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Cazer’s Impact Against All Odds Review 7.1.22

July 1, 2022 | Posted by Andrew Cazer
Impact Against All Odds Image Credit: Impact Wrestling
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Cazer’s Impact Against All Odds Review 7.1.22  

Just weeks after Slammiversary we are back for another Impact Live special event available via Impact Plus as we have Against All Odds live tonight. Even with the short build the card is quite intriguing with a number of fun matches on tap. I expect Impact to deliver yet another exciting PPV here tonight with a number of championship matches including Josh Alexander vs. Joe Doering in the Main Event for the Impact Wrestling World Championship.

Countdown to Against All Odds:
Black Taurus def. Laredo Kid
Brian Meyers def. Rich Swann to win the Impact Digital Media Championship in a Dot Combat match. As goofy as the match is, it’s actually pretty neat they’ve continued this stipulation with the championship.

Ace Austin & Chris Bey vs. The Motor City Machine Guns

Ace has recently joined Bey in the Bullet Club and now they seem to be the defacto X-Division pairing for the group. They’re a good duo so I dig it. This is gonna be a banger and a great way to open up the show! Ace has brought back the I beat Chris Sabin t shirt, good time for it. Bey and Shelley kick this one off, the crowd is pretty split slightly favoring the MCMG. Bey with an stf early but Bey gets the rope to break the hold. Bey tags in Ace as Shelley backs up to tag in Sabin. Lockup, wristlock from Ace but Sabin with some creative maneuvering to escape, Shelley reaches for Ace he dodges but takes a shot from Sabin. Ace rolls through and takes Sabin down by his leg and nails him with a kick to the back, into a roll up for a two count. Ace lays into Sabin with shots to the lower back before sending him into the ropes, Sabin leaps over Ace and Shelley tags in and they drop him with a double team move. Shelley with a drop kick then locks in an octopus stretch tagging in Sabin and holding Ace for Sabin to get a dropkick to the ribs. Sabin covers for two. Sabin with knees to the chest then a cover again for two. Shelley tags in and they back Ace up sending him into the opposing corner nailing him with double elbows, Shelley to the middle rope and nails a double stomp, covers for two but Bey breaks it up at two. Bey with a dropkick to Sabin to the outside he looks to skin the cat but Shelley drops him with a dropkick that dumps him outside. Shelley lays into Ace but takes a dropkick sending him outside. Ace looks for a dive but lands on the apron, he does some of his fancy apron work dropping both Shelley and Sabin with kicks. Bey up top and hits a swanton onto the guns landing right on his feet taking both men out. Bey and Austin with a double team legsweep and ace with a leg drop to the back of Shelley’s head, he covers for two. ACE pulls out his playing card and uses it to give Shelley a papercut between his fingers. The ref doesn’t notice so it’s totally legal. Bey tags in and taunts for an obnoxiously long time just to hit a back rake to Shelley. A little move from El P’s playbook. Ace tags in hits some cartwheels and nails a back rake of his own. Bey with a twisting uppercut to the back of Shelley. Sabin looks for a tag but Bey holds in a submission, Shelley fights off Bey but he knocks Sabin off the apron. Ace tags in and nails Shelley with a dropkick in the corner, Shelley with a sidesuplex and he dives for the tag but Bey pulls Sabin off the apron just in time. Ace with a springboard twisting kick to the face, Bey with a diving forearm and Ace covers for two. Ace looks for a kick to Shelley but he ducks it and Ace hits Bey, Shelley tags in Sabin and takes them both out he ducks a double clothesline and drops them both with one of his own. Sabin sent into the corner he dodges Ace and leaps over Bey, Bey with a spear to Ace in the corner. Sabin uses Bey in a tree of woe to hold Ace in his place before nailing him with a boot to the face and Bey with a dropkick to the face. Sabin with a roll through fisherman suplex and covers for two that was great. Bey and Shelley go for Bey in the corner, he moves but Shelley is there, they set them up for a double flatliner and it hits. Bey to his feet he eats two superkicks before Ace can even the odds, Bey with a knee to the face, Ace lifts Sabin up, Bey with a superkick and Ace with a double stomp to the face of Sabin, Bey covers for two. Ace tags in, nails Sabin with a clothesline in the corner, Bey tags in and heads up top. Shelley pulls Ace out from the corner, Sabin dodges a splash from Bey. Shelley sets Bey up and they hit a dropkick doomsday device. Shelley lifts Sabin up for the cradleshock, Shelley tries to block Ace but he shoves Shelley into the pinning attempt and it’s broken up at two. Ace with a series of strikes to both men, he bounces off the ropes right into the MCMG specialty combination move. Bey stands up and they set him up for like a double one winged angel style move. Sabin covers for the victory at 13:24.
Rating: ***3/4
Review: That was a great tag team opener, I am surprised the Guns won but not mad at all. I prefer them as a team just expected the Bull Club duo to get a win here and establish themselves. Either way what a good way to kick off the show!

