wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Review 12.17.19

Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Review 12.17.19
– Jordynne Grace defeated Tenille Dashwood @ 7:50 via pin [**½]
– TJP defeated Daga @ 16:30 via submission [***½]
– Ethan Page defeated Rich Swann @ 10:00 via DQ [***]
– Joey Ryan defeated Acey Romero @ 3:50 via pin [*]
– Non-Title Match: Champion Ace Austin defeated Petey Williams @ 10:30 via pin [***]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– We open with highlights from last week.
Jordynne Grace vs. Tenille Dashwood: They lockup and Tenille scores the takedown. Grace escapes, they work into counters but powers out and after standing switches, Tenille follows with elbows and then works the arm. Grace escapes and hits a shoulder tackle and a suplex follows for 2. Tenille battles back with the Russian leg sweep and covers for 2. She follows with kicks, but Grace whips her to he buckles. She follows with uppercuts, but Tenille gets the tarantula. They work into counters, inverted DDT by Tenille and that gets 2. Grace counters the spotlight kick into a cradle for 2. Spinebuster by Grace and that gets 2. The lariat follows for 2. Grace misses the double knees, taste of Tenille follows and the butterfly suplex gets 2. Grace fires back, dropkick by Tenille and Grace counters into a cradle for the win. Jordynne Grace defeated Tenille Dashwood @ 7:50 via pin [**½] This was a perfectly solid match with the right winner, but a little sloppy at times as Tenille continues to under whelm in Impact,
– Post match, Taya attacks Grace until Tenille makes the save and Grace suplexes Taya who powders.
– Rhino runs into Moose, and Moose mocks him for losing to RVD. Rhino gores him and stands tall.
– The North meets with Willie Mack. They don’t want to kick his ass, and remind him that he’s injured. Page says he gets it, they both have best friends, and tells Mack to let Swann go and be a star on his own. Swann arrives and tells them to bounce.
TJP vs. Daga: Bahh is at ringside. They shake hands and lockup as they work to the mat. They work into counters, dropkick by TJP and Daga counters back and grounds the action. They work into counters as TJP takes him down with the head scissors. Daga escapes, more counters follow and TJP cradles him for 2 and they end in a standoff. Post break and TJP follows with uppercuts. Daga fires back but TJP hits ahead scissors. The wrecking ball dropkick connects and backing, TJP hits the senton atomico for 2. He grounds things, and works the Pentagon arm snap spot. He focuses on the arm, lays in uppercuts and Daga counters with a head scissors, enziguri and runs down the ramp into a sunset flip and rolls into a double stomp for 2. The sliding kick and senton gets 2. TJP counters back and the eats a superkick and they work into a double down. They trade, rolling arm bar by TJP and Daga counters and gets an abdominal stretch. TJP escapes, follows with the octopus hold and Daga counters into a half crab. TJP cradles him for 2. Daga catches him with a superkick for 2. He heads up top, TJP pops up with him, gets dumped and pops back up and they battle up top. TJP finally hits the superplex, and rolls into the detonation kick for 2. The heel hook follows, transitions to the Regal stretch and Daga taps. TJP defeated Daga @ 16:30 via submission [***½] This was a very good and fun counter filled match with TJP picking up an important win.
– Desi Hit Squad arrives, attacks Bahh & TJP until Daga makes the save. Shera arrives and lays him out.
– RVD makes out with Katie and wishes Cage good luck at Hard to Kill. RVD says he’ll be fine since he can counter his own moves.
– RVD & Katie Forbes arrive. They make out and RVD says he’s gotten a lot of attention recently but he’ll take it since fans have a short attention span. They make out again and RVD says he’s taking a stand and claiming the credit for inspiring every wrestler you see tonight and giving them their move set. He’s been ripped off and also sees it in Cage. People are calling RVD vs. Cage a dream match, he’s sure it is for Cage since Cage is the biggest RVD mark of them all. Cage arrives and they have an uninspired brawl until Katie low blows cage. RVD lays him out, gets a chair and looks for the Vanterminator, but reuses to do it. He does dropkick the chair into Cage’s face. Fine PPV build, delusional RVD is fun but the brawl wasn’t good.
– Mitchell is upset at Rosemary for getting involved with Suzie. Havok attacks Rosemary as Suzie screams.
– Madison Rayne rants to Kiera Hogan as Taya arrives. They tell Taya they aren’t friends and Taya wants help. She didn’t realize being popular would be this unpopular. Hogan asks what’s in it for them, they want a title shot after the PPV if Taya retains.
