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Chris DeJoseph Recalls How Randy Orton vs. Triple H Became WrestleMania 25’s Main Event, Talks Process of Writing WM

– Former WWE creative team member Chris DeJoseph spoke with Wrestling Inc for a new interview discussing his experience working on WrestleMania and more. Highlights are below:
On how far forward WWE starts working on WrestleMania: “It starts usually about a year in advance where you lay out the card. How that card stands or how many matches actually make it is a whole another thing. The show doesn’t actually get written until about a week before, like the actual script of the show. You get there WrestleMania week. There’s meetings early in the week. You figure out the lineups…I’ve heard they haven’t figured out who’s going to be the main event this year and that’s very possible.”
On the main event slot of WrestleMania 25 being argued between two sides in the writers’ room: “The Triple H-Randy Orton camp won. Did I think that was the right decision? No, but those discussions happen and it’s eventually decided. I think it put a little chip on the shoulder of Shawn and Taker to make sure they had the best match of the night and in my opinion they did.”
On being part of the creative team for the first Triple H vs. Batista WrestleMania match in 2005: “I joined the writing team the day after No Way Out [in February]. So I had a few months before my first WrestleMania. Most of the interaction I had with those guys was handing them coffee or stuff…Triple H, of course, got a special entrance as he always does. I was very surprised, talking about this year’s WrestleMania, that they are going with that again.”
On Triple H being Batista’s opponent for his return: “I’d like to see somebody younger get the rub, but there are continually matches with older guys.”
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