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Cook’s WWF SummerSlam 1992 Review

July 15, 2022 | Posted by Steve Cook
British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith Bret Hart SummerSlam 1992, WWE Image Credit: WWE
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Cook’s WWF SummerSlam 1992 Review  

1992 was an interesting year behind & in front of the curtain for the World Wrestling Federation. Off-screen, there were various allegations involving sex & drugs that gave the WWF the kind of publicity it wasn’t looking for. On-screen, the company was adjusting to the idea of life without Hulk Hogan, as the Hulkster had his retirement match at WrestleMania VIII. There was still a fair share of talent on top of the card though, as the WWF Championship scene leading into SummerSlam illustrated.

“Macho Man” Randy Savage had won the WWF Championship from Ric Flair at WrestleMania VIII. Not only did Savage have to fight off Flair’s challenges, he also had to deal with a man that returned to the WWF at that very same WrestleMania. The Ultimate Warrior was leaner, meaner and looking to regain his status as top dog. He’d defeated Savage at WrestleMania VII to retire the Macho Man for the first time, and was ready to do it again. Savage & Warrior were already at each others’ throats before Flair & Mr. Perfect got involved, with Perfect offering to be in the corner of whichever man made the best offer. The question of which man would sell out & take Perfect’s help was on the minds of fans everywhere heading into their big title match.

SummerSlam 1992 took place in London, England at the original Wembley Stadium. WWF fans there were beyond hyped to finally see a PPV in person, and they were especially excited to see one of their own go for one of the biggest prizes in the game. The British Bulldog was quite the hero in his home country, and he had the opportunity of a lifetime to challenge for the Intercontinental Championship. As it happened, the Intercontinental Champion was Davey Boy Smith’s brother-in-law. Bret “Hitman” Hart had intentions of moving even higher up in the pecking order than he already was. A classic match with his brother-in-law in front of 80,000 people would increase his standing whether he won or lost. I mean, there was the matter of family drama, but Bret was already used to that by this point in his life.

The Natural Disasters were WWF Tag Team Champions, and had plenty of contending teams to deal with. One of them would be gone after this show, as it was the Legion of Doom’s last WWF appearance until 1997. Hawk was in little condition to perform, while Animal got a nice burn on his leg due to Hawk parking his motorcycle a little too close. Good times were had by all!

Cook’s WWF SummerSlam 1992 Review

Brought to you by ICOPRO! I’m still waiting for my shipment some thirty years later.

The British fans debate who will win the main events and generally seem excited to have a WWF PPV in their country. We see clips of various London landmarks and trumpets being played. Vince McMahon & Bobby “The Brain” Heenan are our hosts. Heenan puts a crown on, and Vince declares that Henry VIII would be rolling over in his grave if he saw that. Not surprising that Henry VIII would be one of Vince’s role models. Vince asks Bobby whose corner Mr. Perfect will be in tonight, and Bobby responds with “Wooooo”. Somebody’s gotta teach the Brain about the concept of spoilers and how some people really don’t like them.

