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Csonka’s ROH Manhattan Mayhem 2019 Review

July 20, 2019 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Matt Taven ROH Image Credit: ROH
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Csonka’s ROH Manhattan Mayhem 2019 Review  

Csonka’s ROH Manhattan Mayhem 2019 Review

– Dragon Lee defeated Jonathan Gresham @ 1015 via pin [***½]
– The Bouncers defeated Soldiers of Savagery & Coast 2 Coast @ 7:30 via pin [**½]
– Rush defeated TK O’Ryan @ 7:45 via pin [***]
ROH Championship Match: Champion Matt Taven defeated Jay Lethal & Kenny King @ 16:10 via pin [****]
– Lifeblood defeated Villain Enterprises @ 17:35 via pin [****¼]
ROH World Tag Team Title NYC Street Fight: The Briscoes defeated Champions Guerrillas of Destiny @ 17:00 via pin [****]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Dragon Lee: Lee beat Gresham in the BOSJ earlier this year. Gresham has put on some size since then. They work into counters right away, and end in a stalemate. They trade strikes, Gresham takes control and looks to ground things but Lee fires back and follows with a dropkick; tranquilo. He kicks Gresham in the face and Gresham fires back with chops and they trade. They go crazy fists and chops, Gresham fires up and hits Lee in the dick with a backhand and starts attacking the arm. He grounds him and locks up both arms while mocking Lee. The tequila sunrise follows, and Lee escapes. Gresham argues with the ref, continuing to show heelish tendencies and then goes back to the arm of Lee. The hammerlock slam follows for 2. He stomps at the arm, follows with chops and Lee fires back but Gresham takes him down and continues to attack the arm until Lee hits the dropkick and bull’s horns. The shoulder breaker follows, but Gresham blocks the knee strike and they trade strikes center ring. Gresham follows with an enziguri, knee strike by Lee but Gresham rebounds with a DDT. Snap German by Lee and the rebound German by Gresham follows for 2. They work up top and Lee trips Gresham into the tree of WHOA after trading strikes. The double stomp follows and then the running knee strike gets 2. Lee drops the kneepad, hits another knee strike and covers for the win. Dragon Lee defeated Jonathan Gresham @ 1015 via pin [***½] This was a very good opener, and I love Gresham working a more heelish style.

– Matt Taven arrives and is wearing a Red Sox jersey for some cheap heat in NYC. Taven runs down NYC and says the last time he was here he won the ROH Title. He recently threw out the first pitch at Fenway, which was the greatest moment of his life. It will get better tonight when he ends his feud with Lethal. He will prove the critics wrong because he’s Matt Taven. Kenny King arrives and says that Taven is a lame ass champion, and adds that the Yankees suck. King doesn’t care about what Taven did in the past, and wants to do live and unpredictable shit and wants his title shot tonight. He wants added to tonight’s match. Taven says he agrees with the fans and King needs to shut up. He will be happy to add king to he list and accepts. Lethal arrives and brawls with Taven.

The Bouncers vs. Soldiers of Savagery vs. Coast 2 Coast: Bruiser & LSG begin. LSG lays in chops and Bruiser battles back with jabs. He bites LSG and Ali tags in as Khan also tags in. They lockup and Ali follows with chops. Khan then hits the side slam and Milonas tags in with Moses. They trade shoulder tackles, strikes and trade center ring. Moses unloads with strikes hits the corner plash but Milonas cuts him off with a slam. But LSG tags in and Khan tags in as the SOS work double teams. Khan hits a suplex, chokes out LSG and follows with chops as Moses tags in. They work quick tags and double teams, LSG fights back and tags in Ali. Ali hits a superkick, head butt and corner splash until the SOS hit a double team DDT for 2. It breaks down and bodies fly to the floor. Milonas gets posted, and the SOS double team Bruiser. They slam Bruiser through the timekeeper’s table. The ref tosses the SOS and DQs them but the match continues as C2C hits dives. They then isolate Milonas, blockbuster by LSG and the frog splash by Ali gets 2. Milonas fights back, dumps LSG and closing time finishes it. The Bouncers defeated Soldiers of Savagery & Coast 2 Coast @ 7:30 via pin [**½] This was solid with the right team winning an the SOS being protected in loss.

– The Kingdom attacks the Bouncers post match and lays them out with chair shots. They then run down the top contenders on the mic and claim that they are the real #1 contenders for the tag titles. Vinny then puts out a cigar on Bruiser’s chest. O’Ryan then calls out Rush for their match.

