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Cook’s Impact Bound For Glory 2022 Review
![Impact Bound For Glory Josh Alexander](https://411mania.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Impact-Bound-For-Glory-Josh-Alexander-645x370.jpg)
Hey kids! It’s Impact Wrestling’s biggest night of the year, and I’m here to tell you just what the heck’s going on. We’ve got plenty of championship matches, a career is on the line, and somebody will get to call a shot at some point. Let’s get dangerous!
Before the show officially began, we had a pre-show match! Only one, which is pretty light by 2022 wrestling PPV standards.
Impact Digital Media Championship: Brian Myers (c) vs. Dirty Dango: Some YouTube difficulties led to us missing the entrances for this one, but just in time for the action. Myers with the shoulderblock, but Dango responds with a dropkick. Dango works the arm before Myers fight back. Dango fights off the sunset flip attempt, then swivels the hips and hits a legdrop for dos. Myers tries to duck out of the ring as we hear some French commentary. Albany’s fairly close to Quebec. Marc Blondin & “Handsome” JF get some screen time. Myers stomps a hole in Dango, hits a snap mare and works a chinlock. Dango fights out, but gets tripped up when he hits the ropes. Driving forearm by Myers gets deux. Back to the chinlock! Dango almost gets tripped again, but evades and hits a tope to the floor. Back in the ring, atomic drop and some strikes from Dango. Side American legsweep, then a vertical suplex gets two for Double D. Myers hits a kick, then an Edgeicution gets a two count. Myers sets up for the spear, runs into a superkick. Dango hits a tornado DDT for two. Dango strikes Myers in the corner, heads up top, Myers evades and hits the spear. The Roster Cut ends it.
Winner: Brian Myers (6 minutes via pinfall)
Star Rating: **
We get a video with various folks discussing Impact Wrestling’s newest Hall of Fame inductee, Raven.
Tommy Dreamer comes out to make the speech inducting Raven, as if there would be any other choice for that honor. Of course, when Scott D’Amore first mentioned the Hall of Fame tonight, Tommy thought that he was getting inducted. Even when Tommy can’t wrestle, he’s still doing the job for Raven. He’s known Raven since summer camp. Raven was grunge, counter-culture, the anti-hero, everything the 1990s was all about. Raven has a MENSA IQ, just ask him, he’ll tell you. Raven believed in people. Tommy runs down a list of ECW stars, CM Punk, Mickie James and other people that benefitted from Raven believing in people. Everytime Tommy got DDTed by Raven, he was living in a moment of greatness.
Play Raven‘s theme! He can be a smartass, basically a dick. He has ADD and is self-destructive. Not great qualities in life, but great qualities for a wrestler. He thought he didn’t deserve the cheers, but the boos made him feel at home. He was the last guy to go through the territories and become a featured player in the modern era. He couldn’t have gotten there without The Grappler Len Denton. He had to drive Len to all the shows in Portland, and got the chance to pick his brain. Len taught him how to book & think about the process. He’s a little nervous because the fans are cheering him. He asks for some boos to feel comfortable. Paul Heyman was another big influence. Paul let him do pretty much anything he wanted, even crucifying the Sandman. He’ll put his feuds with Sandman & Dreamer against any other feuds in the history of the business. Going to WCW was a really good move except his self-destructiveness & ego got in the way. He got clean & sober, went to WWE and that was a miserable experience. He started seeing a psycharist though, so that was good. Hopefully he’s a better person today. After he left WWE, TNA came calling. He hated the drive to Nashville, but for the most part he was happy there. It’s gone from Memphis to TNA to Impact. It’s like the Hotel California, you can check out but never leave. There isn’t enough time to thank everybody, but he has to single out Tommy. Tommy was the yin to his yang, the babyface to his heel, and his partner in a 28 year feud that ends tonight. Raven raises Tommy’s hand, kicks him and DDTs him! The fans boo, and Raven thanks them. Quoth the Raven, nevermore.
Good for Raven getting honored by a company that appreciated him. It wasn’t like a 1990s Raven ECW promo or one of his shoot interviews from back in the day, but you could tell it meant something to him. He did a lot for TNA’s viability in the mid-2000s, as he was one of the few people that jumped from WWE early on and actually added a ton to the show. Very deserving inductee.
Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwoldt are your hosts, and they run down the card.
Cook’s Impact Wrestling Bound For Glory 2022 Review
After a video, Tom & Matthew welcome us to Albany!