Money Inc. (w/Jimmy Hart) vs. The Legion of Doom (w/Paul Ellering & Rocco): The boys are dressed to the nines tonight. Ted DiBiase has his swank white suit on, LOD has their golden shoulderpads on, and IRS wore his best red suspenders. LOD also rode their motorcycles down, though cool points have to be deducted with Rocco leading the way. Sorry, I don’t make the rules. Hawk & DiBiase start the match as Rocco tries to lead an LOD chant. Ellering isn’t even trying to hide his mouth moving. DiBiase takes control early, ducks outside and gets axehandled by Animal back into the ring before getting clotheslined back outside by Hawk. Animal clotheslines DiBiase on the floor and rolls him back in. DiBiase tags in IRS while Hawk tags in Animal. IRS hits Animal in the corner before getting whipped into the other on. Animal then grabs IRS by his tie and gorilla press slams him. If Monsoon was on commentary he’d be delighted somebody used IRS’s tie as a weapon against him. Hawk tags back in and gets put in a sleeper. He eventually rams IRS into the corner and clotheslines him in the opposite corner. Hawk goes up top, misses the top rope clothesline and rolls outside. DiBiase slams Hawk on the floor while Ellering & Hart yell at each other. Back in the ring, IRS drops a series of elbows for a two count. WITH AUTHORITY. IRS tags back in and goes to a rear chinlock. DiBiase replaces IRS while Animal distracts the referee. Then IRS replaces DiBiase. In the referee’s defense, it’s very tough to tell Ted DiBiase & Irwin R. Schyster apart. After all, they’re both white. Hawk slams DiBiase’s head into the turnbuckle but still can’t get the tag. Hawk runs right into IRS, but DiBiase comes in and cuts him off. Animal keeps coming in to distract the referee, allowing IRS to do things like choke Hawk with the tag rope. Hawk gets the tag to Animal, but the referee didn’t see it. Double clothesline sends Hawk & IRS down, and Animal finally gets a legal tag. Shoulderblock & dropkick from Animal. Animal clotheslines both Money Inc. members down, then atomic drops IRS out of the ring. Doubleteam on DiBiase, but the Doomsday Device gets cut off by IRS. Hawk knocks IRS out of the ring, DiBiase gets whipped into IRS on the apron, and a powerslam from Animal ends the match.

Winners: Legion of Doom (15:10 via pinfall)
Match Rating: **1/2

The fans were definitely into this one, and three out of the four wrestlers seemed to bring their working boots. Hawk looked like he was ready to go get a pint or twelve. I enjoyed the tag team psychology though.

“Mean” Gene Okerlund is backstage with Ric Flair, who still feels that he should be in the WWF Championship match tonight. He’s wearing his robe & wrestling attire tonight because he stays ready for any kind of action. Gene wants to know whose corner Mr. Perfect will be in tonight, but Flair doesn’t give him anything.

Sean Mooney is with Virgil, who is about to face off with Nailz. Virgil survived all the toughest streets. He’s 2 Legit 2 Quit!

Nailz vs. Virgil: Virgil had his biggest win at last year’s SummerSlam, winning the Million Dollar Championship. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that didn’t start any kind of winning streak for Virgil at this event. Nailz chokes away on Virgil in the corner. Virgil tries a clothesline, hits a dropkick, but Nailz doesn’t go down and goes right back to choking Virgil. Virgil’s rollup attemps go nowhere except back to a choke. Virgil gets sent outside & face-first into the apron. Back in the ring, Virgil kicks Nailz in the corner and runs into Nailz’s arm. Nailz locks what appears to be a bulldog choke variation, Virgil goes limp and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Nailz (3:55 via referee stoppage)
Match Rating: 1/4*

Nailz gets the Big Bossman’s nightstick afterwards and jabs it into Virgil’s kidney before choking him with it. Tony Garea is there to save the day. I feel like Nailz’s matches would have gone better if he had any moves that didn’t involve choking people. He didn’t even do a chokeslam, which could have helped things a bit. Not to be the “MOVES” guy, but you gotta give us something more than choking. That isn’t asking too much.

Lord Alfred Hayes is backstage knocking on the Macho Man’s door. Nobody answers, as they know he’ll cut them off before they answer his question anyway.

Mean Gene is with Sensational Sherri to recap recent issues between Shawn Michaels & Rick Martel. Michaels caused Martel to get disqualified in a match with Bret Hart, then there was some winking going on between Sherri & Rick while Michaels beat a jobber. Then Sherri wandered out during one of Rick’s matches! Sherri doesn’t want either man getting hit in the face since they’re both extremely handsome. Gene asks where Sherri stands, and that’s behind her man.

