wrestling / Video Reviews
BG Says: PWG Guitarmageddon
June 11, 2005 – Los Angeles, California
Disco Machine and Excalibur tackle commentary, and as usual be sure to switch the audio channel over to hear them.
Chris Bosh & Scott Lost © VS. Hook Bomberry & Topgun Talwar [PWG Tag Team Championship Match]
Bosh and Talwar start. Bosh hits a monkey flip to start and puts on a headlock. Talwar hits a shoulder tackle but runs into a fall away slam. He comes back with a bearhug and by the look on Bosh’s face it’s a tight one. Bosh drops down and bites Talwar’s thigh. Talwar sells it like Ace Ventura. Bosh hits the Van Dam uppercut to the groin. Lost and Hook tag in and Hook hits a dropkick. Talwar tags in and hits a drop toehold so Hook can dropkick Lost’s face. Talwar hits a basement shoulder tackle for 2 with a cocky cover. Hook tags in and hits a dropkick to the back. Bosh hits a cheap shot and tags in. Hook gets a sunset flip for 2. Bosh hits the clothesline into a backbreaker for 2. He hits a fistdrop and tags to Lost. Lost hits the Superman Spear and tags to Bosh. Bosh climbs the ropes and holds out his knees so Lost can ram Hook’s back into them. He hits a fisherman suplex for 2. Lost tags in and puts on a sleeper hold. The crowd gets behind Hook and he fights out. He hits an enziguiri and tags to Talwar. Bosh tags in but Talwar hits him with an atomic drop. Talwar hits a bodyslam and then slingshots Lost on to Bosh. He hits clotheslines in the corner on Lost but Bosh counters the Chipotlé to a swinging backbreaker. Hook hits a forearm on Bosh and a Michinoku Driver on Lost for 2. Talwar sends Bosh to the floor and hits a Rydien bomb on Lost. Hook tags in and, along with Talwar, dives off the top rope to the floor onto Arrogance. Back in the ring Lost hits a backbreaker on Hook for 2. Talwar blocks the Superman Spear and hits a swinging reverse DDT. He can’t get the pin because he’s not legal and Bosh pulls him to the floor. Lost and Bosh hit a Hart Attack backbreaker on Hook and Lost locks in the Scorpion Deathlock for the win at 1253. The opening match kings dominated most of this match in surprising fashion, making this a fun change of pace.
Rating: **½
Puma VS. Davey Richards VS. Human Tornado [Elimination Match]
Tornado wipes his hair product on Puma to start. They all knuckle up and Richards powers both opponents down. Puma puts a wristlock on both opponents but gets chopped. Tornado and Richards hit a double bodyslam on Puma. Tornado pokes Richards in the eyes and rakes his back. Puma rolls Tornado up for 2 when Richards stupidly breaks it up. Excalibur reinforces my love for him on commentary by mentioning how stupid a move that was. Puma hits a dropkick on Tornado but his foot is in the ropes. Puma puts on a leglock but Richards again breaks it up and sends Puma to the floor. Tornado dodges a blind charge and hits a Manhattan drop and the Pimp Slap. He hits the splits kick but Puma puts him in the Tree of Woe. He taps Tornado’s testicles. Richards sets Puma in the Tree of Woe over Tornado and stands on both of their groins. He hits a northern lights suplex on Puma for 2. He hits a snap suplex for 2. Puma kicks Tornado’s gluteus muscle and hits a hurricanrana on Richards for 2. He dropkicks Tornado’s back for 2. He dropkicks Tornado’s front and hits a back heel kick on Richards. Richards bails so Tornado follows him out with a huge dive, pretty much wiping out on a group of chairs. Back in the ring Puma gets 2 on Richards. He hits a bodyslam and a slingshot senton for 2. Tornado gets back in the ring and hits a vertical suplex on Puma. He hits a one-handed vertical suplex on Richards for 2. Richards hits an enziguiri on Tornado and a running forearm on Puma. He hits one on Tornado and follows up with a half nelson suplex. He hits an exploder on Puma for 2. He sets Tornado up top but Tornado fights him off. He goes for a dropkick but Richards swats him away. Richards hits a powerbomb for 2. He climbs the ropes and hits a shooting star press on Tornado for 2 when Puma breaks it up for reasons beyond my comprehension. Richards backslides Puma for 2. He gets another roll up for 2. Puma comes back with an inverted jackknife pin to put Richards out of the match at 13:05. Tornado hits the Pounce on Puma but Puma comes back by throwing him across the ring. Richards runs back to the ring and rips Puma’s mask off! IT’S TJ PERKINS!!! Wait, this has happened before! Perkins is angry and hits a bodyslam. He climbs the ropes and hits a 450 splash for the win at 15:10. That’ll probably put the Puma character to bed in PWG for good. I hated the fact that pins were broken up in this match but aside from that the action was quite entertaining.
