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Csonka’s NXT Takeover: Brooklyn III Review

Csonka’s NXT Takeover: Brooklyn III Review
– Andrade “Cien” Almas defeated Johnny Gargano @ 13:25 via pin [****¼]
– NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Sanity defeated Champions The Authors of Pain @ 12:13 via pin [***¾]
– Aleister Black defeated Hideo Itami @ 12:31 via pin [***½]
– NXT Women’s Championship Match: Champion Asuka defeated Ember Moon @ 14:52 via pin [****]
– NXT Championship Match: Drew McIntyre defeated Champion Bobby Roode @ 22:25 via pin [**½]
– We get a live musical performance (accompanying the opening video package) to open the show. I like that, because if you have to have one, it won‘t hurt the show’s momentum later on.
– Nigel, Mauro and unfortunately Percy are on commentary.
Johnny Gargano vs. Andrade “Cien” Almas (w/Zelina Vega: The crowd loves Gargano, starting off with “Johnny Wrestling” chants. They go back and forth to begin, with Gargano looking to use his speed. The RANA and arm drags follow, as Gargano looks to outwrestle Almas. He lays in chops, but Almas cuts him off and hits a neck breaker, following with chops. Almas then works a hanging arm bar in the ropes, and then starts to focus on the arm. Gargano escapes and trips Almas into the corner. After a double down, they trade strikes center ring, but that fires up Gargano who follows with a grounded kick. Gargano follows with a slingshot spear for the near fall. Almas counters the suplex, and as he tranquilos in the ropes, Gargano hits a superkick and suicide dive to a huge reaction. The slingshot DDT gets a great near fall. Almas escapes the lawn dart, and then counters the slingshot spear into a DDT; the tornado inverted DDT connects for another really good near fall. Almas sets Gargano up top, follows him up but Gargano fights him off. Gargano looks for the sunset bomb, but Almas backflips out and looks for corner knees but Gargano fights back. Gargano sent to the corner, avoid the knees and hits a la mistica into the Gargano escape. Almas rolls, Gargano keeps the hold, but Almas rolls out and hits the buckle bomb to escape, but Gargano kicks out at 2! This crowd is insane, and rightfully so. Almas attacks the arm, and lays in knee strikes. Superkick by Gargano, another and the lawn dart connects! Gargano is fired the fuck up now, but Vega tosses him an old DIY shirt, allowing Almas to attack and hit the hammerlock DDT for the win. Andrade “Cien” Almas defeated Johnny Gargano @ 13:25 via pin [****¼] This was an absolutely great match to kick off the show, with both guys working at the top of their games from the opening bell. They constantly built the action, they had the crowd behind them and reacting to the near falls in a big way, which only added to the match. The finish was really creative, as Gargano was on his way to victory, but Vega mind-fucked him with the DIY shirt, showing that Ciampa will be a ghost that haunts Gargano even when he’s not on TV. Almas needed that win and that great performance; Gargano proved that he’s a top guy, even in loss, and a tremendous babyface. I’d say that this also opens the door for Candice LeRae to be brought in after the MYC. This felt like one of those great sub 15-minute G1 sprints, with top guys busting ass and giving it their all.
– Kurt Angle and Daniel Bryan are in a skybox, talking with NXT talents not on the show.
– Corey Graves is out to join the commentary team.
NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Champions The Authors of Pain vs. Sanity: Ellering is out with the AOP, Young and Cross are out with Sanity. The Authors rush the ring and we get a big brawl that quickly spills to the floor. The bell finally rings and the match has officially started. The Authors work over Wolfe, and Young then calls off Dane and hops on the apron and gets the tag. Dain never tagged in is the defense for Young joining the match, since it’s “Sanity” vs. the Authors. I would have gone Dain over Wolfe though. This makes sense because the Authors can use their big power stuff on him, and it’s easier to work the heat on him. We get some floor brawling, and as they work back to the ring, the Authors take control and take the heat on Young. I like that they are keeping this a chaotic brawl, as with two heel teams, the constant action and brawling has a better chance of keeping the crowd interested. Young keeps trying to battle back as the Authors work the heat, and eventually moves out of the way of an elbow drop. He then makes the tag, Wolfe runs wild with shoulder blocks, strikes and boots; the XPLODER follows, and then a German as he tosses the Authors around. The Authors cut him off, and set up for a superbomb but Wolfe hits a RANA off the ropes and tags in Young. The neck breaker hits, heads up top but gets crotched. Cross holds onto Young’s legs and saves him from a superplex; Young hits the elbow drop for a near fall. Young the follows with a suicide dive, and then Wolfe hits a dive! Nikki Cross and Ellering are in the ring, they argue and Cross up top and dives to he floor but is caught. Dain then hits a running cross body, taking out Cross and an Author through a table. Wolfe and young hit the double team neck breaker and we have new champions. Sanity defeated Champions The Authors of Pain @ 12:13 via pin [***¾] This was a very good match that not only exceeded my expectations but also gave us a surprise title change (I expected a Sanity loss and possible main roster call up). Maybe the Authors get the call up and are the attackers of the Fashion Police. Credit to Wolfe here, he stepped up big time and came out of the match looking way better than ever before. He’s been in the background a bit due to Dain being in the group. Very good work by all and I like the angle of the booking as Eric Young outsmarted Ellering. The post match with reDragon was also a nice add on.