Blows To The Face Not Allowed: “The Model” Rick Martel vs. Shawn Michaels (w/Sensational Sherri): Rick’s got his tennis attire on, I’m pretty sure this was when the US Open was on USA Network so they were probably cross-promoting. Shawn takes awhile to disrobe, cutting into that time limit. Martel with a headlock, he hangs on at first. Shawn shoots him off the ropes, the Model does his carthweel evade & some jumping jacks. Michaels hits a dropkick after another criss-cross. Martel attacks from behind and stomps Michaels. Some knees in the corner. Michaels avoids a crossbody from Martel. They both tease the big punch, but don’t follow through. Martel throws Michaels over the top, and he seems to be the crowd favorite here. Sherri checks on Michaels, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out her attire tonight was missing a bit of fabric in the rear section of the outfit. Let’s just say it’d probably be more TV-14 than TV-PG. Doesn’t quite hit the TV-MA barrier. Rick puts the moves on Sherri, who appreciates the attention! Martel throws Michaels back into the ring, hits a big backdrop and does some jumping jacks. They exchange O’Connor Rolls and try to use the tights, but the referee sees it all and doesn’t count anything. Some Sweet Chin Music to Martel’s chest gets two. Michaels with some punches to the chest in the corner. Martel runs into a knee in the corner, Michaels tries to use the ropes on the cover but the ref sees it. Martel gets two with a rollup, and they start shoving each other. Slap to Martel’s face! Michaels gets one of his own, they bow up and Sherri passes out from the heat. Michaels checks on her, Martel shoves him away and tries to administer CPR. Is he certified? Michaels punches him off the platform and they start fighting down the aisle. Sherri looks down the aisle as the wrestlers get counted out.

Winner: N/A (8:06 via double countout)
Match Rating: **

Sherri goes back to sleep while the fight continues. Pat Patterson, J.J. Dillon, Rene Goulet and various referees try to break things up. Michaels picks Sherri up over his shoulder and carries her to the back until Martel runs down and nails him. He picks up Sherri and starts carrying her until Michaels attacks from behind. Michaels resumes carrying Sherri until Martel gets a bucket of water and revives her. Martel vs. Michaels could have been a pretty awesome match in a different environment with different characters is my main takeaway here. Sherri’s bumping after the match was pretty fantastic and would raise the rating of the match for me if I wanted to include post-match shenanigans. Feels like a bit of a slippery slope.

Sean Mooney is with the Nasty Boys & Jimmy Hart. Knobbs & Sags got a kick out of Sherri’s humiliation, but aren’t happy that they’ve been left out of the Tag Team Championship match. Jimmy Hart says they’ll get one eventually, but he’s wearing his Money Inc. attire and mentions that team’s name. I’m sure that won’t lead to any disappointment for the Nasties down the road.

WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Beverly Brothers (w/The Genius) vs. The Natural Disasters (c): Genius was really mailing in his poems at this point. Beau & Blake attack Earthquake & Typhoon upon the bell. They immediately get run over and squashed by the Disasters. Big sandwiches of humanity here. Typhoon elbows Blake, slams him and walks over him. Misses a legdrop though, and Blake goes for a slam. Typhoon falls on top for a two count. Typhoon squashes Blake in the corner and holds him for an Earthquake splash, but Blake moves & Typhoon gets splashed in the corner. Beau gets flapjacked onto Typhoon, then gets kicked out of the ring. Diving headbutt and a legdrop get two on Typhoon. Beau tags in for the doubleteam. Typhoon gets worked over while the Beverlys make some tags. Typhoon gets choked with the tag rope while Earthquake distracts the referee. A splash gets a two count and Typhoon gets placed in a front chinlock. Earthquake tags in, but unbelievably the referee doesn’t see it. It’s tough to miss Earthquake doing anything, let’s be honest. Typhoon gets choked by the bottom ring rope, then gets rammed into the turnbuckle. Typhoon comes out with a double clothesline, but still no tag. Typhoon catches Blake, but gets dropkicked by Beau for two. A hair mare as a counter almost works out for a tag, but Earthquake gets distracted. The Genius hands Beau his scroll while the referee is dealing with Earthquake & Blake, and Beau gets Typhoon between the shoulderblades with it. Earthquake comes in and drops an elbow to keep a count from happening. I’m not sure if there was a tag, but it’s all good as Earthquake tosses Beau around with belly to belly suplexes. Blake attacks from behind, but the Beverlys get shoulderblocked down. Earthquake splash in the corner, powerslam and then the ol’ sit-down splash ends it.