– Gia backstage with AMW, Heath and the Good Brothers, Karl asks if they can feel it in the air live in Center Stage Georgia, Karl says that Honor No More has no idea what they got themselves into. Doc says it’s against all odds for each of them because they’ve established a dream team. He runs down all of their tag team accomplishments. Heath and America’s most wanted do their part to hype up the team ahead of their big ten man tag tonight.

Deonna Purrazzo & Chelsea Green vs. Mia Yim and Mickie James

Deonna and Chelsea have had plenty of issues with Mickie over the past few months but now she has some back up with Mia. We get an interesting mashup of both themes and Mickie/Mia come out together to a pretty fun entrance. Chelsea and Deonna also come out with a mashup entrance, not sure if I enjoy this or not but it’s way better than four individual entrances so I guess by proxy I like it .All four women exchange words before the match can even begin. The referee finally gets this under control, nope I spoke too soon Chelsea and Deonna attack before the bell. Mia sends Chelsea into the corner, Mickie and her send Deonna into the same corner, Mickie with a splash in the corner both women fall and Mia follows with a leaping cannonball onto them both in the corner. Chelsea and Deonna outside the ring and they hit Deonna and Chelsea with a baseball slide. Mia sends Deonna into the ring and we get the bell officially starting the match. Deonna takes Mia’s legs out from under her, Chelsea into the ring and hits an elbow drop to the back of Mia’s head. Chelsea and Deonna attack Mia in the corner, Deonna with a short arm clothesline and cover for two. Mickie reaching for a tag but Deonna flips her off inside. Purrazzo with a clothesline in the corner she distracts the referee while Chelsea pulls her hair in the corner. Mickie tries to break it up distracting the ref further. Chelsea in the ring and she slams Mia to the mat before following with a standing elbow drop. Mia sent into the corner again Chelsea sends Deonna into the corner for a splash then a splash of her own, now Chelsea runs into an elbow show, Deonna too. Mia dives for a tag but they cut her off. Mia tags in Mickie after breaking free. Mickie with a Thesz press to Deonna then hits Chelsea on the apron. Mickie with a neckbreaker to Deonna. Mickie looks for the MickDDT. but Chelsea breaks it up. They hit a magic killer like move but I think it was supposed to be offense for Mickie. Mia into the ring and eats a boot from Chelsea. Deonna drops Mickie Chelsea with a boot to the back of the head, Deonna covers for two. Deonna with a chin lock, Mickie tries to fight free but Deonna sends her back first into the mat and then knocks Mia off the apron. Deonna lifts Mickie up for a suplex and connects, she covers for two. Chelsea tags in and nails Mickie with a kick to the head. Chelsea lays on Mickie and covers for two, Mickie rolls her up instead for two. Chelsea with a clothesline to Mickie. Mia tries to break it up without making a tag and eats an elbow from Chelsea. Deonna tags in and lays into Mickie with shots to the back. Deonna with a submission and Mickie finally fights free. Deonna prevents the tag by dropping Mia off the apron. Mickie tries to fight for the tag again as Deonna sends herself into the ring psot shoulder first. Finally Mia tags in and she lays into Chelsea with a series of strikes. She sends her into the corner with a dropkick. Mia with a big boot to Chelsea then an irish whip to the opposing corner, she charges and is sent onto the apron. Mia ducks a kick from Chelsea then hits a leaping DDT onto Chelsea in the ring and covers for two. Mickie with a thesz press of the top rope to Deonna before tossing her out of the ring. Mia goes for eat defeat but Mia counters and hits a suplex. Mickie tags in and she heads up top as does Mia. Chelsea ducks a dive from Mickie as Deonna sends Mia off the ropes. Double team neckbreaker and Chelsea covers for the victory.
Rating: **3/4
Review: Not a bad womens tag but really nothing great. I like Deonna and Chelsea as a team as it allows the singles division to freshen up and also lets Deonna feel like the star she should always feel like in Impact. 

