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Csonka’s Chris Jericho Rock & Wrestling Rager at Sea Review

Csonka’s Chris Jericho Rock & Wrestling Rager at Sea Review
– Sea of Honor Tournament Second Round Match: Smooth Sailin Ashley Remington defeated Christopher Daniels @ 7:00 via pin [**]
– Sea of Honor Tournament Second Round Match: Flip Gordon defeated Marty Scurll @ 11:24 via pin [***¼]
– Sea of Honor Tournament Second Round Match: Jay Briscoe defeated Cheeseburger @ 6:40 via pin [**]
– Sea of Honor Tournament Second Round Match: Mark Briscoe defeated Adam Page @ 10:30 via pin [**¾]
– Sea of Honor Tournament Semifinal Match: Flip Gordon defeated Dalton Castle @ 10:20 via pin [**½]
– Sea of Honor Tournament Semifinal Match: Jay Briscoe defeated Mark Briscoe @ 12:01 via pin [***½]
– Sea of Honor Tournament Final Match: Flip Gordon defeated Jay Briscoe @ 11:50 via pin [***]
– Kenny Omega, Cody, & Marty Scurll defeated The Bucks of Jericho or is it Y2Jackson (Chris Jericho & The Young Bucks) @ 23:10 via pin [****]
– The ROH Honor Club presentation is listed at 2-hours and 24-minutes.
– We get highlights from round one of the Sea of Honor Tournament
– Colt Cabana and Jay Lethal are on commentary.
– Dalton Castle is out of his match “due to a concussion,” so Smooth Sailin Ashley Remington is replacing him. For those that don’t know, it’s still Castle in a gimmick he used prior to ROH. Daniels isn’t buying these shenanigans, but will wrestle this man anyway.
Sea of Honor Tournament Second Round Match: Smooth Sailin Ashley Remington vs. Christopher Daniels: They lock up and work to the ropes and Daniels breaks clean. Lock up again, Remington takes control and then takes Daniels down and they trade cradles for near falls. Remington helps up Daniels, and trade cradles again. Remington follows with rights, avoids the charge and lays in body shots. The slam follows and Daniels counters the splash with knees. Daniels now follows with body shots, hits a knee strike and grounds the action and covers for 2. Daniels keeps things grounded, and the Arabian press gets 2. Remington fires back with chops and strikes, and Remington follows with a clothesline. The running knee strike follows and the bulldog gets 2. Daniels counters bangarang and hits a uranage, but Remington cradles him for 2. Remington cradles him again and wins. Smooth Sailin Ashley Remington defeated Christopher Daniels @ 7:00 via pin [**] This was just an ok little match to allow the guys and fans to have some fun.
Sea of Honor Tournament Second Round Match: Marty Scurll vs. Flip Gordon: Marty & Flip take Japan collide! They hug instead of shake hands and Marty hits a uranage for an immediate near fall. Marty hits a superkick, uppercuts and covers for 2. Flip counters back with a flurry of kicks and moonsault press for 2. Marty begs off as Flip lays in chops. Marty fires back, they trade and Flip takes him up top and Marty counters kinder surprise. He follows with rights and heads back up with Flip. Flip fights off the superplex and knocks Marty to the mat. Marty back up and the superplex is cut off and Flip head butts him back to the mat. Marty hits an enziguri and hits the superplex and that gets 2. Marty now attacks the hand and arm. The octopus stretch follows, and Flip rolls and makes the ropes. Marty lays in chops, and hits the back breaker. Marty grounds things, but Flip fires back and follows with an enziguri and missile dropkick. The corner dropkick follows and hits Samoan pop and running shooting star press. The sling blade follows and the 450 gets a great near fall. Flip follows with rights, they trade and Marty gets the backslide and kick. Flip hits a knee strike but eats a lariat, Flip counters the ghostbuster into a cradle for 2. They work into a double down, Marty now lays in kicks and they trade chops again. Flip follows with rights, but Marty lays him out with a forearm, but Flip hits a Michinoku driver for 2. Marty hits a powerbomb, but as he gets up Flip cradles him for the win. Flip Gordon defeated Marty Scurll @ 11:24 via pin [***] This was a good match with a nice pace throughout, and both guys working hard to deliver something worth your time.
– Jay cuts a promo and says that Cheeseburger should take a countout loss, because no one wants to see Cheeseburger die on this boat. Cheeseburger refuses.