Winners: The Natural Disasters
Match Rating: *

Genius complains, possibly about Earthquake never tagging in, but gets dumped out of the ring for his trouble. Match was a bit of a slog, but the crowd did come unglued for Earthquake at the end. To be fair, they might have come unglued for anybody that broke
up that Typhoon vs. Beverlys section.

Mean Gene is with the Bushwhackers, who are having super-fun and wondering whose corner Mr. Perfect will be in. Gene makes teeth jokes and mentions that the Bushwhackers have been invited to Buckingham Palace. Well, I’ve seen sillier people at government-related buildings.

Lord Alfred Hayes is now outside the Ultimate Warrior’s locker room, and believes that Mr. Perfect is inside. He tries to open the door, but it gets slammed in his face! Deserved.

Repo Man vs. Crush: While certainly not mentioned by the announcers, this is a meeting of former tag team partners. Something tells me this won’t go as well as their match with the Hart Foundation did. Repo attacks at the bell, but Crush shrugs it off, gorilla presses him a few times and slams him down. Crush leaps outside and clotheslines Repo down. Back in the ring, Crush hits some kicks & punches. Cross-body attempt by Repo gets him placed on the top turnbuckle for some punches and a kick. Side backbreaker by Crush. Repo goes to the eyes and hits a back suplex. Crush gets up pretty quickly and belly to bellies Repo Man down. Backbreaker, then Crush goes up top…he misses the kneedrop. Gets back up though, Repo goes to the eyes again. Repo bounces Crush’s head off the mat for a two count, but he gets kicked out of the ring. They sure liked doing that spot in 1992. Repo comes off the top rope, Crush powerslams him and locks in the Cranium Crunch. That’ll do it.

Winner: Crush (5:41 via submission)
Match Rating: 1/2*

I must admit that 8 year old me was much higher on Crush than 38 year old me. Crush just might have had something had things gone the right way, but he never quite got there due to various in & out of the ring reasons. Repo Man had better showcases than this one.

Mean Gene throws us to a video package of the recent goings-on between Macho Man & Ultimate Warrior. Ric Flair & Mr. Perfect appear in their role as pot-stirrers.

