wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s Impact Xplosion Review 3.21.20

Csonka’s Impact Xplosion Review 3.21.20
– Willie Mack defeated Adam Thornstowe @ 6:15 via pin [**]
– From TNA Lockdown 2010: Champion AJ Styles defeated The Pope D’Angelo Dinero @ 15:45 via pin [***]
– From Impact Wrestling 3.17.20: Daga defeated Jake Crist @ 12:25 via pin [***¼]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
Willie Mack vs. Adam Thornstowe: Luster is at ringside. Luster distracts Mack and Thornstowe attacks. Mack quickly fires back, but Thornstowe bites him. Mack cuts him off and takes control back. He follows with strikes and chops, a big shoulder tackle and slam. The leg drop follows for 2. Thornstowe fakes an injury, but Mack keeps attacking and works him over in the corner. Luster trips up Mack and Thornstowe takes control. He grounds things and lays the boots to Mack, keeping him grounded. Mack fights to his feet but Thornstowe keeps control until Mack counters a senton with the knees. He follows with clotheslines, a Samoan drop and moonsault for 2. Mack follows with the XPLODER, running strikes and the cannonball is stopped by Luster. Mack takes him out with the plancha, and back in, and the popup right and frog splash follows for the win. Willie Mack defeated Adam Thornstowe @ 6:15 via pin [**] A fine outing overall, thanks to Willie Mack.
– We go around the ring with Gabby interviewing Shera. He talks about his name coming from a God & a lion, and he’s trying to be a lion and Impact is his jungle. Shera got into wrestling through sports and wanted to be next level great. He did body building and when TNA came to India in 2011 and did Ring Ka King, he found his calling and earned a contract. He’s honored to represent India, and praises the fans for their support. He just wants to make them proud. He also praises the company for what they’ve done for him, and is living the American Dream. He wants to stay humble and grow, studying and trying to improve. Shera still feels he’s trying to find himself and wants to be unique. He tries his best and is excited for the rest of his career. Shera can’t wrestle for shit, but comes off as a really nice guy.
Champion AJ Styles vs. The Pope D’Angelo Dinero: They lockup with Styles taking early control, working the arm of Pope. Pope quickly counters back, but Styles escapes. Pope counters back into cradles, hip tosses and arm drags as Styles retreats. Styles then fires back with chops, but Pope returns fire and follows with mounted strikes and a clothesline. Pope follows with elbows, until Styles slams him into the cage. The dropkick follows and Styles quickly grounds things. Styles then starts attacking the knee, Pope fires back and runs Styles into the cage. The DDT follows, but Styles runs Pope to the corner and delivers chops. The flying forearm follows and Styles covers for 2. They work up top as Pope fires back, and follows with the diving head butt for 2. Styles counters into the PELE and covers for 2. The backbreaker follows, Styles up top and the 450 gets 2. Styles to the top of he cage and misses the high cross as Pope cradles him for 2. The lung blower connects and that also gets 2. Pope misses the double knees, steals a pen from the cameraman and stabs Pope in the eye. The lariat and clash finishes it. Champion AJ Styles defeated The Pope D’Angelo Dinero @ 15:45 via pin [***] This was a good gentleman’s three match and while fans got into Pope big down the stretch, the match proved at the time he wasn’t quite a main event player. It also had the unfortunate reality of being placed between a Kurt Angle match and Lethal Lockdown, and just didn’t feel important. Styles was really great here though.
Daga vs. Jake Crist: This is rematch from Sacrifice, which Daga won. They lockup and work into counters, as Daga grounds things. Jake makes the ropes and Daga cradles him for 2. They trade and Daga follows with kicks, a double stomp and arm drags. He grounds Jake, but he makes the ropes and to the apron as Jake attacks the knee, slamming him to the apron. He follow with a spin kick, and a suicide DDT to the floor. Post break and Jake rakes the eyes, and works into a grounded submission until Daga makes the ropes. Daga fires back, they work into counters and end in a double down. They trade again, Daga takes control and follows with a clothesline, more clotheslines and a dragon screw and cradle for 2. The powerbomb follows for 2. Jake counters back, follows wit a flurry of kicks and that gets 2. Jake follows with a German, but Daga pos up and he hits a German for 2. Daga up top, but flies into a cutter and Jake covers for 2. Daga then hits the snapdragon and Daga driller for the win. Daga defeated Jake Crist @ 12:25 via pin [***¼] These two have good chemistry and delivered another good match together.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 100. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Steve Cook take a trip back to 1998, and the start of the Steve Austin era with retro reviews of WrestleMania 14 & the following night’s Raw. Ian Hamilton then joins the show to talk the best of the wXw 16 Carat Weekend. The show is approximately 168-minutes long.
* Intro
* Retro WWE WrestleMania 14 Review: 5:00
* Retro WWE Monday Night Raw 3.30.98 Review: 42:45
* Ian Hamilton Talks wXw 16 Carat Weekend and Compares Notebook Matches With Larry: 1:31:47
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– End Scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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