Impact X Division Championship Match: Mike Bailey (c) vs. Frankie Kazarian: Bailey kicks some boards to show us that he’s ready to face one of the creators of the X Division. Code of Honor is adhered to. Tieup into the corner leads nowhere as the fans chant for the Speedball. Bailey with a backslide, Kaz with a rollup, then he goes for the chicken wing & Bailey finds the ropes. The fans like both these guys. Bailey with a dropkick, Kaz with one of his own. Bailey fights off another chicken wing attempt. Kazarian misses a legdrop on the apron, then Bailey hits a moonsault to the floor. Bailey with a chop back in the ring, into the corner, Kazarian places Bailey up top, then pushes him to the floor. Kazarian follows Bailey out and hits some chops on the floor before rolling him back into the ring. Slingshot legdrop gets barely two. Bailey with some quick kicks before Kaz takes him down and locks in a combo arm/leg hold. Bailey kicks his way out of it. Bailey hits a victory roll for two and dropkicks Kaz down. Running corkscrew splash gets two. Kaz blocks the kick, Bailey springboards into Kazarian’s Back to the Future move for the two count. Bailey with some kicks, Kaz answers with the clothesline. Fans say it’s awesome. Series of nearfalls leads to a bodyslam by Kaz, but he misses the springboard legdrop. Standing kneesault by Bailey. Twisting clothesline in the corner, the Ultimo Weapon gets a two count on Kazarian. Kaz avoids the Flamingo driver and locks in a chicken wing. Bailey takes Kazarian to the floor to break the hold. Bailey hits a springboard moonsault on the floor, but Kazarian slingshots Bailey back into the ring into a cutter for two. The fans want the fight to go forever. Kazarian places Bailey up top, hits the Flux Capacitor for two! I haven’t seen Kazarian use that move in a hot minute. Bailey avoids the chicken wing, rolls Kaz up for two. Kazarian hits a suplex for one, then Bailey reverses a Kaz move with a reverse rana. Bailey shooting stars into a Kazarian cutter that gets two! Kaz locks in the chicken wing in the middle of the ring! Bailey taps and we have a new 5-time X Division Champion!
Winner: Frankie Kazarian (12:30 via submission)
Match Rating: ***3/4
I know Kazarian isn’t part of BTE anymore, but is he still part of AEW? Interesting booking decision here as Bailey’s had a well-regarded title reign. Maybe Speedball’s going elsewhere, who knows. Good for Frankie though, he deserves some success at this point in his career. Hard worker.
Gia Miller is with Mickie James, who talks about how she delivers under pressure. Who better than Mia Yim to face on such a historic night? She wants everything that Mia has to offer. Is tonight the night that the last rodeo ends and she passes the torch? Mickie says she is the torch and tonight they burn Albany to the ground.
Last Rodeo Match: Mia Yim vs. Mickie James: If Mickie loses, she’s done. Code of Honor adhered to once again. Long tieup to start the match. Some wristlocks & cartwheels exchanged to showcase their similar styles. Mickie works the headlock. Shoulderblock by Mickie, a cartwheel, dropkick misses and Mia gets a rollup. Rollup by Mickie and a standoff. Mia fights off a headlock takeover with a headscissors. Back to the headlock, but Mickie tweaks her knee on an attempted bulldog. Will Mia go after that knee? Yes she will! She kicks away at that leg as she should. A KneeDT gets two. Mickie fights Mia off with a headscissor takeover, then a neckbreaker. Strikes are exchanged. Mia continues to target the knee, and Mickie hits a Thesz Press and some clotheslines. Flapjack from Mickie, who eventually hits a nipup. Mickie goes for a rana, but Mia powerbombs her into the corner before hitting a cannonball for two. Mia places Mickie up top and goes for a superplex, but Mickie fights it off. A kiss! Pie in the Sky gets two! Shades of Traci Brooks! Mickie goes for the Mick Kick, Mia reverses with a Stretch Muffler. Kick to the head, then a German suplex gets two. Eat Defeat knocks Mickie onto the apron for a second, which causes enough of a delay to get a two count. Mickie blocks another Eat Defeat, kicks Mia, but Mia blocks the DDT. Mia cannonballs the corner, and Mickie hits her DDT! That’ll end it.
Winner: Mickie James (10:56 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ***
Some sportsmanship afterward. Good to see! I assume Mickie will eventually lose to somebody that Impact’s building as part of their future, like Masha Slamovich or somebody in that wheelhouse.
