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Acero’s WWE RAW Review 11.21.22

Just finished the series finale of The Walking Dead, and boy did my crush on Rosita come to full fruition. Anyway, we got a review up of the final episode on this very website, so check it out HERE!
A special thanks to Steve Cook for covering me last week! I hear y’all gave him hell. Good.
We start RAW with Mr. Owens! He comes out, looking super annoyed. He brings up Smackdown and him joining the Wargames Match. He joined the team for a good reason – for one specific person – and it aint Sami Zayn. Owens still considers Sami like a brother, and what he’s got going on is his problem. Who he is talking about – who he is coming for – is Roman Reigns. It’s been two years since they’ve faced each other, and this Saturday, he is coming to remind Reigns who the hell he is. He is Kevin Owens, the guy who took him to the limit three times. He is the one who would have ended the reign if it wasn’t for The Bloodline, and he is the guy coming to WarGames to take out The Bloodline, so that the next time he gets a shot at Reigns, there is nothing stopping him from kicking his ass and taking his title.
Last Friday, he got to go to Smackdown because he was extended an invitation by some guys. He figured how rude would he be not to return the favor, so tonight, he did not come alone.
Sheamus and his brawling buddies are here to join Owens. They come out from the crowd, standing proud up high, and we get a cool shot of them over the shoulder of Owens. McIntyre is here too, and he stands alongside Sheamus and The Brutes.
It is Fight Night, says The Brutes, and Sheamus wants to know if we smell it. There’s a banger cookin in the stove, because this Saturday night will be bad ass. He told Sami on Friday when he found out who the fifth man was, he’d crap his pants, and now we all know who that man is.
Drew says he doesn’t remember a time when Reigns and The Bloodline weren’t holding the top titles hostage, abusing their power, the numbers game. This Saturday, all of that is going to change. Here are five lads that want to rip apart The Bloodline. Are you ready for a war?
The lights go out. Music hits. It’s The Judgment Day.
Rhea tells Drew to shut up. She says the only thing people will be talkin about is how many people she destroys in the Women’s WarGames match. This is RAW, the show that they run. This isn’t play night. Over her, you rise and show respect to The Judgment Day.
Dominik: “Yeah, so some respect to The Judgment Day.”
Dom tells them to let his deadbeat dad he said hello. Finn then tells AJ Styles he’s facing him at Survivor Series.
As for the five in the ring, he hopes The Bloodline smashes them at SS. And before he forgets, next time they show up on RAW, The Judgment Day won’t be so nice.
Sheamus calls out Finn, calls him his fellow Irish man. Their houses may be only ten miles apart, but as two Fighting Irish, they may as well be a million miles apart. Sheamus does not respect Finn. He is the type of plastic patty that he’s come to despise.
Finn tells Sheamus that even salt looks like sugar, and he is one salty Irish bastard. Sheamus has been wanting him one-on-one for so long, so how bout we The Judgment Day vs The Brawlin Brutes.
Dunne makes a show of shoving Drew out of the ring. Lol.
The Judgment Day accepts.
Match 1: The Brawling Brutes vs The Judgment Day
WE come to the match in progress. Sheamus wants Priest in the ring. Priest with a huge right, corners Sheamus, hits some body shots, then to the head. Sheamus switches, hits a bunch of right hands. Whip is reversed, Kick to Priest. Sheamus slinks up to the corner. He hops to the apron, Priest rushes and Sheamus flies over the top rope. He runs up the corner, flying clothesline. Cover for 1..2.NO!!! Tag to Ridge, uppercut to Priest, shoulder to the mid, suplex is attempted but Priest knees him in the head. Whip to Ridge, Ridge hits a running knee. Whip to the corner, Priest with a right hand. Another. Kicks to Ridge,uppercut. Priest with a Broken Arrow. Tag to Dom. He comes in, mounts and hits some right hands. Dom mounts again and punches after some posing for the crowd. Boot scrape to Ridge, Ridge shoves Dom into a tag from Finn. Elbow drop to the back, and a cover for 1..2..NO!!! SNapmare from Finn, hits the ropes, running dropkick to tef ae. Cover for 1..2…N!O!! Suplex from Finn. Finn tags in Dom. Dom with some kicks ot re chest. Right hands from Dom. Dom tries for the three amigos, but Ridge reverses and tags in Butch. Balor in. Butch t othe corner, running knee to the forearm. Shove from Butch, Dom holds Finn by the hand, Butch kicks the hands, punches Priest, dropkick to the leg, Butch hits the ropes, stomps the feet, kick to the back of the head, in comes Dom and he gets sent right the fuck back out. Priest drags Butch out of the ring. GOOZLE!! Chokeslam onto the apron!