– Honor No More are backstage and Eddie tells us that PCO is not in the match tonight, Vincent says this is Impact Wrestlings plan, he tells Eddie to keep PCO in and that he trusts him like he trusts the rest of them. Eddie tells Vincent he’s out and PCO is in. Seems like a smart gameplan but something fishy seems to be up guess we will see soon enough.

X-Division Championship
Trey Miguel vs. Mike Bailey (c)

Trey’s entrance would be so cool if he could sync up with his graphic at all. This match is going to be a ball as they had a banger just a few weeks ago on Impact so i’m expecting more of the same here. Bailey offs a handshake but Trey yells at him to come on. Trey sends him outside and nails a dive to Bailey on the outside and stares into the camera before sending Bailey inside across the ring and on the ramp. Trey with shots on the ramp before Bailey rolls back in. Trey with a leaping springboard bulldog but Bailey rolls through, Bailey sends Trey outside with a dropkick then hits a moonsault off the middle rope to the outside onto Trey. Bailey sends Trey inside and charges him looking for a kick but Trey with a dropkick to the knee. Trey targets the leg continuing to hammer away at Bailey before locking in a submission. Trey looking for a pin but Bailey breaks free at two. Bailey with a kick to Trey in the corner. Trey with a kick to the knee locking Trey’s leg in the rope, Bailey with a dragonscrew out of the ropes on the other knee. Bailey hangs on and locks in a modified figure four like submission Trey gets to the ropes but as he gets to his feet Bailey levels him with a series of kicks. Bailey with a nasty kick to the chest and favors his leg. Bailey rolls Trey over and hits a modified ultima weapon to the back of Trey but he’s selling his injured leg so he’s unable to effectively capitalize on the move. Bailey slow to his feet as is Trey. Bailey lines him up and nails a spinning kick but Trey catches him and rolls him up for a two count, Trey holds on and hits Bailey with a brainbuster. Bailey sits up for like five seconds selling the impact of the move. Trey up top, he calls for Meteora but Bailey moves just in time. Trey also favoring his leg, he has just enough to run and nail Bailey with a running rana off the apron to the outside. Both men working their way back into the ring on the apron looking for suplexes, Bailey blocks Trey and nails Ultima Weapon right to his ribs and midsection on the apron SHEEESH. Trey in the corner he eats a spinning kick from Bailey in the corner, Bailey goes for Ultima weapon again but Trey moves just in time, Trey with a roll up for two, Meteora out of nowhere and covers again a sick nearfall for two. Trey heading up top but Bailey cuts him off. Bailey starts heading up top but Trey cuts his legs out from under him and Bailey hits his head pretty hard. Trey up top as Bailey is seated but Bailey kicks the legs out from under him and sets Trey up for a unique one winged angle like move but with one arm it’s called the Flamingo driver, he covers Trey for the victory in 13:30.
Rating: ****1/2
Review: This was a ton of fun and pretty much everything I expected. There wasn’t much of a question who would win going into it but as the match progressed they did a great job adding the potential intrigue that Trey might actually win especially being a former champion himself. This was good. 