Impact Knockouts World Tag Team Championship Match: VXT (Chelsea Green & Deonna Purrazzo) (c) vs. The Death Dolls (Taya Valkyrie & JesSICKa w/Rosemary): VXT needs a new color scheme for their tron entrance now that NXT’s updated. Jessicka will start against Chelsea. Chelsea tries to evade, but can’t for long. Taya tags in quickly for the double team whip & splashes in the corner. Chelsea tags out to the Virtuosa, who hits a brilliant shot on Taya in the corner. Taya gets the tag so she can face off with Deonna. Double stomp by Taya gets two. Taya with the armdrag, but Deonna knocks Jessicka off the apron. Taya responds with the pandemonium german suplex on Deonna. Some open hand chops from Taya. Chelsea knees Taya in the back so VXT can hit a double kick on the floor. Double suplex back in the ring and Taya’s down for two. Chelsea goes for the suplex, but Taya blocks. Taya gets the tag, but that darn referee was distracted by Purrazzo. You hate to see it happen, but Taya suplexes both members of VXT anyway. Chelsea knocks Jessicka off the apron and gets Taya into her corner. Taya elbows & kicks VXT, runs over and tags Jessicka. Jessicka hits the sick kick on Deonna, and some flipping flopping & flying on Chelsea. Deonna gets slammed right next to Chelsea, and they get crossbodied for two. Deonna with the Flatliner on Jessicka, Chelsea hits the stomp and that gets two. VXT tries a doubleteam, but Taya breaks that up. Taya kicks Chelsea, Jessicka hits the Sick Driver, and we’ve got new champions!
Winners: The Death Dolls (7:24 via pinfall)
Match Rating: **1/2
Been a bad night for champions so far, and we’ve got another tag team championship coming up next.
Impact World Tag Team Championship Match: Matt Taven & Mike Bennett (c) (w/Maria Kanellis) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin): Taven goes to work on Shelley right away. A dropkick, and he’s Matt Taven. Kitchen sink and a spinal tap by Shelley as an answer. Tag to Sabin, they try a doubleteam but Taven breaks it up and tags Bennett. Sabin with a crossbody for two, then the arm drag & bar. Bennett meets a boot in the corner, a headscissors and another arm drag & bar. Taven tags in, hits a driving elbow. Misses a second one. Shelley tags in, knocks Bennett off the apron. Bennett ties up the referee’s attention while the Guns do a fun double team. Shelley & Sabin work the left arm/elbow of Taven like they’re quick Anderson brothers. Double spin kick to Taven gets two. Maria gets up on the apron and manages to distract the referee while Shelley continues the armwork. Bennett changes the pace with a trip, and Taven hits a spinning neckbreaker for two. Taven misses in the corner, but Bennett clotheslines Shelley. Taven comes up short on a kick through the ropes, then hits a crossbody to the floor. The OGK fans are still firmly behind their men. Bennett with a Kimura on Shelley, as they’ve decided to give him some of that armwork he was dishing out earlier. Enziguri by Taven, superkick by Bennett gets two. Shelley goes sternum first into the turnbuckle for a two count. Shelley evades some OGK moves, but gets catapulted into a Taven kick. Then an elbow while Shelley is spread on Bennett’s knees. Taven misses in the corner, Bennett misses a clothesline and Sabin tags in. German on Bennett, Taven blocks the Cradleshock, then clotheslines Bennett. Sabin cross-bodies both. Sabin with a tornado DDT on Taven for two, Bennett elbowdrops Taven. Both Kingdom members end up on the floor, and Sabin takes them out with a tope suicida. Taven gets shoulderblocked in the corner, placed on top of Bennett, DDTed for a two count. That was unique. Kicks to Bennett, but OGK fights back. Bennett with the DVD, Taven with Just the Tip for a two count. Bennett goes for the piledriver on Sabin, but Shelley breaks it up for the moment. Shelley knocked outside, and that leads to the spike piledriver on Sabin for a two count. Bennett goes for the backpack stunner, that gets broken up. Sabin cuts Bennett down. Double superkick to Taven, then a double Cradleshock gets two. Kicks in the corner, they go for Skull & Bones & Maria breaks it up! Taven ends up in the Tree of Woe while Bennett & Sabin exchange strikes. Superkicks exchanged, Sabin goes for the Cradleshock. Bennett clotheslined in the corner, then suplexed into Taven. Taven placed up top, but Bennett comes in to break things up. Maria back on the apron, Bennett inadvertently superkicks her off the apron! Some confusion afterward, which Taven uses to get a pinfall with a rope-assisted rollup!
