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Cazer’s Impact Wrestling Review 6.9.22

June 9, 2022 | Posted by Andrew Cazer
Chris Sabin Impact Wrestling Image Credit: Impact Wrestling
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Cazer’s Impact Wrestling Review 6.9.22  

We’re just ten night away from Josh Alexander defending the Impact Wrestling World Championship against Eric Young at Slammiversary but before we get there Josh has one big bad man in his way. Josh is looking to remove VBD from his sights entirely ahead of the match at Slammiversary so he will be wrestling Joe Doring tonight in singles competition. We’ll also see Steve Maclin face off with PCO in singles action following their tag team match last week. Rosemary will take on Tenille after the Influence were giving her grief last week following Havok’s loss to Masha, can Rosemary avenge her friend or were the Influence right are Decay losing their edge? We’ll also get some good tag team action as Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett of Honor No More take on Frankie Kazarian and The Motor City Machine Guns.  At Slammiversary these two teams will have a 5 on 5 match so why not throw together a six man to get people ready for it. We have all this announced and i’m sure there will be a few things we don’t see coming lined up as well. Let’s get to it!

– Before the intro we see Sami Callihan explaining to Moose the game he’s playing, lights go out, lights come back on he beats Moose’s ass. Fun game honestly. Love that Sami’s back, Impact has decent talkers but he’s so very entertaining in these segments.

Tenille Dashwood vs. Rosemary

After Havok’s loss last week The Influence once again started trying to mess with Rosemary and Decay leading to this match. Should be pretty good. Back and forth grappling and strike exchanges early before Rosemary takes control laying into Tenille with lefts and rights, the referee attempts to break the hold but she gets in his face. Rosemary with a suplex out of the corner but she’s distracted by Madison Rayne. Tenille with a neckbreaker through the ropes and she drags Rosemary to the outside of the ring. Rosemary tossed back in and Tenille covers for one. Tenille sends Rosemary face first into the turnbuckle before laying into her with a chop. Tenille with strikes in the corner and she taunts allowing Rosemary to grab her and lock in the upside down until the referee forces a break. Rosemary outside and she gets hit from behind by Madison. Tenille with the cover but it’s only good for two. Tenille locks in a full nelson but it’s not enough to force a submission. Rosemary tries to fight free and finally does, she and Tenille both go for clotheslines and take each other out. Rosemary to her feet first and she lays into Tenille with a series fo clotheslines in the corner. Rosemary rolls through into an inverted crossface like submission. Tenille pulls at the hair to force a break. Rosemary with a german suplex and covers for a two count. Rosemary gets Tenille on the shoulders and Madison causes a distraction, Rosemary shoves Tenille into Madison and Rolls her up for the three count but i’m pretty sure Rosemary’s shoulders were also down.

Rating: ***
Review: This was a decent opening singles match Rosemary and Tenille are both solid in the ring. The finish was something i’ve seen a million times so it wasn’t that great but it sets up the post match and upcoming tag match so I get it.
Post match: Tenille and Madison attack Rosemary until Taya Valkyrie makes the save. Taya and Rosemary stand face to face after clearing the ring and it appears a new alliance has been formed. Rosemary points at Taya and then slowly exits the ring never taking her eyes off Taya. Rosemary is so good.


– We go on the road with the Good Brothers and they’re at the Briscoes farm. Karl tells Gallows to ask his hot Asian wife if he’s soft. They say they’re grindin and make their way around the farm talking trash about all of the farms amenities. Karl is in the barn and says it smells like a Tama Tonga match in here. They speak to a little kid at the farm telling him all of their accomplishments and he couldn’t care less. Karl lifts the kid up and kicks over his big wheel. Gallows chases a chicken and Karl says “I thought you spoke chicken?” Gallows replied “I DO!” Before screaming as he picked a chicken up. Karl tells the farmhand to get up and get him a beer. The old man tells him to get the hell of his farm, Karl says it’s the world famous Papa Briscoe. Karl says they’re lookin for Dem Boys and can’t find em so they’ll beat him up instead. He laughs before tightening his belt and saying he hopes they packed their lunch. The Briscoes come flying up in a pickup truck with Mark in the back holding a wood pole and this is freakin amazing. Gallows throws a wood chair at Mark and just barely misses. Mark goes for a spear on Karl but takes himself out. They lock Jay up in a tree and beat him up, Gallows looks to smash his head in with a cinder block but Papa Briscoe walks up holding a wrench and walks them off as Mark and Jay recover to back him up. This was awesome and now I want a full cinematic brawl between these two teams.