Sea of Honor Tournament Second Round Match: Cheeseburger vs. Jay Briscoe: Cheeseburger firs up with strikes, but Jay cuts him off with a big boot and follows with uppercuts. The slam follows, and Jay just starts punishing Cheeseburger with ease. The suplex follows, and he then kicks Cheeseburger in the head. Cheeseburger pulls himself up and Jay misses a charge. Cheeseburger tries to fire back but is cut off. The DVD follows for 2. Jay now locks on a camel clutch, grounding the action. Cheeseburger bites his way out and slowly fights to his feet. He follows with rights and follows with forearms, kicks, and shotei for a good near fall. Jay took a huge bump for that. Cheeseburger springboards into a superkick and the neck breaker follows for 2. The Jay driller finishes it. Jay Briscoe defeated Cheeseburger @ 6:40 via pin [**¼] This was ok stuff, with Jay playing the overconfident bully and Cheeseburger playing fan favorite underdog.
Sea of Honor Tournament Second Round Match: Mark Briscoe vs. Adam Page: They start off with a chop battle, with Mark getting the better of the chops, and both men no selling to prove their manliness. They trade slams, Mark hits a suplex and Page is up and he hits one as they try to one up each other. Page hits the delayed suplex and we’re back to trading chops and strikes. Mark heads up top and flies into a big boot. Page follows with a slam and pump handle slam and covers for 2. Mark fires back with strikes, a jawbreaker and he lariat that turns Page inside out as Mark covers for 2. They work up top and we see a bird fly into the crowd as Mark hits a superplex for 2. Cabana is marking out for the bird as we get bird chants. Mark now grounds things, Page fires back with strikes and they trade again. Mark connects with a flurry, but Page cuts him off with a German for 2. Mark hits the fisherman’s buster and that gets 2. He follows with kicks, Page fights out of the DVD and hits a lariat and powerbomb for 2. Mark finally hits the rolling DVD, heads up top for froggy bow and rolls through, they work into counters but Mark counters the buckshot lariat into a cradle for the win. Mark Briscoe defeated Adam Page @ 10:30 via pin [**¾] This was pretty good, with each man trying to one up each other constantly and Mark Briscoe picking up the surprise win to move onto fight his brother.
– Mandy Leon & Matt Taven have now replaced Lethal on commentary.
Sea of Honor Tournament Semifinal Match: Dalton Castle vs. Flip Gordon: I’m sad that Ashley Remington isn’t here again. Castle is dealing with a severe sunburn and asks that Gordon not touch him anywhere. They lock up, trade shoulder tackles as Castle sells his “sunburn.” Castle poses, Gordon picks up the pace and lays in chops and Castle screams, selling the sunburn. Back in and Gordon lays in chops, rakes the back. Mandy Leon is horrific on commentary. Gordon dumps Castle and follows with a suicide dive. Back in and the frog splash follows for 2. Gordon lays in chops and kicks and the standing moonsault for 2. Gordon lays in more chops, but Castle cuts him off with a clothesline. Castle follows with a hip toss. Castle now ices down his chest. He follows with elbows, they trade, and Castle hits more clotheslines and a DDT for 2. Castle grounds things, working ground and pound, and then a powerbomb. Gordon fires back, but Castle runs into a boot and Gordon hits an enziguri and missile dropkick. The corner dropkick follows, and the slingshot spear gets 2. Gordon heads up top and Castle cuts him off and follows with a knee strike. Another knee strike connects, and Gordon then sloppily cradles him for the anticlimactic win. Castle is favoring his arm post match, and may have hurt himself again. Flip Gordon defeated Dalton Castle @ 10:20 via pin [**½] This was a solid match with comedy early on and then a flat finish as Castle appeared to get injured. It’s still a big win for Flip.
Sea of Honor Tournament Semifinal Match: Mark Briscoe vs. Jay Briscoe: Mark hits John Woooo right away and follows with an XPLODER. The rolling DVD hits and froggy bow gets 2. Jay powders and Mark follows and they brawl. Back in and Jay throws a chair into his face. Jay now chokes him out and follows with a head butt. He follows with kicks and more head butts. Jay now lays in uppercuts and dumps Mark for more floor brawling. They trade strikes and Jay beats on mark with a beer. Back in and Jay follows with rights, Mark fires up but Jay hits a snap mare and basement dropkick for 2. Jay grabs the chair, wedges it in the corner, and Mark sends Jay into the chair and then whips him face first into it. Mark sets Jay onto the chair and follows with a high cross for 2. Mark follows with chops, hits the dropkick and stacks him up for 2. Mark lays in kicks, Jay fires up and they trade strikes and kicks. Mark hits a flying forearm and chops. Jay hits a RANA, neck breaker, and the cover gets 2. Jay follows with kicks, and the Jay driller attempt follows, Mark fights, takes Jay up top and hits iconoclasm for 2. Mark hits the brainbuster, heads up top and rolls though on froggy bow and hits the dropkick and fisherman’s buster for 2. Mark lays a chair on Jay but as he heads up top, Jay throws the chair at him and hits Jay driller for the win. Jay Briscoe defeated Mark Briscoe @ 12:01 via pin [***½] This was very good, with great intensity and a good sense of urgency as it was just two brothers scrapping and looking to prove who was better. It was tremendously fun.