Winners: Matt Taven & Mike Bennett (16:35 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ***1/2
I might be going a bit low on this one since there were a couple of rough spots, but the crowd was definitely into it. Two top-notch tag teams that could have an even better match or two down the line.
We see Raven DDT Tommy Dreamer one more time. Could bring a tear to a glass eye.
Last year, Moose won the Call Your Shot Gauntlet and cashed in later on the same night. Could history repeat? Every winner of this match has eventually cashed in & won a championship, so it’s a good track record.
Call Your Shot Gauntlet: Eric Young is the first entrant, and surely in a good mood since the Nashville Predators lead the entire NHL by two points. Joe Hendry is #2, and the people believe in him! It’s “a set time” between participants, whatever that might mean. EY attacks from behind because that’s how he rolls. Hendry with some shots before getting elbowed down. Hendry with the Gorilla Press, then a clothesline. Stalling vertical suplex, and the audience believes in Joe Hendry. Young goes to the eyes as the clock ticks down. #3 is Steve Maclin, and he goes right after Hendry. Spear into the corner while Hendry is in the Tree of Woe. Young stares Maclin down, and they decide to work Hendry over. Rich Swann is out next, and he handsprings into a double elbow on Young & Maclin. 450 on Young, 450 on Maclin. Hendry gets kicked by Swann, then powebombs Swann down. Fallaway slam on two people before Vincent brings PCO out as the next participant. PCO with some clotheslines and general throwing of people and stomping mudholes & fisticuffs. Hendry gets DDTed by PCO before Savannah Evans comes out as the next entrant. Evans squares off with PCO, they exchange chokeholds before Maclin breaks it up. Johnny Swinger comes out along with Ziggy Dice. The Swing Man is on the entrance cart! Swinger goes right after Evans, which seems like a mistake, but he powerslams her! Throws his back out in the process, unfortunately. Tasha Steelz is out next to back her girl Savannah up. She hits a cutter on Maclin, then Evans & Steelz go after the Swing Man. He has a tough time of it as the clock ticks down and Killer Kelly arrives. Evans & Steelz might have some trouble now, and so might everybody else as Kelly goes after everyone in the ring. Kelly gets on Evans’ back, and Steelz takes the opportunity to eliminate both of them! Brilliant move, except Steelz lost her partner in the process. Moose is next, and he throws Hendry out like yesterday’s garbage. Moose elevates PCO out of the ring as the clock ticks down. Sami Callihan is next, and he goes after Maclin & Moose as you’d expect. Powerbomb to Maclin, some face raking for Moose. Steelz & Swinger still going at it. Taylor Wilde is back and she ranas Swann out of his boots. Suplexes for folks, and then Wilde & Steelz go at it. Gisele Shaw is next as Callihan & Moose actually team up to try & get Young out. A fella in a yellow hoodie comes out, apparently connected to Young. There’s another one! Sami teases a piledriver on the apron, and Deaner emerges to knock Sami off the apron and out of the match. Bully Ray is our next returning rassler, and he looks as happy as he ever does. Tasha Steelz decides she’s going to face off with Ray, and that goes as well as you’d expect. Bully gorilla presses her out of the ring and onto security. Tommy Dreamer apparently recovered enough from the DDT earlier to be in this match, and he faces off with Bully Ray. Moose & Maclin face off with the old timers and get bionic elbows for their trouble. Dreamer & Ray hug, and shockingly Ray doesn’t turn on Dreamer just yet. Rhino is out next to continue the Extreme portion of the evening. Swinger is also up to be part of the mix. They don’t quite accept him as part of the unit. They toss Swinger out. <b.Bhupinder Gujjar is out next as Dreamer got eliminated off-camera. Bhupinder hits some big moves on Young & Swann. Heath is next and I’m pretty sure he still has kids. Wake Up Call to Moose, one for EY too. Swann handsprings into a Wake Up Call of his own. Rhino goes Maclin, then hugs Heath! Bobby Fish is next, making his Impact debut as the fans chant for CM Punk. I don’t think Punk will be here, but I haven’t seen the format. Matt Cardona is the final participant, and he’s in no hurry to get into the ring. Why should he be? Lotta folks in there still. Rhino gets chucked out by Moose, then Heath is knocked out. There goes Moose! Cardona goes after Bully Ray, which doesn’t seem like the wisest idea. Cardona offers the handshake, and he gets slammed for his trouble. Taylor Wilde is up on the turnbuckle…WHASSSSSUP? Taylor plants a smooch on Bully, then Bully tells her to get the tables! Well, we know Bully has a soft spot for blonde TNA Knockouts. Cardona knocks Shaw & Wilde out, then Bhupinder eliminates Cardona! Young gets Bhupinder on the apron, and neckbreaks him down. Bhupinder rolls to the floor and is out. Fish splashes Bully in the corner. Swann & Young go at it and end up on the apron. Swann kicks Young off the apron and we’re down to four folks. Swann, Fish & Maclin go after Bully Ray. Swann gets clotheslined off the apron by Maclin. Maclin chucks Fish out, so it’s Maclin vs. Bully Ray. Pinfall or submission between these two!
