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Csonka’s Mae Young Classic Review 9.12.18 (EP.2)

September 12, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Deonna Purrazzo Mae Young Classic Image Credit: WWE
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Csonka’s Mae Young Classic Review 9.12.18 (EP.2)  

Csonka’s Mae Young Classic Review 9.12.18 (EP.2)

– Deonna Purrazzo defeated Priscilla Kelly @ 4:30 via submission [**½]
– Zeuxis defeated Ariel Monroe @ 5:00 via pin [**]
– Kacy Catanzaro defeated Reina Gonzalez @ 4:52 via pin [**½]
– Mercedes Martinez defeated Ashley Rayne @ 7:30 via pin [**¾]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– I did a column, “Where Are They Now, The Cruiserweight Classic Finals Performers” which you can check out at this link.

– You can check out my top 51 matches of AUGUST list at this link.

– We get video profiles on Kelly & Purrazzo.

– Samoa Joe is in attendance.

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Priscilla Kelly: They lock up, Kelly looks to ground things and locks on a head scissors. Purrazzo escapes and takes a bow. Kelly attacks with knees, but Purrazzo cuts her off and gets a cradle for 2. Purrazzo grounds things, looks for the arm bar, but Kelly makes the ropes. Kelly cuts her off with a big boot, covering for 2. Kelly follows with forearm strikes, and then lays in chops. Kelly grounds things and lays in a running kick for 2. The dragon sleeper follows, and then covers for 2. Purrazzo cuts off the charge and lays in chops. The hip toss and back flip into a dropkick follows for 2. Kelly fights back and hits the STO for 2. Purrazzo hits the Russian leg sweep into the arm bar and Kelly taps. Deonna Purrazzo defeated Priscilla Kelly @ 4:30 via submission [**½] This was a short and solid match with Kelly getting in some good offense before getting her are ripped off. On a personal note, I’m extremely happy for Deonna Purrazzo.

– We get video profiles on Monroe & Zeuxis.

– Natalya is in attendance.

– Monroe’s husband Cedric Alexander, and their daughter, is at ringside.

Zeuxis vs. Ariel Monroe: Monroe talks some trash, they work into some back and forth and Monroe hits a knee strike for 2. Zeuxis grabs her hair and Monroe is pissed. Monroe lays in chops, but Zeuxis cuts her off and follows with strikes. Zeuxis then tosses Monroe around by the hair. Zeuxis drags her around by the hair and covers for 2. The abdominal stretch follows, but Monroe counters into a crucifix for 2. Zeuxis cuts her off and locks on a camel clutch. Monroe cuts off the kicks and hits a running uppercut. Monroe follows with kicks and covers for 2. Zeuxis then gets a desperation cradle for 2. Monroe hits the flatliner, and charges but Zeuxis takes her up top and the Spanish fly finishes it. Zeuxis defeated Ariel Monroe @ 5:00 via pin [**] This was a short and ok match with a good finish. Zeuxis didn’t offer much, but Monroe showed great in ring presence and attitude.

– We get video profiles on Gonzalez and Catanzaro.

– Sarah Logan & Liv Morgan are in attendance.

Kacy Catanzaro vs. Reina Gonzalez: This looks to be a David vs. Goliath match here. Gonzalez backs her off right away and then starts overpowering her. Gonzalez follows with strikes in the corner, but Kacy counters with a head scissors, but Gonzalez catches the high cross. Kacy counters out, lays in kicks and Gonzalez cuts off the head scissors with a back breaker and then chokes her out in the ropes. Gonzalez talks trash and lays the boots to Kacy. The powerslam follows for 2. Gonzalez back to working the back, Kacy fights out with kicks, but is quickly cut off. Gonzalez follows with kicks, hits another powerslam and gets 2. Gonzalez is frustrated, drops the elbow and covers for 2. Kacy avoids the charge, Gonzalez posts herself and Kacy follows with dropkicks. Kacy trips her into the ropes, and the springboard dropkick connects and the senton gets 2. Kacy then gets the cradle and picks up the big win. Kacy Catanzaro defeated Reina Gonzalez @ 4:52 via pin [**½] This was another short match, but they told a solid story and has a solid match. Kacy is a hell of an athlete and shows great babyface potential.

– We get video profiles on Rayne & Martinez.

– Undisputed Era is in attendance.

Mercedes Martinez vs. Ashley Rayne: They lock up and work to the mat. Martinez works the arm, Rayne counters out into a cradle for 2. Martinez overpowers Rayne into a suplex for 2. Martinez grounds the action, Rayne counters out into another cradle for 2. Martinez cuts off the wheelbarrow into a jig’n tonic for 2. Martinez works a butterfly lock, grounding things. Rayne makes the ropes. Martinez starts to slaps her around, and follows with a delayed suplex and rolls but Rayne hits a neck breaker for 2. Rayne hits sliding clotheslines for 2. Martinez cuts her off with a spinebuster and that gets 2. Rayne fights off the fisherman’s suplex, lays in strikes, and follows with clotheslines and a neck breaker. Rayne to the ropes and heads up top. The high cross follows and hits cross Rayne for 2. Martinez counters back and Rayne cradles her for 2. The enziguri follows from Rayne, but Martinez cuts her off with a knee strike and the fisherman’s suplex finishes it. Mercedes Martinez defeated Ashley Rayne @ 7:30 via pin [**¾] This was a pretty good back and forth match, with both working hard, but they didn’t get a ton of time here.

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Not So Good
The 411
Episode two of the 2018 Mae Young Classic wasn’t a bad show but was really hurt by none of the matches getting much time at all to work with, and was not as good as week one. I felt like the right women won and moved on, but there was really nothing must-see at all.