– Heath is backstage pacing, still, after Rhino was attacked last year. He says Rhino is hurtin and has to have surgery and it breaks his heart because he loves the man. Heath says that the doctors told him it could be months or forever but Honor No More is going to walk through hell and he’ll make sure they burn. Gia asks if he’s planning on taking them on alone and he just walks off. Goofy, and I don’t even like Heath that much, but this is pretty great.

Steve Maclin vs. PCO

Maclin and PCO lock up PCO sends Maclin into the ropes and goes for a shoulder block but neither man budges. PCO attempts to clothesline Maclin to the outside but Maclin stays inside while PCO goes over the top to the outside. Maclin on the apron and PCO hits a spear sending Maclin off and PCO into the mat face first god that was bad but could’ve been so much worse. PCO right back up and hits another dive through the ropes to Maclin on the outside. PCO is such a crazy person. PCO teases a PCO-Sault to the outside but Maclin breaks it up and goes back into the ring. Maclin with a tope through the bottom and middle rope onto PCO outside. PCO charges Maclin and runs right into a spinebuster from Maclin and the referee checks on both men as we go to break.

Back from break and PCO is bleeding even more from his mouth as he bites at the head of Maclin. Maclin fights back and sends PCO into the corner right shoulder first before stomping on his arm in the corner. Maclin tries to send PCO to the outside but he blocks it. PCO heads to the top but Maclin cuts him off and hits him with a superplex. Maclin covers for a two count. PCO back in control and sets Maclin up for the deanimator and it connects! PCO right back to his feet and he’s reminding us just how inhuman he is. PCO charges Maclin seated in front of the steps and Maclin moves just in time sending PCO into the steps. Maclin sets PCO up in a tree of woe on the apron and nails him with his sick corner spear into the barricade and it looked pretty bad ass. Maclin sets PCO’s arm in between the stairs and the posts and give a big kick to PCO’s shoulder. He takes down him shirt and shows his shoulder out of place. The referee tries to end the match but PCO attacks security sending one dude with the back of his head first into the stairs out. PCO back into the rign and Maclin uses a chair to take out PCO as the referee is distracted with security. Maclin with a DDT onto the chair and covers for the victory.

Rating: **1/2
Review: When this match was going at it’s best it was really good, but it sucked at a lot of points. PCO is cool and has this insane aura to him but he’s old and battered and has old battered moments all the time. I’m glad he’s ok or as ok as he can be especially after some wild moments in this one. He’s interesting and a great wrestling character but every week I wonder how this guy feels when he wakes up mon-fri. 

– We flashback to an old Slammiversary highlighting Kevin Nash and Booker T two guys who i’m sure will be involved in Slammiversary this year. Oh snap this is a long highlight we later see Samoa Joe take over and hang up the belt and winning King of the Mountain. I’m not sure I love that match type but this makes sense now I do expect Joe and Christian to make an appearance at Slammiversary so save the hate for my jokes.

– Tasha and Savanah approach Deonna to discuss her needing help vs Mia. They can’t come to an agreement so they storm off as Deonna says she doesn’t need help. This bring up Chelsea who says she can’t believe they thought she needed help, she then says but if she needs help maybe Chelsea can help.

– Matt Morgan is backstage talking to Gia and he’s interrupted by Honor No More. Matt says he doesn’t like Honor No More’s chances before laughing and walking away. Tom Hannifan reminds us that Matt’s not an active wrestler so no worries thinking it’s him.