We are BACK from break, and the crowd is SHITTING on Dom. Dom stomps Butch, but Butch is up to split the fingers as Dom gloats to the crowd. Finn is in, grabs the boot, enziguri from Butch. Dom on the apron, he shoves Sheamus off the apron. Ridge chaes shim, but Rhea stops ihm! Butch sends Finn into the corner. Tag to Ridge! He his a shoulder tackle, another, ducks under a right, hits a third shoulder then a splash in. the corner. Ridge bounces off with another one, and eats a dropkick on his way for a third. Ridhe catches Finn in the air and powerslmas him down. Priest in, Ridge catches the leg. Headbutt to Priest. Finn in, grabs Ridge and hits a 1916. Tag to Dom. Tag to Sheamus! Dom is not happy. Sheamus is elated. Dom runs out of the ring and up the ramp, but Sheamus follows and chases him to the top.
Some music hits, and AJ STYLES AND THE OC are there to stop Dom! Sheamus sends Domback into the ring. Clothesline in the corner, Irish Curse! Dom to the apron. Sheamus catches him, here comes Priest to distract, he gets an elbow, Dom hangs him up. Ridge in, Pay Dirt to him from Priest. Butch flies off the top rope> GOOZLE!!!! But no, Enziguri sends Priest to the outside. Butch with a moonsault! Finn clocsk him! Sheamus catches Finn on the apron, looks to beat him down, but Dom is there to hit a backslide for 1..2.NO!!! KNEE TO DOMs FACE!!! Yeeeeesh! Sheamus rips Dom’s top up a bit then beats the shit out of his chest. Dom looks like he is dying Holy shit, Sheamus beats the fuck out of this kid! He gets to 20!!! LAWD! Lol.
Dom crawls into the ring. Sheamus calls for it. BROGUE!!!!! Cover for 1..2…3!!
Winners: The Brawling Brutes
I COULD complain about The Judgment Day looking a little weak, but seeing Sheamus beat the dog shit out of Dom was just a joy.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 14:21
Judgment Day attacks!!! Sheamus sends Priest over the top rope. Priest pulls him out. He and Sheamsu fight up the ramp, but Gallows is there to kick the taste out of Priest’s face!
Finn is in the ring by himself. He calls Sheamus out, but Owens rolls into the ring and hits a Stunner and the crowd is ALIVE!!!
Backstage, Johnny Gargano is stopped by the hottest girl with a mic I’ve seen for so long….and asks about his troubles with The Miz.
Gargano says he has a rematch tonight. He and Dexter have a mutual understanding – they will not be involved in each others’ matches. He wants The Miz tonight. Now.
After the break, we have Johnny in the ring.
The Miz comes out, suited, and says that he hurt his hand on a cactus, but he did find Johnny an opponent.
Match 2: Omos vs Johnny Gargano
Johnny gets shoved, tries to run back for some offense, but Omos hits abig boot. Johnny heads out of the ring,and OMos follows him to shove his face into the table. Omos sneds Johnny back into the ring then follows as MVP barks orders. Johnny hits a dropkick to Omos on the apron, then suicide dives into Omos. Johnny flies off the top, oMos catches him, lifts, and dorps him on th apron.
Miz is on commentary. He leaves the talbe to distract Johnny, so OMos palms his head and brins him into the ring for a Tree Slam. But Johnny knees oMos in the chest. He rushes the corner for a splash, Johnny moves and Omos crushes his chest into the corner. Omos is down. Johnny kicks him in the head. Johnny with another kick to the chin.
Johnny with a third kick, and Omos is down!!! Johnny to the top rope! He flies! GOOZLE FROM OMOS! He’s up!!! CHOKESLAM!! Cover for 1….2…3!!!
Winner: Omos
Well it wasn’t pretty…
Total Rating: ½*
Match Time: 3:03
Video package for Theory.
Rollins is here via satellite, looking like a crazed man. He says he has never felt better. Graves asks him how he is preparing for the title match come Survivor Series. Seth tells Graves he asked for this match. He’s got a bone to pick with both men. This is just a two birds, one stone situation. You don’t prepare for a wild Bobby Lashley, you survive it.
As for Theory, call Cody Rhodes and ask him how his rehab is going. Let Seth know what he says. The bottom line is this – At Survivor Series, it is going to be a war. Three men who do not like each other, going toe to toe to toe, and they are all on the cusp. They can all snap at any second. Lashley is abrute, Theory he knows because he used to be him. The real question is, what are THEY going to do to prepare for him. He is one of one.
