drag to the corner. MJF tries to stomp the hand. Does so. He works the arm from behind and sits on the back. MJF yells at Kyle, drops him down hard, grabs the head and double underhooks then lifts and drops the shoulder for a breaker. Kyle with right hands, another. To the ropes, MJF with a powerbomb! Cover! 1.2….NO!!! MJF calls for the kangaroo kick, but Kyle hits him with a superkick. Both men down.

MJF rushes, Kyle side steps, splash in the corner, mounts for right hands, gets ten of them. Whip to MJF is stopped, MJF dives, Kyle catches, spins him and slams MJF on the side. Cover for 1..2.NO!!! MJF to the apron, dropkick from Kyle. Kyle hits the ropes, MJF shoots up and eats the suicide dive! Kyle to the top rope! MJF rolls towards the apron. Kyle follows as MJF drops down to the floor. Punt kick from Kyle to MJF Kyle to the top rope! MOONSAULT! Kyle rolls MJF into the ring, heads to the top rope. Kyle stands, MJF rolls back outside. He grabs the security chair and takes a seat. Kyle is outside and hits a few rights to the seated MJF. Chop to MJF. Kyle runs, and MJF hits him with a drop toe hold into the chair and barricade! MJF breaks the count, then runs over to Kyle and bites his head! MJF grabs the hat of a fan and rips it off then tosses it. MJF runs towards the seated Kyle and hits the chair with his knee, and flies over the barricade. Kyle hops over and lands onto MJF then poses in the crowd. Kyle celebrates with the crowd.

Back in the ring, Kyle hits MJF with a high kick. Kyle with a diving elbow. Cover for 1..2…NO!!! Kyle grabs MJF by the head, but MJf with an arm drag, driving the shoulder into the mat. He grabs the head, lifts up and tries for a supelx, but Kyle floats over and gets a waist lcok. MJF grabs the arm, and drops it on th shoulder. Kyle tries for a piledriver, MJF rolls into a pin, holding the legs for 1..2NO!!! Elbow from MJF out the conrer. He dives off the top rope with a stomp! MJF with an ALABAMA SLAM!!!! MJF locks the head, hammerlock. Guillotine into a DDT!!! Cover! 1..2….NO!!! MJF kicks the back of the head a few times. Kyle takes them on the chin. MJF yells that he is a wannabe Ospreay. Kyle gets in his face, MJF fakes a punch then spits in Kyle’s face. Kyle with a hard slap, then a flurry of slaps over and over. He misses a clothesline, kick from MJF, it’s caught. Thumb to the eye, hits the ropes, superkick from Kyle, but MJF comes back with an elbow strike, then a destroyer, but Kyle hits a clothesline, and both men are down! Kyle tries for a cover. 1.2…NO!!!!! Salt of the Earth by MJF! Kyle rolls this into a pin for 1..2.NO!!!! MJF up, runs and Kyle shoots him into the buckle! Snake Eyes to the 2nd buckle! Kyle rips off the elbow pad, runs to the corner and kicks high, then sits MJF onto the top buckle, nd locks the head. He pulls up, MJF nnearly slips, MJF BITES HIS EAR! He lifts Kyle to his shoulders and sets up for a piledriver, but Kyle clocks the ears and flips off, only for MJF to hit try fur a Panama Sunrise, Kyle sits on it for 1..2.NO!!! PILEDRIVER FROM KYLE!!! COVER! 1.2……NO!!!! So close!

Don Callis leaves commentary and walks down the ramp. He argues with the ref and tosses a screwdriver into the ring. Kyle grabs it, really questions using it, then looks at the prone MJF. He can’t do it, opting to toss it away instead. MJF with a low blow to Kyle!

MJF kicks the screwdriver out of the ring then turns to hit a kangaroo kick into the corner. MJF with a brainbuster! Cover! 1…2..3!!!!

Winner: MJF
A little too long for my liking, but still a high-quality opener.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 17:10* (*I may have missed about a minute)

We are backstage to see Will Ospreay try and leave his locker room, but the door is stuffed. He opens it, and there’s a bunch of stuff in the way, but he clears it and makes it out.

In the ring, MJF has his title and clocks the ref with it. Lol. Damn.

Kyle stands up slowly as MJF waits. He has his ring on. Kyle stands, and MJF hits him with a hard right hand.

MJF celebrates a bit, then mounts Kyle and punches him over and over and over. Kyle is busted open. MJF screams that the blood is on Will’s hands. He is going to do what Will didn’t have the balls to do.

He grabs Kyle, lifts him by the head. Then sets up for a Tiger Driver.

BUT WILL IS HERE! He slides in the ring and MJF runs away quickly into the crowd!

Will checks on Kyle, yells at Don to get medical. Don screams for Kyle to wake up, as he is fading. Will backs up, blood on his white shirt, showing worry and concern. Don screams, asking where Will was.