Rush vs. TK O’Ryan: They brawl at the bell and trade strikes and chops. They work into lucha passes, and Rush follows with a running back elbow. He dumps O’Ryan and follows, and backing, O’Ryan attacks with strikes. Rush fires back with a head butt and O’Ryan plays keep away but Rush follows him to he floor and gets dropped by a big left. O’Ryan follows with strikes and posts him, and back in and O’Ryan covers for 2. He lays in knee drops, and covers for 1. The suplex follows, he rolls into another and hits the third and does the Eddie shimmy. He then covers for 2. O’Ryan lays in rights, but Rush battles back until he runs into a spinebuster for 2. The fisherman’s DDT connects for 2. Rush spits at him and fires up, absorbing strikes, and dares O’Ryan to keep throwing and then hits a snap German and running knee. He slams O’Ryan to the barricades, running wild on O’Ryan. Rush gets the chair and poses. Back in and Rush hits the kick to the head, and an overhead toss to the buckles. The bull’s horns finishes it. Rush defeated TK O’Ryan @ 7:45 via pin [***] This was good with O’Ryan putting in a good fight but Rush eventually winning an continuing to come off like a complete superstar.

– A masked fan (Dalton Castle) attacks Rush post match and slams him to the barricades and posts him. In the ring and Castle hits the Bull’s horns on Rush.

– We get a Jay Lethal video package.

ROH Championship Match: Champion Matt Taven vs. Jay Lethal vs. Kenny King: Alex Shelley joins commentary, he challenges for the championship in August in Toronto. Taven powers to begin and that leaves King to attack. Jay fires back and they work into counters, but Taven pulls Jay to the floor as King hits a tornillo. He rolls Taven back in and hits the spin kick, covering for 2. Taven fires back but King takes him down, follows with kicks and Jay is back in and lays in chops. King then cuts him off with a neck breaker and then a clothesline for 2. King grounds the action, Taven back in and dropkicks King. It breaks down here with all three hitting and landing and Taven eventually covering for 2. He follows with chops on Jay, and then pummels him in the corner. The rolling neck beaker follows for 2 until King makes the save. Taven then works over King and the DDT gets 2. He takes King up top and follows with chops and strikes. King slips out but Jay joins them and traps King with Taven in the tree of WHOA. Hay hits the sliding dropkick and then one for King. He covers Taven for 1. Chops to King follow and the cartwheel dropkick connects for 2. He and King trade strikes, lethal combination by Jay and the cover gets 2 as Taven makes the save. he slaps Jay, follows with chops and they trade, enziguri by Jay and then dropkicks King and covers Taven for 2. he dumps King and follows with uppercuts on Taven and the lethal injection is cut off by King. They all trade strikes, enziguri by Jay, superkick from Taven and King follows with lariats on both for the triple down. King heads to the apron with Jay, follows with strikes and they trade. Taven hits kick of the king and then follows with the suicide dive onto both. The tope then wipes out King. Jay follows with a suicide dive, hits another, and follows with a third. He roll King back in and heads up top and then hops down into the figure four but Taven hits the frog splash onto King, covering for 2. Taven locks on a figure four on King, but Jay flies in with the top rope elbow drop but misses Taven, King rolls the figure four as Jay locks on the crossface. King escapes and breaks it up, it breaks down, chin checker by King, kick of the king by Taven and then an enziguri on Jay but King flies in with the double blockbuster for 2. King pulls Taven up, the royal flush is countered into a cradle for 2. Just the tip follows, but Jay hits the lethal injection and covers for 2, great near fall there. King now hits the injection on Jay and follows with royal flush but Taven hits the climax for the win. Champion Matt Taven defeated Jay Lethal & Kenny King @ 16:10 via pin [****] This was a great match with a very good layout, a really hot closing stretch and great teases of Lethal actually regaining the championship. Most importantly for his run, Taven retained clean. Shelley was great on commentary here.

– Post match, Lethal offers a hand and they shake but Taven then low blows Lethal, because he’s an asshole.

Marty Scurll, PCO, Brody King, & Flip Gordon vs. Mark Haskins, Bandido, Tracy Williams, & PJ Black: Williams and Marty begin. They lock up, working into counters and Marty works into slick escapes but Williams counters into a cravat. He grounds the action, and Marty gets pissed. They shove each other and everyone is in for a stand off. Bandido tags in and Marty attacks, but Bandido his a RANA and dropkick. Gordon tags in and slaps Bandido and King tags in. King follows with chops, and hits the big boy lucha arm drag. Bandido fires back, hits a superkick and enziguri. The RANA follows, and Haskins and Marty tag in. Haskins works him over with kicks, and then grounds the action. Williams tags back in and double teams follow. Williams starts working the arm and Black joins in for double teams. Bandido tags back in and the double stomp follows. The running kick follows for 2. Haskins back in and Marty fires back, but Williams tags in for double teams and Black flies in with a stomp for 2. The pendulum follows, Williams then flies in with a springboard leg drop for 2. Marty dumps him and Villain Enterprises rushes the ring. Tope by King! PCO follows with a dive as well. Marty then covers Williams for 2. King tags in and follows with chops. PCO tags in and the side slam follows. PCO heads up top and the swanton follows for 2. Marty tags back in and they triple team Williams, and the double chokeslam follows for 2. Gordon tags in and follows with kicks and chops. He chokes out Williams, tags in King and then Marty tags in as Williams fires back with a Saito suplex. Bandido tag in and hits a tornillo but King cuts him off, but Bandido counters out and King gets posted. PCO in and Bandido catches the high cross and hits the powerslam. He follows with a corkscrew dive to the pile on the floor. Gordon slides in a chair, Williams stops him and Gordon runs up the ramp. Knee strike by Bandido, but Marty counters back with a lariat. Haskins in and fights off King & PCO, but they cut him off and Haskins then dumps them and hits suicide dives. Marty cuts him off, Black hits a superkick, gets dumped and Williams brawls with King. King fights off the piledriver, but Williams posts him and hits the missile dropkick. They all brawl to the floor, and PCO hits the PCO-sault onto the pile on the floor! He rolls Bandido back in and Bandido hits an apron sunset bomb on PCO. Haskins works over King, but eats a big boot, rights and the sitout powerbomb for 2. The ganso bomb is countered and Black flies in with a double stomp and Haskins hits knee strikes, 21-poled by Bandido and Black hits the springboard 450 for the win. Lifeblood defeated Villain Enterprises @ 17:35 via pin [****¼] While Gordon was extremely limited here due to his injury, this was an absolutely great, wild, and all action tag match that delivered big time. They all got a chance to shine, the crowd loved it and it was a complete blast to watch. This was simply a great outing.

