wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s TNA One Night Only: Victory Road Review 5.20.16

Csonka’s TNA One Night Only: Victory Road Report 5.20.16
– Andrew Everett defeated DJ Z @ 9:31 via pin [***]
– Velvet Sky defeated Marti Belle @ 7:02 via pin [DUD]
– Chris Melendez defeated Beauregard @ 5:05 via pin [¼*]
– From Victory Road 2009: Champion Kurt Angle defeated Mick Foley @ 14:30 via submission [***]
– James Storm defeated Bram @ 12:20 via pin [**½]
– The BroMans defeated The Tribunal @ 8:36 via pin [**½]
– Bobby Roode defeated Braxton Sutter @ 10:57 via pin [**½]
– From Victory Road 2009: Abyss defeated Dr. Stevie @ 10:00 via pin [**]
– Trevor Lee defeated Eddie Edwards @ 10:45 via pin [***]
– EC3 defeated Eli Drake @ 9:20 via pin [**½]
– Shane Helms, Andrew Everett and Trevor Lee came to the ring. Helms spoke about his dynasty and the fact that he revitalized the X-Division; well that’s a lie. Helms then called for “the enhancement” to be brought out. DJ Z said that since Everett brought his crew, he also had back up. He introduced Eddie Edwards.
DJ Z w/Eddie Edwards vs. Andrew Everett w/Shane Helms and Trevor Lee: DJ Z took control early, which frustrated Everett and caused him to bail and converse with Helms. They worked in some fun counters, picked up the speed and then went to the floor as DJ Z hit a really nice dive. Everett cut DJ Z off with an enziguri, and then hit a picture perfect springboard moonsault to the floor. Everett’s in a tough position as the heel, he does some spectacular things, but has to tone them down. He did well with that here; grounding DJ Z, mixing in some basic heel tactics add adding just a bit of flash to keep it interesting. Everett went for another moonsault, but ate the boots of DJ Z (like on Impact this week, a great counter) and started a comeback. DJ Z is really good, and is not only underutilized by TNA, but I feel generally under appreciated. He was really smooth here on the comeback, great offense and executed effortlessly. Everett backflipped out of a sunset flip bomb, too DJ Z down and went up top. He missed the 450, DJ Z hit a reverse RANA but Helms distracted the ref. Lee then took out DJ Z as Helms and Edwards argued, but DJ Z survived. DJ Z spiked Everett with a DDT, but Lee pulled out the ref. Edwards helped, but Everett hit a low blow and got the win. They were on their way to a really good outing, but the overbooking completely took away from the match and killed the momentum. I guess giving these guys time and just letting them have an awesome match was too much to ask. It was good, but it should have been better.
– Marti Belle cut a promo, proclaiming that the Dollhouse was powerful, but now that is over. Tonight, she is here to talk about her favorite subject, herself. Velvet Sky interrupted; ran down Belle on the mic and told her she wasn’t sexy. Belle attacked and we got our match.
– It looks like they have almost all of the lights out here, minus a spotlight over the ring.
Marti Belle vs. Velvet Sky: This is Sky’s official last match with TNA. Belle worked her over, choking he rout with her jacket and yelling at referee Earl Hebner. Belle tossed her to the floor, and Sky disappeared into the darkness. Belle followed her out and they apparently fought, but it was next to impossible to see anything. We finally got the regular lighting back, and Belle was in control. Sky eventually fought back, whipping Belle to the steps. They finally rolled back into the ring, traded strikes, it was very sloppy and Sky almost slammed herself to the mat when Belle let her go in the middle of a spot. Sky hit some jogging elbows and a clothesline. The bulldog got a near fall. This is no good. Belle yelled at Hebner, he shoved her back and then dipped her and kissed her and then did a Flair flop. Ugh. Sky hit the in yo face to mercifully end this. Sky then dipped and kissed Hebner, who took another bump. Referee Stiffler came out and did mock CPR for Hebner. Simply horrible.