Jeff Jarrett and Bryan Danielson video package.

Mariah May vs Viva Van

Mariah starts the squash with a headbutt, then gets a bunch of offense in before the break. We get a quick PIP then come back to Mariah getting kicked hard out of the corner. Mariah dorps her, splits her legs, then hits a hip attack. Mariah stands above Van, and hits a few punches to the top of the head.Mariah runs with a knee after kissing her on the forehead.

Fireman’s then a May Day. No cover, as Mariah is not done. She lifts Van, locks the head up and hits Storm Zero then pins for 1..2..3!!!!

Winner: Mariah May
Total Rating: *
Match Time: 6:27

Mariah has a large gift, wrapped up, and it’s from Toni. She unwraps it, and it’s a poster-sized pic of Toni holding May. On the back, it says Die Mariah Die.

Here is Toni Storm! She attacks! Kick from May! She goes for the shoe, but Toni is able to wrestle it out of her hand and ready to attack, but a bunch of refs are here to stop her. They keep the girls apart as Toni screams for revenge. She nearly gets it, but refs continue to keep them apart.

Darby Allin cuts a promo on Jack Perry, saying he didn’t light him on fire, because he wanted no excuses. He doesn’t recall the last time Jack was on TNT. It’s ok, he doesn’t need to show up anywhere except Wembley.

Bryan Keith vs Katsuyori Shibata

Tazz has been removed from commentary, and apparently Jericho will be joining us for this match.

Keith corners Shibata but Shibata elbows out of it. Keith with a knee, corners Shibata, Shibata ducks under and hits an uppercut. Snapmare int oa cravat by Shibata. Keith slinks out, but Shibata looks to step on his arm, does so! Kick from Shibata, and he works the arm, stomping on it again. Keith olls out of the ring, screaming in agony. Shibata follows and gets whipped into the barricade, then sent stomach first into it. Keith breaks the count and runs over to kick the arm. Keith drives a knee to the arm of Shibata.

We are back and Shibata has Keith hurting in the corner. Rights over and over to the face, dropping Keith, but he hits a headbutt! Firemans and Keith drops Shibata with a neckbreaker to the knee. Cover for 1..2NO!!! Works thearm, captures the leg for an Exploder, hits it!

Double underhook from Keith. Keith breaks it. Headbutt from Keith. Shibata captures, STO! Huge chop! The Claw!! Into the arm bar! Keith taps!

Winner: Katsuyori Shibata
Not much to see here, particularly because the commercial.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 7:03

We get a three-on-one attack from The Learning Tree.

Chris Jericho has the FTW title in his hand, looks to attack, but Hook is back! He runs down the rmap with tape over one of his eyes and a beanie. He goes straight for Jericho, laying into him with right forearms until Bill pulls Jericho ut of the ring and they leave.

We learn that the hurricane coming into NC prevented Orange Cassidy’s homies from being here. Renee asks OC what he’s going to do about tonight. OC says he’ll still do his match. Probably not a good idea, but he found some local boys looking for a fight, so he’ll be alright.

Renee tells him to let her know if he needs anything, and OC asks her to wrestle for him. Haha.

We come back and Renee introduces Hangman Adam Page.

He says there has been one thing, one man that he wants. For that one man, there have been a dozen other dumbasses getting in his way. Justice delayed is justice denied. Believe him, he will have what he wants.

Earlier today, Jim Ross say with Swerve Strickland.

JR says he is hyped to see him vs BD, but he wonders if it motivates Swerve. Swerve says he is beyond motivated. Tagging with and going against legends and losing last year, to main eventing this year means the world to him. That path changed him.

JR brings up his controversial happenings. Does Swerve feel remorse?

Swerve says he had to make noise. If you make enough noise, people will listen. JR asks about the violence, and how punishing Bryan is. Swerve says people are underestimating how violent this match will be. Bryan knows how hard he’s gotta fight against Swerve.

JR says BD is talking like this is it. He is fighting like this is his last match. Swerve brings up his legacy. Who is he without any of this? He needs something to fight for, and without it, who is he. If he was in Bryan’s position, would anyone give a damn about him? Swerve is in the driver’s seat. He controls this company now. This is what worries people. It should worry him, because he doesn’t care about Bryan being a father or husband.

JR calls this the toughest match Swerve has ever had, but Swerve doesn’t. What if the nerves just stop working, his neck seizes on him. Everyone always talks about the pain they’ll inflict. What do you do when none of that works?

JR says Bryan will be hard to beaet. Can Swerve do it? Swerve says he will beat Bryan in Wembley and his legacy will belong to him.

Orange Cassidy and FTR vs Rush, The Beast Mortos, and Roderick Strong

FTR hilariously comes out in denim jackets and shades.