– The Briscoes hug it out post match.
– Cabana and Lethal are on commentary now, thank Christ.
Sea of Honor Tournament Final Match: Flip Gordon vs. Jay Briscoe: The winner earns an ROH Title shot. Jay attacks before the bell and they immediately brawl to the floor. Gordon battles back with a superkick, back in and Gordon’s 450 eats knees and Jay cradles him for 2. Jay follows with uppercuts, lays the boots to Gordon and chokes him out. Head butts follow and the clothesline follows. Jay hits a slam, and they trade strikes. Gordon hits an enziguri, and follows with a missile dropkick and then the corner dropkick misses and Jay hits a Saito suplex. Jay follows with rights, and the dropkick levels Gordon. Jay grounds the action, Gordon tries to fire up and hits a springboard high cross. They trade strikes, going crazy fists and Gordon hits the PELE and springboard spear for 2. Gordon up top, Jay crotches him and follows up top. Gordon fights and slips out and takes out the knee. The dropkick follows, but Jay quickly counters into a brainbuster. Jay hits the running boot, but Gordon counters the neck breaker and hits a superkick and does the deal with a falcon arrow for 2. They trade chops now, Jay hits a big lariat and Jay driller but only gets 2! Jay is pissed, looks for another but Gordon fights it off. Gordon hits kinder surprise, and the Flip 5 gets the win. Flip Gordon defeated Jay Briscoe @ 11:50 via pin [***] This was an overall good match and another huge win for Gordon, becoming one of a handful of guys to kick out of the Jay driller, and beating two world champions on his way to winning the tournament.
– Flip Gordon has earned an ROH Title shot down the line.
– Cabana, D’Amore, & Callis are on commentary.
159.00The Bucks of Jericho or is it Y2Jackson (Chris Jericho & The Young Bucks) vs. Kenny Omega, Cody, & Marty Scurll: Jericho is pulling a Kevin Steen in PWG and is dressed like the Bucks. Cody and Nick to begin. They lock up, work into some back and forth and Nick hits a dropkick. Cody fires back, hits the uppercut and runs into a spin kick. Matt tags in and double teams follow, and now Jericho joins in and quick tags follow as they isolate Cody. Cody tags out to Marty and he runs into double teams. The Bucks of Jericho work double teams and clear the ring. Triple planchas follow. Back in and Omega tags in and he wants Jericho. Jericho is in and Cody tags himself in. Jericho lays in chops, hits a missile dropkick and covers for 2. Quick tags follow as they isolate Cody again. Marty cheap shots Nick and Cody knocks him to the floor. Back in and Marty stomps on the knees and then attacks the arm. Cody tags in and double teams follow. The delayed suplex by Cody follows and he tags in Omega. They work double teams, and Omega hits a back breaker for 2. Marty back in and more double teams follow. Omega now lays in rights, and Bullet Club hits 2 boots. Cody back in and Nick sends Cody into the boots. Marty cuts off the tag, and Cody teases shattered dreams, but his celebration allows Nick to hit a high cross. Nick makes the comeback and tags in Jericho. Jericho runs wild on Marty, dropkicks Omega and heads up top and hits the double axe handle on Marty. The lionsault gets 2. Marty cuts him off, Jericho counters the chicken wing and locks on the walls as the Bucks get sharpshooters. Cody & Omega stop Marty from tapping and then escape. Marty & Jericho work into a double down, Cody and Matt tag in and Matt takes out Cody & Omega. Omega his you can’t escape but eats knees in the way down. It breaks down and the Bucks double team Cody and the cover gets 2. They look for more bang for your buck, but Cody counters and runs the Bucks together and follows with a snap slam. Nick and Omega tag in and Omega takes control, Marty & Cody rush in and they triple team Nick and Jericho makes the save. Omega hits a snapdragon on Matt, and then one on Nick. Jericho cuts off V trigger, and they brawl, going crazy fists. RANA by Omega, and he runs into superkicks Triple superkicks on Omega follow and Jericho covers for 2. The indie taker follows and Jericho locks on the walls. Code breaker on Marty, cross Rhodes on Jericho. It breaks down into insanity, Jericho gets the walls again and Omega fights, but Nick flies in with an X-factor. Marty in with an umbrella shot to save Omega. Omega covers for 2. Jericho tags in Matt and Cody cuts off the Meltzer driver. Omega’s back gives out on the one winged angel, but hits a pair of V triggers and hits one winged angel on Matt for the win. Kenny Omega, Cody, & Marty Scurll defeated The Bucks of Jericho or is it Y2Jackson (Chris Jericho & The Young Bucks) @ 23:10 via pin [****] This was a great main event with six friends just having a blast. They all worked hard, kept a great pace and played to their audience, who loved it.
– End Scene.
– Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”
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