– Beauregard is from Philadelphia, Mississippi. They say he’s a southern gentleman. Beauregard cut a promo, and he’s here to get rid of hooligans. He calls Melendez a supposed war hero, and calls the fans idiots. He rambled on about his great grand-pappy being a real hero, and Melendez cut him off. He claimed that Beauregard hadn’t done anything, and promised an ass whippin.
Chris Melendez vs. Beauregard: Melendez attacked, and Beauregard bailed to the floor right away. Beauregard back in and they blew an Irish whip spot I shit you not. They almost blew it again, and Beauregard went to the floor again. To the floor, more brawling just like the previous match. Beauregard tried to remove Melendez’s leg, but failed. Melendez isn’t good, he tries and works hard, but he’s not good. Beauregard makes him look like a star, he is not good and as he worked “the heat,” it was slow and unfocused as he wasn’t sure what to do. He removed Melendez’s leg; Melendez made he one-legged comeback and hit a kick for a near fall. Beauregard again took control, set Melendez on the ropes and tries to use the leg but the ref took it. Missile dropkick by Melendez, and that was that. This wasn’t as bad as the previous match, but it was also no good. They were on different pages of different books, and it had no flow at all. Melendez worked really hard and tried, Beauregard was really bad.
– We go to Victory Road 2009 to see Kurt Angle vs. Mick Foley. Angle was champion here, and retained @ 14:30 via submission. It’s a good (and interesting), but not great match [***]. Victory Road 2009 was the night the Main Event Mafia went over on everyone, with the “wait and see” crowd defending the show, and the TNA Originals never really getting the big win over then in the feud. Also, this is another example of the company not filming enough content for the PPV. It was needed after those match two matches though.
– Melendez spoke about his victory, noting no matter the size difference, he will always fight and eliminate his target.
– Storm played to the crowd, leading them in various cheers. Bram attacked on the floor, and we’re underway.
Bram vs. James Storm: Storm fight back, got on the boozer cruiser and drove it into Bram’s testicles. After about two-minutes of brawling on the floor, they finally got into the ring for maybe 10-seconds. They then went right back to the floor. Storm was working as an over the top comedy face, doing big wind up punches and really playing to the crowd to a ridiculous degree. Bram cut off Storm, and we got every Bram match ever with the old walk and brawl and then slow heat with chinlocks and mean faces. Storm fought back, they did the double down spot, and they Storm fired up, Thankfully the crowd likes him so much and got interested again. They did some back and forth, they fought up top and Storm hit a top rope RANA. The top rope elbow followed for a near fall. This is picking up thanks to Storm, but Bram is so damn bland here in work and attitude. Bram then grabbed Storm’s beer bottle, took a drink and walked into a superkick to he could do the spit take. Storm won. Bram did his best to drag this down, but Storm’s hard work allowed this to be a perfectly average and acceptable match. If they would have cut a few minutes, and if Bram would have dared to be different, it could have been better.
– Baracca (the former Sylvester LeFort) cut a promo in French, and mocked the crowd for not knowing French. They plan to prove themselves, and they will beat anyone that comes out to face them because they are better in every way. It felt as if Baracca spoke for 20-minutes here, as he kept going and going and going. The crowd hated this as well, hitting them with the boring chant, and I do agree in this case. And now Robbie and Jessie are out, and they will talk for too long as well. This was back and forth about who looks better, with the BroMans claming to be official US Ambassadors and led the crow din USA chants.
The BroMans (Robbie and Jessie) vs. The Tribunal (Basille Baracca and Baron Dax): Basille Baracca and Baron Dax are the former Sylvester LeFort and Marcus Louis from NXT. After a very basic opening, the BroMans took control, using double teams and sending the tribunal to the floor. Robbie hit a slingshot to the floor, taking out both men, but when they went back in Baracca took the ref and that allowed Dax to attack the arm of Robbie. The Tribunal took the heat. Solid and basic heel stuff from the Tribunal, working the arm and keeping Robbie isolated in their corner. The heat went a bit too long, you can do basic and methodical, but once the crowd starts to stop showing as much interest, you need to change direction. Jessie finally got the hot tag, nice tag for Jessie there connecting with dropkicks; all four men then were in and it broke down. BroDown connected and the BroMans pick up the win. The ending felt a bit too abrupt for my liking, but this was rock solid. I would complain about The Tribunal losing their debut match, but I think I am the only one left watching these shows. The Tribunal were solid in the ring, but I’d be lying if I said I was looking forward to seeing them again.