– But wait, RED FUCKING DRAGONhave hit ring and are taking out Sanity! They take out the Authors as well and lay out Young with chasing the dragon!
#SAnitY's celebration is cut short by… @TheBobbyFish & @KORcombat?! #NXTTakeOver pic.twitter.com/wTGVOrA2W7
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) August 20, 2017
– Jim Ross is now out for commentary.
– Black gets the superstar entrance, including live music.
#NXTTakeOver: Brooklyn III gets ROCKED by @codeorangekids once again…and this time it's because @WWEAleister is on his way! pic.twitter.com/zLfbDL7ShA
— WWE (@WWE) August 20, 2017
Aleister Black vs. Hideo Itami: They waste no time, as both attack with kicks and are lighting each other up. Black levels Itami and sends him to the floor. Itami back in and eats kicks and strikes. Black beats down Itami in the corner, but Itami lays him over the ropes and hits a knee strike off the top Ground and pound by Itami follows, and he follows with kicks. Itami controls as Black’s nose is bleeding a bit, as Itami continues to lay in kicks. Itami then grounds Black, and lays in knee drops and a kick and then mocks Black’s sitting pose. Black is bleeding a bit more now, Itami keeps control, hitting a DDT for 2. Itami keeps Black grounded, but Black fights to his feet and lays in kicks and then hits a leg sweep and knee strike. The asai moonsault press comes up just a bit short, but gets enough for him to cover for 2. They work back and forth, Itami snaps the neck of Black off the ropes and hits a lariat off the ropes for 2. The fisherman buster follows by Itami, and he covers for 2. Black catches Itami with a cradle, hits a head kick and Itami is down. Black up top, gets cut off and they battle up top. Itami does the deal with a falcon arrow off the ropes for a near fall. They both fire up, trading strikes and slaps. Itami avoids the kick, hits a back elbow, but Black fights back and he does the deal, hitting a falcon arrow after hitting a knee strike. Itami hits the hesitation dropkick, drops the kneepad and looks for GTS. Black escapes, knee stroke by Itami and he yells at Black. Itami wants respect, but takes too much time, and all he gets is black mass and a nap. Aleister Black defeated Hideo Itami @ 12:31 via pin [***½] This was a very good, hard-hitting, back and forth match. It lacked a bit of drama down the stretch to take it to the next level, but was entertaining. Black continues to dominate and win; it will be interesting to see were he goes next. Also, JR was really good on commentary, way better than the NJPW US shows. He worked great with Mauro and Nigel.
– Bayley, Banks and Lynch are ringside.
NXT Women’s Championship Match: Champion Asuka vs. Ember Moon: The story here is that Moon was seemingly moments away from ending Asuka’s streak and winning the title. But Asuka had to cheat to win and Moon was the first person she had to do that with. They have been grooming Moon forever to win the title and become the next top woman on the brand. Moon attacks at the bell and hits a dropkick, covering for 1. She follows with a suplex and they go to the floor, but Asuka cuts Moon off and they trade kicks. Moon to the second rope and hits a cannonball to the floor. Asuka tries to stay away, and as Moon follows her, Asuka slams her to the steps. Asuka works her over with kicks as they brawl up the ramp and Asuka hits a suplex. They work back into the ring and Asuka follows with kicks to the previously injured arm of Moon. Smart work here as Asuka is looking to set up the Asuka lock. Asuka follows with a hammerlock STO, and then just stomps the shit out of Moon and smiles (at Banks, Becky, & Bayley) as she does so. Asuka then locks in the octopus hold, and then takes Moon to the mat, continuing to try and rip off Moon’s arm. Moon counters with a belly to back suplex, lays in a series of kicks, covering for 2. Asuka back to the am, and then hits a German to he buckles. Asuka tries for the Asuka lock, Moon fights and hits back elbows and she gets the Asuka lock. Asuka escapes, attacking the arm and jumps on Moon’s back and locks in the Asuka lock. Moon slams her back onto the mat and rolls through for a near fall. The lariat follows, and both are down. Asuka then hits the running ass attack, and covers for 2. She hits another, but Moon then cuts her off with a knee and Moon hits the tornado suplex, covering for 2. Asuka fires up with strikes, but Moon battles back with knee strikes and they light each other up; Asuka then lays in kicks to the head of Moon, but Moon hits a side effect, covering for a near fall. Moon heads up top, but Asuka cuts her off and follows her up. Moon slips out, and then takes out the legs of Asuka and gets a near fall. Moon back up top again, AND HITS THE ECLISPE but Asuka kicks