WWF Championship Match: The Ultimate Warrior vs. “Macho Man” Randy Savage (c): Mr. Perfect doesn’t appear in either man’s corner. The flesh colored singlet was an interesting choice for Warrior’s ring attire. Not sure which was worse between that and Giant Gonzalez’s flesh colored bodysuit. The hair on Gonzalez’s was odd, though it had the effect of making him look less like a Ken doll. Warrior & Savage talk some smack, Savage offers his hand…Warrior does abide by the Code of Honor, but they erupt afterward and are ready to fight! Fans are ready for this one too, I think they’re trying to do one of the first dueling chants. Tieup onto the ropes and Savage offers a clean break. Warrior wins the second tieup and beats his chest in celebration. Savage with a knee to the gut and a clothesline. Savage with a Northern Lariat, that only gets a 1 count. Savage goes for the double axehandle but Warrior catches him in the breadbasket and follows with an atomic drop. Warrior carries Savage around the ring before delivering an inverted atomic drop. Clothesline gets a two count. Shoulderblocks by Warrior, he misses an elbowdrop and Savage hits some punches on the mat. A kneedrop gets two. Macho locks in a sleeper, but Warrior hits a jawbreaker. Warrior gets a two count with a facebuster. Savage gets whipped into the corner, Warrior decks him a couple of times, whips him into the other corner and kicks him down to the mat. Clothesline gets a two count for Warrior. Savage tries to fight back, eventually using Warrior’s tights to yank him into the middle turnbuckle. Neck snap off the top rope gets a two count. Savage goes up top and hits the double axehandle. Warrior fights it off though, so Savage goes to the other side and a second one has more effect. Two count. Savage goes back up top, goes for a crossbody but Warrior catches him! Shades of WrestleMania VII, but this time Warrior hits a backbreaker for a two count instead of placing him on his feet and slapping him. Warrior decks Savage in the corner again, then keeps whipping him from pillar to post. Warrior locks in a bearhug for a second, Savage slips out and it ends up getting two. A side slam gets a two count for Warrior. Savage small packages Warrior for two. Savage with a spinning neckbreaker, and both men are slow to get up. Warrior kicks out at two. Savage hits another neck snap on the top rope, but that doesn’t finish Warrior. Savage’s slam attempt doesn’t go anywhere, and Warrior targets Savage’s back. Warrior’s trying to recover from neck issues while doing all this, and hits a vertical suplex for two. Warrior goes for something, but Savage ducks and Warrior goes flying out of the ring! Savage goes up top…double axehandle to the floor! Warrior falls off the platform. Savage punches Warrior and rams him into the steps before breaking the count. He sends Warrior into the ringpost and breaks the count again. Heenan thinks Savage should take the countout, but Savage wants to beat Warrior straight-up.

Ric Flair & Mr. Perfect decide this is the moment to make their way to the ring. Warrior backdrops Savage out of a piledriver attempt, clotheslines him and slams him down. Warrior goes for the splash, but Savage gets his knees up! A cover gets two as Flair & Perfect stand in the middle on the outside. Double clothesline sends both men down. Warrior falls backwards into a two count on Savage. Savage goes for his own cover. Savage goes off the ropes, and Perfect trips him! Has the Warrior sold out? Savage wants Perfect in the ring, turning his back on Warrior. Warrior punches Savage down. He drives Savage down in the corner. Warrior goes for a whip, but ends up whipping Savage into Earl Hebner. Warrior slams Savage, then goes…to the top rope? Double axehandle! No referee though, at least not soon enough for a three count. A two count frustrates the Warrior. Savage knees Warrior into Hebner, knocking the referee outside. Piledriver by Savage! That could be it, but our referee is on the outside. Perfect tries to revive Warrior while Savage tries to revive Hebner. Hold on, Perfect’s actually holding Warrior! Flair hits Warrior with some brass knuckles! Savage is oblivious to all of this as he rolls Hebner back into the ring seconds afterward. Savage slams Warrior and goes up top…hits the elbowdrop! Referee is still too out of it, and he only makes it to a two count! Even with Savage using the tights! Warrior’s Warrioring up while Savage keeps punching away, and the ropes start shaking. Clotheslines for Savage, more rope shaking, then the shoulderblock! Warrior goes for the press slam! Drops Savage down, Perfect misses the trip but Flair doesn’t miss the chairshot on the other side! Savage seems a bit perplexed, as he knows he didn’t do whatever put Warrior out. He kicks at Perfect, then heads towards the top rope. He can jump at Warrior or Flair…and he opts for Flair, who whacks him with a chair on the way down! Savage tumbles off the platform and his knee seems to be in big trouble. The referee counts Savage out!

Winner: The Ultimate Warrior (28:00 via countout)
Match Rating: ****

Flair locks in the figure four on Savage while Perfect punches and stomps away. Perfect tries to snap Savage’s ankle. Warrior comes over and grabs the chair from Flair, then chases Flair & Perfect to the back! It’s a long run! Warrior & Savage eventually bond in mutual respect, and Warrior helps the one-legged Savage to the back. These guys just had some crazy chemistry with each other. The WM VII match is one of my favorites of all time for the emotion engendered during it. This one’s a little bit below that & doesn’t quite that that emotional pull, but is still a ton of fun.