Knockouts Tag Team Championship
Tenille & Gisele Shaw vs. Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary

Gisele had to prove herself in order to get a shot at teaming with Tenille but she managed to steal a win over Rosemary on Impact last night which paved the way for this match. Gisele and Taya start this one off, the crowd is HOT for Taya and Rosemary. Taya with control early she locks up Gisele on the middle rope and hits her suplex off the middle rope as she tags in Rosemary. Rosemary pulls the hair of Gisele and asks the crowd if they wanna see her bite her but Gisele breaks free and tags in Tenille. Rosemary sends Tenille into the corner and tags in Taya, Taya with a splash and cover for two on Tenille. Taya tries to walk out of the corner but Tenille has a hanful of hair. Gisele tags in and hits a suplex onto Taya and covers for a two count. Shaw lays into Taya with shots to the face before taunting her opponent. Tenille tags in and nails Taya with a shot to the midsection. Tenille sends Taya face first into the canvas and covers for two. Tenille sends Taya onto the apron and nails her with a neckbreaker on the middle rope. Shaw with a cheapshot to Taya as the referee is backing Tenille off. Tenille covers for two and sends Taya into the corner, Gisele tags in and nails Taya with a chop in the corner. Taya with a shot of her own but Gisele with another stiff chop. Shaw with a running uppercut in the corner, another, then a third and she covers for two. Shaw looks for a tornado DDT but Taya catches her and nails her with a suplex. Taya and Shaw make tags, Rosemary with a series of clotheslines then a slingblade to Tenille. Rosemary with an exploder suplex and covers for two. Rosemary locks up Tenille in the ropes as the referee begins his count. Shaw drops Rosemary off the top, Tenille with a running crossbody in the corner. Tenille distracts the ref and Shaw hits an AWFUL spinning splash onto Rosemary’s knees. Tenille covers and thank goodness Rosemary kicks out. Tenille goes for a kick but Rosemary moves and does a jawbreaker. Taya tags in and they hit a combination facebuster and Taya covers for two. Tenille sends Taya into the ropes, she bounces off and Madison pulls her legs out from under her. Shaw slow into the ring looking for a double flatliner but Rosemary breaks it up just in time. Taya with a roll up for the victory in 9:00.
Rating: **1/4
Review: That spot from Shaw was just flat out bad after what was an ok performance. The rest of the match after was just ok, I get the finish but I don’t get why Tenille would still want to align with Shaw after that mishap.
Post match: Shaw and The Influence assault the champions leaving them laid out post match. They start to head to the back but they’re confronted by Masha Slamovich. She gets in the face of The Influence and hands an envelope to Tenille. Similar to what happened to Shaw previously. Tenille opens it and it’s just a picture of her with a red x on it and she starts freaking out before running away.

– Gia is backstage with Mike Bailey and he says he is glad he got the challenge he got tonight, he says he will fight anyone who wants to fight him and that starts Thursday on Impact, looks like we’re getting the Mike Bailey open challenge.