Theory is shown watching this backstage. He turns to the cam, says no one understands him. He’s hit Rock Bottom, and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to him. He is not that kid Seth’s been in the ring with before. He’s a new man and he will be taken serious. After SS, this entire business will know what time it is. The disrespect ends here. He calls out Dolph and Seth, and even Bobby. Pay attention to what he does to Mustafa tonight.
Match 3: Mustafa Ali vs Austin Theory
Theory corners Ali quickly and attacks the injured ribs. Elbow to the face from Ali. Rope work and Theory hits a knee. Theory tries for a suplex, Ali shoots him away and hits a tornado DDT. Knee to the face from Ali. Ali with a back suplex, still holding the ribs. Theory rolls ot the outside. Ali stands, hits the roeps, Ali dives and a suicide dive is stuffed! Theory sends Ali into the apron, the barricade, back into the ring, rolls through for a DDT but Ali hits a Superkick!!! Both men down! Cover from Ali! 1…2..NO!!! Theory sends Ali into the corner face first. Theory sits him on the top rope and hangs him up in the Tree of Woe. Some body shots from Theory. Ref stops him at 4. Theory with more shots and another count. Ali sits on the top, Theory pulls himself up, Ali with a surprise powerbomb off the top! Ali to the top rope! 450 splash to Theory, but it hurts Ali a hell of a lot! Theory rolls to the outside again!!!
Theory back in. A Town Down! Cover for 1..2…3!!!
Winner: Austin Theory
Damn, really thought Ali was gonna get that for a second. Ali is just something else.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 5:39
Lashley on the tron! He tells Theory he has his attention. If he wants to be taken seriously, let’s get serious. Lashley is coming down now, so lets give Albany a preview of Survivor Series.
WE are BACK and Lashley is making his way to the ring! Theory has the mic, tells Lashley Brock beat that ass, then Seth beat that ass. Point is, Lashley cant get the job done. The thing bout Seth and Bobby is that they think they’re dealing with the same kid. The kid is dead and gone, and Theory is walking in this Saturday to become the US Champion.
Lashley tells Theory he aint even making it out of tonight. He attacks, sending Theory into the corner then to the outside. He sends Theory into the barricade. Lashley beats down on him. Theory is able to get his hands on a chair! He hits ALashley in the back! Lashley no sells it! He chases Theory into the crowd then stops. Theory keeps the run on, but Lashley tries to cut him off at the ramp! He follows Theory to the back, and there is Ali waiting for Theory. Theory shoves Ali into Lashley! Lol.
Ali shoves Lashley so Lashley chokes him and sends him to the outside ramp.
WE ARE BACK and The Alpha Academy are here.
Match 4: The Alpha Academy vs Elias and Matt Riddle
Elias and Gable to start. He wrestles Elias down, locks the left arm up behind, Elias reverses. Side headlock from Gable, he spins, locks the hips, rope break and Gable hits an arm dra. Another. Whip to the corner, Gable floats over but Elias is there to hit a hard shoulder. Elias hops over, ducks a right, whip to the ropes ,kick from Gable. Elias shoots Gable over with a back body drop!
We are back, and Riddle is seated in the corner. Gable hits a dragon screw, but Riddle is able to kick the chest and tag in Elias. Double elbows to Gable. Elias gets Riddle on his shoulders then drops him off the top with a broton. Elias sends Otis off the apron, then flies though the ropes for a dropkick! He flies off the apron, Otis catches hi, meanwhile Gable trips Riddle up. Otis posts Elias and Gable hits a German off the apron!
Back again after that awkwardly timed break, and Otis gets a cover after a Modified Hart Attack from Gable. We get a 1..2…NO!!! Otis to the 2n rope! He flies off ,Riddle rolls out of the way! Tag to Gable! Tag to Elias! Elbow from Elias. Another, over head suplex from Elias. Chop in the corner! Right, chop, right, chop, whip to the corenr. Splash in the corner, Elias hits the ropes, another splash, hits the ropes, ducks under a right hand, spinebuster! Neckbreaker from Elias. Cover for 1..2.NO!!! Tag from Otis. He grabs the head, drops Elias down on his bck! Gable with a flying headbutt! Otis covers! Riddle with a broton! Otis clocks him in the face, sends him outside !Tag to Riddle! He is in with Gable! Rights! Leg scissors and he sends Gable to the outside! Punt kick to Otis! FLoatin Bro off the ropes!
In the ring, Gable tries for a German. Riddle escape. Tag to Elias. He drops Gable. Floating Bro from Riddle! Cover for 1..2..3!!!