Rating: **½
Joey Ryan VS. Alex Shelley
Ryan stalls to start. They knuckle up and Shelley grabs a wristlock. He overwhelms Ryan with lucha style flipping and gets a crucifix pin for 2. Ryan takes a powder out of frustration. Back in the ring Shelley puts the wristlock back on and makes Ryan give himself the finger. He gets another crucifix pin for 2. He traps Ryan’s arms and pins him for 2. Ryan puts on a hammerlock but Shelley counters to a leglock. Ryan gets to the ropes and tries to put Shelley on the mat but he’s completely outclassed in that style. He forces Shelley to the ropes and kicks the middle one into Shelley’s crotch. Shelley responds with a half crab. The crowd gets on Ryan’s case so he goes after an 8-year-old. Shelley follows him out and slaps him before putting on a headlock back in the ring. He hits the snot rocket and slams Ryan to the mat. He gets a head scissors takedown and hits a basement dropkick. He crotches Ryan on the middle rope and trips him from the apron. He climbs the ropes and dives out onto Ryan. Back in the ring he hits a bodyslam and a double jump moonsault for 2. He hits a side Russian legsweep and works the neck. Ryan counters a swinging DDT to a northern lights suplex for 2. Shelley hits a drop toehold into the turnbuckle but a blind charge ends with his shoulder hitting the post. Ryan follows Shelley to the floor and rams his shoulder back into the post. He hits a hammerlock bodyslam on the floor and slams Shelley’s arm onto the apron. Back in the ring Ryan gets 2. He hits an armbar takedown and a northern lights suplex. Shelley bails so Ryan follows him out and rams his shoulder into the post again. In the ring Shelley hits that swinging DDT. He takes some time to recover and hits a Manhattan drop, a chinbreaker and a superkick for 2. Ryan stuns the arm and hits an enziguiri. He puts on an armbar but Shelley gets to the ropes. Ryan hits a superkick and a spinebuster. Shelley hits a one-armed reverse pedigree for 2. He climbs the ropes but Ryan crotches him and goes for the Duff Drop. Shelley slips away and hits a kneedrop and a fisherman DDT. He hits the Complete Shot for 2. Ryan kicks the arm but Shelley rolls him up for 2. He gets another roll up for 2. He gets a crucifix pin for 2. Ryan hits a desperation spear. Shelley hits an enziguiri and goes for a roll up but Ryan reverses it and puts his feet on the ropes for the win at 22:24. Shelley’s selling was great. The story of this match was also quite great, as Shelley dominated Ryan on the mat so he took capitalized when a chance to neutralize Shelley’s advantage came up. Shelley then had to change his game and go for moves that work the head while Ryan picked at his arm. The finish was pretty deflating unfortunately.
Rating: ***½
Scorpio Sky & Quicksilver VS. Phoenix Star & Zokre [Number One Contenders Match]
Quicksilver and Star start. They knuckle up and Quicksilver grabs a wristlock. Some lucha action leads to Star getting a roll up for 2. He puts on a headlock and hits a snap Yoshi Tonic for 2. Zokre tags in and gets stuck in a chinlock. Sky tags in and the AXP sandwich Zokre with kicks. Zokre comes back with a wristlock and holds on through many of Sky’s attempts to escape. Quicksilver tags in and hits a spinebuster. Star makes a blind tag and hits a springboard shoulder tackle. He hits a European uppercut and a back elbow for 2. He hits a springboard armdrag and a leg lariat for 2. Quicksilver returns fire with a DDT and tags to Sky. Sky hits a dropkick to the face for 2. He hits a forearm in the corner and a double backbreaker for 2. Quicksilver tags in and hits a slingshot legdrop. He holds Star in a chinlock for a dropkick to the face from Sky. That gets 2. Quicksilver puts on a chinlock and drives his knee into Star’s head. He hits a bodyslam and an elbowdrop for 2. He hits a pair of vertical suplexes but Star comes back with a sort of Olympic Slam German suplex amalgamation. How have I never seen that move before? It gets 2. Zokre and Sky tag in and Zokre takes control. He hits a facebuster on Sky and a dropkick on Quicksilver. Star tags in and hits an inverted Olympic slam onto Zokre’s knees. Los Luchas hit a double fisherman bomb on Quicksilver for 2. Star dropkicks Quicksilver and hits a spear on Sky. Some ballet action leads to Star dropkicking both opponents to the floor and being launched out onto them by Zokre. Back in the ring Zokre gets 2. He hits a super stunner on Sky but Sky comes back by dropping him to the floor and diving out onto him. Star blocks Quicksilver’s offense but Sky hits a cheap shot and the AXP hit a dropkick/piledriver combo for the win at 12:24. That was about 1,000 times more entertaining than I expected. They busted out all kinds of offense I’ve never seen before without making the match feel spotty.