Josh Alexander vs. Joe Doring

Doring and Josh lock up to begin the match and Doring shoves Josh off immediately. They exchange holds before Josh locks in a headlock, Doring tries to shove him off but he’s unsuccessful. Doring with a backdrop but Josh hangs on with the headlock. Josh with a waist lock and Doring finally breaks free but Josh locks in an ankle lock. Doring sends Josh into the ropes, Deaner tries to grab his foot, the distraction is enough for Doring to drop Josh with a running crossbody and covers for two. Doring with the bodyslam, rebound elbow combo that’s just so damn smooth. Doring lifts Josh up and drops him with a big boot as Eric Young cheers him on from the outside. Doring with a chinlock and Josh grabs at the wrist to fight free. Doring with a STIFF forearm right to the face of Josh. Doring back to the chinlock, Josh fights free and hits Doring with a series of kicks to the head and he barely staggers. Doring charges Josh in the corner but runs right into a big boot, Josh with a knee to the back of the head sending Doring to the mat. Josh lifts Doring onto his shoulders but he fights free, Doring charges Josh but he catches him with a rebound German suplex. Deaner distracts the referee and Doring tries to hit Josh with the flag but Josh grabs hit. Josh hits Doring with the flag as the referee turns around losing via DQ. Deaner tries to jump Josh but he’s caught right away and send packing. Eric tries to catch him from behind but Josh catches him and he slowly sneaks away.

Rating: **3/4
Review: It was a really decent back and forth match the finish was fine I guess but I don’t see why Josh can’t just beat Doring and look like a bad ass.

– Gia is backstage with Moose and he says that there’s not a chance in hell for Sami to beat him face to face physically so he gets the mind games, before he can say much more the lights start to flicker. Moose says he’s going to find Sami and put an end to this before walking off.

– We recap and see Ace Austin joining the Bullet Club, I am interested to see how this plays off in Impact with Bey already being in BC. I know it’s been said a million times but damn they sure milked the Bullet club for EVERYTHING it was worth uh. We go backstage and see Ace cutting a promo about joining the Bullet Club and he’s interrupted by Alex Zayne who is pissed at Ace for leaving him behind. Jay White walks up and tells Zayne to leave. Alex says if they want him to leave they’ll have to make him. Alex gets jumped by the Bullet Club and Ace tells him he doesn’t get involved in BC business without incidents. This leads to Alex Zayne as the final member of the Ultimate X match.

– Moose is walking backstage and he encounters Sami Callihan. They brawl for a moment, Moose sends Sami into the wall back first multiple times and then lays into him with rights and lefts and dramatic music plays in the background. Sami’s busted open and Moose tries to leave but the door is broken or locked. Sami laughs it up as he has the key, he rakes Moose’s eyes and then leaves locking Moose in the room. Sami turns the lights out and Moose bangs on the door demanding to be let out. Could’ve done without this, it wasn’t bad but compared to the other segments on this show it wasn’t as good as the Briscoes segment.

– Matt Cardona is recording a promo on his phone and hands the digital media world championship over to Brian Meyers. Poor Rich Swann goes from feuding with Cardona to a match with Brian Meyers at Slammiversary. It makes sense but as a big anti Brian Meyers guy I could do with out.

Honor No More vs. Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin & Kazarian

Commentary is heavily pushing that we don’t know who the final two on team Impact are and i’m thinking we might find out tonight. Shelley and Bennett kick this one off, Bennet gains control and sends Shelley into the corner with the rest of honor no more but he manages the fight his way out as Bennett taunts. Shelley sends Bennett into the opposing corner before tagging in Sabin, they hit some sweet tag team action on Bennett and Sabin covers for a two count. Taven tags in and runs right into an armdrag from Sabin. Taven backs Sabin up into the corner before sending him to the other corner, Sabin on the middle rope and drops Taven with a rana. Taven drops Sabin with a drop kick and taunts allowing Sabin to regroup and nail him with a forearm before tagging in Kaz. Kaz with a running leg sweep on Taven and covers him for two. Taven with a kick to the face of Kaz, Eddie tags in and runs right into an armdrag. Sabin up top and drops onto Eddie’s wrist, Kaz tags in and does the same before Shelley tags in and lands a knee onto the wrist of Eddie. Shelley and Kaz lock Bennett up and drop him then hit him with a series of legdrops and finish with one from Kaz as we go to commercial.