Mean Gene is with Flair & Perfect, who are all about Plan B. Tell it to the Supreme Court. Flair should have had the title shot to begin with, and the belt is coming back to him.

Vince announces the attendance at 80,355. As far as large WWF attendance figures go, this one tends to be one of the less controversial.

Kamala (w/Harvey Wippleman & Kim Chee) vs. The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer): Harvey threatens to knock Howard Finkel out if he doesn’t change his tone. Undertaker comes out on a hearse, with Bearer walking in front of him. Undertaker hits some throat thrusts right away and chokes him in the corner. Kamala whips him into the corner but misses a splash. Undertaker hits a wristlock and walks the ropes. I don’t think we call it Old School in 1992, but it’s effective either way. Undertaker goes for it again, but Wippleman distracts and Kamala throws Undertaker to the mat. He clotheslines Undertaker to the floor, who grabs both Kim Chee & Wippleman before Kamala intervenes. Kamala sends Undertaker’s head into the steps and punches him around ringside. Back in the ring, Kamala with some Babaesque chops before Undertaker gets the goozle. Chokeslam! There’s the flying clothesline, and it would appear the end is near. Undertaker goes for the Tombstone, but Kim Chee hits Undertaker with his hat for the DQ.

Winner: Undertaker
Match Rating: 1/4*

Kamala attacks after the bell with a slam and a big splash. Kamala goes to the middle rope and hits another splash. Now he goes to the top rope and splashes Undertaker from there. Undertaker does the zombie situp and backs Kamala & crew out of Wembley. Not much, but one didn’t expect much.

Sean Mooney is with the British Bulldog, who must be feeling enormous pressure due to the family drama. Bulldog informs us that Jack Tunney made the match and he’s fought for two long years to become the #1 contender to the Intercontinental Championship. When they step in the ring, Bulldog’s never met Bret and doesn’t even know him. He just hopes the family can reunite after. Stepping in front of 80,000 of his countrymen is a dream, as will be leaving with the IC title.

Mean Gene is with Bret Hart, who has different pressure to deal with. Bret says he’s proven he works real well under pressure. Bret points out that he introduced Davey Boy to Diana in the first place, and that the Bulldog wouldn’t be where he is in the WWF without him. Bulldog’s the reason for all this family tension, he wanted the big fight and will get the big fight. Bulldog’s big dream will turn into a nightmare.

“Rowdy” Roddy Piper is here to play the bagpipes! He’s still got his wrestling boots on, as a true wrestler never shows up without his gear.

Sean Mooney is at ringside with Diana Hart Smith. This will be the biggest match in Bret & Davey’s lives, and she’s worried they’re going to destroy each other. Sean tries to get her to pick a winner but she doesn’t bite. She’s going to be on the frontline!

WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: The British Bulldog (w/Lennox Lewis) vs. Bret “Hitman” Hart (c): Lewis will be fighting Razor Ruddock pretty soon, who Bobby mistakes during an in-match plug for Razor Ramon. I don’t think that would have gone well for ol’ Scott. Bret lightly pushes Bulldog away, Davey Boy with more of a shove. Bulldog wins the first tieup and hits a headlock out of the second. Big shoulderblock sends Bret rolling to the floor. Back in the ring, Bret hits a headlock takeover, Bulldog headscissors his way out of it but can’t shake the second so easily. Bret with a couple of rollups for near-falls and back to the headlock. Bulldog reverses to the hammerlock and drives his knees into Hart’s back. Bret elbows his way out of it and goes to the wristlock. Bulldog rolls his way out of it and moves into an armbar. Off the ropes, Bulldog catches Bret on a leapfrog attempt and ends up catapulting him into the corner. Back to the armbar. Bret whips him off the ropes, Davey Boy gets a crucifix for two and returns to the armbar. Bret slams Davey, but the Bulldog maintains the armbar. Hart sends Smith off the ropes and hits a kitchen sink knee to change the momentum. Stomp to the gut and a legdrop by Hart. Bret goes to a rear chinlock. Davey fights out but gets shoulderblocked down. Inverted atomic drop, we don’t get to see Diana’s reaction to that one. Bulldog goes for another crucifix, but Bret drops him out of it for a two count. Back to the chinlock. Bret with a shoulderblock, but Bulldog responds with a monkey flip. Bulldog whips Bret hard into the corner but runs into Bret’s boot. Bulldog to the Bulldog. Hart goes up top, but Smith meets him there and tosses him off. Bulldog goes up top, misses a Dynamite Kid-style diving headbutt. Bulldog slips out of a slam attempt, but Bret sends him outside on the O’Connor roll attempt. Bret vaults over the top rope and nearly takes Bulldog’s head off! Awkward landing there for sure.

