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Arn Anderson Recalls End Of Harley Race’s In-Ring Career, WCW Doing More PPVs

June 16, 2024 | Posted by Andrew Ravens
Harley Race NWA Image Credit: NWA

On the latest episode of The ARN Show, Arn Anderson talked about the end of Harley Race’s in-ring career and more. You can check out some highlights below:

On the end of Harley Race’s in-ring career in 1995 due to a car accident: “I was in awe of Harley, just like several people that came before me. But I was in awe of Harley, and I think in the back of our mind, we all thought, ‘Well, it’s just something else to overcome.’ Because he’s just such a tough son of a gun. He was one of the benchmarks, he was one of the measuring sticks when you talk about, ‘Okay. I know, I get it. You guys work hard, you beat yourselves up and all that, but who’s one of the tough guys? Who’s really tough?’ Well, that’s one of the first names out of everybody’s mouth, Harley Race. And you just hate to see something like that happen that’s totally out of his control.”

On WCW increasing the number of pay-per-views in 1995: “Well, more is not better. It waters down your product. I was a big fan of the four a year. And not just because it’s for, before somebody says it, smartass. Because you have a pay-per-view, you have your blowoffs with the particular matchups that you have. You blow them off; now you’ve got three or four months to build to the next one. And you can completely start over, change opponents, do something on the tail end of that show that will lead you into the next pay-for-view. But you’re not going to blow that off for three or four months. And you could just take your time, just the way it’s meant to be. An episodic, male soap opera, and just give them a taste each week and let it build. Leave them wanting more, not less.”

On more PPV events not allowing fans to enjoy the feuds more: “I think we all feel that way. You know, bit it’s — when you are working for a particular company, it’s their sandbox. You’re just playing in it. The only thing I can advise people to do. because there is not enough devotion to the storytelling and the little piece each week alone, is for the talent to kind of take it by the reins and do that in the ring. Don’t give them everything you got every week. Because now the fans just get desensitized to it.”

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit The ARN Show with an h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.

article topics :

Arn Anderson, Andrew Ravens