ROH World Tag Team Title NYC Street Fight: Champions Guerrillas of Destiny vs. The Briscoes: The Briscoe attack with kendo shots and they all brawl at the bell. The champions take control back, and take things to the floor. Jay gets whipped to the barricades, and Tonga follows with a dropkick and Loa works over Mark with kendo shots. He follows with slam, Jay and Tonga back in and Tonga maintains control and gets a chair. He lays into Jay with chair shots, and then works over Mark as Jay sets up a table on the floor. Mark then hits a dive and puts Loa through the table. The cactus elbow follows. Jay chokes out Tonga, and lays in chair shots. Mark sets up a table but Loa slams him through it. Jay whips Tonga to the barricade, Mark hits kendo shots and Jay lays out Loa with a running kick. He tosses chairs into the ring and follows with kendo shots. Mark teases an apron suplex to the floor, Loa makes the save and takes Mark up top and then backdrops him onto a pile of chairs on the floor. Loa follows with chair shots, Tonga lays in kendo shots on Jay and the champions have taken control back. Loa suplexes Mark on the floor, Tonga rolls Mark back in and Loa joins him and Jay breaks up the magic killer with chair shots and redneck boogie connects for 2. Jay hits smash mouth with a chair, and the Briscoes lay in ground and pound. Mark gets another table, sets it up on the floor and Jay lays in chair shots on Loa. Tonga hits a kendo shot on Jay, but Mark cuts him off and chokes out Loa. He follows with kendo shots, lays Tonga on the table and heads up top. Loa cuts him off and Tonga fights off Jay, slams him to the barricade and lays him on the table. Loa then powerbombs Mark off the apron onto Jay through the table. Back in and Tonga slides chairs in, Loa follows with chair shots on Mark and then chokes him out. Magic killer onto the chairs follows for 2. They look for the superbomb, but Mark turns it into a RANA, counters gun stun and follows with a chair shot. Mark gets a ladder, slides it in and then sets up another table in the ring. Jay is busted open on the floor as he brawls with Loa, Mark sets up the ladder, lays Tonga on the table, climbs the ladder and Loa follows him up. Gets knocked off, Tonga follows him up and Jay snags him up and they hit dooms day through the table! WE HAVE NEW CHAMPIONS. The Briscoes defeated Champions Guerrillas of Destiny @ 17:00 via pin [****] This was a great match that played to the stipulation really well and gave us the best GOD match in forever. The Briscoes always deliver in the main event and when you give them toys and freedom, it only gets better. Great stuff.

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The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 37. On the show, the good brother, Steve Cook, joins 411’s Larry Csonka and the guys will examine the decision to put the Universal championship back on Brock Lesnar, thoughts on EVOLVE 131, Alexa Bliss’ childish reaction to her Raw match, early Summerslam thoughts and more. The show is approximately 84-minutes long.

* Intro
* Examining Brock Lesnar as Universal Champion & The MITB Crutch: 7:10
* Looking at Alexa Bliss Crying Over Negative Fan Reaction: 17:50
* Is WWE playing a dangerous game by continually announcing things and not delivering?: 27:45
* AEW Using WCW Personalities: 32:15
* Early Summerslam Card Thoughts: 38:50
* EVOLVE 131 Thoughts: 54:50

You can subscribe and listen to the 411 on Wrestling Podcast via the above player on Transistor, or on the following platforms:

* iTunes
* Spotify
* Stitcher
* Google Play

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
While attendance wasn’t great, ROH Manhattan Mayhem 2019 was easily the best ROH show of 2019, with a hot crowd, and the top three matches all delivering great outings and all in different ways. It’s nice to see them rebound with such a good show here.