Ethan page vs. Rich Swann: Mack & Alexander are at ringside. They lockup and work into counters as Swann hits a dropkick. Swann follows with mounted strikes in the corner, delivers chops and follows with kicks. Swann lays in rights, Josh trips him up and that leads to an eye poke and double teams as the ref held Mack back; Page covers for 2. He lays the boots to Swann, but Swann cradles him for 2. Page beats him down in the corner, maintaining control. Page lays the boots to Swann, but Swann fires back and hits a rolling clothesline. The neck breaker and face kick follows for 2. Swann hits an enziguri and cartwheel moonsault for 2. Swann up top and Josh distracts him as Page cuts him off. Iconoclasm follows and the cover gets 2. Swann counters back, lays in a flurry of strikes and kicks, covering for 2. He rolls through on the 450 as Page hits a shoulder tackle. He heads up top, Swann follows him up as Page slams him to the mat and the swanton gets 2. Page misses a charge, enziguri by Swann and the RANA follows as Josh takes the bullet on the dive. Page slaps Mack, he rushes in and attacks for the DQ. Ethan Page defeated Rich Swann @ 10:00 via DQ [***] Good match and I love Page mind fucking the babyfaces.
– Mack & Swann argue post match.
– Moose & Rhino brawl backstage.
– Johnny Swinger arrives and joins commentary.
Joey Ryan vs. Acey Romero: Ryan offers Romero his dick. Romero refuses. They lockup and Romero overpowers him to begin. Romero runs him over with a cross body. He follows with uppercuts, a spinebuster and covers for 2. They collide and Romero falls face first onto Ryan’s dick. The ref ends up taking the lollipop and Swinger cuts off the dick flip. He makes Romero grab his fanny pack but Romero takes him out. Dick flip by Ryan and shove a lollipop from his crotch in his mouth. The superkick finishes it. Joey Ryan defeated Acey Romero @ 3:50 via pin [*] Moving right along.
– Tessa in interviewed and says Sami is afraid of her because she’s winning the title at Hard to Kill.
– Elgin looks for Eddie’s stuff and steals his contender’s/title shot trophy.
Ace Austin vs. Petey Williams: They lockup, working into counters and they trade strikes. Petey cuts him off with a head scissors, but Austin battles back with an arm drag and dropkick. Petey cuts him off with a code breaker, dropkick, and Austin powders. Slingshot RANA to the floor by Petey. Austin fires back with a superkick. Post break and Austin lays in knee strikes back in the ring. Trouble in paradise and a cradle follows for 2. Enziguri by Austin, at cut spot on the hand is countered into a cradle for 2. German by Petey, and the Russian leg sweep follows. Austin fires back and hits banagarama for 2. The fold is countered and Austin counters the destroyer. They work up top, he follows with strikes and Petey fights off the superplex and Austin fights off the sunset bomb. Powerbomb by Petey, Austin counters the destroyer into a cradle for 2. The fold finishes it. Champion Ace Austin defeated Petey Williams @ 10:30 via pin [***] This was a good and simple match, with Petey playing his role as veteran, having a good match with the younger champion and losing to help continue to get Austin’s reign as champion over. Petey’s always reliable, can go when he needs to, and plays his role really well.
– Ace dedicates his win to the sexiest woman alive, Trey’s mom.
– Ace & Trey brawl backstage until Reno Scum makes the save for Ace.
– Sami Callihan arrives to close the show and “expose” Tessa Blanchard. He says that Tessa is a fake like all these fans here tonight. People think that Tessa will take the championship from him as thy make history at Hard to Kill. You all want equality, but it’s just another match to him while fans want to vilify him for treating Tessa like a man. You boo him and cheer Tessa while you have more in common with him since Tessa is an entitled brat who was handed everything. Sami was told no he traveled the world and became the face of this company and did it by himself. His daddy never got him a tryout. Tessa arrives and Fulton attacks her. He holds he while Sami attacks. Shamrock makes the save. They dump Tessa and she and Sami brawl to the back and outside. Sami slams her into the production truck but Tessa keeps fighting back until Sami slams her into the truck again. He chokes her out with caution tape, slams her into a door and then Tessa dives out of the back of a truck onto Sami but Sami runs away. Tessa chases they brawl more and Tessa kills refs to keep going after him. This was a really good closing segment. Sami is such an unlikable asshole, Tessa showed great fire and they have built to this match well. My only concern is that this felt like the big go home angle, likely done tonight to keep people interested over the holidays, but I just hope that they have something really good planned for the actual go home show on the 7th.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 75. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Jeremy Lambert break down a very busy weekend in wrestling, including ROH Final Battle, NWA Into the Fire, and WWE TLC 2019. The show is approximately 140-minutes long.
* Intro
* NWA Into the Fire 2019 Review: 1:55
* WWE TLC 2019 Review: 47:10
* ROH Final Battle 2019 Review: 1:27:10
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– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.