Heath, America’s Most Wanted & The Good Brothers vs. Honor No More

The latest multiman tag match for Honor No More at an Impact Wrestling special event. Karl Anderson and Eddie Edwards kick this one off. Lockup, Eddie with a shoulderblock in the corner, headbutt to the head of Karl. Headlock, shoulderblock from Eddie, he runs into a legdrop to the knee from Karl. Eddie to his feet he exchanges forearms with Eddie. Eddie in the good guy corner and Gallows tags in double shoulderblock to Eddie. Gallows with a splash in the corner then a combination of strikes to Eddie. Suplex, gallows covers for two. Eddie with an eyepoke, Taven tags in and runs into a backbody drop. Gallows with a couple elbowdrops to the face of Taven and covers for two. Gallows tags in Karl and holds up Taven for a superkick from Karl. Heath tags in, forearm splash to Taven in the corner, another, spear to Taven in the corner then the classic punches in the corner. Taven spears Heath into the corner and Honor No More lay into him with shots. Bennett tags in and they hit a combination of strikes onto Heath, Bennett covers for two. Bennett with a series of strikes int he corner, irish whip to Heath across the ring. Kenny King tags in and backs Heath into a corner he runs into a boot from Heath but prevents the tag with a camel clutch. Eddie tags in and locks in a sleeper hold. Heath tries to fight free and Eddie runs into a powerslam from Heath. Storm tags in and he lays into Eddie with a series of strikes and running forearm. Storm has Bennett by the wrist and Chris Harris tags in they nail some old America’s Most Wanted magic onto Mike Bennett then toss Taven into his partner as fans get hype for the nastalgia. Wristlock rom Harris and Storm tags in he’s sent into the rope but PCO pulls him out and this one starts to break down as Honor No More take control. Eddie brings Storm into the corner and PCO tags in, Eddie starts barking orders at PCO and he complies. PCO with a splash in the corner he sends Storm into the ropes and lays into him with a forearm shot to the back then a neckbreaker. PCO up top, Taven tags in and PCO hops down. Taven up top he misses a frogsplash as Storm moves in time. Eddie tags in and hits an elbow drop to the back of James Storm. Storm with a suplex Taven, PCO tags in and drops all of Team Impact off the apron before nailing Storm with a clothesline, chokeslam to Karl into Heath on the apron, PCO sends Karl over the ropes to the outside and gets the crowd hype for him to do a dive. Eddie Edwards tags himself in and PCO is tired of being cut off by his own team. Eddie and Storm both go for a clothesline. Eddie tags in King, PCO and the rest of Honor No More hop in to drop Team Impact off the apron. King lifts Storm up, Storm with a backstabber to King. Storm tags in Harris finally, he lays into King with a sweet leaping clothesline, a bunch of forearms for all of Honor No More. Chris Harris lifts King up for a suplex holds it then covers for two before Bennett breaks it up. Heath goes for Bennett but he takes a spinebuster, Karl with a spinebuster to Bennett, King with a spinebuster to Karl, Harris with a spinebuster to King. The Arn Anderson Appreciation Society. They set up for an old America’s Most Wanted move but Taven cuts it off. Heath takes Taven out, Eddie sends Heath outside the ring, Karl with a cutter to Eddie, Bennett with a forearm to Karl, Doc with a pumphandle slam to Eddie, PCO sends Doc outside, Storm with a DDT to PCO, King with a kick to Heath on the apron then a springboard blockbuster to Storm. PCO calls for a PCOsault, PCO just falls onto everyone on the outside instead. Not sure if that was a botch or what but it looked like trash. Storm sets King up, Harris with a legdrop, Storm covers for the victory.
Rating: **1/2
Review: This was good at points but the finish is weird, I’m pretty sure it was intentional and maybe didn’t hit as it was supposed to either way I get where they are going though I’m not sure it will be told as clearly as intended due to that goofy finish. The match itself honestly never really got to a point it felt that good because of everyone getting in and getting their stuff in, a lot happened but it never really meant much to me. If it’s a turn for PCO it should’ve been more apparent and maybe that was expected but the botch killed it, but either way it wasn’t what it should’ve been. 

Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match
Sami Callihan vs. Moose