Rating: ***½
Chris Bosh and Scott Lost come out and announce that there’s no way they’re going to give the AXP a third shot at their titles. They demand SoCal Val come out and reinforce their demand. She comes out and backs up the AXP’s claim at a title shot. Bosh and Lost say the only way they’ll accept the challenge is if the AXP put their masks on the line. Sky accepts on behalf of his team. He says that the masks are as important as anything to them and Bosh and Lost will have to kill them to take them.
AJ Styles © VS. James Gibson [PWG Championship & NWA World Championship Match]
Styles actually put his NWA title on the line just before the match. The fact that he wears the NWA title OVER the PWG title in PWG says something about his priorities I think. They lock up and fight to the corner. They battle over a wristlock until Styles retreats to the ropes. Styles gets a takedown and puts on a headlock. Gibson gets a headlock takedown and holds through Styles’s attempts to escape. Styles eventually hits a back suplex to break out. He slams Gibson’s wrist into the mat and then puts on an armbar. He hits a vertical suplex with the arm hammerlocked for 2. He kicks the arm but Gibson comes back with kicks of his own. Styles this a legsweep and goes back to the arm. Gibson hits a back elbow but Styles comes back with a hurricanrana. Gibson bails and counters a baseball slide by slamming Styles’s chest onto the apron. Back in the ring Gibson hits a neckbreaker. He sets Styles in the Tree of Woe and goes to the apron to pull back on Styles’s head. He hits a short-arm clothesline and a legdrop for 2. He puts on a chinlock and then hits a gutbuster for 2. He hits a bodyslam and an elbowdrop for 2. He hits a backbreaker for 2. He puts on a the Mark Nulty Special and elbows Styles’s head for 2. He goes back to the chinlock but Styles comes back with a leg lariat. He counters an enziguiri to an inverted dragon screw and puts on the cloverleaf. Styles powers out and rolls Gibson up for 2. He hits a forearm but Gibson blocks the reverse DDT. Styles hits the Péle Kick but can’t hit the Styles Clash. They fight to the apron where Styles hits a brainbuster. Back in the ring Styles gets 2. He hits a bodyslam and climbs the ropes. The Spiral Tap misses and Gibson hits a German suplex for 2. Styles comes back with a dropkick but Gibson boots him in the face. Styles counters the tiger driver to a hurricanrana and rolls Gibson in circles before hitting the Styles Clash for the win at 20:22. For the competitors involved this was a little on the dull side. Nobody was really selling either, but the last few minutes were exciting and the finish was a lot of fun.
Rating: ***
Joey Ryan gets in the ring to talk about his career and the career of Mr. Excitement. Although there were four years in which they were both active wrestlers they never wrestled each other. On the last show Ryan helped Arrogance defeat Mr. Excitement. Ever the sore loser Mr. Excitement hit an exploder on Ryan after the match. Ryan challenges Mr. Excitement to a match during the 2nd anniversary weekend. Mr. Excitement walks to the ring and makes fun of Ryan’s subservient role in Arrogance. He does consider working in PWG an honor because of Disco Machine, so he’ll accept Ryan’s challenge. He gets in the ring and tells Ryan to fight him now, but Ryan predictably chickens out.