Maclin & Ray exchange shots. Nothing scientific here, just some punching. Maclin hits an Olympic Slam for the two count. Ray responds with a Rock Bottom that gets two. Maclin misses with a knee in the corner, Bully hits the Bully Bomb for the three count!
Winner: Bully Ray (29:18 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ***1/4
I’ve never been the biggest Bully Ray fan, and I get why fans wouldn’t be thrilled with his reemergence here. For some reason it doesn’t bother me as much here. Bully had some of his best moments in Impact, he feels like he fits as part of the show. Some places he doesn’t fit so well, but Impact Wrestling feels like Bully Ray’s kind of place.
Eddie Edwards is backstage. Alisha brings the kids for the dramatic conversation. Their daughter asks what will happen if he doesn’t win, and Alisha says that won’t happen.
Impact Knockouts World Championship Match: Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Masha Slamovich: David Penzer does the super special in-ring introductions and has his classic WCW cummerbund on. No time wasted as these two go right at it. Grace knocks Slamovich to the floor, then baseball slides to the outside to clothesline her opponent down. Nearfall early for Jordynne. On the apron, Grace goes for a piledriver, but Masha blocks and drops the champion on her head with a Dead Eye. That gets two. Masha attempts to make Jordynne humble with the camel clutch. Grace fights back and goes for her driver, but Masha blocks, fireman carries Grace over and double stomps for two. Masha works Jordynne over in the corner & kicks her in the spine. Grace blocks a Snow Plow attempt, but gets elbowed in the corner. Spin kick by Slamovich, but Grace answers with a spinebuster. Chops are exchanged. For quite awhile. Both hit a spinning back fist and both fall down. Grace with a slam & another, but Slamovich keeps getting up. Masha slips out of one but gets kicked and Michinoku Drivered for two. Grace clotheslines Slamovich down but misses a Vader Bomb. Masha fights back and hits a Destroyer for two. Masha sent onto the apron, she goes up top but Jordynne meets her there. Stalling superplex, roll through and a Jackhammer gets two! Jordynne goes for the Musclebuster, but Masha works out of it and locks in a sleeper! Masha flips Jordynne over into a bulldog choke! Grace gets to her feet & finds the ropes, but Slamovich hits a bridging straitjacket suplex for two. Jordynne with the spinning backfist, then the Vertebreaker! Only two! Jordynne wants Masha to get up, she slaps & kicks at the challenger. Slamovich with a pump kick, Grace fights off the Snow Plow, hits the Grace Driver and that only gets two! The fans differ on whether or not Jordynne can win this match. Masha fights out of the rack, but gets punched. Masha lifts Jordynne up, hits the Air Raid Crash in the corner! There’s the Snow Plow, but Jordynne’s foot is under the ropes! What does Masha have in mind now? She places Jordynne up top, but it’s Jordynne that gets the advantage and the avalance Grace Driver! The champion retains.
Winner: Jordynne Grace (16:00 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ***3/4
Exactly the type of match I would have hoped for from these two. I think somebody might call it a slobberknocker or something like that.