Raven is here for commentary after being part of 7 of the 10 original House of Fun matches. He tells us Sami has made it more….more fun. Moose catches Sami Callihan slipping and spears him before the match even starts. Moose right to the chair and nails Sami before grabbing a table. Moose sets the table up on the apron and railing. Moose looking for a urinage through the table but its blocked, Sami throws a chair at the face of Moose, Moose responds with a big boot before tossing Sami into the ring. This doesn’t seem like the matches they showed in the video package with the modified ring ropes and stuff. Moose with a number of canshots to the head of Sami, Sami charges Moose and is dumped over the top rope through the table on the outside. Sami grabs a staple gun and then brings down the piece of the cage. He starts setting up weapons as the crowd chants for ECW and he says fuck that place. Sami tosses Moose back into the ring and sets him up in front of the door in the corner real GCW vibes. Sami looking to send Moose through the table but he blocks it and goes for a powerbomb through the fencing but Sami grabs him by the balls and stops it. Moose runs into a death valley driver through the chain link fence. Sami covers for two. Sami struggles to pull down a for sale sign like he’s trying to win a money in the bank match. Finally he does and nails Moose with it one time. He then goes for the garbage can I guess we might as well pull down all these weapons in this glorified Monster’s Ball. Sami looks to stuff Moose into the trash can but Moose pulls a bottle out of the can and smashes it over his face. Moose uses a shard of the glass to cut at the face of Callihan. Moose sets up some chairs and a door to make a makeshift table. Moose sets Sami on the top rope, Sami bites Moose to stop him but Moose grabs him and powerbombs him through the makeshift table. Moose covers for a two count. Moose tells Sami to get up and nails him with the door, Sami with a door shot to Moose, Moose with another, Moose breaks the door over the head of Sami, Moose bounces off the ropes and into a clothesline from Sami. We keep cutting to a camera that’s out of focus. Sami calls for the thumbs up thumbs down but gets a staple to the foot instead. Moose staples the forehead of Sami, Sami with a powerbomb to Moose through two chairs. Sami has to go find the staple gun cuz it went flying and he staples Moose right in the balls. Sami licks the staple gun. Moose opens up the box of fun, so does Sami perfect timing. Moose dumps out a bunch of legos. Sami dumps out a ton of broken glass bottles. Raven is not entertained by the legos. Moose tries to dump Sami into the glass but he stays standing. Sami sends legos into Moose’s face, cactus driver 97 to Moose on the legos and covers for two. Sami scapes the glass across his forehead and barely leaves a mark. He lifts Moose up and nails him with the cactus driver 97 on the glass, the crowd chants for one more time. Sami points up at the barb wire bat. Sami waits for Moose to get up but a camera man gets in the ring and low blows Sami. STEVE MACLIN is here! Maclin grabs the bat and nails Callihan in the face with it. Moose with a spear to Callihan and we hardly see it because we’re focused on Maclin, Moose covers for the victory.
Rating: ***
Review: Pretty solid hardcore match, it really wasn’t anything more than the monsters ball to me. I’m glad Moose won and i’m intrigued by Maclin vs. Sami going forward. 

– Heath is backstage with Gia and he says he will take them out one by one until Honor No More is done for good.

Knockouts Championship Match
Tasha Steelz vs. Jordynne Grace (c)

Jordynne just won the title at Queen of the Mountain and Tasha was quick to enact her rematch clause, this should be a pretty solid match between two key members of the Knockouts division. Tasha attacks Jordynne from behind before the match can even begin. Jordynne tells the ref she can compete so the bell rings. Steelz walks right into a series of boots and double stomp from Grace. Grace with a dropkick to Evans on the outside for no reason. Steelz runs into a shoulder block, another, Grace with a wicked spinebuster and cover for two. Grace backs Tasha into the corner she charges her but Tasha moves and Evans gets involved slamming her leg into the ring post. Tasha continues to work over the leg, she lifts her up and sends her to the corner but is dumped onto the apron. Jordynne goes for a kick but Tasha drapes her leg across the rope and slams it into the rope. Tasha with a forearm to Jordynne, she tries for an irish whip but Jordynne blocks it and sends her into the ropes, Tasha holds onto the ropes, Grace runs into an uppercut and then a series of kicks to the legs. Grace with a knee to the face of Tasha but she’s favoring that injured leg so I guess she can’t crawl two feet and make a cover. Tasha and Grace to their feet they exchange forearm shots. Grace with a scoopslam, another, Grace with a spinning backfist and lifts Steelz up on her shoulders in a torcher rack and spins out into a powerbomb and covers for two. Grace with clubbing shots to the front and back of Steelz. Grace with double knees in the corner but Steelz moves and hits Grace with a superkick. Steelz rolls into a bulldog on Grace and covers for a two count. Steelz with a running shot back to the knee of Grace, Steelz with slicedbread and covers for a two count. Steelz rolls right into a single leg boston crab. Grace transitions into a sleeperhold. Grace sets Steelz up and hits the muscle buster but Evans has the referee distracted, Grace gets in Evans face but she gets rolled up, no into a cutter from Steelz to Grace and covers for a two count. Steelz up top, Grace with a shot to the side of the head to slow her down. Grace heads up top and nails Steelz with a series of headbutts. Grace with a delayed superplex and covers Steelz but she kicks out again. Evans again on the apron Grace uses Steelz to send her off. Grace catches Steelz and nails the grace driver dropping her right on her neck jesus. That looked painful.
Rating: ***1/2
Review: Welp post match the ref is tossing up the X so I hope that was worth it that looked nasty and could be nasty hoping Steelz is ok. Hannifan knew it was a bad angle to do that move from and they tried it anyways. The match was good but the finish throws me off a bit as it looked nasty just hoping Steelz isn’t too injured. They both really delivered a solid semi-main event championship match. 