Dax and Rush to start. They circle the ring. Lockup! Rush blocks it, chop to the chest, again to the corner. Tag to Beast. Dax runs the ropes, drop toe hold from Beast, and Rush hits a dropkick. Cover for 1..NO! Tag to Strong who comes in with a knee, then a chop. Dax gives his own and it’s much harder. More chops and a tag to Cash. Tag to OC. Cash kicks, attacks the back, sends Strong to the corner. OC comes in and hits some shoulders. Tag to Dax. Dac locks the head, hits a sick suplex, then a leg drop. Cover for 1…NO! Tag to Cash. Tag to Oc. Elbow drop from Cash then OC hops on the back of Dax and drops an elbow onto Strong. In come Rush and mortos to get beat down by FTR. OC with a dropkick to Strong, and we get all three faces in the ring. Dax and Cash do the pockets thing.

We are back and the heels have control, dropping Cash after some clothelsines in the corner. Mortos covers for 1..2..NO!!! Tag to Strong who stomps the midsection. Strong with a cravat from behind. Cash turns into the hold. Right hands to the gut. Strong prevents a tag. Backbreaker to Cash! Cover! 1.2…NO!!! We get a rollup in the corner from Cash for 1..2NO!! High knee is missed by Strong. Tag to Dax who comes in with a bunch of rights to Strong. One for Rush, for Mortos. Rush slaps Dax in the back of the head. Dax turns and whips, then sends Rush outside. Dax lifts Mortos up with a spinebuster! Strong kicks, whip, cradle from Dax! 1.2..NO!!!! Waist lock, roll and a pin for 1..2.nO!!! Dax with a springboard clothesline and a pin for 1..2NO!!! Dax locks the head, sits him up on the corner, then chops him hard. Strong nearly falls off the cornr, but pulls himself up. Another chop. Strong slips underneath, tag from Mortos. Strong hits a big knee then Mortos flies off the to prope onto Dax! Cover! 1.2…NO!! Beast works the let arm. Chop to Dax. Dax rolls outside. WE see Mike and Matt cheap shot Dax with stomps as the ref is distracted.

We come back to Rush and Dax both hitting hard hits to the chin and both men drop down to the mat. Ref starts the count as Cash clamors for. Tag. Strong is there though, and he drops Cash onto the apron back first. Mortos tries to attack OC, but OC shoves him off, just as Dax tags him in. Elbow to Rush, rana to Rush. He ducks under, tornado DDT to Strong. Here comes Mortos, but OC hits the ropes and dives onto Strong outside. He re0-enters, ducks under, sick ass spinning into a tornado DDT!!! He calls for Orange Punch, Strong on the apron, right hand to him. SPEAR TO OC FROM MORTOS! To Dax! Cash in, powerslam from Cash! IN comes Rush, who hits a back suplex. OC is back in! Shoots the legs! Beach Break! Cover! 1.2…NO!!!! OC to the top rope, Strong with a high knee, Dax sends him outside. Dax is the legal man, gets Germand! Rush with a running knee. Coer for 1..2NO!! In comes Cash to stop the pin! Strong there but gets sent outside! Mortos with aheadbutt sends Cash outside, then Mortos spins out of the ring onto Cash! He rushes oC, but OC ducks and he flies onto Mike and and Matt! OC with a stunddog to Strong!

In the ring, Ruh hits stomps to Dax over and over. Rush goes for a dive into the corner but OC hits an Orange Punch! Rush hits his own right hand! He doenst evne go down!

In comes Cash. FTR take turns chopping Rush, but he takes them both on, hitting chops and slaps over and over. ORANGE PUNCH AGAIN!!! BIG SHATTER MACHINE!!!! COVER!! 1..2…3!!!!s

Winners: Orange Cassidy and FTR
Sick ass ending there. Rush looked like a bad ass.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 16:50

The Acclaimed are here! Max cuts imself a little freestyle, but the mic is cut out. Dax has a mic, and says it sounds like the mic people don’t want him to talk, just like all of North Carolina. Dax respects what they’ve done, but here is the problem. This goes beyond AEW.

Dax cuts it short, says fuck this, break through that wall, and let’s go.

We get a pull apart brawl…second one of the night…and they go about as wellas you’d expect.

The best part is Orange Cassidy taking one of The Acclaimed’s hats and putting it on.

Mmmmmmmmmercedes Mone and Kamille are here for squash.

Kamille vs Jazmyne Hao and Clara Carter

Jobber girls go splat.

Winner: Kamille
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: A virgin’s first time

Mercedes wants us to say hello to Kamille. Kamille clears the ring, then Mone tries to get the NC hometown love. She says not to waste our breath on chanting the D.M.D. and shoutout to the EVPs. SO sweet. She hates to be the one to break it to us, but Britt is not here. Let’s talk about her: first woman signed, how impressive. Britt is the first, but never the best. Her two titles let the world know that sghe is the best.