Back from break and Shelley has Eddie’s arm locked and stomps right on his elbow. Shelley taunts him preventing the tag and then jams his shoulder before sweeping his feet from under him, Shelley on the apron Bennett distracts him but Shelley with a stunner on Eddie on the ropes. Bennett pulls Shelley off the apron and hits him with the rebound forearm. Eddie with a dive to Shelley on the outside. Kaz in the ring and runs into a flurry of offense from Bennett and Taven. Sabin into the ring and runs into a lifting powerbomb from Eddie Edwards who goes right to selling the left arm. Shelley in the corner and Taven and Edwards dumped to the outside. Shelley tries to make a tag but Bennett stops him, he breaks free but just as hes about to make a tag Sabin and Kaz are pulled off the apron preventing the tag. Shelley runs into a series of kicks and forearms from Bennett and Taven, Taven covers for two. Taven sends Shelley into a shot from Edwards and Eddie tag in talking trash to Shelley. Eddie with a stiff chop across the chest of Shelley. Shelley fires up as Eddie stomps at him yelling at him to come on and fight. Shelley to his feet and they exchange chops before Eddie drops him with a chop. Bennett tags in and sends Shelley face first into the corner. Taven charges Shelley but he’s dropped face first into the turnbuckle. Bennett makes a tag, Shelley tries but Taven breaks up the tag yet again. Eddie charges Shelley in the corner and hits him with a running knee in the corner. Eddie lifts Shelley up for a tiger driver but shelley prevents it, Eddie with a big boot, Shelley with a shot of his own but eats another boot, Bennett grabs him but Eddie hits Bennett instead and Kaz tags in. Kaz runs wild on everyone. Kaz rolls up Taven but he’s not legal, Eddie gets wrapped up in a suplex and covered for two. Taven and Eddie attack Kaz but he counters a double back drop. Sabin tags in. He goes up top and takes out Eddie and Taven with a crossbody. Sabin lays into both men with a series of strikes, Sabin with a tornado ddt attempt but he lands on his feet and Shelley takes out Taven finally Sabin hits the tornado DDT on Eddie. Sabin covers for a seriously close two count. Sabin lifts Eddie on his shoulders but Bennett’s into the ring. Sabin drops Bennett, Shelley and Sabin with their classic tag team maneuver on Eddie Edwards. Shelley on the apron and opens up the ropes for Sabin to do a tope because that adds +10 power to a tope. Taven drops Shelley and then dives over Kaz onto everyone on the outside nearly killing himself. Kaz goes for a dive but Bennett stops him and spears him on the outside. Sabin back inside they set him up for a tiger driver but Sabin rolls right through into a running kick from Taven. Eddie covers immediately for a two count. Sabin is indestructible no sells a series of moves into a tiger driver then kicks out of a kick to the face. Kaz and Shelley back in, Sabin with a boot to Eddie, They hit a triple team on Eddie, Kaz covers and he just barely kicks out. So many near falls. Taven tries for a splash on Sabin but he moves and he’s caught by Shelley, then they lay into Eddie in the corner. Sabin with a tornado DDT onto Eddie and he covers but Taven barely breaks it up. Taven and Shelley exchange moves, Taven with the climax on Shelley, Kaz with a cutter on Taven, Kaz dropped with a forearm from Bennett. Sabin with a clothesline. Eddie with a superkick, Sabin with one of his own and goes for his finish but gets low blowed by Bennett. Eddie with the driver and he covers for the victory.

Rating: **1/2
Review: I didn’t really enjoy this match but I know a lot of people will, it had action and was exciting but I don’t need this many triple teams and near falls and no structure at all to a tag match it just kind of takes me out of it.

Post match: Heath hits the ring to make the save after Honor No More continue their beat down. Heath with a chair shot and wakeup call to Eddie. Heath sets the chair on Eddie’s leg and Kenny King and Vincent hit the ring to make the save. Everyone starts to come to and brawl as Honor No More have the numbers. They set Heath up for the Pillmanizing and hit him not once, not twice, but three times.

The final score: review Average
The 411
This weeks episode was heavily filled with video packages and backstage segments with only four official matches. There were some solid matches but nothing like some of the X-Division bangers we've seen in the past. I think Impact has gotten into a good space with consistent decent shows, this was just on the lower end of that list for me. I did enjoy some of the video packages and the opener was solid which Impact typically does well, but the rest I just wasn't feeling this week.

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Impact Wrestling, Andrew Cazer