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Bullet Club Talk CM Punk as a Prospective Member, Lucha Underground, Worst Matches and More

February 26, 2017 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Bullet Club - ROH - The Young Bucks

– Kenny Omega, Cody Rhodes, Adam Cole and the Young Bucks did a live Q&A session before NJPW x ROH Honor Rising. You can see the video and some highlights below:

On when we’ll see the Young Bucks vs. The Revival:

Matt: “Probably never.”

Nick: “We’re under a deal for another year and eight months, so it’s not going to happen any time soon.”

Matt: “I would love to wrestle them.”

Nick: “Unless [WWE was open] to work with who we’re working with right now, which I think is the way business should be done.”

Kenny: “If there were special events that allowed for cross-promotion, it would be interesting.”

Cody: “I think we’re heading in that direction.”

Rhodes on the transition from WWE to the independents: “No hyperbole, this has been the most fun I’ve ever had in my career. I was telling somebody with Wrestle Kingdom, I think it was about ten minutes that I was out there, it was the most fun I’ve ever had. I didn’t want it to end, so I went out and jumped on the dugout, all the young boys were trying to get me down; I didn’t want to leave.”

On who they would pick, past or present to join the Bullet Club:

Matt: “Hollywood Hogan. There was talks of Hollywood Hogan coming here and being with the Bullet Club a year ago.”

Nick: “It was Hogan, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy or Adam Cole.”

Kenny: I actually wanted all those guys, just the original core [nWo], even just to walk us out.”

On the worst match of their careers:

Nick: “I had just broke my rib, Matt had just broke his hand. It was our first match back, and we came back way too soon so we were still injured. Trent Barreta and Rocky Romero were on a 30-day tour, and the next day they flew to Ring of Honor to do a three-way tag with us, Rhett [Titus] and Kenny King. We didn’t want to work at all, we were hurt, and it was just terrible.”

Matt: “And it just kept going on and on. Those matches are the worst because they never end, they just keep going.”

Adam: “Mine was my first Ring of Honor dark match. I did this tag, it was supposed to be six minutes, and I get tagged in for my hot tag and I’m in there bumping and feeding a guy. You guys remember the Dark City Fight Club? They just came out there and said, ‘we’re sorry, not planned’ and just started beating the hell out of us.”

Matt: “This was a thing that happened. Whenever there was a dark match and it was going long, [Adam] Pierce would go ‘send Dark City!’

Adam: “It wasn’t like we were twelve minutes in and the hot tag happened. I got tagged in and the second the six minutes hit, he was like ‘send em!’ They send them out to beat the hell out of us. We got to the back and we got reamed out by multiple people. I at one point got screamed at in my face, I’m 19-years-old, and they went ‘I swear on everything that I own, you will never work for Ring of Honor again.’ So I remember thinking my career was over at 19.”

On Lucha Underground:

Adam: “I haven’t seen enough of it.”

Nick: “I like any promotion that gives the boys work.”

Kenny: “I watched, it was kinda this half-hour deal where they took all the episodes and made a highlight. They were maybe about 35 to 40 minutes long, and it was really compelling to watch it in that format. I think it’s really cool.”

Matt: “I can’t say enough good things about Pentagon and Fenix.”

Cody: “Pentagon, Strickland, they’re all amazing.”

On The Undertaker:

Kenny: “I’ve never met him. I don’t know him. I haven’t watched any of those recent pay-per-views in their completion. So it’s tough to really have an opinion, I only really remember the Deadman of old. But he always brought it for big matches.”

Cody: “The last true locker room leader. You would think he would be a total hard-ass, but he was actually super diplomatic and handled things appropriately. I have nothing but good things to say about the Deadman.”

On the idea of CM Punk in the Bullet Club:

Matt: “I think he’s probably the only guy left that I would probably let into the Bullet Club. And Hulk Hogan.”

Kenny: “If that’s still an option, Hogan. The only other person that could touch Hogan, in terms of hype factor and someone able to contribute, it’s gotta be Punk.”

Matt: “I talk to Punk, he’s my buddy. We text every now and then. But I told him ‘whenever you want to come back, please text me, and somehow we’ll make this work out.’ I would love to work with Punk, he’s one of my favorites of all time. What a great talker. That’s the one thing missing from the indies, is guys who can talk like Punk.”

Adam: “He made me an indie wrestling fan.”

Cody: “Punk’s the best, man. When I got to Louisville, he didn’t have to be because he was the big dog there at OVW, but he was the only one bringing folks in, showing you around, helping you out. Honest, but not a dick about it. Punker’s special.”