– Braxton Sutter and Allie ran down the crowd and issued an open challenge, enter Bobby Roode.
Braxton Sutter w/Allie vs. Bobby Roode: Braxton Sutter and Allie are better known as Pepper Parks and Cherry Bomb. With that being said, can we NOT have these people wear gear with “PEPPER PARKS” on it and then call him Braxton Sutter? It comes off poorly. Also Josh and Jeremy, this is NOT his debut, he’s been used several times, which you later said. Like Velvet Sky, this is Roode’s final match taped for the company. Sutter was overly confident, which allowed Roode to use his veteran advantage and outwrestle the newcomer. Roode maintained control until Allie got involved for the distraction, allowing Sutter to slam Roode to the steps and take the heat. Good heat from Sutter, sing Allie sparingly for help, but mainly doing things on his own and going toe to toe with Roode. After a long heat, Roode made his comeback, hitting the blockbuster and setting for thee Roode bomb. Allie ran in, Roode picked her up and got hit with a low blow, and flatliner, and that got a near fall. Sutter took off his belt; the ref took it and Allie then tossed in a shoe. Sutter hit Roode with it, and Roode again survived. Roode hit the spinebuster, and then Allie grabbed his foot and they argued. Sutter then ran into Allie and sent her to the floor. Roode bomb to Sutter and that is all. Much like the opener, this was going to be good and maybe more until the overbooking took over and really took away from my enjoyment. It just became too much.
– The BroMans spoke about their victory and how they have defeated talent from around the world.
– They then showed Dr. Stevie (Richards) vs. Abyss from Victory Road 2009, [**]. Why not just do straight best of shows at this point?
– Helms cut a promo about how great his man Lee was, and that the wolves nation is going down when he gets in the ring with Lee.
Trevor Lee w/Shane Helms vs. Eddie Edwards: While both guys can fly and work a quick X-Division paced, they are more comfortable as technical wrestlers. The opening section was good back and forth counter wrestling, until they went to the floor. Helms distracted Edwards, allowing Lee to land a kick to the face; he took the heat from there. The pacing feels to slow here, as it’s not like they are grappling or any thing, it’s just slow back and forth. Lee went up top, but when he jumped off he ate a dropkick from Edwards. They started to pick things up at around the six-minute mark, with Lee utilizing strikes and suplexes. They were doing well, Helms of course got involved again where he clearly didn’t need to. Lee had control and this felt as if it was coming to life, and then they go for the cheap heat when it wasn’t needed. Edwards finally sent Lee to the floor, hit a suicide dive. Back in the ring we got chops from Edwards, and then the backpack stunner for a near fall. Edwards followed with the blue thunder bomb for another near fall. Helms got involved AGAIN, Lee hit the jumping knee and God’s last gift for the win. It was a god match, but again, hurt by the overbooking.
– That’s three matches with too much interference that hurt the matches.
– Drake cut a promo, he wanted to beat EC3 because he’s the golden boy. He also said dummy several times, yup. EC3 put over Drake, and then said it’s his birthday, it’s his party and he’ll kick his ass if he wants to.
Eli Drake vs. EC3: EC3 outwrestled Drake early, causing Drake to go to the floor for a powder. EC3 then missed the corner splash, allowing Drake to hit a neck breaker and take control. Drake choked out EC3, and then grounded him with the chinlock for a while. EC3 fired up, hit clotheslines and the jawbreaker. The flatliner followed, but Drake countered the one percenter and hit a face plant for a near fall. Drake dead jumped to the top, but got tossed off and EC3 hit a high cross for a near fall. They then collided center ring, and did a double down spot. They did the boo yay strike exchange, with Drake then hitting a one armed powerbomb for a near fall. EC3 fought back with the TKO, and then locked in the million-dollar dream, and Drake tapped. It was fine, but a disappointment in the main event spot.
* End scene.
* Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”
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