Impact World Championship Match: Josh Alexander (c) vs. Eddie Edwards: Vincent, PCO, Kenny King, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett wish Eddie luck during his entrance. Alisha & the kids look on from the crowd. It turns out that Josh’s wife & kid are at ringside right next to them, so this is kinda awkward. They take their time at the start, neither man getting a clear advantage. Eddie with a chop, then Josh double legs him down & goes to the mat. Shoulderblock goes nowhere. Alexander grabs a headlock, but Edwards tosses him to the floor. Alexander won’t stay down there for Eddie’s nonsense though. Eddie yanks the blond wig off the Ric Flair wannabe in the front row. Back in the ring and it’s Alexander with a hammerlock. Edwards with a headlock takeover, Alexander with the headscissors & arm drag/bar. Josh with a kick, Eddie with a back elbow and a kick knocking Josh to the floor. Eddie with a slingshot crossbody to the floor and he’s taken the advantage. Chops by Eddie on the floor. Josh snaps Eddie’s neck on the top rope and crossbodies him to the floor. Back in the ring, Eddie with the atomic drop and an overhead belly to belly. Chops in the corner knock Josh for a loop. Alexander fights back, then gets tossed outside for a tope suicida by Edwards. Eddie has some dishonorable ideas going, as he pulls the padding up on one side of the floor. The hardwood is exposed, but Alexander blocks the suplex attempt. Eddie tosses Josh back in the ring, but Josh immediately follows up with a crossbody back to the floor. Eddie get tossed back in the ring and rolls towards the apron above the unpadded portion of the floor. Josh tries to German suplex Eddie onto that area, but Eddie blocks. Josh boots Eddie down, but it’s Eddie that gets Josh up for the Diehard Driver onto the hardwood floor. It gets a two count in the ring eventually. Eddie hits some chops in the corner and places Josh up top for the Backpack Stunner. Eddie hits it for two, then transitions into a half crab. Josh finds the ropes but is still on the defensive. Eddie hits a powerbomb, but Josh blocks the Tiger Driver and Alabama slams Eddie into the turnbuckle! Back & forth now, Josh with some rolling German suplexes. Eddie grabs the ropes, but Josh hangs on and ends up German suplexing him on the apron whilst maintaining the grip so he can do it on the floor! Still got that grip on, and he Germans Eddie on the ramp! Now he’s done. Forearm in the corner by Josh, then a powerbomb backbreaker gets the two count. Alexander wants that C4 Spike, but Eddie’s got more to do. Blue Thunder gets the two count for Edwards. Boston Knee Party gets blocked, and Alexander hits a Styles Clash before going to the Ankle Lock! Edwards powers Alexander outside the ring. Alexander goes up top, but Edwards meets him with an enziguri. Eddie with the fisherman buster off the top, holds on, but Alexander counters with the C4! The referee can’t finish the count as the OGK pull him out of the ring and deck him. Alexander kicks Taven & Bennett down, but Kenny King comes in with a low blow. Security emerges to get the three Honor No More members to the back, and we have a second official to make the two count on the Boston Knee Party. Edwards with a chop, Alexander slips out of the Diehard Driver and hits a half & half suplex. Alexander misses in the corner, Eddie goes for the kick but gets his ankle locked for a second. Alexander dives into a knee, then Edwards hits the Tiger Driver for two. Alexander’s nose got busted at some point here, and there’s a little pool of crimson on the mat. Edwards with some chops, and Alexander wants more. Strikes are exchanged. Straps come down! Edwards with more chops, Alexander still doesn’t seem to care too much but he’s wearing down. The fans demand Edwards be a man and take his shirt off if he’s going to chop people. Alexander fights back, goes for the C4, Edward rolls through for the two count. Edwards blocks a kick and hits a clothslines. Alexander blocks the Knee Party, hits the C4 Spike and retains the Impact World Championship.
Winner: Josh Alexander (28:02 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ****
They took their time and told a story out there, which you gotta like.
Honor No More attacks after the bell, and Rich Swann & Heath come out to help Alexander. They don’t fare too well. Taven & Bennett get a table, but Bully Ray’s music hits. I’ve got a bad feeling about this, as Bully Ray comes out with his trophy won earlier in the evening. I think the fans realize what they inadvertently wished for, as Bully has some ROH experience of his own. Ray hands the referee the trophy and stands over the kneeling champion. Alexander rises to his feet and he & Ray exchange words before getting Honor No More out of the ring! Ray has the title belt and tells Alexander that he will be the most legitimate challenger he’s ever had. Alexander takes the belt from Ray’s hand as the show concludes.
Well, not quite. The Fite TV feed comes back very briefly so we can see Ray & Alexander put Mike Bennett through the table. Then it ends. I mean, you can’t just put a table in the ring, not break it and call it a night.
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