Bret drives Smith back-first into the ringpost and rolls him back into the ring. Bret hits the side Canadian leg sweep for two. Bret hits some punches and a dropkick. Bret backdrops Bulldog nearly onto his feet for a two count. Vertical suplex gets two. Bret goes back to the chinlock. Bulldog goes to a backslide, showing signs of life, but Bret’s back on the offensive. Side backbreaker, then the driving forearm gets two. Bret pulls the Bulldog by his braids! That doesn’t exactly win the London crowd over. Bret with some punches, then a sleeper. Bulldog crawls over to the ropes, Bret’s very reluctant to release the hold. Heenan questions the idea of the sleeper causing brain damage for the Bulldog. Back to that sleeper. Bulldog fights out of it eventually and drives Hart back-first into the turnbuckle. Back to the sleeper! Into the corner again, and it seems broken this time. A gorilla press for the Bulldog winds up with Bret all bent up in the ropes. Hard into the corner, then some clotheslines by Smith. It’s a two count after three clotheslines. Another gorilla press results in a slam for two this time. Delayed vertical suplex by Davey for two. Bret goes chest first into the turnbuckle for two. Bulldog hits a running powerslam, but it only gets two! I doubt anybody had kicked out of that during Bulldog’s singles run to this point. Back into the ring, Bret hits a bridging German suplex for two. Bulldog lifts Bret onto the top turnbuckle, then hits the superplex! They both get up, then meet up in a double clothesline off the ropes. Bret tries to apply the Sharpshooter while both men are down, and he manages to turn Bulldog fully into it! Bulldog reaches the ropes. Both men back up, Bret goes for a sunset flip, Bulldog grabs Bret’s legs and falls forward for the three count!

Winner: The British Bulldog (25:40 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ****3/4

We’ve all heard various stories behind this match and people with different ideas on what state Davey Boy was in. Some say it was nerves, others say he was high as a kite or severely hungover. Whatever it was, it was on Bret to save the day. There were a couple of awkward spots, but this still ended up being one of the finest wrestling matches I’ve ever seen, and one I’ve seen approximately 5,000 times. Doesn’t get old! Bret’s belief that this match got him pushed to the top of the WWF seems accurate to me.

Bret seems reluctant at first, but eventually embraces Davey. Diana joins the party and the family celebrates as fireworks go off to close the show.

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
SummmerSlam 1992 was basically a two match show. The matches delivered even more than one could have anticipated, so it's pretty easy to consider this event a success. The filler was quite awful, but easily made up for by the two big matches and tremendous crowd. Somebody forgot to tell them that stadium crowds were supposed to burn out during these shows and not react to the main events. Maybe that's just a 21st century thing. I don't know that this will end up being among the highest-rated SummerSlams as I go through these things, but it will always rank as one of my favorites due to Bret, Bulldog, Warrior & Macho. One minor complaint I could throw out there is the question of why Flair wasn't booked to have a match, as it surely would have raised the star average. They could have also added Flair to the title match if triple threat matches were a thing in 1992. At the end of the day...it's a small gripe.

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WWE Summerslam, Steve Cook