Christopher Daniels © VS. El Generico [TNA X-Division Championship Match]
Generico asks for a handshake but Daniels swats it away. Daniels argues with the referee over the cadence of his five counts. Generico grabs a wristlock but Daniels counters to a top wristlock. Daniels floats into a full nelson but Generico springboards out of it. Daniels bails and takes his sweet time getting back in the ring. He puts on a headlock after going to the eyes. Generico comes back with an armdrag and hits a back elbow. He comes off the second rope to hit an armdrag but Daniels slams him to the mat. Generico comes back with more armdrags and puts on an armbar. He hits a standing moonsault for 2. He goes for his rope-climbing swinging DDT but Daniels crotches him on the top rope. He starts working Generico’s head and neck. He hits a back elbow for 2. He hits a gutwrench suplex for 2. Generico hits a dropkick but runs into a Manhattan drop. Daniels hits a clothesline for 2. He puts on a seated abdominal stretch and hits a knee to the gut. He goes back to work on Generico’s neck by hitting a Perfect neckbreaker and a more traditional neckbreaker for 2. He goes to the eyes again and hits a pumphandle throw into the turnbuckle for 2. Generico gets a sunset flip for 2. Daniels hits another clothesline but Generico returns fire with a sunset bomb. He hits a back bodydrop and a leg lariat. He hits a backbreaker for 2. He sends Daniels to the floor and follows him out with a corkscrew plancha. Back in the ring Generico hits a crossbody off the top for 2. He hits the swinging DDT for 2. Daniels blocks the brainbuster and hits the STO for 2. He misses the triple jump moonsault and Generico hits the Yakuza kick in the corner for 2. He goes for another but Daniels blocks it and hits an enziguiri. He hits the uranage and the triple jump moonsault for the win at 16:29. This was a bit one sided for my liking and the finishing sequence was pretty sloppy, but other than that they held this together well enough.
Rating: **¾
Excalibur gets some promo time before the main event. He gripes that Super Dragon is frequently in PWG main events while he and Disco Machine have never been in one, even though they were his partners in the SBS. That’s actually not true seeing as how both Excalibur and Disco Machine were in the main event at 88 Miles Per Hour. Tonight he’s only wrestling Disco Machine because he has to, as he and Kevin Steen want him in the new SBS. Steen talks about wanting to win the title and take Super Dragon’s spot. For now he can only do the latter, and he’ll do it tonight.
Excalibur & Kevin Steen VS. Super Dragon & Disco Machine
Dragon and Disco rush the ring. Excalibur gets the better of Dragon, hitting a kneedrop and kicking him around. Dragon comes back with Kawada kicks but Excalibur cuts him off with a forearm. He hits a series of knees to the head but Dragon stops him with a forearm of his own. Disco tags in and holds Excalibur over his knees for a Super Dragon top rope double stomp. Excalibur gets up and crotches Dragon before he can attack. Steen drapes Disco over the middle turnbuckle and hits a double kneedrop. Excalibur hits Disco with a Finley roll and Steen hits the somersault legdrop for 2. Disco hits a dropkick on Excalibur. Excalibur goes to the floor so Disco goes for a somersault off the apron. Excalibur dodges it and Disco wipes out on the floor. Dragon goes for a suicide dive on Excalibur but Steen cuts it off with a knee to the face. Steen and Excalibur choke Dragon and lay him out on the apron. Steen hits a double stomp onto Super Dragon and then moonsaults off of him onto Disco on the floor. Crazy stuff and it looked like Steen stomped on Dragon’s balls. Back in the ring Excalibur puts the leggy nelson on Disco. He hits a double kneedrop and tags to Steen. Steen hits a slingshot senton for 2. He chokes Disco with his own necklace and chops him in the corner. Excalibur tags in and hits a low blow. He hits a neckbreaker for 2. He hits a leaping clothesline for 2. Steen tags in and puts on the Mark Nulty Special. He kicks the back and gets in Super Dragon’s face. Disco fights back so Steen chops him down. He hits a senton to the back for 2. He hits a backbreaker for 2. Excalibur tags in and hits a back suplex for 2. Steen tags in and hits a backbreaker for 2. Excalibur tags in and takes a lesson from Steen on how to chop. He hits a German suplex for 2. Disco starts to fight back and hits Steen with a swinging DDT on the apron. He hits Excalibur with an enziguiri and a DDT and tags to Super Dragon. Dragon runs in and gets 2. He beats Excalibur in the corner and hits a Koppo kick. He hits a gutwrench slam on Excalibur for 2. He hits a powerbomb and puts on the STF. He hits a double stomp to the back and tags to Disco.