Schiavone has a message for Mercedes. Apparently, Khan has overruled The Elite and lifted the suspension of Britt. She is her via satellite.

Britt Baker is on the screen. She says Mercedes can’t stop her. She is all in. When she makes a commitment to something, she sees it through to the end. Unlike Mercedes. The second things don’t go her way, she runs. AEW is just the flair of the month for her. For Britt, AEW is home. Go ahead and count your money, but this ends at All In. She will be the first female in AEW to defeat her. Now, she has seven days to think about how she’ll get her hands on Mone. She’ll figure out a way. Trust her, she’s a doctor. Yours truly, Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.

We are BACK and ready for the main event.

Bryan Danielson vs Jeff Jarrett

The match starts with JJ running out during Bryan’s entrance and clocking him over the head with a guitar. JJ tosses Bryan into the ring and hits him with a clothesline to send him back outside. JJ grabs a chair and smacks Bryan across the shoulder. JJ sends Bryan over the barricade into the crowd. They fight up the steps. JJ fights Bryan up the steps then hits a right to the face. Again. Bryan fights back with some rights of his own. JJ with a thumb to the eye. They continue the fight up the steps, with JJ sending Bryan into a wall then grabbing a full trash can and tossing it onto Bryan. He then hits him with the Trash Can’s….uh, can? Bryan grabs an empty Michelob bottle and clocks JJ over the head with it. JJ with kicks to the chest over and over then a hard right, using the bottle. JJ goes low!!! JJ drops Bryan onto the trash can holder then sets it up for a suplex from Bryan onto it. Rights from JJ. They both stand. Bryan gets punched into the crowd that cirlces them a few times, then JJ locks the head and tries for the suplex again, but Bryan hits it instead!

We come back to JJ beating Bryan down in the corner as Swerve watches backstage. JJ with the beatdown over and over then he sends Bryan headfirst into the corner. Whip to Bryan. Bryan hops over JJ, cant land it, but is back up quick, hits the ropes, clothesline to JJ. Bryan with a running kick in the corner. Bryan mounts and hits his own ten count. He sends JJ outside then hits a suicide dive! Big kicks from JJ by the barricade. Bryan to the apron. He runs of with a knee, but JJ has a chair and tosses it at the diving knee! JJ takes Bryan into the ring and sits on the knee. Hard chair shot to the knee. He traps Bryan’s leg in the chair. Bryan with the chair! He chairshots JJ across the back. Spider Superplex! Bryan flies with a dropkick! Bryan with kicks to the chest. Bryan misses a big kick to the head as JJ ducks then locks in the Figure Four! Bryan grabs the chair and hits JJ with it a few times to break up the hold! JJ is up though! The Stroke onto the chair! Cover! 1..2.NO!!! JJ wants the Sharpshooter! He gets it! Bryan crawls, spins into it, then traps the arm!

LaBell Lock! JJ breaks the grip! He turns Bryan onto his back. JJ with an enziguri. JJ tries for The Stroke, but Bryan sends him into the corner where a chair sits. BRYAN WITH A KNEE HOLDING A CHAIR!!! Cover! 1…2..3!!!

Winner: Bryan Danielson
The plunder helped to cover JJ’s speed, but only just so. It wasn’t a bad match by any means, but lacked a certain energy.
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 15:32

Bryan Danielson, Ricky Steamboat, and Jeff Jarrett stand and celebrate.

Here comes Swerve Strickland with a mic. We just witnessed three legends of TBS programming. Jeff, Ricky, and Swerve. He says they’ve all held World Titles here. Not Bryan. He’s one of the greatest of all time, which will make it a huge honor for him to retire Bryan. His legacy will become Swerve. He will not hesitate to take. the killshot. Heck of a match, how is Bryan feelin? Leg a little wobbly? Bad back? Numb fingers? If that’s what Jeff can do, imagine what Swerve is going to do. Great test, though. So how bout Swerve gets his own test? He needs a sparring aprtner. Next week, Swerve vs Wheeler Yuta? Yuta, who is there, is down. He wants Bryan in the front row, though. He wants to show him why he is the most dangerous man in AEW.

End Show

The final score: review Good
The 411
If there was a list of things I don't particularly enjoy during a pro-wrestling tv show - even with the full knowledge that they are necessary evils - it would be 1) pull-apart brawls and 2) squash matches. Unfortunately for me, we had this aplenty. More unfortunate is although the wrestling was good, it left much to be desired. MJF v Kyle was a great showing for Kyle but went on a bit too long, and I could say the same for the main event. An average show, but we're well set for Wembley, so I can understand why.

article topics :

AEW Dynamite, Tony Acero