Winners: The Alpha Academy
Not a fan of AA losing yet again, but also not surprised.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 16:00
Corbin and JBL are playing poker, and in comes Drew to rekindle a fued no one wants to see.
Match 5: Drew McIntyre vs Baron Corbin
The bell rings, and Corbin rolls to the outside. Boos shower him as Drew awaits Corbin. Ref hits 4, and Corbin gets back in. Lockup! Drew powers him into the corner. Refbreaks and Corbin cheap shots Drew. Right hands to Drew. Right hand to the face. Another. Right to the body from Corbin. Drew hits one to the face, a chop to Corbin, right, and another chop. Knee from Corbin, elbow to the back of the head, another, whip is reversed and Drew eats a kick from Corbin! Huge clothesline from Drew, Corbin vounces back up and Drew sends him to the outside. Drew follows and whips Corbin into the timekeepers area. Chop from Drew. He lifts Corbin and drops him on top of the announce desk. Drew rolls inside the ring, ref hits 7, and Drew leaves the ring again. Chop to Corbin. Ref restarts the count. Another chop to Corbin, this time in front of JBL. Drew sends Corbin back into the ring. He hops to the apron, JBL looks on and that’s enough to give Corbin a shot to hit a right hand, then sends Drew into the corner face first. Ref starts the count, but Corbin leaves the ring, grabs Drew, and sends him back into the ring. Corbin follows, Drew to his knees, Corbin gets him in the corner, chop! Whip to Drew. Into the corner hard. Splash in the corner. Corbin sends Drew into the corner shoulder first. Corbin claps for himself. Corbin grabs Drew, chokes him up in the corner, right hand to the dome, another, whip to the corner, but Drew fires out wit a clothesline! Another! Over the head belly to belly! Neckbreaker from Drew! Both men down! Kip up! Drew locks the head, picks him up for a Future Shock. Corbin escapes, a bunch of rights to the face. Corbin hits the ropes, Drew lifts him with a Michinoku Driver! Cover for 1..2…NO!!!! Corbin ducks under a clothesline but is caught mid-air and Corbin hits a Fallaway Slam. Corbin shoots, slides under th ropes, back in, misses a right hand, headbutt from Drew, Corbin hits the ropes and comes back with a clothesline! Both men down!
WE come back to a superplex for our viewing pleasure. Drew is able to stand, hits a right, Corbin hits his own, they go back and forth. Drew with a chop, a right, they do the Boo/Yay spot. Back elbow from Corbin, but Drew fires back into the corner! Corbin with a chokeslam! Corbin mounts Drew and hits a few punches, telling him to go back to Smackdown in the process. Corbin grabs Drew, lifts him up, tries for End of Days, Drew escapes, Future Shock DDT! Corbin slow to stand, Drew wants Claymore. He shoots for it, Corbin ducks! Drew misses! Corbin gets Drew on his shoulders, falls back with a Samoan Drop. Cover for 1..2…NO!!! Drew to the outside. Corbin follows, beats on the back of Drew’s head for a bit, but Drew hits a suplex into the barricade, then sends Corbin back into the ring. He wants Claymore! JBl distracts! Deep Six! Cover! 1..2…NO!!! Corbin gets in the face of the ref, cornering him and yelling in his face. Corbin lookjs to the announce table, and Akira Tozawa is sitting on the table! He takes JBL’s hat and puts it on. JBL follows Akira into the crowd..
Corbin turns, Drew hits the ropes. Claymore! Cover for 1..2..3!!!
Winner: Drew McIntyre
This match was eighteen minutes long, and I felt every single minute. Not that it was bad, it just dragged and easily could have ended at least three times.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 18:04
The OC have an exclusive interview when we come back.
AJ is asked if emotions are riding hi. He tells Cathy yes, yes they are. Finn and he were close, but this is his family, They are The OC. He will give Finn the beating he deserves.
Here comes Finny. Does AJ TINK he’s a bad guy? He’s worse; he’s the devil.
In comes Rhea with a kick to Mia’s face, and here come the rest of Judgment Day to attack all of The OC. Anderson send Dom into a bin, Finn attacks Karl, AJ comes to his aid, sends Finn into some random shit, Gallows and Anderson corner Priest against a door. They all go at it, fighting to the outside. We get a high angle to see AJ attack Finn and Anderson drop Dom onto the hood of a car. Priest sends Gallows into an open car door. Priest smashes him in between the car and door. Finally, security and refs come out to stop the madness.