This is where things get interesting. Disco, still exhausted, helps Super Dragon abuse Excalibur with the double team kneedrop he was looking for earlier. Dragon knocks Steen to the floor so Disco dives onto him from the top rope. Dragon puts Excalibur in the leggy nelson and tags Disco in again. Disco can barely stand and Excalibur hits him with the Ace Crusher. Steen tags in and hits a swinging back suplex for 2. He hits a powerbomb for 2. He hits the Go Home Driver for 2. He and Excalibur climb the ropes and hit a diving headbutt/frog splash combo for 2 when Dragon saves. Excalibur tags in and gets hit with a chokeslam. He looks to tag out but decides he can handle it on his own. Excalibur hits him with a low blow and the Alabamaslam into the turnbuckle. Steen tags in and hits a fisherman buster for 2 when Dragon breaks it up with a dropkick off the top. Excalibur tags in and gets hit with a DDT. Super Dragon drags Disco into the corner, kicking him in the head to wake him up and tags himself in. He hits the Curb Stomp on Excalibur and a roaring forearm on Steen. He hits the Psycho Driver on Excalibur for 2 when DISCO MACHINE BREAKS IT UP. Disco slaps Dragon around, shouting that he’s selfish and then hits him with the Chokebreaker. He feeds Dragon to Steen who hits the package piledriver for the win at 23:31.
This was a really good brawl, worthy of the main event spot. Steen was completely legitimized as a main eventer due to his absolute dominance while in the ring. Disco played a great face-in-peril, enough so that his turn was quite shocking. In fact, I think this is the first time where you got the feeling that the man who turned on his partner actually made the decision to do so during the course of the match. That’s just brilliant stuff. The commentators sold it perfectly, saying that Dragon tagged out to the worn out Disco repeatedly not because he wanted a rest himself, but because he wanted to prove to Disco that he could share the spotlight in spite of what Excalibur said. He probably went a little too far when he got frustrated with Disco near the end and Disco obviously took it the wrong way. This angle is fantastic and the match was storytelling at its best.
Rating: ****½
After the match Disco instructs Steen to beat Dragon with a chair. John Ian and some referees try to drag Dragon out of the ring but the new SBS won’t let them. El Generico and Human Tornado eventually make the save. Excalibur and Steen note that Dragon was smart for having Generico and Tornado watch his back, but then they unleash a racial tirade and challenge them to a six-man tag match on the next show.
Click on the “Backstage Pass” on the main menu will reveal the following backstage shenanigans
Dino Winwood is excited that the AXP are the number one contenders to the tag titles. He says there is no way that Arrogance is getting the AXP’s masks. They underestimated Arrogance twice before, but they won’t make that mistake again. He compares the AXP and himself to a women’s breasts and face in hilarious fashion.
The new SBS wrap things up with a long promo. Excalibur talks about teaming with Disco Machine and Super Dragon and realizing that Dragon is only out for himself. He respects everyone, but Super Dragon respects no one. He talks about Kevin Steen convincing him to realize how bad he had it and to revolt against Dragon’s oppression. Kevin Steen holds up SoCal rankings for the top contenders to the PWG title. He’s at number five and Excalibur and Disco Machine aren’t even on the list. He’s not going to stop until the top three names on the list are their names, and until he’s won the PWG title and Disco and Excalibur have won the tag titles. Disco says it only made sense for him to turn on Super Dragon. The company is run by a six-man collective, making Super Dragon’s ego even more of a problem. Tonight he felt what it was like to be beaten down by Steen and Excalibur, and he never wants to feel that again. These guys are the best kind of heels, because they believe they are doing the right thing and that Super Dragon is a bad element in the company. The fact that they’re interested in seeing each other succeed makes them very dangerous.
The 411: ![]() I find it interesting that both Daniels and Styles participated in matches that had more action in a fraction of the time than their hour long draw had. This show was a huge improvement over the last show. There were no bad matches and the main event was fantastic. The angle between Super Dragon and the new SBS is great, and I’m just upset that I wasn’t into it when it was happening. |
Final Score: 8.0 [ Very Good ] legend |
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