out for a great near fall. Moon can’t believe this. Moon back up top again, but Asuka uses the ref as a shield and Moon hits a high cross, Asuka rolls through with the tights but the ref stops the count. SUPERKICK by Moon and Asuka kicks out again! Moon goes after Asuka again, but Asuka snatches her up into an arm breaker and then the Asuka lock! Moon fights, but Asuka has her center ring, and Moon has to tap. Champion Asuka defeated Ember Moon @ 14:52 via pin [****] This was a tremendous effort from both ladies, much better than their last match. They kept a great pace the crowd was invested and Asuka smartly targeted the previously injured arm of Moon. The closing stretch was really great, with near falls that were easily believable for both. Moon finally hit the eclipse during the match, but no on is ready for Asuka. She even got a great reaction following an emotional loss. Her facial reactions throughout were just so great, putting over the importance of this match to her. This was easily her best WWE performance, but even so, she still didn’t have enough to stop the empress. It now looks like the winner of the MYC is next up and the likely one to beat Asuka, to allow the reign to continue on a bit longer and to justify the tournament as something really important.
– We get a NYC pipes and drum corps to play McIntyre to the ring.
– Roode has a new spiffy robe and appears to be spinning on a roomba for his entrance.
NXT Championship Match: Champion Bobby Roode vs. Drew McIntyre: Roode tries to chop McIntyre down, but that just pisses off McIntyre who tosses Roode around. Roode powders to the floor, and when he returns he goes back to the chops as he tries to hit and move. He teases the glorious DDT, but McIntyre quickly escapes. More chops follow, but as Roode looks for a float over, McIntyre cuts him off and follows with the big boot. The battle spills to the floor, with McIntyre dominating. McIntyre catches a high cross off the apron and hits a back breaker off of the apron. Back in the ring they go, but Roode catches McIntyre on the way in with a neck breaker. Roode sends McIntyre back to the floor, and follows with a blockbuster off of the apron. It’s all Roode now, as they work back into the ring and Roode continues attacking the back and neck, setting up for his glorious DDT. Roode continues to stay a step ahead, hitting a missile dropkick off of the second rope. Roode then locks in a sleeper, but McIntyre slams him to the corner to escape. McIntyre hits an overhead belly to belly as Roode charges him. McIntyre fires up, hitting a corner attack and then follows with a lariat off the top. Roode attacks the neck to cut off McIntyre, follows with a knee strike but McIntyre cuts him off and hits a running air raid crash for 2. Roode battles back, stunning McIntyre off the ropes and heads up top, McIntyre cuts that off, but Rood trips him into the tree of WHOA; McIntyre pops back up and hits the spider overhead toss. McIntyre looks for the claymore, but Roode is down. McIntyre walks over to him, and picks him up instead of covering and Roode cradles him for 2. They work into a series of counters, with Roode hitting a back stabber for 2. Roode follows with strikes and chops, but McIntyre fights off a DDT and after a backslide, hits a future shock DDT for the near fall. McIntyre picks up Roode, takes him up the ropes but Roode counters out into a Liger bomb for 2. They trade strikes and chops, Roode hits an enziguri but McIntyre rebounds with the claymore but Roode gets a foot on the ropes. Roode rolls to the floor, McIntyre is pissed and then (sorta) hits the big dive, shitty catch by Roode. McIntyre drags Roode back into the ring, but then runs into a spinebuster. McIntyre counters out of the glorious DDT, and gets a sunset flip for 2. Roode then hits the glorious DDT for the near fall. Roode hits another glorious DDT, and rolls up and looks for another. McIntyre hits the claymore and wins the title. Drew McIntyre defeated Champion Bobby Roode @ 22:25 via pin [**½] This was an overly long and very average match. I like both guys, and thought that the neck and back work by Roode was smart, but they lost the crowd about halfway through and the closing stretch and finish did little for me, feeling flat and anticlimactic. I think that we see Roode lose to Strong on the next NXT tapings with it being revealed that Strong’s part of the “ROH stable,” which will serve as a sendoff for Roode to go to the main roster.
– But post match, reDRagon are here and they distract Drew as Adam Cole (BAY BAY) arrives and they beat the shit out of the new champion! Cole lays out Drew with a superkick and then grabs the NXT title. Cole, Fish, &, O’Reilly stand tall.
– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”