Bianca Belair’s music hits and looks like she’s coming down. Mia Yim is shown to be coming down with her, but the brawl has stopped that.
Bianca says that since Summerslam, her and Bayley have been tearing it up. Come this Saturday, the battle will end. Wargames. She may have won the battle, but she has not won the war. Alexa says she will be throwing Damage Control in the trash. Asuka says they are ready for war, but no one is ready for them. Bianca says just wait for their fifth member. Asuka says Rhea is not ready for her.
Apparently, everyone has been hitting her up to be the fifth member, and come Friday at Smackdown, we will not be disappointed.
Rhea’s music hits and out she comes with Damage Control. Bayley doesn’t believe they have an actual partner. Sounds like Bianca is stalling, says Bayley. Bayley says no one respects Bianca – not even her teammates. They are sucking up for the next title shot. Not like they’d stand a chance, though. There’s Yim, who has been here for a cup of coffee. Then there’s Alexa and Asuka who have lost to her girls even while being lead by Bianca. She’s even sending Asuka to handle her dirty work instead of handling things on her own like a real champion.
Asuka tells her to shut up. She tells Rhea, let’s do this right now.
Rhea tells Asuka that just like at Mania, Rhea is going to eradicate her.
Here comes the ref.
Match 6: Rhea Ripley vs Asuka
LOCKUP! Asuka grabs the hair, Rhea grabs the neck and tosses Asuka aside. She grabs Asuka by the hair this time and tosses her across the ring. We see Damage Cotnrol watching the screen while Nikki lightly tugs on her hair, sitting in a locker room.
Back in the ring, Asuka tries to kick but Rhea catches her, hits a right, snapmare and a kick to the back. A dropkick from Rhea. Cover for 1..2.NO!!! Slap from Asuka. To the top rope. Dropkick off the top from Rhea. Asuka hits the ropes as Rhea sldies outside. Asuka slides to the outsid,e Rhea catches her, sits Asuka on her shoulders, Asuka slides down, sends her into the barricade then drapes her oer the apron. Asuka runs with a hip attack to the side of the head!
Rhea is able to recover, and kicks Asuka in the side a few times. She grabs Asuka, sends her into the ropes, then hits a forearm to the kidneys! Another shot to the back! Asuka rolls through, picks the ankle. ANKLE LOCK! She wraps her legs around, Rhea is able ot stand out of this though and sends ASuka down face first. Rhea corners Asuka. She hits a body shot, another, right hand to the afce. Running shoulder to Asuka. Rhea sits her on the top rope. Slap to the face. Asuka fires back with a slap of her own. Rhea is stunned. Asuka kicks, but Rhea with a standing dropkick to Asuka!!!
We are back and Asuka posts Rhea. She gets some kicks, ducks under a right, back fist, another, high kick, Asuka corners Rhea, hits a back elbow, tries for a bulldog, Rhea kicks, Asuka catches. GERMAN! PIN! 1..2….NO!!! Asuka grabs the head. Rhea reverses. Cloverleaf!!! Asuka reaches for the ropes. ASuka rolls through, kicks Rhea to the apron, Rhea hits a forearm. Rhea to the top rope. ASuka trips her up, running knee! Cover for 1..2…NO!!! Asuak tries for a hip attack, lands on the ropes, back kick from Rhea. Rhea stands slow, kicks Asuka hard, stomps the toe, knee to the face, headbutt. Northern Lights! 1…2…NO!!! Pumphandle! Asuka slinks off! ASUKA LOCK!!!! Asuka slinks out. Damage Control is now ringside. Rhea corners Asuka. Shoulder to her!
Here come Bianca and Alexa!
ASuka with a kick! She gets an arm bar!!! Rhea is stressed! She struggles, turns, shoulders down for ASuka! Cover for 1..2.NO!!!
Backfist, misses, right misses from Rhea, kick misses, Pumphandle. RIPTIDE!!! Cover for 1…2…3!!!
Winner: Rhea Ripley
They did a lot here to see Rhea look strong, especially against Asuka, as Asuka never had the upperhand for too long. Interesting choice.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 16:28
All the girls end up going at it, with Nikki attacking Alexa until she slaps the taste out her mouth. Bianca fights everyone off but Bayley holds her leg and we get Kai and Sky attacking. Alea is here to help, Bianca flips Dakota down then goes back to the attack, sending Nikki into the barricade! Rhea here for a headbutt!!! She attacks Bianca!!!! HERE COMES MIA YIM!!! She sends Rhea over the barricade!!!! Asuka flies off the apron!!! Refs are here to stop the craziness as we get a video package for War Games to end the show.
End Show
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