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Cook’s ROH TV Review 11.12.21

Hey kids! Some strange timing on this week’s show, as Honor For All took place yesterday and a team on this very show won the Tag Team Championship. Will they win here? We’ve also got an appearance from AEW’s newest signing, so we’ve got everything covered here. Let’s hook em up!
Cook’s ROH TV Review 11.12.21
Quinn McKay welcomes us to Ring of Honor Wrestling, which has three giant matches. The main event pits the Righteous against the Foundation in 6-man action. The OGK take on Dr. PJ Black & Flip Gordon, and we open with Caprice Coleman getting back in the ring to wrestle the Beer City Bruiser.
Ian is joined at the broadcast booth by Silas Young for today’s show.
Beer City Bruiser is mad about Caprice Coleman eliminating him from the Honor Rumble & feels he should be the #1 contender for the ROH Championship.
Beer City Bruiser (w/Brian Milonas & Ken Dixon) vs. Caprice Coleman: Bruiser grabs the microphone and talks about how Caprice thinks he’s a wrestler now. Bruiser says he isn’t in the mood, and thinks Caprice doesn’t have what it takes anymore.Ken Dixon wants to prove he belongs with the Bouncers, so if Caprice beats Dixon he can wrestle Bruiser.
Ken Dixon (w/Brian Milonas & Beer City Bruiser) vs. Caprice Coleman: Dixon powers Coleman into the corner, rubs his forearm into Caprice’s face. Caprice gives Dixon similar treatment in the other corner. Coleman with some mat wrestling as we go to commercial.
We’re back and Coleman is still on the offensive. Standing legdrop gets two. Milonas gets on the apron to talk to the official, Coleman misses in the corner and gets clotheslined by Bruiser. Dixon with a bodyslam, he catches Caprice on a cross-body attempt and hits a fallaway slam for two. Coleman fights back, hits a modified scissor kick. He goes for Father Time, a cobra clutch into a legsweep. Coleman gets tossed outside, where the Bouncers toss him into the barricade. Coleman with a headscissor on the floor and a shot for Bruiser. Back in the ring, Coleman with two Northern Lights suplexes, then the cobra clutch into the legsweep into the submission, but BCB cold-cocks Coleman for the disqualification.
Winner: Caprice Coleman (8:01 via disqualification)
Match Rating: **1/2
I guess that means Caprice gets his match. The Bouncers & Dixon work Coleman over after the bell while Ian loses his poop.
We see clips of Flip Gordon losing his memory. He thinks it’s 2018, you see. PJ Black has him on these potions now, which don’t seem to be helping. Black says not to listen to Cody, and gives him a flip book to write things down in. Matt Taven talks about how Flip Gordon is the little brother he never asked for, and wants him to get his mind right. Mike Bennett says they’re focused on the future & tag team gold.
PJ Black & Flip Gordon vs. The OGK (Mike Bennett & Matt Taven): Taven with a quick rollup on Gordon for two. Flip wants his flip pad to write something down, Matt calls him a Melvin. Black tags in, and goes back & forth with Taven. Bennett tags in, hits a couple big shots but Black gets out and tags Gordon. Gordon with a double axehandle to Bennett’s arm as we go to commercial.
Bennett & Taven start double teaming Gordon as we return. Silas advises Ian against seeking revenge against the Bouncers. Flip puts both men down and tags in Black, who lands some kicks & a reverse DDT. Black flips off the ropes and hits a double reverse DDT. Chops to both OGK members, but Bennett hits a spear & Taven covers for two. Now the OGK work Black over. Black & Bennett exchange chops. Doubleteam by OGK gets two due to Black’s foot on the ropes. Brainbuster by Bennett gets two. Black gets out of the backpack stunner attempt and tags Gordon, who flips. Superkick to Taven, then dives onto Bennett & Taven on opposite sides of the floor. Back in the ring, Flip with the moonsault, a flip off the ropes gets two. Black back in, Bennett gets kicked off the top & Taven gets hit with an assisted Destroyer for two. Bennett makes the save and fires away on his opponents. A miscommunication leads to Flip superkicking Black out of the ring. Bennett hits a spear on Gordon, then a spike piledriver ends the match.
Winners: The OGK (9:43 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ***
Taven seems to have jammed his neck after the super Destroyer & gets an ice pack. We’ll see if Flip had some sense knocked into him.
We look at the card for ROH Honor For All, which aired this past Sunday on Honor Club.
Tracy Williams isn’t buying the Righteous’s purity gimmick.
The Righteous (Vincent, Bateman & Dutch w/Vita Von Starr) vs. The Foundation (Jonathan Gresham, Tracy Williams & Rhett Titus w/Jay Lethal): The Righteous are clad in white, symbolizing their new-found purity. Gresham & Vincent start things off. Well, first Vincent needs the microphone. He asks Lethal why he’s standing in the Foundation’s corner, as Lethal should be standing in the Righteous’s corner. He has a clip of Lethal saying “I don’t even like the Foundation!” whilst in conversation with the Righteous. Lethal’s fellow Foundation members aren’t happy about this, and Tracy tells Lethal to head to the back. The Righteous attack as we go to commercial.
Vincent fires away on Gresham in the corner. Dutch tags in & Gresham gets beat down in the corner while the Righteous repeat Lethal’s earlier words. Bateman in with an elbow strike & Gresham keeps getting worked over. Vincent back in, Gresham tries to fight back and they exchange forearms. Enziguri leads to a tag to Williams. Williams goes off on Vincent, but when he goes for the cover, the referee disallows it because Williams didn’t hold the tag rope. Vita dances in front of Gresham, distracting him while Titus & Williams are sent outside. Dutch runs over Gresham on the outside. Back inside, Gresham gets slammed by Bateman & Dutch, Vincent hits the Redrum swanton bomb for two. Williams & Titus break it up. Dutch misses a running spash and hits the ringpost as we go to commercial.
Vincent keeps mocking Gresham with a handshake when we return. The Foundation break up another two count. Gresham goes after the other Righteous members, and finally gets the tag to Titus, who goes after Bateman. Dropkick to the floor. Dutch charges over the top rope. Bateman gets caught with a Northern Lights suplex for two. Williams in again while Titus dives onto Dutch on the outside. Williams with a big shot, Titus hits a belly to belly suplex for two. Titus with the half crab. Gresham holds Dutch, but eventually Dutch falls into Titus, breaking the hold. Dutch tags in, holding that tag rope. Splash in the corner to Titus, clothesline to Gresham. Titus fires back, Dutch hits a jackhammer. Dutch talks about how he’s going to love it, then gets pump kicked by Williams. Vincent hits a tornado DDT on Williams. Back to Dutch talking about how he’s going to love it, hits a twisting side slam for three.
Winners: The Righteous (12:25 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ***1/2
I liked the story of this match with the Righteous playing by the rules while the Foundation weren’t. Lethal returns to ringside while Gresham gives him the sideeye. Vincent talks to the camera about being the ROH World Champion.
Next Week: John Walters vs. Brian Johnson. Mandy Leon vs. Trish Adora vs. Allysin Kay, Dalton Castle vs. Dragon Lee for the TV Championship
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