Impact Wrestling World Championship
Josh Alexander (c) vs. Joe Doering

Doering has stepped up as Josh’s latest challenger with Eric Young being MIA. Still not sure I buy Doering as champion and I REALLY wish they played more of the stuff they hyped Doering up during Impact last night ahead of this match because the idea of him being a former world champion and his streak as well as Josh’s interview last night sold me more than anything else in the build. Doering has been undefeated in every promotion he’s wrestled in since 2019, they REALLY should’ve used this stat way more before tonight. Doering backs Josh up, Josh counters and has Doering in the corner. Doering sends Josh into the ropes and hits him with a shoulder block. Doering dumps Josh outside. Josh inside the ring Doerings unimpressed. Doering with a forearm to the face of Josh, Josh sent into the corner Doering goes for a running crossbody Josh moves, Doering with a shoulderblock outside the ring as Deaner waves the flag. Doering smashs Josh into the ring apron back first. Josh rolled back into the ring. Doering with a forearm across the back of Josh Alexander. Josh and Doering exchange chops, Doering levels Josh with one shot, Doering with the bodyslam rebound elbow that I love so much. Doering covers for two. Headbutt from Doering to Josh. Doering sends Josh outside and Deaner screams in his face. Josh and Doering exchange forearms outside the ring. Doering sends Josh back into the ring, he goes for another bodyslam but Josh counters, albow to the face of Doering, Deaner grabs Josh’s foot and Doering catches him with a clothesline in the corner then another. Doering off the bottom rope with an elbow to Josh. Doering does little stuff really good. Josh with a knee to the back of the neck of Doering dropping him to the mat. Josh and Doering exchange strikes, Josh attempts a suplex but now, Doering off the ropes and he nails a rebound suplex. Josh with a northern lights suplex to Doering and covers for a two count. Josh with an ankle lock on Doering. Doering kicks Josh through the middle ropes. Doring and Josh exchange forearms on the apron, Doering with a clothesline from Doering to Josh back into the ring. Doering up top but he takes a slap from Josh. Josh with a big superplex to the big man. Josh looks for the C4 spike but Deaner with the interference Josh with the crossbody through the bottom rope to Deaner. Josh back into the ring and dives right into a slam from Doering. Joe elbow drop and cover to Josh for two. Doering lifts Josh up he goes for a powerbomb but Josh breaks free, Doering with a forearm to the face. Josh goes for another german suplex, Doering prevents it at first but Josh breaks free and nails the triple german onto Joe. Doering to his feet and nails Josh. Doering with the death valley driver and lifts him up for a lariat but Josh with a ripcord forearm, Josh with a lariat but Doering is on his feet. Doering with a running crossbody and covers Josh for two. Doering with another lariat and covers again for two. Doering looking for the revolution bomb but Josh counters into an ankle lock. Doering with a lariat and covers for two. Josh with a dropkick to the leg of Doering. Josh runs into a lariat. Doering goes for another Josh blocks it and hits Doering with a series of strikes, Doering replies with a ton of clubbing blows. Josh with a dropkick to the ankle of Doering. Josh lifts Doering up and hits the C4 spike. Josh covers for the victory.
Rating: ***3/4
Review: This was a solid filler bout for Josh that makes him look like a legitimately strong champion. Doering was solid as well and while I never believed he would win I did find myself almost wanting this big badass to be the champion coming out of the show because of how cool he looked. Impact should capitalize on this and do more with him but typically that’s not the case with their big guys.
Surprisingly no post match shenanigans, that’s all folks. 

The final score: review Good
The 411
This was a really solid live event for for Impact +, the main event result was never really in question but they did a good enough job to make the match itself pretty entertaining. The rest of the show was pretty solid as well, there were one or two matches that I didn't find too enjoyable but the rest of the card was really good.